669 research outputs found

    Business Process Retrieval Based on Behavioral Semantics

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    This paper develops a framework for retrieving business processes considering search requirements based on behavioral semantics properties; it presents a framework called "BeMantics" for retrieving business processes based on structural, linguistics, and behavioral semantics properties. The relevance of the framework is evaluated retrieving business processes from a repository, and collecting a set of relevant business processes manually issued by human judges. The "BeMantics" framework scored high precision values (0.717) but low recall values (0.558), which implies that even when the framework avoided false negatives, it prone to false positives. The highest pre- cision value was scored in the linguistic criterion showing that using semantic inference in the tasks comparison allowed to reduce around 23.6 % the number of false positives. Using semantic inference to compare tasks of business processes can improve the precision; but if the ontologies are from narrow and specific domains, they limit the semantic expressiveness obtained with ontologies from more general domains. Regarding the perform- ance, it can be improved by using a filter phase which indexes business processes taking into account behavioral semantics propertie

    A Framework for Collaborative Content Mashup with Pervasive Services

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    Kombineerides erinevaid teenuseid saavad mobiiltelefonid rahuldada paljusid tööstus ja ärivajadusi.Samas tuleb teenuste kombineerimise raames sisu õigesti tuvastamiseks ja tõlgendamiseks avastada ja töödelda suurt hulka andmeid. Kuna ainult ühe seadme kasu-tamine mingi ülesande lahendamiseks ei ole väga efektiivne on ühiste eesmärkide saa-vutamiseks soovitatav tööd mitme seadme vahel jagada. Pakume välja ja arendame üldraamistikku, mis toetab teenustele orienteeritud sisu segunemist ning laialt levinud teenuste loomise integreerimist, mis toimuks Business Process Execution Language (BPEL)-tuginevale kollaboratsioonile. Esitasime kollaboratsioonis seadmetele ressursi-säästliku teisaldamise plaani ja implementeerimise selle proof of concept'ina (kontseptsiooni tõestus). Hinnangu tulemused näitavad, et raamistik toetab kollaboratiivset ülesannete teisaldamise kava, mis vähendab mobiilsete seadete ressursside kasutamist.By composing pervasive services, mobile phones can support various industrial and commercial needs. However, the pervasive services composition involves discovering and processing a large amount of data in order to identify and interpret the content. Due to the limitation of the single device capability, it is advisable to collaborate with other devices via a wireless network to accomplish common goals. In this thesis, we propose and develop a generic framework that supports service-oriented content mashup and integrating pervasive services composition in the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL)-based collaboration. A resource-aware offloading scheme to collaborative devices has been proposed and implemented as a proof of concept. The evaluation results have shown that the framework supports collaborative task-offloading scheme that reduces the resource usage of mobile devices

    Semantic-driven matchmaking of web services using case-based reasoning

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    With the rapid proliferation of Web services as the medium of choice to securely publish application services beyond the firewall, the importance of accurate, yet flexible matchmaking of similar services gains importance both for the human user and for dynamic composition engines. In this paper, we present a novel approach that utilizes the case based reasoning methodology for modelling dynamic Web service discovery and matchmaking. Our framework considers Web services execution experiences in the decision making process and is highly adaptable to the service requester constraints. The framework also utilises OWL semantic descriptions extensively for implementing both the components of the CBR engine and the matchmaking profile of the Web services

    Flexible coordination techniques for dynamic cloud service collaboration

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    The provision of individual, but also composed services is central in cloud service provisioning. We describe a framework for the coordination of cloud services, based on a tuple‐space architecture which uses an ontology to describe the services. Current techniques for service collaboration offer limited scope for flexibility. They are based on statically describing and compositing services. With the open nature of the web and cloud services, the need for a more flexible, dynamic approach to service coordination becomes evident. In order to support open communities of service providers, there should be the option for these providers to offer and withdraw their services to/from the community. For this to be realised, there needs to be a degree of self‐organisation. Our techniques for coordination and service matching aim to achieve this through matching goal‐oriented service requests with providers that advertise their offerings dynamically. Scalability of the solution is a particular concern that will be evaluated in detail

    Proactive and reactive runtime service discovery: a framework and its evaluation

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    The identification of services during the execution of service-based applications to replace services in them that are no longer available and/or fail to satisfy certain requirements is an important issue. In this paper we present a framework to support runtime service discovery. This framework can execute service discovery queries in pull and push mode. In pull mode, it executes queries when a need for finding a replacement service arises. In push mode, queries are subscribed to the framework to be executed proactively, and in parallel with the operation of the application, in order to identify adequate services that could be used if the need for replacing a service arises. Hence, the proactive (push) mode of query execution makes it more likely to avoid interruptions in the operation of service-based applications when a service in them needs to be replaced at runtime. In both modes of query execution, the identification of services relies on distance-based matching of structural, behavioural, quality, and contextual characteristics of services and applications. A prototype implementation of the framework has been developed and an evaluation was carried out to assess the performance of the framework. This evaluation has shown positive results, which are discussed in the paper

    Dynamic architectural constraints monitoring and reconfiguration in service architectures

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    Service-oriented architecture is an architectural approach that can be applied for building autonomous service systems dynamically to satisfy on-demand business requests. During the execution of service compositions, architectural constraint violations relating to functional and non-fucntional system properties need to be handled intelligently and autonomously, possibly requiring architectural reconfigurations. We propose integrated architectural constraint violation handling to deal with architectural quality problems through dynamic reconfiguration. We concentrate on service replacement selection as a remedial strategy for a possible quality violation requiring architectural remedies

    An approach to dynamic web service composition

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    Today, changeable requirements to modern web-oriented services demand their fast development and constant reengineering. This is realized via dynamic composition of services, allowing to estimate changes of both functional and nonfunctional service parameters. The last ones are considered using Web Services Agreement technique. Nevertheless, state-of-the-art SLA-aware methods are not able to consider all classes of non-functional parameters. They also don’t provide service run-time support and dynamic reconfiguration. The novel approach to dynamic Web Services Composition, extending SLA with QoS ontology, is described in the paper. It includes service selection agents that use the QoS ontology and WS-Agreements, allowing agents to choose the most appropriate service based on quality preferences exposed by service consumer. The proposed approach allows performing dynamic WS composition based on SLA, providing required values of QoS parameters, improving general QoS and decreasing service development and re-engineering time