8 research outputs found

    Routing Using Safe Reinforcement Learning

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    The ever increasing number of connected devices has lead to a metoric rise in the amount data to be processed. This has caused computation to be moved to the edge of the cloud increasing the importance of efficiency in the whole of cloud. The use of this fog computing for time-critical control applications is on the rise and requires robust guarantees on transmission times of the packets in the network while reducing total transmission times of the various packets. We consider networks in which the transmission times that may vary due to mobility of devices, congestion and similar artifacts. We assume knowledge of the worst case tranmssion times over each link and evaluate the typical tranmssion times through exploration. We present the use of reinforcement learning to find optimal paths through the network while never violating preset deadlines. We show that with appropriate domain knowledge, using popular reinforcement learning techniques is a promising prospect even in time-critical applications

    Minimizing Execution Duration in the Presence of Learning-Enabled Components

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    The Safe and Effective Use of Learning-Enabled Components in Safety-Critical Systems

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    Autonomous systems increasingly use components that incorporate machine learning and other AI-based techniques in order to achieve improved performance. The problem of assuring correctness in safety-critical systems that use such components is considered. A model is proposed in which components are characterized according to both their worst-case and their typical behaviors; it is argued that while safety must be assured under all circumstances, it is reasonable to be concerned with providing a high degree of performance for typical behaviors only. The problem of assuring safety while providing such improved performance is formulated as an optimization problem in which performance under typical circumstances is the objective function to be optimized while safety is a hard constraint that must be satisfied. Algorithmic techniques are applied to derive an optimal solution to this optimization problem. This optimal solution is compared with an alternative approach that optimizes for performance under worst-case conditions, as well as some common-sense heuristics, via simulation experiments on synthetically-generated workloads

    Generating Utilization Vectors for the Systematic Evaluation of Schedulability Tests

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    —This paper introduces the Dirichlet-Rescale (DRS) algorithm. The DRS algorithm provides an efficient general-purpose method of generating n-dimensional vectors of components (e.g. task utilizations), where the components sum to a specified total, each component conforms to individual constraints on the maximum and minimum values that it can take, and the vectors are uniformly distributed over the valid region of the domain of all possible vectors, bounded by the constraints. The DRS algorithm can be used to improve the nuance and quality of empirical studies into the effectiveness of schedulability tests for real-time systems; potentially making them more realistic, and leading to new conclusions. It is efficient enough for use in large-scale studies where millions of task sets need to be generated. Further, the constraints on individual task utilizations can be used for fine-grained control of task set parameters enabling more detailed exploration of schedulability test behavior. Finally, the real power of the algorithm lies in the fact that it can be applied recursively, with one vector acting as a set of constraints for the next. This is particularly useful in task set generation for mixed criticality systems and multi-core systems, where task utilizations are either multi-valued or can be decomposed into multiple constituent part

    Functional Uncertainty in Real-Time Safety-Critical Systems

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    Safety-critical cyber-physical systems increasingly use components that are unable to provide deterministic guarantees of the correctness of their functional outputs; rather, they characterize each outcome of a computation with an associated uncertainty regarding its correctness. The problem of assuring correctness in such systems is considered. A model is proposed in which components are characterized by bounds on the degree of uncertainty under both worst-case and typical circumstances; the objective is to assure safety under all circumstances while optimizing for performance for typical circumstances. A problem of selecting components for execution in order to obtain a result of a certain minimum uncertainty as soon as possible, while guaranteeing to do so within a specified deadline, is considered. An optimal semi-adaptive algorithm for solving this problem is derived. The scalability of this algorithm is investigated via simulation experiments comparing this semi-adaptive scheme with a purely static approach

    Improving Performance of Feedback-Based Real-Time Networks using Model Checking and Reinforcement Learning

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    Traditionally, automatic control techniques arose due to need for automation in mechanical systems. These techniques rely on robust mathematical modelling of physical systems with the goal to drive their behaviour to desired set-points. Decades of research have successfully automated, optimized, and ensured safety of a wide variety of mechanical systems. Recent advancement in digital technology has made computers pervasive into every facet of life. As such, there have been many recent attempts to incorporate control techniques into digital technology. This thesis investigates the intersection and co-application of control theory and computer science to evaluate and improve performance of time-critical systems. The thesis applies two different research areas, namely, model checking and reinforcement learning to design and evaluate two unique real-time networks in conjunction with control technologies. The first is a camera surveillance system with the goal of constrained resource allocation to self-adaptive cameras. The second is a dual-delay real-time communication network with the goal of safe packet routing with minimal delays.The camera surveillance system consists of self-adaptive cameras and a centralized manager, in which the cameras capture a stream of images and transmit them to a central manager over a shared constrained communication channel. The event-based manager allocates fractions of the shared bandwidth to all cameras in the network. The thesis provides guarantees on the behaviour of the camera surveillance network through model checking. Disturbances that arise during image capture due to variations in capture scenes are modelled using probabilistic and non-deterministic Markov Decision Processes (MDPs). The different properties of the camera network such as the number of frame drops and bandwidth reallocations are evaluated through formal verification.The second part of the thesis explores packet routing for real-time networks constructed with nodes and directed edges. Each edge in the network consists of two different delays, a worst-case delay that captures high load characteristics, and a typical delay that captures the current network load. Each node in the network takes safe routing decisions by considering delays already encountered and the amount of remaining time. The thesis applies reinforcement learning to route packets through the network with minimal delays while ensuring the total path delay from source to destination does not exceed the pre-determined deadline of the packet. The reinforcement learning algorithm explores new edges to find optimal routing paths while ensuring safety through a simple pre-processing algorithm. The thesis shows that it is possible to apply powerful reinforcement learning techniques to time-critical systems with expert knowledge about the system

    Scheduling Classifiers for Real-Time Hazard Perception Considering Functional Uncertainty

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    This paper addresses the problem of real-time classification-based machine perception, exemplified by a mobile autonomous system that must continually check that a designated area ahead is free of hazards. Such hazards must be identified within a specified time. In practice, classifiers are imperfect; they exhibit functional uncertainty. In the majority of cases, a given classifier will correctly determine whether there is a hazard or the area ahead is clear. However, in other cases it may produce false positives, i.e. indicate hazard when the area is clear, or false negatives, i.e. indicate clear when there is in fact a hazard. The former are undesirable since they reduce quality of service, whereas the latter are a potential safety concern. A stringent constraint is therefore placed on the maximum permitted probability of false negatives. Since this requirement may not be achievable using a single classifier, one approach is to (logically) OR the outputs of multiple disparate classifiers together, setting the final output to hazard if any of the classifiers indicates hazard. This reduces the probability of false negatives; however, the trade-off is an inevitably increase in the probability of false positives and an increase in the overall execution time required. In this paper, we provide optimal algorithms for the scheduling of classifiers that minimize the probability of false positives, while meeting both a latency constraint and a constraint on the maximum acceptable probability of false negatives. The classifiers may have arbitrary statistical dependences between their functional behaviors (probabilities of correct identification of hazards), as well as variability in their execution times, characterized by typical and worst-case values

    Mixed Criticality Systems - A Review : (13th Edition, February 2022)

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    This review covers research on the topic of mixed criticality systems that has been published since Vestal’s 2007 paper. It covers the period up to end of 2021. The review is organised into the following topics: introduction and motivation, models, single processor analysis (including job-based, hard and soft tasks, fixed priority and EDF scheduling, shared resources and static and synchronous scheduling), multiprocessor analysis, related topics, realistic models, formal treatments, systems issues, industrial practice and research beyond mixed-criticality. A list of PhDs awarded for research relating to mixed-criticality systems is also included