7 research outputs found

    Comparison of HRV Indices of ECG and BCG Signals

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    Electrocardiography (ECG) plays a significant role in diagnosing heart-related issues, it provides, accurate, fast, and dependable insights into crucial parameters like QRS complex duration, the R-R interval, and the occurrence, amplitude, and duration of P, R, and T waves. However, utilizing ECG for prolonged monitoring poses challenges as it necessitates connecting multiple electrodes to the patient's body. This can be discomforting and disruptive, hampering the attainment of uninterrupted recordings. Ballistocardiography (BCG) emerges as a promising substitute for ECG, presenting a non-invasive technique for recording the heart's mechanical activity. BCG signals can be captured using sensors positioned beneath the bed, thereby providing enhanced comfort and convenience for long-term monitoring of the subject. In a recent study, researchers compared the heart rate variability (HRV) indices derived from simultaneously acquired ECG and BCG signals. Encouragingly, the BCG signal yielded satisfactory results similar to those obtained from ECG, implying that BCG holds potential as a viable alternative for prolonged monitoring. The findings of this study carry substantial implications for the advancement of innovative, non-invasive methods in monitoring heart health. BCG showcases the ability to offer a more comfortable and convenient alternative to ECG while retaining its capacity to deliver accurate and reliable cardiac information concerning a patient's condition.Comment: 8 Pages, 6 Figures, International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Researc

    Cardiac monitoring of dogs via smartphone mechanocardiography : a feasibility study

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    Abstract Background In the context of monitoring dogs, usually, accelerometers have been used to measure the dog’s movement activity. Here, we study another application of the accelerometers (and gyroscopes)—seismocardiography (SCG) and gyrocardiography (GCG)—to monitor the dog’s heart. Together, 3-axis SCG and 3-axis GCG constitute of 6-axis mechanocardiography (MCG), which is inbuilt to most modern smartphones. Thus, the objective of this study is to assess the feasibility of using a smartphone-only solution to studying dog’s heart. Methods A clinical trial (CT) was conducted at the University Small Animal Hospital, University of Helsinki, Finland. 14 dogs (3 breeds) including 18 measurements (about one half of all) where the dog’s status was such that it was still and not panting were further selected for the heart rate (HR) analysis (each signal with a duration of 1 min). The measurement device in the CT was a custom Holter monitor including synchronized 6-axis MCG and ECG. In addition, 16 dogs (9 breeds, one mixed-breed) were measured at home settings by the dog owners themselves using Sony Xperia Android smartphone sensor to further validate the applicability of the method. Results The developed algorithm was able to select 10 good-quality signals from the 18 CT measurements, and for 7 of these, the automated algorithm was able to detect HR with deviation below or equal to 5 bpm (compared to ECG). Further visual analysis verified that, for approximately half of the dogs, the signal quality at home environment was sufficient for HR extraction at least in some signal locations, while the motion artifacts due to dog’s movements are the main challenges of the method. Conclusion With improved data analysis techniques for managing noisy measurements, the proposed approach could be useful in home use. The advantage of the method is that it can operate as a stand-alone application without requiring any extra equipment (such as smart collar or ECG patch)

    Toward Continuous, Noninvasive Assessment of Ventricular Function and Hemodynamics: Wearable Ballistocardiography

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    Ballistocardiography, the measurement of the reaction forces of the body to cardiac ejection of blood, is one of the few techniques available for unobtrusively assessing the mechanical aspects of cardiovascular health outside clinical settings. Recently, multiple experimental studies involving healthy subjects and subjects with various cardiovascular diseases have demonstrated that the ballistocardiogram (BCG) signal can be used to trend cardiac output, contractility, and beat-by-beat ventricular function for arrhythmias. The majority of these studies has been performed with "fixed" BCG instrumentation-such as weighing scales or chairs-rather than wearable measurements. Enabling wearable, and thus continuous, recording of BCG signals would greatly expand the capabilities of the technique; however, BCG signals measured using wearable devices are morphologically dissimilar to measurements from "fixed" instruments, precluding the analysis and interpretation techniques from one domain to be applied to the other. In particular, the time intervals between the electrocardiogram (ECG) and BCG-namely, the R-J interval, a surrogate for measuring contractility changes-are significantly different for the accelerometer compared to a "fixed" BCG measurement. This paper addresses this need for quantitatively normalizing wearable BCG measurement to "fixed" measurements with a systematic experimental approach. With these methods, the same analysis and interpretation techniques developed over the past decade for "fixed" BCG measurement can be successfully translated to wearable measurements

    Implementación y caracterización de un sistema inalámbrico para la medida de parámetros fisiológicos de manera no invasiva

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    We want to design a wireless system for measuring physiological parameters non-invasively. The system parameters will be obtained from the measurement of electrical (electrocardiogram (ECG)), and mechanical signals (ballistocardiogram (BCG)) of the body, acquired using a domestic scale and also through a node with an accelerometer sensor. The data acquired with a low-power microcontroller will be sent to a radiofrequency (RF) receiver connected to a PC, in which the measured signals will be observed. The project will study the effect of different mechanical interfaces in the measured signals and the feasibility of the integration of the different sensors in a wireless sensor network

    Assessment of trends in the cardiovascular system from time interval measurements using physiological signals obtained at the limbs

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    Cardiovascular diseases are an increasing source of concern in modern societies due to their increasing prevalence and high impact on the lives of many people. Monitoring cardiovascular parameters in ambulatory scenarios is an emerging approach that can provide better medical access to patients while decreasing the costs associated to the treatment of these diseases. This work analyzes systems and methods to measure time intervals between the electrocardiogram (ECG), impedance plethysmogram (IPG), and the ballistocardiogram (BCG), which can be obtained at the limbs in ambulatory scenarios using simple and cost-effective systems, to assess cardiovascular intervals of interest, such as the pulse arrival time (PAT), pulse transit time (PTT), or the pre-ejection period (PEP). The first section of this thesis analyzes the impact of the signal acquisition system on the uncertainty in timing measurements in order to establish the design specifications for systems intended for that purpose. The minimal requirements found are not very demanding yet some common signal acquisition systems do not fulfill all of them while other capabilities typically found in signal acquisition systems could be downgraded without worsening the timing uncertainty. This section is also devoted to the design of systems intended for timing measurements in ambulatory scenarios according to the specifications previously established. The systems presented have evolved from the current state-of-the-art and are designed for adequate performance in timing measurements with a minimal number of active components. The second section is focused on the measurement of time intervals from the IPG measured from limb to limb, which is a signal that until now has only been used to monitor heart rate. A model to estimate the contributions to the time events in the measured waveform of the different body segments along the current path from geometrical properties of the large arteries is proposed, and the simulation under blood pressure changes suggests that the signal is sensitive to changes in proximal sites of the current path rather than in distal sites. Experimental results show that the PAT to the hand-to-hand IPG, which is obtained from a novel four-electrode handheld system, is correlated to changes in the PEP whereas the PAT to the foot-to-foot IPG shows good performance in assessing changes in the femoral PAT. Therefore, limb-to-limb IPG measurements significantly increase the number of time intervals of interest that can be measured at the limbs since the signals deliver information from proximal sites complementary to that of other measurements typically performed at distal sites. The next section is devoted to the measurement of time intervals that involve different waves of the BCG obtained in a standing platform and whose origin is still under discussion. From the relative timing of other physiological signals, it is hypothesized that the IJ interval of the BCG is sensitive to variations in the PTT. Experimental results show that the BCG I wave is a better surrogate of the cardiac ejection time than the widely-used J wave, which is also supported by the good correlation found between the IJ interval and the aortic PTT. Finally, the novel time interval from the BCG I wave to the foot of the IPG measured between feet, which can be obtained from the same bathroom scale than the BCG, shows good performance in assessing the aortic PAT. The results presented reinforce the role of the BCG as a tool for ambulatory monitoring since the main time intervals targeted in this thesis can be obtained from the timing of its waves. Even though the methods described were tested in a small group of subjects, the results presented in this work show the feasibility and potential of several time interval measurements between the proposed signals that can be performed in ambulatory scenarios, provided the systems intended for that purpose fulfill some minimal design requirements.Les malalties cardiovasculars són una tema de preocupació creixent en societats modernes, degut a l’augment de la seva prevalença i l'elevat impacte en les vides dels pacients que les sofreixen. La mesura i monitoratge de paràmetres cardiovasculars en entorns ambulatoris és una pràctica emergent que facilita l’accés als serveis mèdics i permet reduir dràsticament els costos associats al tractament d'aquestes malalties. En aquest treball s’analitzen sistemes i mètodes per la mesura d’intervals temporals entre l’electrocardiograma (ECG), el pletismograma d’impedància (IPG) i el balistocardiograma (BCG), que es poden obtenir de les extremitats i en entorns ambulatoris a partir de sistemes de baix cost, per tal d’avaluar intervals cardiovasculars d’interès com el pulse arrival time (PAT), pulse transit time (PTT) o el pre-ejection period (PEP). En la primera secció d'aquesta tesi s’analitza l’impacte del sistema d’adquisició del senyal en la incertesa de mesures temporals, per tal d’establir els requeriments mínims que s’han de complir en entorns ambulatoris. Tot i que els valors obtinguts de l’anàlisi no són especialment exigents, alguns no són assolits en diversos sistemes habitualment utilitzats mentre que altres solen estar sobredimensionats i es podrien degradar sense augmentar la incertesa en mesures temporals. Aquesta secció també inclou el disseny i proposta de sistemes per la mesura d’intervals en entorns ambulatoris d’acord amb les especificacions anteriorment establertes, a partir de l’estat de l’art i amb l’objectiu de garantir un correcte funcionament en entorns ambulatoris amb un nombre mínim d’elements actius per reduir el cost i el consum. La segona secció es centra en la mesura d’intervals temporals a partir de l’IPG mesurat entre extremitats, que fins al moment només s’ha fet servir per mesurar el ritme cardíac. Es proposa un model per estimar la contribució de cada segment arterial per on circula el corrent a la forma d’ona obtinguda a partir de la geometria i propietats físiques de les artèries, i les simulacions suggereixen que la senyal entre extremitats és més sensible a canvis en arteries proximals que en distals. Els resultats experimentals mostren que el PAT al hand-to-hand IPG, obtingut a partir d’un innovador sistema handheld de quatre elèctrodes, està fortament correlacionat amb els canvis de PEP, mentre que el PAT al foot-to-foot IPG està correlat amb els canvis en PAT femoral. Conseqüentment, l’ILG entre extremitats augmenta de manera significativa els intervals d’interès que es poden obtenir en extremitats degut a que proporciona informació complementària a les mesures que habitualment s’hi realitzen. La tercera secció està dedicada a la mesura d’intervals que inclouen les ones del BCG vertical obtingut en plataformes, de les que encara se’n discuteix l’origen. A partir de la posició temporal relativa respecte altres ones fisiològiques, s’hipostatitza que l’interval IJ del BCG es sensible a variacions del PTT. Els resultats experimentals mostren que la ona I del BCG és un millor indicador de l’ejecció cardíaca que el pic J, tot i que aquest és el més utilitzat habitualment, degut a la bona correlació entre l’interval IJ i el PTT aòrtic. Finalment, es presenta un mètode alternatiu per la mesura del PTT aòrtic a partir de l’interval entre el pic I del BCG i el peu del foot-to-foot IPG, que es pot obtenir de la mateixa plataforma que el BCG i incrementa la robustesa de la mesura. Els resultats presentats reforcen el paper del BCG com a en mesures en entorns ambulatoris, ja que els principals intervals objectiu d’aquesta tesi es poden obtenir a partir de les seves ones. Tot i que els mètodes descrits han estat provats en grups petits de subjectes saludables, els resultats mostren la viabilitat i el potencial de diversos intervals temporals entre les senyals proposades que poden ésser realitzats en entorns ambulatoris, sempre que els sistemes emprats compleixin els requisits mínims de disseny.Postprint (published version

    Physics-Based Model-Guided Machine Learning Analysis of Wrist Ballistocardiography for Cuff-Less Blood Pressure Monitoring

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    Cuff-less blood pressure (BP) monitoring technology is being widely pursued today. In this research we investigated the wrist ballistocardiogram (BCG) as a limb BCG, to develop a scientific basis to use the limb BCG to for cuff-less BP monitoring. In our study, we pursue two alternative approaches to the use of wrist BCG signal for BP monitoring: (1) use of the wrist BCG as proximal timing in pulse transit time (PTT) based methods; (2) use of wrist BCG wave features for BP monitoring. In this regard, the physics-based model is developed to elucidate the mechanism responsible for the generation of the BCG signal at the body’s extremity limb locations. The developed and experimentally validated mathematical model can predict the limb BCG in responses to the arterial BP waves in the aorta. The model suggests that the limb BCG waveform reveals the timings and amplitudes associated with the aortic BP waves and it exhibits meaningful morphological changes in response to the alterations in the CV risk predictors. Such understanding combined with machine learning techniques has helped us to extract viable features, and construct predictive models that can estimate BP. The findings of this study show that limb BCG has the potential to realize convenient cuff-less BP monitoring. First, it is a strong candidate to extract the proximal timing for PTT based methods. Second, BCG wave features are associated with BP and it could be used for BP monitoring. Third, we can combine the PTT with BCG wave features to achieve more comprehensive prediction models with superior performance