4,426 research outputs found

    A quantitative analysis of German success factors during the 1944 razzia in Rotterdam

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    In this paper we quantitatively analyze which factors led to the success of the razzia that took place in Rotterdam in 1944. We show that the factors which made people less likely to evade capture were the use of surprise and the creation of a feeling of fear. Factors which made people less likely to evade and also less likely to escape after being captured were the use of misinformation and the creation of a feeling of powerlessness. We also found that, counter to expectations, a person’s demographic background did not impact the success of this razzia

    Confrontation de l’imaginaire de l’eau dans l’épopée latine l’Énéide de Virgile et dans l’épopée celtique La Razzia des vaches de Cooley

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    On connait depuis Gaston Bachelard l’importance des éléments dans l’élaborationdes «rêveries». L’eau semble caractérisée par son ambivalence, à lafois nourricière et susceptible d’être destructrice. Dans quelle mesure l’imaginairede l’eau est-il tributaire du genre littéraire, du contexte culturel ? C’estce que nous proposons d’étudier à travers deux épopées antiques, l’une irlandaise,l’autre latin

    The lexical violence of imperial culture

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this recordThis article studies the history of a single word and its movement from pre-Islamic Arabia to the languages of modern Europe. It focuses on the key moment of the early nineteenth century when the Arabic ‘ghazwā’ served as the root and model of the French ‘razzia’ in the early Algerian colony. Tracing the history of the ghazwā through Islamic history and its subsequent emergence in Romance forms, the essay is comparative in the sense that it asks what happens in the movement of ideas and practices through loanwords. It suggests that the violence of modern empire was linguistic in a sense which encompasses the connections between thoughts, words and deeds, whilst critiquing literatures on lexical borrowing which tend to assume the innocence of linguistic exchange. A broader conclusion on transnational history is essayed through a consideration of the razzia in the context of the so-called ‘langue franque’: that métissage of Romance languages and Arabic which prevailed amongst traders across the Mediterranean in the early modern period, and which disappeared in the imperial Mediterranean of the nineteenth century

    16 ottobre 1943. La costruzione della memoria: i difficili inizi

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    Il saggio affronta il tema della costruzione della memoria della deportazione degli ebrei di Roma dalla liberazione della città (4 giugno 1944) al 1953The essay aims at hightlighting public and jewish building of memory of the deportation of Roman Jews from the liberation of the city (June, 4, 1944) to the ceremonies organized in October 1953

    De cómo el comercio se impuso a la razzia en las relaciones hispano-musulmanas en tiempos del Quijote: hacia la normalización del comercio con el norte de África y el Levante otomano a caballo de los siglos XVI y XVII

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    Aproximadamente entre las últimas décadas del siglo XVI y primeras del XVII, en plena coincidencia con la gestación y aparición del Quijote, comenzó a operarse un cambio importantísimo en las relaciones comerciales hispano-musulmanas. De la extracción de productos basada en la violencia –razzias y cabalgadas– facilitada por el vasallaje de monarcas norteafricanos y el sometimiento de las tribus del litoral, se fue pasando a unos intercambios mercantiles absolutamente normalizados con unos países a los que se había renunciado a dominar. La importancia y vitalidad del citado tráfico comercial viene atestiguada por la llegada de naves desde los países musulmanes, la importación de trigo de aquella procedencia para paliar las repetidas crisis frumentarias y, por último, por la crónica saca de plata americana, para pagar las importaciones y el rescate de los cautivos, hacia los citados destinos.In the last decades of the sixteenth and the beginning of seventeenth century –that is, at the time Don Quixote was written and published–, an important change began in Spanish-muslim commercial relations. Removal of products, based on raids and plunders, thanks to north-African kings vassalage and subjection of tribes living on the coast, turned into mercantile interchanges completely normalized with those countries, impossible to be dominate. The importance and vitality of this trade is testified by the arrival of ships from Muslim countries, wheat imports from these and, last of all, American silver shipped to the quoted destinations.Publicad


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    De la necesidad de analizar obras como ejercicio para la interpretación desde de la Composición Coreográfica, se seleccionó la obra “Razzia”, cuyo análisis posibilita el acercamiento al lenguaje del Cultura de Georgia. A través de este análisis se busca entender los tratamientos estructurales desde la investigación, creación, composición coreográfica, Dramaturgia desde la Danza Contemporánea y Gestión y producción de la obra, profundizado en la Historiografía, cultura, política y sociedad del país Georgia en el contexto colombiano específicamente con la compañía Estesis Danza.Of the need to analyze works as an exercise for the interpretation from the choreographic composition, the play "Razzia" whose analysis enables the approach to the language of Culture of Georgia was selected. Through this analysis seeks to understand the structural treatments from research, creation, choreographic composition, playwriting from the Contemporary Dance and Management and production of the work, deepened Historiography, culture, politics and society of the country Georgia in the Colombian context specifically with the company aesthesis Dance.Estesis Danz

    Paura e ricchezze: note su alcune antiche concezioni relative al mondo dei morti

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    In questo articolo vengono affrontati due temi diversi, ossia alcune antiche idee sull’aldilà; vengono prese altresì cursoriamente posizioni su alcune questioni di metodo relative ai temi della continuità, della ricostruzione linguistica e culturale, del racconto come modalità della trasmissione del sapere

    Tapol bulletin no, 58, July 1983

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    Contents: Army killer squads spread terror in the cities -- Death squads in action -- LBH chairman speaks out on death squads -- Prisma: Indonesian Journal of Social and Economic Affairs: social sciences monthly rebuked -- Indonesia negotiates with Fretilin -- Catholic institute prevented from visiting E. Timor -- Hawke reneges on ALP's East Timor policy -- ABRI must get out of politics! -- Ex-Kopkamtib commander takes control of labour -- The situation in East Timor today -- Highlights from LBH report on human rights -- Red light for PNG and Pacific -- Film and book review: The Year of Living Dangerously, an MGM film directed by Peter Weir, based on the book written by C.J. Koc

    Historial crítico de una lápidas tarraconenses

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