107 research outputs found

    Optical network technologies for future digital cinema

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    Digital technology has transformed the information flow and support infrastructure for numerous application domains, such as cellular communications. Cinematography, traditionally, a film based medium, has embraced digital technology leading to innovative transformations in its work flow. Digital cinema supports transmission of high resolution content enabled by the latest advancements in optical communications and video compression. In this paper we provide a survey of the optical network technologies for supporting this bandwidth intensive traffic class. We also highlight the significance and benefits of the state of the art in optical technologies that support the digital cinema work flow

    4kUHD H264 Wireless Live Video Streaming Using CUDA

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    Ultrahigh definition video streaming has been explored in recent years. Most recently the possibility of 4kUHD video streaming over wireless 802.11n was presented, using preencoded video. Live encoding for streaming using x264 has proven to be very slow. The use of parallel encoding has been explored to speed up the process using CUDA. However there hasnot been a parallel implementation for video streaming. We therefore present for the first time a novel implementation of 4kUHD live encoding for streaming over a wireless network at low bitrate indoors, using CUDA for parallel H264 encoding. Our experimental results are used to verify our claim.</jats:p

    High speed 802.11ad wireless video streaming

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    The aim of this thesis is to investigate, both theoretically and experimentally, the capability of the IEEE 802.11ad device, the Wireless Gigabit Alliance known as WiGig operating in the 60 GHz band to handle rise in data traffic ubiquitous to high speed data transmission such as bulk data transfer, and wireless video streaming. According to Cisco and others, it is estimated that in 2020, internet video traffic will account for 82 % of all consumer internet traffic. This research evalu- ated the feasibility of the 60 GHz to provide minimum data rate of about 970 Mbps from the Ethernet link limited or clamped to 1 Gbps. This translated to 97 % effi- ciency with respect to the IEEE 802.11ad system performance. For the first time, the author proposed the enhancement of millimetre wave propagation through the use of specular reflection in non-line-of-sight environment, providing at least 94 % bandwidth utilization. Additional investigations result of the IEEE 802.11ad device in real live streaming of 4k ultra-high definition (UHD) video shows the feasibility of aggressive frequency reuse in the absence of co-channel interference. Moreover, using heuristic approach, this work compared materials absorption and signal reception at 60 GHz and the results gives better performance in contrast to the theoretical values. Finally, this thesis proposes a framework for the 802.11ad wireless H.264 video streaming over 60 GHz band. The work describes the potential and efficiency of WiGig device in streaming high definition (HD) video with high temporal index (TI) and 4k UHD video with no retransmission. Caching point established at the re-transmitter increase coverage and cache multimedia data. The results in this thesis shows the growing potential of millimeter wave technology, the WiGig for very high speed bulk data transfer, and live streaming video transmission

    Multiview Video Coding for Virtual Reality

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    Virtual reality (VR) is one of the emerging technologies in recent years. It brings a sense of real world experience in simulated environments, hence, it is being used in many applications for example in live sporting events, music recordings and in many other interactive multimedia applications. VR makes use of multimedia content, and videos are a major part of it. VR videos are captured from multiple directions to cover the entire 360 field-of-view. It usually employs, multiple cameras of wide field-of-view such as fisheye lenses and the camera arrangement can also vary from linear to spherical set-ups. Videos in VR system are also subjected to constraints such as, variations in network bandwidth, heterogeneous mobile devices with limited decoding capacity, adaptivity for view switching in the display. The uncompressed videos from multiview cameras are redundant and impractical for storage and transmission. The existing video coding standards compresses the multiview videos effi ciently. However, VR systems place certain limitations on the video and camera arrangements, such as, it assumes rectilinear properties for video, translational motion model for prediction and the camera set-up to be linearly arranged. The aim of the thesis is to propose coding schemes which are compliant to the current video coding standards of H.264/AVC and its successor H.265/HEVC, the current state-of-the-art and multiview/scalable extensions. This thesis presents methods that compress the multiview videos which are captured from eight cameras that are arranged spherically, pointing radially outwards. The cameras produce circular fi sheye videos of 195 degree field-of-view. The final goal is to present methods, which optimize the bitrate in both storage and transmission of videos for the VR system. The presented methods can be categorized into two groups: optimizing storage bitrate and optimizing streaming bitrate of multiview videos. In the storage bitrate category, six methods were experimented. The presented methods competed against simulcast coding of individual views. The coding schemes were experimented with two data sets of 8 views each. The method of scalable coding with inter-layer prediction in all frames outperformed simulcast coding with approximately 7.9%. In the case of optimizing streaming birates, five methods were experimented. The method of scalable plus multiview skip-coding outperformed the simulcast method of coding by 36% on average. Future work will focus on pre-processing the fi sheye videos to rectilinear videos, in-order to fit them to the current translational model of the video coding standards. Moreover, the methods will be tested in comprehensive applications and system requirements

    Rinnakkainen toteutus H.265 videokoodaus standardille

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    The objective of this study was to research the scalability of the parallel features in the new H.265 video compression standard, also know as High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC). Compared to its predecessor, the H.264 standard, H.265 typically achieves around 50% bitrate reduction for the same subjective video quality. Especially videos with higher resolution (Full HD and beyond) achieve better compression ratios. Also a better utilization of parallel computing resources is provided. H.265 introduces two novel parallelization features: Tiles and Wavefront Parallel Processing (WPP). In Tiles, each video frame is divided into areas that can be decoded without referencing to other areas in the same frame. In WPP, the relations between code blocks in a frame are encoded so that the decoding process can progress through the frame as a front using multiple threads. In this study, the reference implementation for the H.265 decoder was augmented to support both of these parallelization features. The performance of the parallel implementations was measured using three different setups. From the measurement results it could be seen that the introduction of more CPU cores reduced the total decode time of the video frames to a certain point. When using the Tiles feature, it was observed that the encoding geometry, i.e. how each frame was divided into individually decodable areas, had a noticeable effect on the decode times with certain thread counts. When using WPP, it was observed that what was mostly synchronization overhead, sometimes had a negative effect on the decode times when using larger (4-12) amounts of threads.Tämän tutkimuksen aiheena oli tutkia uuden H.265 videonpakkausstandardin (tunnetaan myös nimellä HEVC (engl. High Efficiency Video Coding)) rinnakkaisuusominaisuuksien skaalautuvuutta. Verrattuna edeltäjäänsä, H.264 videonpakkaustandardiin, H.265 tyypillisesti saavuttaa samalla kuvanlaadulla noin 50% pienemmän pakkauskoon. Erityisesti suuren resoluution videoilla (Full HD ja suuremmat) pakkaustehokkuuden paremmuus korostuu. Huomiota on kiinnitetty myös moniydinprosessoreiden hyödyntämiseen videokoodauksessa. H.265 tarjoaa kaksi uutta rinnakkaisuusominaisuutta: niin kutsutut Tiles- ja WPP-menetelmät (engl. \emph{Wavefront Parallel Processing}). Tiles-menetelmässä jokainen videon kuva jaetaan alueisiin, jotka voidaan purkaa viittaamatta saman kuvan muihin alueisiin. WPP-menetelmässä suhteet kuvan lohkoihin pakataan siten että purkamisprosessi pystyy etenemään kuvan läpi rintamana hyödyntäen useampia säikeitä. Tässä tutkimuksessa H.265 videodekooderin referenssitoteutusta laajennettiin tukemaan molempia näistä rinnakkaisuusominaisuuksista. Suorituskykyä mitattiin käyttäen kolmea eri mittausasetelmaa. Mittaustuloksista ilmeni, että prosessoriydinten lukumäärän kasvattaminen nopeutti videoiden purkamista tiettyyn pisteeseen asti. Tiles-menetelmää mitatessa havaittiin, että alueiden geometrialla, eli kuinka kuva jaettiin riippumattomiin alueisiin, on huomattava vaikutus purkamisnopeuteen tietyillä säiemäärillä. WPP-menetelmää mitattaessa havaittiin että korkeampiin säiemääriin (4-12) siirryttäessä purkamisnopeus alkoi hidastua. Tämä johtui pääasiassa säikeiden keskinäiseen synkronointiin kuluvasta ajasta

    A QoE adaptive management system for high definition video streaming over wireless networks

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    [EN] The development of the smart devices had led to demanding high-quality streaming videos over wireless communications. In Multimedia technology, the Ultra-High Definition (UHD) video quality has an important role due to the smart devices that are capable of capturing and processing high-quality video content. Since delivery of the high-quality video stream over the wireless networks adds challenges to the end-users, the network behaviors 'factors such as delay of arriving packets, delay variation between packets, and packet loss, are impacted on the Quality of Experience (QoE). Moreover, the characteristics of the video and the devices are other impacts, which influenced by the QoE. In this research work, the influence of the involved parameters is studied based on characteristics of the video, wireless channel capacity, and receivers' aspects, which collapse the QoE. Then, the impact of the aforementioned parameters on both subjective and objective QoE is studied. A smart algorithm for video stream services is proposed to optimize assessing and managing the QoE of clients (end-users). The proposed algorithm includes two approaches: first, using the machine-learning model to predict QoE. Second, according to the QoE prediction, the algorithm manages the video quality of the end-users by offering better video quality. As a result, the proposed algorithm which based on the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) regression is outperformed previously proposed methods for predicting and managing QoE of streaming video over wireless networks.This work has been partially supported by the "Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad" in the "Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica de Excelencia, Subprograma Estatal de Generacion de Conocimiento" with in the Project under Grant TIN2017-84802-C2-1-P. This study has been partially done in the computer science departments at the (University of Sulaimani and Halabja).Taha, M.; Canovas, A.; Lloret, J.; Ali, A. (2021). A QoE adaptive management system for high definition video streaming over wireless networks. Telecommunication Systems. 77(1):63-81. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11235-020-00741-2638177

    Avaliação da qualidade de experiência de vídeo em várias tecnologias

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e TelecomunicaçõesNowadays the internet is associated with many services. Combined with this fact, there is a marked increase of the users joining this service. In this perspective, it is required that the service providers guarantee a minimum quality to the network services. The Quality of Experience of services is quite crucial in the development of services in networks. Also noteworthy, the tra c increase in multimedia services, including video streaming, increases the probability of congesting the networks. In the perspective of the service provider, the monitoring is a solution to avoid saturation in network. This way, this dissertation proposes to develop a platform that allows a multimedia tra c monitoring in the Meo Go service provided by the operator Portugal Telecom Communications. The architecture of the adaptive streaming over HTTP has been studied and tested to obtain the quality of experience metrics. This adaptive streaming technique presents the smooth streaming, an architecture made by Microsoft company, and it is used in the Meo Go service. Then, it is monitored the metrics obtained with the video player. This analysis is done objectively and subjectively. In this phase, the objective implementation of the method allows to obtain the prediction value of the Quality of Experience by consumers. The selected metrics were derived from the state / performance of network and terminal device. The obtained metrics aim to simulate human action in video score quality. Otherwise, subjectively, it is conducted a survey based in a questionnaire to compare methods. In this phase it was created an on-line platform to allow the obtain a greater number of rankings and data processing. In the obtained results, rstly in the smooth streaming player, it is shown the adaptive streaming implementation technique. On the next phase, test scenarios were created to demonstrate the functioning of the method in many cases, with greater relevance for those ones with higher dynamic complexity. From the perspective of subjective and objective methods, these have values that con rm the architecture of the implemented module. Over time, the performance of the scoring the quality of video streaming services approaches the one in a human mental action.Nos dias de hoje a Internet é um dos meios com mais serviços associados. Conjugado a este facto, existe um acentuado aumento de utilizadores a aderir a este serviço. Nesta perspectiva existe a necessidade de garantir uma qualidade mínima por parte dos prestadores de serviços. A Qualidade de Experiência que os consumidores têm dos serviços é bastante crucial no desenvolvimento e optimização dos serviços nas redes. É ainda de salientar que o aumento do tráfego multimédia, nomeadamente os streamings de vídeo, apresenta incrementos na probabilidade de as redes se congestionarem. Na perspectiva do prestador de serviços a monitorização é a solução para evitar a saturação total. Neste sentido, esta dissertação pretende desenvolver uma plataforma que permite a monitorização do tráfego de multimédia do serviço do Meo Go, fornecido pela operadora Portugal Telecom Comunicações. Neste trabalho foi necessário investigar e testar a arquitectura do streaming adaptativo sobre HTTP para ser possível obter métricas de qualidade de experiência. Este streaming adaptativo apresenta a técnica de smooth streaming, sendo esta arquitectura projectada pela empresa Microsoft e utilizada no serviço Meo Go. Posteriormente foram monitorizadas as métricas que se obtiveram no player de vídeo. Esta análise foi realizada de forma objectiva e subjectiva. Nesta fase da implementação objectiva do método em que se pretende obter uma predição do valor de Qualidade de Experiência por parte do consumidor, foram seleccionadas as métricas oriundas do estado/desempenho da rede e do dispositivo terminal. As métricas obtidas entram num processo de tratamento que pretende simular a ação humana nas classificações da qualidade dos vídeos. De outra forma, subjectivamente, foi realizada uma pesquisa, com base num questionário, de modo a comparar os métodos. Nesta etapa foi gerada uma plataforma online que possibilitou obter um maior número de classificações dos vídeos para posteriormente se proceder ao tratamento de dados. Nos resultados obtidos, primeiramente ao nível do player de smooth streaming, estes permitem analisar a técnica de implementação de streaming adaptativo. Numa fase seguinte foram criados cenários de teste para comprovar o funcionamento do método em diversas situações, tendo com maior relevância aqueles que contêm dinâmicas mais complexas. Na perspectiva dos métodos subjectivo e objectivo, estes apresentam valores que confirmam a arquitectura do módulo implementado. Adicionalmente, o desempenho do método em classificar a qualidade de serviço de vídeo streaming, ao longo do tempo, apresentou valores que se aproximam da dinâmica esperada numa ação mental humana

    Subjective video quality assessment of H.265 compression standard for full HD resolution

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    Recently increasing interest in multimedia services leads to requirements for quality assessment, especially in the video domain. There are many factors that influence the video quality. Compression technology and transmission link imperfection can be considered as the main ones. This paper deals with the assessment of the impact of H.265/HEVC compression standard on the video quality using subjective metrics. The evaluation is done for two types of sequences with Full HD resolution depending on content. The paper is divided as follows. In the first part of the article, a short characteristic of the H.265/HEVC compression standard is written. In the second part, the subjective video quality methods used in our experiments are described. The last part of this article deals with the measurements and experimental results. They showed that quality of sequences coded between 5 and 7 Mbps is for observers sufficient, so there is no need for providers to use higher bitrates in streaming than this threshold. These results are part of a new model that is still being created and will be used for predicting the video quality in networks based on IP

    Data-driven visual quality estimation using machine learning

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    Heutzutage werden viele visuelle Inhalte erstellt und sind zugänglich, was auf Verbesserungen der Technologie wie Smartphones und das Internet zurückzuführen ist. Es ist daher notwendig, die von den Nutzern wahrgenommene Qualität zu bewerten, um das Erlebnis weiter zu verbessern. Allerdings sind nur wenige der aktuellen Qualitätsmodelle speziell für höhere Auflösungen konzipiert, sagen mehr als nur den Mean Opinion Score vorher oder nutzen maschinelles Lernen. Ein Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, solche maschinellen Modelle für höhere Auflösungen mit verschiedenen Datensätzen zu trainieren und zu evaluieren. Als Erstes wird eine objektive Analyse der Bildqualität bei höheren Auflösungen durchgeführt. Die Bilder wurden mit Video-Encodern komprimiert, hierbei weist AV1 die beste Qualität und Kompression auf. Anschließend werden die Ergebnisse eines Crowd-Sourcing-Tests mit einem Labortest bezüglich Bildqualität verglichen. Weiterhin werden auf Deep Learning basierende Modelle für die Vorhersage von Bild- und Videoqualität beschrieben. Das auf Deep Learning basierende Modell ist aufgrund der benötigten Ressourcen für die Vorhersage der Videoqualität in der Praxis nicht anwendbar. Aus diesem Grund werden pixelbasierte Videoqualitätsmodelle vorgeschlagen und ausgewertet, die aussagekräftige Features verwenden, welche Bild- und Bewegungsaspekte abdecken. Diese Modelle können zur Vorhersage von Mean Opinion Scores für Videos oder sogar für anderer Werte im Zusammenhang mit der Videoqualität verwendet werden, wie z.B. einer Bewertungsverteilung. Die vorgestellte Modellarchitektur kann auf andere Videoprobleme angewandt werden, wie z.B. Videoklassifizierung, Vorhersage der Qualität von Spielevideos, Klassifikation von Spielegenres oder der Klassifikation von Kodierungsparametern. Ein wichtiger Aspekt ist auch die Verarbeitungszeit solcher Modelle. Daher wird ein allgemeiner Ansatz zur Beschleunigung von State-of-the-Art-Videoqualitätsmodellen vorgestellt, der zeigt, dass ein erheblicher Teil der Verarbeitungszeit eingespart werden kann, während eine ähnliche Vorhersagegenauigkeit erhalten bleibt. Die Modelle sind als Open Source veröffentlicht, so dass die entwickelten Frameworks für weitere Forschungsarbeiten genutzt werden können. Außerdem können die vorgestellten Ansätze als Bausteine für neuere Medienformate verwendet werden.Today a lot of visual content is accessible and produced, due to improvements in technology such as smartphones and the internet. This results in a need to assess the quality perceived by users to further improve the experience. However, only a few of the state-of-the-art quality models are specifically designed for higher resolutions, predict more than mean opinion score, or use machine learning. One goal of the thesis is to train and evaluate such machine learning models of higher resolutions with several datasets. At first, an objective evaluation of image quality in case of higher resolutions is performed. The images are compressed using video encoders, and it is shown that AV1 is best considering quality and compression. This evaluation is followed by the analysis of a crowdsourcing test in comparison with a lab test investigating image quality. Afterward, deep learning-based models for image quality prediction and an extension for video quality are proposed. However, the deep learning-based video quality model is not practically usable because of performance constrains. For this reason, pixel-based video quality models using well-motivated features covering image and motion aspects are proposed and evaluated. These models can be used to predict mean opinion scores for videos, or even to predict other video quality-related information, such as a rating distributions. The introduced model architecture can be applied to other video problems, such as video classification, gaming video quality prediction, gaming genre classification or encoding parameter estimation. Furthermore, one important aspect is the processing time of such models. Hence, a generic approach to speed up state-of-the-art video quality models is introduced, which shows that a significant amount of processing time can be saved, while achieving similar prediction accuracy. The models have been made publicly available as open source so that the developed frameworks can be used for further research. Moreover, the presented approaches may be usable as building blocks for newer media formats