5,863 research outputs found

    Under vehicle perception for high level safety measures using a catadioptric camera system

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    In recent years, under vehicle surveillance and the classification of the vehicles become an indispensable task that must be achieved for security measures in certain areas such as shopping centers, government buildings, army camps etc. The main challenge to achieve this task is to monitor the under frames of the means of transportations. In this paper, we present a novel solution to achieve this aim. Our solution consists of three main parts: monitoring, detection and classification. In the first part we design a new catadioptric camera system in which the perspective camera points downwards to the catadioptric mirror mounted to the body of a mobile robot. Thanks to the catadioptric mirror the scenes against the camera optical axis direction can be viewed. In the second part we use speeded up robust features (SURF) in an object recognition algorithm. Fast appearance based mapping algorithm (FAB-MAP) is exploited for the classification of the means of transportations in the third part. Proposed technique is implemented in a laboratory environment

    Vehicle make and model recognition using bag of expressions

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    This article belongs to the Section Intelligent SensorsVehicle make and model recognition (VMMR) is a key task for automated vehicular surveillance (AVS) and various intelligent transport system (ITS) applications. In this paper, we propose and study the suitability of the bag of expressions (BoE) approach for VMMR-based applications. The method includes neighborhood information in addition to visual words. BoE improves the existing power of a bag of words (BOW) approach, including occlusion handling, scale invariance and view independence. The proposed approach extracts features using a combination of different keypoint detectors and a Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) descriptor. An optimized dictionary of expressions is formed using visual words acquired through k-means clustering. The histogram of expressions is created by computing the occurrences of each expression in the image. For classification, multiclass linear support vector machines (SVM) are trained over the BoE-based features representation. The approach has been evaluated by applying cross-validation tests on the publicly available National Taiwan Ocean University-Make and Model Recognition (NTOU-MMR) dataset, and experimental results show that it outperforms recent approaches for VMMR. With multiclass linear SVM classification, promising average accuracy and processing speed are obtained using a combination of keypoint detectors with HOG-based BoE description, making it applicable to real-time VMMR systems.Muhammad Haroon Yousaf received funding from the Higher Education Commission, Pakistan for Swarm Robotics Lab under the National Centre for Robotics and Automation (NCRA). The authors also acknowledge support from the Directorate of ASR& TD, University of Engineering and Technology Taxila, Pakistan

    A robust and efficient video representation for action recognition

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    This paper introduces a state-of-the-art video representation and applies it to efficient action recognition and detection. We first propose to improve the popular dense trajectory features by explicit camera motion estimation. More specifically, we extract feature point matches between frames using SURF descriptors and dense optical flow. The matches are used to estimate a homography with RANSAC. To improve the robustness of homography estimation, a human detector is employed to remove outlier matches from the human body as human motion is not constrained by the camera. Trajectories consistent with the homography are considered as due to camera motion, and thus removed. We also use the homography to cancel out camera motion from the optical flow. This results in significant improvement on motion-based HOF and MBH descriptors. We further explore the recent Fisher vector as an alternative feature encoding approach to the standard bag-of-words histogram, and consider different ways to include spatial layout information in these encodings. We present a large and varied set of evaluations, considering (i) classification of short basic actions on six datasets, (ii) localization of such actions in feature-length movies, and (iii) large-scale recognition of complex events. We find that our improved trajectory features significantly outperform previous dense trajectories, and that Fisher vectors are superior to bag-of-words encodings for video recognition tasks. In all three tasks, we show substantial improvements over the state-of-the-art results

    Real-time classification of vehicle types within infra-red imagery.

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    Real-time classification of vehicles into sub-category types poses a significant challenge within infra-red imagery due to the high levels of intra-class variation in thermal vehicle signatures caused by aspects of design, current operating duration and ambient thermal conditions. Despite these challenges, infra-red sensing offers significant generalized target object detection advantages in terms of all-weather operation and invariance to visual camouflage techniques. This work investigates the accuracy of a number of real-time object classification approaches for this task within the wider context of an existing initial object detection and tracking framework. Specifically we evaluate the use of traditional feature-driven bag of visual words and histogram of oriented gradient classification approaches against modern convolutional neural network architectures. Furthermore, we use classical photogrammetry, within the context of current target detection and classification techniques, as a means of approximating 3D target position within the scene based on this vehicle type classification. Based on photogrammetric estimation of target position, we then illustrate the use of regular Kalman filter based tracking operating on actual 3D vehicle trajectories. Results are presented using a conventional thermal-band infra-red (IR) sensor arrangement where targets are tracked over a range of evaluation scenarios

    Real-time Classification of Vehicle Types within Infra-red Imagery

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    Real-time classification of vehicles into sub-category types poses a significant challenge within infra-red imagery due to the high levels of intra-class variation in thermal vehicle signatures caused by aspects of design, current operating duration and ambient thermal conditions. Despite these challenges, infra-red sensing offers significant generalized target object detection advantages in terms of all-weather operation and invariance to visual camouflage techniques. This work investigates the accuracy of a number of real-time object classification approaches for this task within the wider context of an existing initial object detection and tracking framework. Specifically we evaluate the use of traditional feature-driven bag of visual words and histogram of oriented gradient classification approaches against modern convolutional neural network architectures. Furthermore, we use classical photogrammetry, within the context of current target detection and classification techniques, as a means of approximating 3D target position within the scene based on this vehicle type classification. Based on photogrammetric estimation of target position, we then illustrate the use of regular Kalman filter based tracking operating on actual 3D vehicle trajectories. Results are presented using a conventional thermal-band infra-red (IR) sensor arrangement where targets are tracked over a range of evaluation scenarios

    High-Precision Localization Using Ground Texture

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    Location-aware applications play an increasingly critical role in everyday life. However, satellite-based localization (e.g., GPS) has limited accuracy and can be unusable in dense urban areas and indoors. We introduce an image-based global localization system that is accurate to a few millimeters and performs reliable localization both indoors and outside. The key idea is to capture and index distinctive local keypoints in ground textures. This is based on the observation that ground textures including wood, carpet, tile, concrete, and asphalt may look random and homogeneous, but all contain cracks, scratches, or unique arrangements of fibers. These imperfections are persistent, and can serve as local features. Our system incorporates a downward-facing camera to capture the fine texture of the ground, together with an image processing pipeline that locates the captured texture patch in a compact database constructed offline. We demonstrate the capability of our system to robustly, accurately, and quickly locate test images on various types of outdoor and indoor ground surfaces
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