8 research outputs found

    Enhanced free space detection in multiple lanes based on single CNN with scene identification

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    Many systems for autonomous vehicles' navigation rely on lane detection. Traditional algorithms usually estimate only the position of the lanes on the road, but an autonomous control system may also need to know if a lane marking can be crossed or not, and what portion of space inside the lane is free from obstacles, to make safer control decisions. On the other hand, free space detection algorithms only detect navigable areas, without information about lanes. State-of-the-art algorithms use CNNs for both tasks, with significant consumption of computing resources. We propose a novel approach that estimates the free space inside each lane, with a single CNN. Additionally, adding only a small requirement concerning GPU RAM, we infer the road type, that will be useful for path planning. To achieve this result, we train a multi-task CNN. Then, we further elaborate the output of the network, to extract polygons that can be effectively used in navigation control. Finally, we provide a computationally efficient implementation, based on ROS, that can be executed in real time. Our code and trained models are available online.Comment: Will appear in the 2019 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV 2019

    Indoor/outdoor navigation system based on possibilistic traversable area segmentation for visually impaired people

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    Autonomous collision avoidance for visually impaired people requires a specific processing for an accurate definition of traversable area. Processing of a real time image sequence for traversable area segmentation is quite mandatory. Low cost systems suggest use of poor quality cameras. However, real time low cost camera suffers from great variability of traversable area appearance at indoor as well as outdoor environments. Taking into account ambiguity affecting object and traversable area appearance induced by reflections, illumination variations, occlusions (, etc...), an accurate segmentation of traversable area in such conditions remains a challenge. Moreover, indoor and outdoor environments add additional variability to traversable areas. In this paper, we present a real-time approach for fast traversable area segmentation from image sequence recorded by a low-cost monocular camera for navigation system. Taking into account all kinds of variability in the image, we apply possibility theory for modeling information ambiguity. An efficient way of updating the traversable area model in each environment condition is to consider traversable area samples from the same processed image for building its possibility maps. Then fusing these maps allows making a fair model definition of the traversable area. Performance of the proposed system was evaluated on public databases, with indoor and outdoor environments. Experimental results show that this method is challenging leading to higher segmentation rates

    Real-time object detection using monocular vision for low-cost automotive sensing systems

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    This work addresses the problem of real-time object detection in automotive environments using monocular vision. The focus is on real-time feature detection, tracking, depth estimation using monocular vision and finally, object detection by fusing visual saliency and depth information. Firstly, a novel feature detection approach is proposed for extracting stable and dense features even in images with very low signal-to-noise ratio. This methodology is based on image gradients, which are redefined to take account of noise as part of their mathematical model. Each gradient is based on a vector connecting a negative to a positive intensity centroid, where both centroids are symmetric about the centre of the area for which the gradient is calculated. Multiple gradient vectors define a feature with its strength being proportional to the underlying gradient vector magnitude. The evaluation of the Dense Gradient Features (DeGraF) shows superior performance over other contemporary detectors in terms of keypoint density, tracking accuracy, illumination invariance, rotation invariance, noise resistance and detection time. The DeGraF features form the basis for two new approaches that perform dense 3D reconstruction from a single vehicle-mounted camera. The first approach tracks DeGraF features in real-time while performing image stabilisation with minimal computational cost. This means that despite camera vibration the algorithm can accurately predict the real-world coordinates of each image pixel in real-time by comparing each motion-vector to the ego-motion vector of the vehicle. The performance of this approach has been compared to different 3D reconstruction methods in order to determine their accuracy, depth-map density, noise-resistance and computational complexity. The second approach proposes the use of local frequency analysis of i ii gradient features for estimating relative depth. This novel method is based on the fact that DeGraF gradients can accurately measure local image variance with subpixel accuracy. It is shown that the local frequency by which the centroid oscillates around the gradient window centre is proportional to the depth of each gradient centroid in the real world. The lower computational complexity of this methodology comes at the expense of depth map accuracy as the camera velocity increases, but it is at least five times faster than the other evaluated approaches. This work also proposes a novel technique for deriving visual saliency maps by using Division of Gaussians (DIVoG). In this context, saliency maps express the difference of each image pixel is to its surrounding pixels across multiple pyramid levels. This approach is shown to be both fast and accurate when evaluated against other state-of-the-art approaches. Subsequently, the saliency information is combined with depth information to identify salient regions close to the host vehicle. The fused map allows faster detection of high-risk areas where obstacles are likely to exist. As a result, existing object detection algorithms, such as the Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) can execute at least five times faster. In conclusion, through a step-wise approach computationally-expensive algorithms have been optimised or replaced by novel methodologies to produce a fast object detection system that is aligned to the requirements of the automotive domain

    Multimodal machine learning for intelligent mobility

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    Scientific problems are solved by finding the optimal solution for a specific task. Some problems can be solved analytically while other problems are solved using data driven methods. The use of digital technologies to improve the transportation of people and goods, which is referred to as intelligent mobility, is one of the principal beneficiaries of data driven solutions. Autonomous vehicles are at the heart of the developments that propel Intelligent Mobility. Due to the high dimensionality and complexities involved in real-world environments, it needs to become commonplace for intelligent mobility to use data-driven solutions. As it is near impossible to program decision making logic for every eventuality manually. While recent developments of data-driven solutions such as deep learning facilitate machines to learn effectively from large datasets, the application of techniques within safety-critical systems such as driverless cars remain scarce.Autonomous vehicles need to be able to make context-driven decisions autonomously in different environments in which they operate. The recent literature on driverless vehicle research is heavily focused only on road or highway environments but have discounted pedestrianized areas and indoor environments. These unstructured environments tend to have more clutter and change rapidly over time. Therefore, for intelligent mobility to make a significant impact on human life, it is vital to extend the application beyond the structured environments. To further advance intelligent mobility, researchers need to take cues from multiple sensor streams, and multiple machine learning algorithms so that decisions can be robust and reliable. Only then will machines indeed be able to operate in unstructured and dynamic environments safely. Towards addressing these limitations, this thesis investigates data driven solutions towards crucial building blocks in intelligent mobility. Specifically, the thesis investigates multimodal sensor data fusion, machine learning, multimodal deep representation learning and its application of intelligent mobility. This work demonstrates that mobile robots can use multimodal machine learning to derive driver policy and therefore make autonomous decisions.To facilitate autonomous decisions necessary to derive safe driving algorithms, we present an algorithm for free space detection and human activity recognition. Driving these decision-making algorithms are specific datasets collected throughout this study. They include the Loughborough London Autonomous Vehicle dataset, and the Loughborough London Human Activity Recognition dataset. The datasets were collected using an autonomous platform design and developed in house as part of this research activity. The proposed framework for Free-Space Detection is based on an active learning paradigm that leverages the relative uncertainty of multimodal sensor data streams (ultrasound and camera). It utilizes an online learning methodology to continuously update the learnt model whenever the vehicle experiences new environments. The proposed Free Space Detection algorithm enables an autonomous vehicle to self-learn, evolve and adapt to new environments never encountered before. The results illustrate that online learning mechanism is superior to one-off training of deep neural networks that require large datasets to generalize to unfamiliar surroundings. The thesis takes the view that human should be at the centre of any technological development related to artificial intelligence. It is imperative within the spectrum of intelligent mobility where an autonomous vehicle should be aware of what humans are doing in its vicinity. Towards improving the robustness of human activity recognition, this thesis proposes a novel algorithm that classifies point-cloud data originated from Light Detection and Ranging sensors. The proposed algorithm leverages multimodality by using the camera data to identify humans and segment the region of interest in point cloud data. The corresponding 3-dimensional data was converted to a Fisher Vector Representation before being classified by a deep Convolutional Neural Network. The proposed algorithm classifies the indoor activities performed by a human subject with an average precision of 90.3%. When compared to an alternative point cloud classifier, PointNet[1], [2], the proposed framework out preformed on all classes. The developed autonomous testbed for data collection and algorithm validation, as well as the multimodal data-driven solutions for driverless cars, is the major contributions of this thesis. It is anticipated that these results and the testbed will have significant implications on the future of intelligent mobility by amplifying the developments of intelligent driverless vehicles.</div

    Vision based environment perception system for next generation off-road ADAS : innovation report

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    Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) aids the driver by providing information or automating the driving related tasks to improve driver comfort, reduce workload and improve safety. The vehicle senses its external environment using sensors, building a representation of the world used by the control systems. In on-road applications, the perception focuses on establishing the location of other road participants such as vehicles and pedestrians and identifying the road trajectory. Perception in the off-road environment is more complex, as the structure found in urban environments is absent. Off-road perception deals with the estimation of surface topography and surface type, which are the factors that will affect vehicle behaviour in unstructured environments. Off-road perception has seldom been explored in automotive context. For autonomous off-road driving, the perception solutions are primarily related to robotics and not directly applicable in the ADAS domain due to the different goals of unmanned autonomous systems, their complexity and the cost of employed sensors. Such applications consider only the impact of the terrain on the vehicle safety and progress but do not account for the driver comfort and assistance. This work addresses the problem of processing vision sensor data to extract the required information about the terrain. The main focus of this work is on the perception task with the constraints of automotive sensors and the requirements of the ADAS systems. By providing a semantic representation of the off-road environment including terrain attributes such as terrain type, description of the terrain topography and surface roughness, the perception system can cater for the requirements of the next generation of off-road ADAS proposed by Land Rover. Firstly, a novel and computationally efficient terrain recognition method was developed. The method facilitates recognition of low friction grass surfaces in real-time with high accuracy, by applying machine learning Support Vector Machine with illumination invariant normalised RGB colour descriptors. The proposed method was analysed and its performance was evaluated experimentally in off-road environments. Terrain recognition performance was evaluated on a variety of different surface types including grass, gravel and tarmac, showing high grass detection performance with accuracy of 97%. Secondly, a terrain geometry identification method was proposed which facilitates semantic representation of the terrain in terms of macro terrain features such as slopes, crest and ditches. The terrain geometry identification method processes 3D information reconstructed from stereo imagery and constructs a compact grid representation of the surface topography. This representation is further processed to extract object representation of slopes, ditches and crests. Thirdly, a novel method for surface roughness identification was proposed. The surface roughness descriptor is then further used to recommend a vehicle velocity, which will maintain passenger comfort. Surface roughness is described by the Power Spectral Density of the surface profile which correlates with the acceleration experienced by the vehicle. The surface roughness descriptor is then mapped onto vehicle speed recommendation so that the speed of the vehicle can be adapted in anticipation of the surface roughness. Terrain geometry and surface roughness identification performance were evaluated on a range of off-road courses with varying topology showing the capability of the system to correctly identify terrain features up to 20 m ahead of the vehicle and analyse surface roughness up to 15 m ahead of the vehicle. The speed was recommended correctly within +/- 5 kph. Further, the impact of the perception system on the speed adaptation was evaluated, showing the improvements in speed adaptation allowing for greater passenger comfort. The developed perception components facilitated the development of new off-road ADAS systems and were successfully applied in prototype vehicles. The proposed off-road ADAS are planned to be introduced in future generations of Land Rover products. The benefits of this research also included new Intellectual Property generated for Jaguar Land Rover. In the wider context, the enhanced off-road perception capability may facilitate further development of off-road automated driving and off-road autonomy within the constraints of the automotive platfor