17 research outputs found

    Penentuan Format Penulisan Laporan Ilmiah yang Ergonomis pada Media Kertas untuk Mengefisienkan Penggunaan Kertas. (Studi Kasus pada Mahasiswa Universitas Ma Chung Malang)

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    Paper usage in Universities leads to a large amount of paper waste. An adjustment of writing format without overriding ergonomic aspects is a legitimate way of using paper more efficiently. Three factors affect reading comprehension i.e line length, spacing, and font size. The experimental design 2 × 3 × 2 complete randomized design (CRD) had been proposed and twelve combinations of treatments in the form of writing format had been tried out to respondents. Each treatment was repeated three times and each respondent only got one treatment. The best writing format is line length 10.2 cm, spacing 2, and font size 12 point. Paper savings that can be done using the suggested format compared to the currently used writing format in University is 40% and 25%, while the efficiency is 46.95% and 21.02%.Penggunaan kertas di lingkungan Universitas menghasilkan limbah kertas dalam jumlah besar. Pengaturan format penulisan tanpa mengesampingkan aspek ergonomi adalah cara logis dalam penggunaan kertas lebih efisien. Tiga faktor yang mempengaruhi pemahaman membaca yaitu panjang baris, spasi, dan ukuran huruf. Desain eksperimen menggunakan metode desain faktorial 2×3×2 rancangan acak lengkap (RAL). Terdapat 12 kombinasi perlakuan berupa format penulisan yang dicobakan kepada responden. Setiap perlakuan diulang tiga kali dan setiap responden mendapatkan satu perlakuan. Format penulisan terbaik adalah panjang baris 10,2 cm, spasi 2, dan ukuran huruf 12 poin. Penghematan kertas yang dapat dilakukan menggunakan format yang disarankan dibanding format penulisan di Universitas adalah 40% dan 25%, sedangkan efisiensinya adalah 46,95% dan 21,02%

    A driving simulator study to explore the effects of text size on the visual demand of in-vehicle displays

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    Modern vehicles increasingly utilise a large display within the centre console, often with touchscreen capability, to enable access to a wide range of driving and non-driving-related functionality. The text provided on such displays can vary considerably in size, yet little is known about the effects of different text dimensions on how drivers visually sample the interface while driving and the potential implications for driving performance and user acceptance. A study is described in which sixteen people drove motorway routes in a medium-fidelity simulator and were asked to read text of varying sizes (9 mm, 8 mm, 6.5 mm, 5 mm, or 4 mm) from a central in-vehicle display. Pseudo-text was used as a stimulus to ensure that participants scanned the text in a consistent fashion that was unaffected by comprehension. There was no evidence of an effect of text size on the total time spent glancing at the display, but significant differences arose regarding how glances were distributed. Specifically, larger text sizes were associated with a high number of relatively short glances, whereas smaller text led to a smaller number of long glances. No differences were found in driving performance measures (speed, lateral lane position). Drivers overwhelmingly preferred the ‘compromise’ text sizes (6.5 mm and 8 mm). Results are discussed in relation to the development of large touchscreens within vehicles

    Larger Chinese text spacing and size: effects on older users' experience

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    With declining vision ability, character spacing and size on smartphones designed for the general population are not accessible for older adults. This study aimed to explore how larger Chinese character spacing and size affect older adults’ user experience (UX). An orthogonal experiment was conducted. The optimal range of font size (FS), word spacing (WS) and line spacing (LS) were proposed utilising subjective evaluations to investigate the correlation of eye movement data with participants perceived UX. The results showed that improvement in different aspects of UX varied when FS, WS and LS increased. Overall, participants preferred larger FS, WS and LS, however, the larger FS, WS and LS values are more likely to cause errors and slower reading speed. These results suggest that the distinct combination of size and spacing depends on the motivation, needs and situation of older people when reading on a smartphone. These findings will help designers to provide better design for the older people

    Entwicklung eines Designkonzepts für mobile Arbeitslisten

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    Große Unternehmen sind weltweit vernetzt, wodurch sie eine große Menge an komplexer Arbeitsprozesse schaffen. Um ein bestmögliches Ergebnis zu erzielen, ist es notwendig die Mitarbeiter von verschiedenen Standorten zu koordinieren, um die Zusammenarbeit optimal zu unterstützen. Dadurch werden Prozesse in Teilprozesse zerlegt, damit diese von qualifizierten Mitarbeitern vor Ort ausgeführt werden können. Damit es zu keinen Komplikationen durch die Zerlegung der Prozessabläufe in Teilprozesse kommt, ist eine Überwachung bei der Ausführung unverzichtlich. Diese Aufgaben werden von einem Business Process Management System gewährleistet. Es überwacht Ausführung von Teilprozessen und sorgt dafür, dass die richtigen Informationen für richtigen Personen zum richtigen Zeitpunkt bereitgestellt werden. Mit dem Ziel eine benutzerfreundliche und in sich konsistente Anwendung anzubieten, wird in der hier vorliegenden Arbeit ein Designkonzept für einen mobilen Worklist-Client ausgearbeitet, welches den Nutzern mit Hilfe von Worklists das Verwalten und Verarbeiten von Worklist Items erleichtert. Durch ein gelungenes und für den Kontext angemessenes Design kann eine hohe Benutzerakzeptanz erzielt werden. Das hier vorgestellte Designkonzept wurde mit den Zielen der Benutzerfreundlichkeit und -akzeptanz sowie mit der Motivation Mitarbeiter bei der Arbeit mit Worklists zu unterstützen

    Polypharmacy in older adults: The effective design of an online information resource

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    Polypharmacy--problems associated with a regimen of multiple drugs, both prescription and over-the-counter--is a major problem in the elderly (65+), and will become increasingly prevalent over the coming decades as the U.S. population ages. Polypharmacy is associated with increases in mortality, hospital ER admissions, auto injuries, falls, cognitive deterioration, adverse drug reactions, drug regimen non-compliance and nursing home admissions. While the patient has ultimate responsibility for taking medications as prescribed, there are many steps that physicians and pharmacists can take to increase drug compliance and decrease polypharmacy. This project designs and implements a Web site aimed primarily at an audience of older adult users that provides information of the topic of polypharmacy. The site also includes a subsection for healthcare professionals and a bibliographic database of polypharmacy research

    The E-Brief: Legal Writing for an Online World

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    The Economy Of Typography (the Arrangement or Mode of Operation of Typography)

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    The thesis will show that the current research into legibility and readability regarding certain aspects or characters of type is incomplete, and will demonstrate what further research is necessary to complete the analysis of these aspects or characters in the economy of typography in continuous text. Chapter 1 will show that the development of reading depends on the legibility of the typography and characters ‘recognizing patterns, planning strategy, and feeling’ in other words reading and writing are interdependent all depend in some part on the construction of the characters and their relationship to each other. It will also show that readable writing is desirable and important for the reader’s sake. Chapter 2 will deal with the practical presentation of the characters of what the reading public read, and the role played by legibility and readability of typography in conveying their message. Printers and designers will also have a working knowledge and experience of legibility and readability which is incorporated into typograhy presentations, and this also is taken into account in chapter 2. Chapter 3 reviews the criteria and methods used in typography readability and legibility research. The research will show that readability is the ease with which the eye can absorb the message and move along the line, and legibility is based on the ease with which one letter can be identified from another. Chapter 4 entitled Analysis and Recommendations concludes the thesis with a summary of chapters 1, 2 and 3 before presenting a comparative analysis of current research into legibility, with particular emphasis on misreading or misrecognition of characters, and provides illustrations of the conclusions reached by way of bar chart and tables. Appendix One of the thesis contains a comprehensive list of the research into legibility and readability. Appendix Two contains the graphics of Benjamin Sherbow showing typography layout supportive of type spacing matters discussed in chapter 2. The thesis has an extensive bibliography of the works referred to throughout the thesis

    Avaliação de leitura com multimodalidades e suporte para a acessibilidade

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    Tese de mestrado em Engenharia Informática, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2012Este projecto centra-se na avaliação e adaptação de um ambiente de leitura de Livros Digitais Falados. Os utilizadores com problemas de visão e de audição tirarão mais partido desta aplicação. O ambiente faz a combinação dos conteúdos narrados com a apresentação visual de forma a melhorar a navegação, usabilidade e acessibilidade. O sistema baseia-se do melhoramento de uma ferramenta existente, BookPlayer, que incluía uma interface multimodal com representação de áudio e textos e ainda funcionalidades que facilitam a interação, entre as quais: navegação, marcação, apresentação dos conteúdos multimédia, pesquisa, controlo da narração, sincronização e apresentação dos caminhos alternativos de leitura. No BookPlayerB, a ferramenta estendida, serão introduzidas novas funcionalidades adaptáveis aos utilizadores com as características acima referidas. A programação é efetuada em Microsoft Visual Studio C++ dando sequência à linguagem em que foi desenvolvida a ferramenta anterior. A ligação com sistemas externos será suportada por informação XML. Realizaram-se testes de software, usabilidade, de visão (com óculos especiais de diferentes calibragens).This project focuses on the evaluation and adaptation on of a reading environment for Digital Talking Books. Users with impaired vision and hearing will take more advantage of this application. This application combines narrated content with visual presentation in order to improve navigation, usability and accessibility. The work is an improvement of BookPlayer, which already had a multimodal interface with the representation of text and audio and many features to help users: navigation, marking, presentation of multimedia content, search, control of the narrative synchronization, presentation of alternative ways of reading. In BookPlayerB new features are introduced with the characteristic mentioned above. The program is made in Microsoft Visual Studio C + +. The connection with external systems will be based on XML. The project includes software testing, usability analysis, vision (with special glasses for different calibrations) and hearing manipulation and instrumentation