1,438 research outputs found


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    本文データは平成22年度国立国会図書館の学位論文(博士)のデジタル化実施により作成された画像ファイルを基にpdf変換したものである京都大学0048新制・課程博士博士(工学)甲第7850号工博第1830号新制||工||1141(附属図書館)UT51-99-G444京都大学大学院工学研究科情報工学専攻(主査)教授 上林 彌彦, 教授 岩間 一雄, 教授 湯淺 太一学位規則第4条第1項該当Doctor of EngineeringKyoto UniversityDFA

    An exploratory study of the purchase and consumption of beef: geographical and cultural differences between Spain and Brazil

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    Beef consumption and production in Spain and Brazil are different with the consumption of beef in Brazil being three times higher than in Spain. In addition, there are variations in the economic value of production and in the traceability system. Therefore, the aim of this research was to understand the purchasing and consumption patterns using the customer behavior analysis technique of focus groups, which analyzed motivations for the consumption of beef, classifying their preferences by the intrinsic and extrinsic attributes at the time of purchase. The key aspect of the consumption of beef, both for Spanish and Brazilian consumers, was personal satisfaction/flavor. Spanish consumers were more conscious than Brazilians of the beneficial and harmful qualities that meat provides. The presence of fat was the factor that most restricted intake in both countries. The most important intrinsic attributes for Spanish and Brazilian consumers were the visual aspects of the meat: color, freshness, and the quantity and disposition of fat. The most important extrinsic characteristics were the price and expiration date. Spanish consumers see packaged meat as convenient and safe, although it is considered by Brazilians to be over-manipulated. The traceability certification on the label provides credibility to the product for the Spanish but only partially for Brazilians

    Hearing the student voice : promoting and encouraging the effective use of the student voice to enhance professional development in learning, teaching and assessment within higher education

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    This is an ESCalate development project led by Fiona Campbell of Napier University that was completed in 2007. The Hearing the Student Voice project aimed to promote and encourage the use of the student voice to enhance the effectiveness of academic professional development and ultimately the learning experience of students. Students can have a powerful impact on academic professional development aimed at enhancing learning, teaching and assessment practice. By providing qualitative insights about the nature of their learning experience, students can bring both valid and valuable viewpoints and motivate staff who are engaged by the students' perspective and often admire their perspicacity. This report records the progress and achievements of the Hearing the Student Voice project, funded by ESCalate to promote and encourage the use of the student voice to enhance the effectiveness of academic professional development in learning, teaching and assessment practice and ultimately the learning experience of students. The report has been written by the team representing the four universities who collaborated on the projec

    Aerospace Medicine and Biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes, supplement 220, June 1981

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    Approximately 137 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in May 1981 are recorded, covering a variety of topics in aerospace medicine and biology

    The craft training requirements of the hotel and restaurant sectors of the hotel and catering industry

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    The subject of this thesis is an evaluation of college-based and industry-based craft training courses designed for those wishing to become professional chefs and waiters. The main issues addressed are the effectiveness of college-based craft training courses in meeting the future requirements of the hotel and catering industry, the needs of the employer and the future career horizons of craft students once they leave college. Having identified the main issues for research, the ways of evaluating college-based craft courses are considered. The thesis is presented in seven parts. Each section or chapter is concerned with a particular facet of the environment in which craft courses operate and their purpose. Research methods included surveys, field research, desk research, interviews and participative observation. At the outset, the reasons are outlined why the thesis is of importance to the writer as a craft lecturer and the likely benefits that may accrue to those who design and teach craft courses are discussed. This is followed by a description of how the data were gathered. An overview of recent research into craft training and education then follows as a basis for further development and application. An audit is made of the commercial, economic and manpower predictions for the industry; and this is followed by a discussion on technological developments, eating fashions and eating trends that will inevitably have an effect upon craft training. A profile of craftspeople in the industry is presented and predictions made of numbers required within the different industrial sectors. An analysis is made of the tasks and skills needed, and areas of knowledge considered by craftspeople as essential in the performance of their work. This leads into a consideration of the college environment, craft courses, their design, structure and content. Teaching approaches are discussed, together with the personal development of those who teach craft subjects. The findings are then brought into the context of the different views held by those involved in catering training and education; this sets the scene for the drawing together of the key findings and conclusions

    Multiple formats in the collaborative application of the as if technique in the process of family therapy supervision

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    Experiences with using two different formats of the as if listening technique in the process of family therapy supervision were chronicled. The as if process involves listening and reacting from a position other than one\u27s usual or preferred position. This other position is one of a multiplicity of versions or understandings of how one would act from that position and is not measured by how accurately it matches the behaviors of those who actually occupy those positions;Participants\u27 comments about the application of as if processes in supervision were organized into categories according to the Tesch (1990) scheme. The Major Categories that emerged from the data were: Experimenting with the Format, Empathizing with Clients, Applying As If to Families, Growing Personally and Professionally, Creating a Safe Environment, Generating New Ideas, and Research as Relationship. Under the umbrella of Unique Categories were: Therapy and Supervision Isomorphism, Comparing As If to Role Play, Work Setting, and Research as Intervention. In the closing set of discussions, the author highlights the category Research as Relationship with an interpersonal account of her experience conducting the study. Subsequent discussions of the analysis from two other as if positions illustrate as if thinking regarding the entire work

    Flexible and Polymer-based CO2 Sensors for Food Packaging and Other Potential Applications

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    CO2 sensing is important in many applications ranging from air-quality monitoring to food packaging. Despite all the advancements in CO2 sensor technology, they are typically qualitative, bulky, expensive, and cross-sensitive to humidity, require high operating temperatures, external power sources, and complicated manufacturing processes making them incompatible with integration into food packaging. In light of this, the present study aims to develop chemiresistive, flexible, miniaturised, low-cost, lowpower, and simple-to-manufacture sensors capable of CO2 measurement at room temperature and high humidity conditions for food packaging and other potential applications. This thesis aims to develop chemiresistive, flexible, miniaturised, low-cost, low-power CO2 sensors for applications such as food packaging. The sensors are based on CO2-responsive polymers that change their electrical properties upon CO2 absorption. The interaction between CO2 and the polymer relies on acid-base chemistry, resulting in protonation of amine groups and altering the resistance. Initially, poly(N-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl] methacrylamide) (pDMAPMAm) is synthesised, but it exhibits irreversible response due to hindered proton hopping. To address this, poly(N-[3- (dimethylamino)propyl]-methacrylamide-co-2-N-morpholinoethyl methacrylate) (p(D-co-M)) with adjusted composition and basicity is developed, showing a reversible response to CO2. However, it has relatively long response and recovery times and cross-sensitivity to ammonia. To improve these shortcomings, a thin layer of Nafion-Na coating is applied to the p(D-co-M) sensor, denoted P-NafionNa sensors, reducing cross-sensitivity, shortening recovery time, and enabling Bluetooth® communication. The developed materials and sensors show promise for creating the next generation of miniaturised, flexible, wireless, and cost-effective CO2 sensors for various applications, including food quality monitoring

    Evaluation of Feasibility and Impact of Attacks against the 6top Protocol in 6TiSCH Networks

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    The 6TiSCH architecture has been gaining attraction as a promising solution to ensure reliability and security for communication in applications for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). While many different aspects of the architecture have been investigated in literature, an in-depth analysis of the security features included in its design is still missing. In this paper, we assess the security vulnerabilities of the 6top protocol, a core component of the 6TiSCH architecture for enabling network nodes to negotiate communication resources. Our analysis highlights two possible attacks against the 6top protocol that can impair network performance and reliability in a significant manner. To prove the feasibility of the attacks in practice, we implemented both of them on the Contiki-NG Operating System and tested their effectiveness on a simple deployment with three Zolertia RE-Mote sensor nodes. Also, we carried out a set of simulations using Cooja in order to assess their impact on larger networks. Our results show that both attacks reduce reliability in the overall network and increase energy consumption of the network nodes

    Critical perspectives on regulation of international financial markets : assessing the possibilities for transatlantic regulatory cooperation

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    Tutkielman tarkoituksena on tarkastella keskeisiä kysymyksenasetteluita liittyen kansainvälisten rahoitusmarkkinoiden sääntelyyn. Tarkoituksena on luoda yleistajuinen esitys, millainen säänneltävä ilmiö nykymuotoiset rahoitusmarkkinat ovat. Tutkielma esittää historiakatsauksen ja yhteiskunta- sekä taloustieteiden näkökulmia rahoitusmarkkinoiden kansainvälistymiseen. Juridinen perusongelma on, että rahoitusmarkkinat ovat aidosti kansainväliset, mutta sääntely on kansallista. Tutkielma pyrkii näyttämään, että Euroopan unionin ja Yhdysvaltojen sääntelyviranomaiset voisivat toimivaltansa puitteissa kohentaa sääntely-ympäristöä keskinäisen yhteistyön kautta. Tutkielman tarkoituksena onkin esittää näkökulmia ja pohdittavan arvoisia kysymyksiä tulevan mahdollisen sääntely- ja valvontayhteistyön pohjaksi. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan sääntely-yhteistyön juridisia ongelmakohtia ottaen esille perusoikeuskollisiotilanteita, joita sääntelyviranomaisten tulee punnita sijoittajansuojan ja tehokkaan pääomanmuodostumisen välillä. Samaten tutkielmassa puntaroidaan sääntely-yhteistyön elementtejä pakottavan lainsäädännön ja soft law –lähestymistavan välillä

    Master in advanced techniques for research and development in food and agriculture

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    [SPA] El Máster de Técnicas Avanzadas en Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario y Alimentario, tiene como principal objetivo la formación de investigadores en el ámbito del desarrollo agrario y alimentario, pues todos los indicadores actuales muestran que es necesario un aumento de la masa crítica de investigadores en éste área en la UE; a pesar de que la agricultura, desde la fase de producción hasta la de procesado y fabricación tiene un campo muy amplio en el que se puede investigar e innovar, existen determinadas herramientas horizontales de trabajo que permiten formar alumnos con unas capacidades técnicas excelentes y de aplicación a ámbitos tan variados como el medio ambiente, genética y mejora animal y vegetal, procesado de alimentos o control de las plagas. Estos antecedentes nos han llevado a formular un programa de Máster que tiene cuatro módulos definidos, uno de cursos metodológicos y tres de cursos fundamentales. [ENG] The Master in Advanced Techniques in Agricultural and Food Research and Development intends to introduce university students into the research in such field. The programme is based on research carried out by the Higher Technical School of Agriculture Engineer on the one hand, and on the other hand on the technological development of the Spanish agricultural and food sector. This Master programme has as its main goal the qualifying of researchers in the area of agricultural and food development, since all the present indicators point at the need for an increase in the critical mass of researchers in this area in the EU; despite the fact that agriculture, from production to processing and manufacturing, is a wide field in which to research and innovate. There exist some horizontal tools that allow us to train students with excellent technical skills, and that can be applied to a wide range of areas such as environment, genetics, animal and vegetal improvement, food processing or pest control. On these grounds we have been led to draw up a Master programme that has four clearly defined modules: one with methodology courses and three with basic courses. The students who follow the proposed Master programme should become university experts in research and development in the agricultural and food field.[ENG] The Master in Advanced Techniques in Agricultural and Food Research and Development intends to introduce university students into the research in such field. The programme is based on research carried out by the Higher Technical School of Agriculture Engineer on the one hand, and on the other hand on the technological development of the Spanish agricultural and food sector. This Master programme has as its main goal the qualifying of researchers in the area of agricultural and food development, since all the present indicators point at the need for an increase in the critical mass of researchers in this area in the EU; despite the fact that agriculture, from production to processing and manufacturing, is a wide field in which to research and innovate. There exist some horizontal tools that allow us to train students with excellent technical skills, and that can be applied to a wide range of areas such as environment, genetics, animal and vegetal improvement, food processing or pest control. On these grounds we have been led to draw up a Master programme that has four clearly defined modules: one with methodology courses and three with basic courses. The students who follow the proposed Master programme should become university experts in research and development in the agricultural and food field