11 research outputs found

    Acoustic Detection, Source Separation, and Classification Algorithms for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Wildlife Monitoring and Poaching

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    This work focuses on the problem of acoustic detection, source separation, and classification under noisy conditions. The goal of this work is to develop a system that is able to detect poachers and animals in the wild by using microphones mounted on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The classes of signals used to detect wildlife and poachers include: mammals, birds, vehicles and firearms. The noise signals under consideration include: colored noises, UAV propeller and wind noises. The system consists of three sub-systems: source separation (SS), signal detection, and signal classification. Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) is used for source separation, and random forest classifiers are used for detection and classification. The source separation algorithm performance was evaluated using Signal to Distortion Ratio (SDR) for multiple signal classes and noises. The detection and classification algorithms where evaluated for accuracy of detection and classification for multiple signal classes and noises. The performance of the sub-systems and system as a whole are presented and discussed

    A Unified Framework for Sparse Non-Negative Least Squares using Multiplicative Updates and the Non-Negative Matrix Factorization Problem

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    We study the sparse non-negative least squares (S-NNLS) problem. S-NNLS occurs naturally in a wide variety of applications where an unknown, non-negative quantity must be recovered from linear measurements. We present a unified framework for S-NNLS based on a rectified power exponential scale mixture prior on the sparse codes. We show that the proposed framework encompasses a large class of S-NNLS algorithms and provide a computationally efficient inference procedure based on multiplicative update rules. Such update rules are convenient for solving large sets of S-NNLS problems simultaneously, which is required in contexts like sparse non-negative matrix factorization (S-NMF). We provide theoretical justification for the proposed approach by showing that the local minima of the objective function being optimized are sparse and the S-NNLS algorithms presented are guaranteed to converge to a set of stationary points of the objective function. We then extend our framework to S-NMF, showing that our framework leads to many well known S-NMF algorithms under specific choices of prior and providing a guarantee that a popular subclass of the proposed algorithms converges to a set of stationary points of the objective function. Finally, we study the performance of the proposed approaches on synthetic and real-world data.Comment: To appear in Signal Processin

    Score-Informed Source Separation for Music Signals

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    In recent years, the processing of audio recordings by exploiting additional musical knowledge has turned out to be a promising research direction. In particular, additional note information as specified by a musical score or a MIDI file has been employed to support various audio processing tasks such as source separation, audio parameterization, performance analysis, or instrument equalization. In this contribution, we provide an overview of approaches for score-informed source separation and illustrate their potential by discussing innovative applications and interfaces. Additionally, to illustrate some basic principles behind these approaches, we demonstrate how score information can be integrated into the well-known non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) framework. Finally, we compare this approach to advanced methods based on parametric models

    Combining blockwise and multi-coefficient stepwise approches in a general framework for online audio source separation

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    This article considers the problem of online audio source separation. Various algorithms can be found in the literature, featuring either blockwise or stepwise approaches, and using either the spectral or spatial characteristics of the sound sources of a mixture. We offer an algorithm that can combine both stepwise and blockwise approaches, and that can use spectral and spatial information. We propose a method for pre-processing the data of each block and offer a way to deduce an Equivalent Rectangular Bandwith time-frequency representation out of a Short-Time Fourier Transform. The efficiency of our algorithm is then tested for various parameters and the effect of each of those parameters on the quality of separation and on the computation time is then discussed

    Signal Processing Methods for Music Synchronization, Audio Matching, and Source Separation

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    The field of music information retrieval (MIR) aims at developing techniques and tools for organizing, understanding, and searching multimodal information in large music collections in a robust, efficient and intelligent manner. In this context, this thesis presents novel, content-based methods for music synchronization, audio matching, and source separation. In general, music synchronization denotes a procedure which, for a given position in one representation of a piece of music, determines the corresponding position within another representation. Here, the thesis presents three complementary synchronization approaches, which improve upon previous methods in terms of robustness, reliability, and accuracy. The first approach employs a late-fusion strategy based on multiple, conceptually different alignment techniques to identify those music passages that allow for reliable alignment results. The second approach is based on the idea of employing musical structure analysis methods in the context of synchronization to derive reliable synchronization results even in the presence of structural differences between the versions to be aligned. Finally, the third approach employs several complementary strategies for increasing the accuracy and time resolution of synchronization results. Given a short query audio clip, the goal of audio matching is to automatically retrieve all musically similar excerpts in different versions and arrangements of the same underlying piece of music. In this context, chroma-based audio features are a well-established tool as they possess a high degree of invariance to variations in timbre. This thesis describes a novel procedure for making chroma features even more robust to changes in timbre while keeping their discriminative power. Here, the idea is to identify and discard timbre-related information using techniques inspired by the well-known MFCC features, which are usually employed in speech processing. Given a monaural music recording, the goal of source separation is to extract musically meaningful sound sources corresponding, for example, to a melody, an instrument, or a drum track from the recording. To facilitate this complex task, one can exploit additional information provided by a musical score. Based on this idea, this thesis presents two novel, conceptually different approaches to source separation. Using score information provided by a given MIDI file, the first approach employs a parametric model to describe a given audio recording of a piece of music. The resulting model is then used to extract sound sources as specified by the score. As a computationally less demanding and easier to implement alternative, the second approach employs the additional score information to guide a decomposition based on non-negative matrix factorization (NMF)

    Overlapped speech and music segmentation using singular spectrum analysis and random forests

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    Recent years have seen ever-increasing volumes of digital media archives and an enormous amount of user-contributed content. As demand for indexing and searching these resources has increased, and new technologies such as multimedia content management systems, en-hanced digital broadcasting, and semantic web have emerged, audio information mining and automated metadata generation have received much attention. Manual indexing and metadata tagging are time-consuming and subject to the biases of individual workers. An automated architecture able to extract information from audio signals, generate content-related text descriptors or metadata, and enable further information mining and searching would be a tangible and valuable solution. In the field of audio classification, audio signals may be broadly divided into speech or music. Most studies, however, neglect the fact that real audio soundtracks may have either speech or music, or a combination of the two, and this is considered the major hurdle to achieving high performance in automatic audio classification, since overlapping can contaminate relevant characteristics and features, causing incorrect classification or information loss. This research undertakes an extensive review of the state of the art by outlining the well-established audio features and machine learning techniques that have been applied in a broad range of audio segmentation and recognition areas. Audio classification systems and the suggested solutions for the mixed soundtracks problem are presented. The suggested solutions can be listed as follows: developing augmented and modified features for recognising audio classes even in the presence of overlaps between them; robust segmentation of a given overlapped soundtrack stream depends on an innovative method of audio decomposition using Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) that has been studied extensively and has received increasing attention in the past two decades as a time series decomposition method with many applications; adoption and development of driven classification methods; and finally a technique for continuous time series tasks. In this study, SSA has been investigated and found to be an efficient way to discriminate speech/music in mixed soundtracks by two different methods, each of which has been developed and validated in this research. The first method serves to mitigate the overlapping ratio between speech and music in the mixed soundtracks by generating two new soundtracks with a lower level of overlapping. Next, feature space is calculated for the output audio streams, and these are classified using random forests into either speech or music. One of the distinct characteristics of this method is the separation of the speech/music key features that lead to improve the classification performance. Nevertheless, that did encounter a few obstructions, including excessively long processing time, increased storage requirements (each frame symbolised by two outputs), and this all leads to greater computational load than previously. Meanwhile, the second method em-ploys the SSA technique to decompose a given audio signal into a series of Principal Components (PCs), where each PC corresponds to a particular pattern of oscillation. Then, the transformed well-established feature is measured for each PC in order to classify it into either speech or music based on the baseline classification system using a RF machine learning technique. The classification performance of real-world soundtracks is effectively improved, which is demonstrated by comparing speech/music recognition using conventional classification methods and the proposed SSA method. The second proposed and de-veloped method can detect pure speech, pure music, and mix with a much lower complexity level