47 research outputs found

    Finer is better: Abstraction Refinement for Rewriting Approximations

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    International audienceTerm rewriting systems are now commonly used as a modeling language for programs or systems. On those rewriting based models, reachability analysis, i.e. proving or disproving that a given term is reachable from a set of input terms, provides an efficient verification technique. For disproving reachability (i.e. proving non reachability of a term) on non terminating and non confluent rewriting models, Knuth-Bendix completion and other usual rewriting techniques do not apply. Using the tree automaton completion technique, it has been shown that the non reachability of a term t can be shown by computing an over-approximation of the set of reachable terms and prove that t is not in the over-approximation. However, when the term t is in the approximation, nothing can be said. In this paper, we improve this approach as follows: given a term t, we try to compute an over-approximation which does not contain t by using an approximation refinement that we propose. If the approximation refinement fails then t is a reachable term. This semi-algorithm has been prototyped in the Timbuk tool. We present some experiments with this prototype showing the interest of such an approach w.r.t. verification on rewriting models

    Reachability Analysis of Innermost Rewriting

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    We consider the problem of inferring a grammar describing the output of a functional program given a grammar describing its input. Solutions to this problem are helpful for detecting bugs or proving safety properties of functional programs and, several rewriting tools exist for solving this problem. However, known grammar inference techniques are not able to take evaluation strategies of the program into account. This yields very imprecise results when the evaluation strategy matters. In this work, we adapt the Tree Automata Completion algorithm to approximate accurately the set of terms reachable by rewriting under the innermost strategy. We prove that the proposed technique is sound and precise w.r.t. innermost rewriting. The proposed algorithm has been implemented in the Timbuk reachability tool. Experiments show that it noticeably improves the accuracy of static analysis for functional programs using the call-by-value evaluation strategy

    Equational approximations for tree automata completion

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    AbstractIn this paper we deal with the verification of safety properties of infinite-state systems modeled by term rewriting systems. An over-approximation of the set of reachable terms of a term rewriting system R is obtained by automatically constructing a finite tree automaton. The construction is parameterized by a set E of equations on terms, and we also show that the approximating automata recognize at most the set of R/E-reachable terms. Finally, we present some experiments carried out with the implementation of our algorithm. In particular, we show how some approximations from the literature can be defined using equational approximations

    Finite Models vs Tree Automata in Safety Verification

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    In this paper we deal with verification of safety properties of term-rewriting systems. The verification problem is translated to a purely logical problem of finding a finite countermodel for a first-order formula, which is further resolved by a generic finite model finding procedure. A finite countermodel produced during successful verification provides with a concise description of the system invariant sufficient to demonstrate a specific safety property. We show the relative completeness of this approach with respect to the tree automata completion technique. On a set of examples taken from the literature we demonstrate the efficiency of finite model finding approach as well as its explanatory power

    Tree Automata for Detecting Attacks on Protocols with Algebraic Cryptographic Primitives

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    International audienceThis paper extends a rewriting approximations-based theoretical framework in which the security problem -- secrecy preservation against an active intruder -- may be semi-decided through a reachability analysis. In a recent paper, we have shown how to semi-decide whether a security protocol using algebraic properties of cryptographic primitives is safe. In this paper, we investigate the dual - insecurity - problem: we explain how to semi-decide whether a protocol using cryptographic primitive algebraic properties is unsafe. This improvement offers us to draw automatically a complete diagnostic of a security protocol with an unbounded number of sessions. Furthermore, our approach is supported by the tool TA4SP successfully applied for analysing the NSPK-xor protocol and the Diffie-Hellman protocol

    Optimised determinisation and completion of finite tree automata

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    Determinisation and completion of finite tree automata are important operations with applications in program analysis and verification. However, the complexity of the classical procedures for determinisation and completion is high. They are not practical procedures for manipulating tree automata beyond very small ones. In this paper we develop an algorithm for determinisation and completion of finite tree automata, whose worst-case complexity remains unchanged, but which performs far better than existing algorithms in practice. The critical aspect of the algorithm is that the transitions of the determinised (and possibly completed) automaton are generated in a potentially very compact form called product form, which can reduce the size of the representation dramatically. Furthermore, the representation can often be used directly when manipulating the determinised automaton. The paper contains an experimental evaluation of the algorithm on a large set of tree automata examples

    How to Tackle Integer Weighted Automata Positivity

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    International audienceThis paper is dedicated to candidate abstractions to capture relevant aspects of the integer weighted automata. The expected effect of applying these abstractions is studied to build the deterministic reachability graphs allowing us to semi-decide the positivity problem on these automata. Moreover, the papers reports on the implementations and experimental results, and discusses other encodings

    Automata and Equations based Approximations for Reachability Analysis

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    Invited talkInternational audienceTerm Rewriting Systems (TRSs for short) are a convenient formal model for software systems. This formalism is expressive enough to model in a simple and accurate way many aspects of computation such as: recursivity, non-determinism, parallelism, distribution, communication. On such models, verification is facilitated by the large collection of proof techniques of rewriting: termination, non-termination, confluence, non-confluence, reachability, unreachability, inductive properties, etc. This talk focuses on unreachability properties of a TRS, which entails safety properties on the modeled software system. Starting from a single term s, proving that t is unreachable, i.e., s → * R t is straightforward if R is terminating. This problem is undecidable if R is not terminating or if we consider infinite sets of initial terms s and infinite sets of " Bad " terms t. There exists TRSs classes for which those problems are decidable. For those classes, decidability comes from the fact that the set of reachable terms is regular, i.e., it can be recognized by a tree automaton [5]. Those classes are surveyed in [7]. However, TRSs modeling software systems do not belong to those " decid-able classes " , in general. The rewriting and tree automata community have proposed different techniques to over-approximate the set of reachable terms. Over-approximating reachable terms provide a criterion for unreachability on TRSs and, thus, a criterion for safety of the modeled systems. Those approximation techniques range from TRSs transformation [11], ad hoc automata transformations [6,10,3], CounterExample-Guided Abstraction Refinement (CEGAR) [4,2,1], and abstraction by equational theories [12,9]. I will present the principles underlying those techniques, discuss their pros and cons, and recall some of their applications. Then, I will present a recent attempt to combine abstraction by equational theories and CEGAR to infer accurate over-approximations for TRSs modeling higher-order functional programs [8]