2,369 research outputs found

    Radio Sensor for Monitoring of UMTS Mobile Terminals

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    Relatively simple and low-cost radio sensor for monitoring of 3rd generation (3G) UMTS mobile terminals (i.e., phones) has been designed and practically tested. The main purpose of this sensor is to serve as an extending module that can be installed into systems used for monitoring of standard 2nd generation (2G) GSM and DCS mobile phones in highly guarded buildings and areas. Since the transmitted powers of UMTS mobile terminals can be very low in relation to GSM and DCS specifications, the new UMTS sensor is based on a highly sensitive receiver and additional signal processing. The radio sensor was practically tested in several scenarios representing worst-case mobile terminal - base station relations. The measured detection ranges attain values from approx. 11 m inside of rooms to more than 30 m in corridors, which seems to be sufficient for the expected application. Results of all performed tests correspond fairly well with the presented theoretical descriptions. An extended version of the radio sensor can be used for monitoring of mobile terminals of all existing voice or data formats

    Mobility Management in beyond 3G-Environments

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    Beyond 3G-environments are typically defined as environments that integrate different wireless and fixed access network technologies. In this paper, we address IP based Mobility Management (MM) in beyond 3G-environments with a focus on wireless access networks, motivated by the current trend of WiFi, GPRS, and UMTS networks. The GPRS and UMTS networks provide countrywide network access, while the WiFi networks provide network access in local areas such as city centres and airports. As a result, mobile end-users can be always on-line and connected to their preferred network(s), these network preferences are typically stored in a user profile. For example, an end-user who wishes to be connected with highest bandwidth could be connected to a WiFi network when available and fall back to GPRS when moving outside the hotspot area.\ud In this paper, we consider a combination of MM for legacy services (like web browsing, telnet, etc.) using Mobile IP and multimedia services using SIP. We assume that the end-user makes use of multi-interface terminals with the capability of selecting one or more types of access networks\ud based on preferences. For multimedia sessions, like VoIP or streaming video, we distinguish between changes in network access when the end-user is in a session or not in a session. If the end-user is not in a session, he or she needs to be able to start new sessions and receive invitations for new sessions. If the end-user is in a session, the session needs to be handed over to the new access network as seamless as possible from the perspective of the end-user. We propose an integrated but flexible solution to these problems that facilitates MM with a customizable transparency to applications and end-users

    Mobile Health Care over 3G Networks: the MobiHealth Pilot System and Service

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    Health care is one of the most prominent areas for the application of wireless technologies. New services and applications are today under research and development targeting different areas of health care, from high risk and chronic patients’ remote monitoring to mobility tools for the medical personnel. In this direction the MobiHealth project developed and trailed a system and a service that is using UMTS for the continuous monitoring and transmission of vital signals, like Pulse Oximeter sensor , temperature, Marker, Respiratory band, motion/activity detector etc., to the hospital. The system, based on the concept of the Body Area Network, is highly customisable, allowing sensors to be seamlessly connected and transmit the monitored vital signal measurements. The system and service was trialed in 4 European countries and it is presently under market validation

    Performance analysis of mobile networks under signalling storms

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    There are numerous security challenges in cellular mobile networks, many of which originate from the Internet world. One of these challenges is to answer the problem with increasing rate of signalling messages produced by smart devices. In particular, many services in the Internet are provided through mobile applications in an unobstructed manner, such that users get an always connected feeling. These services, which usually come from instant messaging, advertising and social networking areas, impose significant signalling loads on mobile networks by frequent exchange of control data in the background. Such services and applications could be built intentionally or unintentionally, and result in denial of service attacks known as signalling attacks or storms. Negative consequences, among others, include degradations of mobile network’s services, partial or complete net- work failures, increased battery consumption for infected mobile terminals. This thesis examines the influence of signalling storms on different mobile technologies, and proposes defensive mechanisms. More specifically, using stochastic modelling techniques, this thesis first presents a model of the vulnerability in a single 3G UMTS mobile terminal, and studies the influence of the system’s internal parameters on stability under a signalling storm. Further on, it presents a queueing network model of the radio access part of 3G UMTS and examines the effect of the radio resource control (RRC) inactivity timers. In presence of an attack, the proposed dynamic setting of the timers manage to lower the signalling load in the network and to increase the threshold above which a network failure could happen. Further on, the network model is upgraded into a more generic and detailed model, represent different generations of mobile technologies. It is than used to compare technologies with dedicated and shared organisation of resource allocation, referred to as traditional and contemporary networks, using performance metrics such as: signalling and communication delay, blocking probability, signalling load on the network’s nodes, bandwidth holding time, etc. Finally, based on the carried analysis, two mechanisms are proposed for detection of storms in real time, based on counting of same-type bandwidth allocations, and usage of allocated bandwidth. The mechanisms are evaluated using discrete event simulation in 3G UMTS, and experiments are done combining the detectors with a simple attack mitigation approach.Open Acces

    Analysis of the effect of mobile terminal speed on WLAN/3G vertical handovers

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    Proceedings of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, GLOBECOM '06, San Francisco, California, 27 november - 1 december, 2006.WLAN hot-spots are becoming widely spread. This, combined with the availability of new multi-mode terminals integrating heterogeneous technologies, opens new business opportunities for mobile operators. Scenarios in which 3G coverage is complemented by WLAN deployments are becoming available. Thus, true all-IP based networks are ready to offer a new variety of services across heterogeneous access. However, to achieve this, some aspects still need to be analyzed. In particular, the effect of the terminal speed on the detection and selection process of the preferred access network is not yet well understood. In fact, efficiency of vertical handovers depends on the appropriate configuration of mobile devices. In this paper we present a simulation study of handover performance between 3G and WLAN access networks showing the impact of mobile users’ speed. The mobile devices are based on the IEEE 802.21 cross layer architecture and use WLAN signal level thresholds as handover criteria. A novel algorithm to dynamically adjust terminals’ configuration is presented.Publicad

    Adaptive Wireless Networking

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    This paper presents the Adaptive Wireless Networking (AWGN) project. The project aims to develop methods and technologies that can be used to design efficient adaptable and reconfigurable mobile terminals for future wireless communication systems. An overview of the activities in the project is given. Furthermore our vision on adaptivity in wireless communications and suggestions for future activities are presented

    4. generĂĄciĂłs mobil rendszerek kutatĂĄsa = Research on 4-th Generation Mobile Systems

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    A 3G mobil rendszerek szabvĂĄnyosĂ­tĂĄsa a vĂ©gĂ©hez közeledik, legalĂĄbbis a meghatĂĄrozĂł kĂ©pessĂ©gek tekintetĂ©ben. EzĂ©rt lĂ©tfontossĂĄgĂș azon technikĂĄk, eljĂĄrĂĄsok vizsgĂĄlata, melyek a következƑ, 4G rendszerekben meghatĂĄrozĂł szerepet töltenek majd be. Több ilyen kutatĂĄsi irĂĄnyvonal is lĂ©tezik, ezek közĂŒl projektĂŒnkben a fontosabbakra koncentrĂĄltunk. A következƑben felsoroljuk a kutatott terĂŒleteket, Ă©s röviden összegezzĂŒk az elĂ©rt eredmĂ©nyeket. SzĂłrt spektrumĂș rendszerek KifejlesztettĂŒnk egy Ășj, rĂĄdiĂłs interfĂ©szen alkalmazhatĂł hĂ­vĂĄsengedĂ©lyezĂ©si eljĂĄrĂĄst. SzimulĂĄciĂłs vizsgĂĄlatokkal tĂĄmasztottuk alĂĄ a megoldĂĄs hatĂ©konysĂĄgĂĄt. A projektben kutatĂłkĂ©nt rĂ©sztvevƑ Jeney GĂĄbor sikeresen megvĂ©dte Ph.D. disszertĂĄciĂłjĂĄt neurĂĄlis hĂĄlĂłzatokra Ă©pĂŒlƑ többfelhasznĂĄlĂłs detekciĂłs technikĂĄk tĂ©mĂĄban. Az elĂ©rt eredmĂ©nyek Imre SĂĄndor MTA doktori disszertĂĄciĂłjĂĄba is beĂ©pĂŒltek. IP alkalmazĂĄsa mobil rendszerekben TovĂĄbbfejlesztettĂŒk, teszteltĂŒk Ă©s ĂĄltalĂĄnosĂ­tottuk a projekt keretĂ©ben megalkotott Ășj, gyƱrƱ alapĂș topolĂłgiĂĄra Ă©pĂŒlƑ, a jelenleginĂ©l nagyobb megbĂ­zhatĂłsĂĄgĂș IP alapĂș hozzĂĄfĂ©rĂ©si koncepciĂłt. A tĂ©makörben Szalay MĂĄtĂ© Ph.D. disszertĂĄciĂłja mĂĄr a nyilvĂĄnos vĂ©dĂ©sig jutott. Kvantum-informatikai mĂłdszerek alkalmazĂĄsa 3G/4G detekciĂłra Új, kvantum-informatikai elvekre Ă©pĂŒlƑ többfelhasznĂĄlĂłs detekciĂłs eljĂĄrĂĄst dolgoztunk ki. Ehhez Ășj kvantum alapĂș algoritmusokat is kifejlesztettĂŒnk. Az eredmĂ©nyeket nemzetközi folyĂłiratok mellett egy sajĂĄt könyvben is publikĂĄltuk. | The project consists of three main research directions. Spread spectrum systems: we developed a new call admission control method for 3G air interfaces. Project member Gabor Jeney obtained the Ph.D. degree and project leader Sandor Imre submitted his DSc theses from this area. Application of IP in mobile systems: A ring-based reliable IP mobility mobile access concept and corresponding protocols have been developed. Project member MĂĄtĂ© Szalay submitted his Ph.D. theses from this field. Quantum computing based solutions in 3G/4G detection: Quantum computing based multiuser detection algorithm was developed. Based on the results on this field a book was published at Wiley entitled: 'Quantum Computing and Communications - an engineering approach'
