42 research outputs found

    Verification of Stochastic Process Calculi

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    Computational Modeling, Formal Analysis, and Tools for Systems Biology.

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    As the amount of biological data in the public domain grows, so does the range of modeling and analysis techniques employed in systems biology. In recent years, a number of theoretical computer science developments have enabled modeling methodology to keep pace. The growing interest in systems biology in executable models and their analysis has necessitated the borrowing of terms and methods from computer science, such as formal analysis, model checking, static analysis, and runtime verification. Here, we discuss the most important and exciting computational methods and tools currently available to systems biologists. We believe that a deeper understanding of the concepts and theory highlighted in this review will produce better software practice, improved investigation of complex biological processes, and even new ideas and better feedback into computer science

    Abstract Interpretation for Probabilistic Termination of Biological Systems

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    In a previous paper the authors applied the Abstract Interpretation approach for approximating the probabilistic semantics of biological systems, modeled specifically using the Chemical Ground Form calculus. The methodology is based on the idea of representing a set of experiments, which differ only for the initial concentrations, by abstracting the multiplicity of reagents present in a solution, using intervals. In this paper, we refine the approach in order to address probabilistic termination properties. More in details, we introduce a refinement of the abstract LTS semantics and we abstract the probabilistic semantics using a variant of Interval Markov Chains. The abstract probabilistic model safely approximates a set of concrete experiments and reports conservative lower and upper bounds for probabilistic termination

    A Mobile Ambients-based Approach for Network Attack Modelling and Simulation

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    Attack Graphs are an important support for assessment and subsequent improvement of network security. They reveal possible paths an attacker can take to break through security perimeters and traverse a network to reach valuable assets deep inside the network. Although scalability is no longer the main issue, Attack Graphs still have some problems that make them less useful in practice. First, Attack Graphs remain difficult to relate to the network topology. Second, Attack Graphs traditionally only consider the exploitation of vulnerable hosts. Third, Attack Graphs do not rely on automatic identification of potential attack targets. We address these gaps in our MsAMS (Multi-step Attack Modelling and Simulation) tool, based on Mobile Ambients. The tool not only allows the modelling of more static aspects of the network, such as the network topology, but also the dynamics of network attacks. In addition to Mobile Ambients, we use the PageRank algorithm to determine targets and hub scores produced by the HITS (Hypertext Induced Topic Search) algorithm to guide the simulation of an attacker searching for targets

    Language Based Techniques for Systems Biology

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    A Mobile Ambients-based Approach for Network Attack Modelling and Simulation

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    Attack Graphs are an important support for assessment and subsequent improvement of network security. They reveal possible paths an attacker can take to break through security perimeters and traverse a network to reach valuable assets deep inside the network. Although scalability is no longer the main issue, Attack Graphs still have some problems that make them less useful in practice. First, Attack Graphs remain difficult to relate to the network topology. Second, Attack Graphs traditionally only consider the exploitation of vulnerable hosts. Third, Attack Graphs do not rely on automatic identification of potential attack targets. We address these gaps in our MsAMS (Multi-step Attack Modelling and Simulation) tool, based on Mobile Ambients. The tool not only allows the modelling of more static aspects of the network, such as the network topology, but also the dynamics of network attacks. In addition to Mobile Ambients, we use the PageRank algorithm to determine targets and hub scores produced by the HITS (Hypertext Induced Topic Search) algorithm to guide the simulation of an attacker searching for targets

    When to Move to Transfer Nets On the limits of Petri nets as models for process calculi

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    International audiencePierpaolo Degano has been an influential pioneer in the investigation of Petri nets as models for concurrent process calculi (see e.g. the well-known seminal work by Degano–De Nicola–Montanari also known as DDM88). In this paper, we address the limits of classical Petri nets by discussing when it is necessary to move to the so-called Transfer nets, in which transitions can also move to a target place all the tokens currently present in a source place. More precisely, we consider a simple calculus of processes that interact by generating/consuming messages into/from a shared repository. For this calculus classical Petri nets can faithfully model the process behavior. Then we present a simple extension with a primitive allowing processes to atomically rename all the data of a given kind. We show that with the addition of such primitive it is necessary to move to Transfer nets to obtain a faithful modeling