4,380 research outputs found

    Efficient Algorithms for Parsing the DOP Model

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    Excellent results have been reported for Data-Oriented Parsing (DOP) of natural language texts (Bod, 1993). Unfortunately, existing algorithms are both computationally intensive and difficult to implement. Previous algorithms are expensive due to two factors: the exponential number of rules that must be generated and the use of a Monte Carlo parsing algorithm. In this paper we solve the first problem by a novel reduction of the DOP model to a small, equivalent probabilistic context-free grammar. We solve the second problem by a novel deterministic parsing strategy that maximizes the expected number of correct constituents, rather than the probability of a correct parse tree. Using the optimizations, experiments yield a 97% crossing brackets rate and 88% zero crossing brackets rate. This differs significantly from the results reported by Bod, and is comparable to results from a duplication of Pereira and Schabes's (1992) experiment on the same data. We show that Bod's results are at least partially due to an extremely fortuitous choice of test data, and partially due to using cleaner data than other researchers.Comment: 10 page

    Grammar-based fuzzing using input features

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    In grammar-based fuzz testing, a formal grammar is used to produce test inputs that are syntactically valid in order to reach the business logic of a program under test. In this setting, it is advantageous to ensure a high diversity of inputs to test more of the program's behavior. How can we characterize features that make inputs diverse and associate them with the execution of particular parts of the program? Previous work does not answer this question to satisfaction, with most attempts mainly considering superficial features defined by the structure of the grammar such as the presence of production rules or terminal symbols, regardless of their context. We present a measure of input coverage called k-path coverage, which takes into account combinations of grammar entities up to a given context depth k, and makes it possible to efficiently express, assess, and achieve input diversity. In a series of experiments, we demonstrate and evaluate how to systematically attain k-path coverage, how it correlates with code coverage and can thus be used as its predictor. By automatically inferring explicit associations between k-path features and the coverage of individual methods we further show how to generate inputs that specifically target the execution of given code locations. We expect the presented instrument of k-paths to prove useful in numerous additional applications such as assessing the quality of grammars, serving as an adequacy criterion for input test suites, enabling test case prioritization, facilitating program comprehension, and perhaps beyond.Im Bereich des grammatik-basierten Fuzz-Testens benutzt man eine formale Grammatik, um Testeingaben zu produzieren, welche syntaktisch korrekt sind, mit dem Ziel die Geschäftslogik eines zu testenden Programms zu erreichen. Dafür ist es vorteilhaft eine hohe Diversität der Eingaben zu sichern, um mehr vom Verhalten des Programms testen zu können. Wie kann man Merkmale charakterisieren, die Eingaben vielfältig machen und diese mit der Ausführung bestimmter Programmteile in Verbindung bringen? Bisherige Ansätze liefern darauf keine ausreichende Antwort, denn meistens betrachten sie oberflächliche, durch die Grammatikstruktur definierte Merkmale, wie das Vorhandensein von Produktionsregeln oder Terminalen, unabhängig von ihrem Verwendungskontext. Wir präsentieren ein Maß für Eingabeabdeckung, genannt -path Abdeckung, welche Kombinationen von Grammatikelementen bis zu einer vorgegebenen Kontexttiefe berücksichtigt und es ermöglicht, die Diversität von Eingaben effizient auszudrücken, zu bewerten und zu erzielen. Mit Experimenten zeigen und evaluieren wir, wie man gezielt -path Abdeckung erreicht und wie sie mit der Codeabdeckung zusammenhängt und diese somit vorhersagen kann. Ferner zeigen wir wie automatisches Erlernen expliziter Assoziationen zwischen Merkmalen und der Abdeckung einzelner Methoden die Erzeugung von Eingaben ermöglicht, welche auf die Ausführung bestimmter Codestellen abzielen. Wir rechnen damit, dass sich -paths als ein vielseitiges Instrument beweisen, dessen Anwendung über solche Gebiete, wie z.B. Messung der Qualität von Grammatiken und Eingabe-Testsuiten, Testfallpriorisierung, oder Erleichterung von Programmverständnis, hinausgeht

    Universal Indexes for Highly Repetitive Document Collections

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    Indexing highly repetitive collections has become a relevant problem with the emergence of large repositories of versioned documents, among other applications. These collections may reach huge sizes, but are formed mostly of documents that are near-copies of others. Traditional techniques for indexing these collections fail to properly exploit their regularities in order to reduce space. We introduce new techniques for compressing inverted indexes that exploit this near-copy regularity. They are based on run-length, Lempel-Ziv, or grammar compression of the differential inverted lists, instead of the usual practice of gap-encoding them. We show that, in this highly repetitive setting, our compression methods significantly reduce the space obtained with classical techniques, at the price of moderate slowdowns. Moreover, our best methods are universal, that is, they do not need to know the versioning structure of the collection, nor that a clear versioning structure even exists. We also introduce compressed self-indexes in the comparison. These are designed for general strings (not only natural language texts) and represent the text collection plus the index structure (not an inverted index) in integrated form. We show that these techniques can compress much further, using a small fraction of the space required by our new inverted indexes. Yet, they are orders of magnitude slower.Comment: This research has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sk{\l}odowska-Curie Actions H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 BIRDS GA No. 69094

    Generating Invalid Input Strings for Software Testing

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    Grammar-based testing has interested the academic community for decades, but little work has been done with regards to testing with invalid input strings. For our research, we generated LR parse tables from grammars. We then generated valid and invalid strings based on coverage of these tables. We evaluated the effectiveness of these strings in terms of code coverage and fault detection by inputting them to subject programs which accept input based on the grammars. For a baseline, we then compared the effectiveness of these strings to a more general approach where the tokens making up each string are chosen randomly. Analysis revealed that the LR strategy achieved higher code coverage than the randomly generated strings in most cases. Even when the LR strategy garnered less code coverage, it still covered substantial code not touched by the benchmark. The LR strategy also showed effective fault finding ability for some programs

    Automatic acquisition of Spanish LFG resources from the Cast3LB treebank

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    In this paper, we describe the automatic annotation of the Cast3LB Treebank with LFG f-structures for the subsequent extraction of Spanish probabilistic grammar and lexical resources. We adapt the approach and methodology of Cahill et al. (2004), O’Donovan et al. (2004) and elsewhere for English to Spanish and the Cast3LB treebank encoding. We report on the quality and coverage of the automatic f-structure annotation. Following the pipeline and integrated models of Cahill et al. (2004), we extract wide-coverage probabilistic LFG approximations and parse unseen Spanish text into f-structures. We also extend Bikel’s (2002) Multilingual Parse Engine to include a Spanish language module. Using the retrained Bikel parser in the pipeline model gives the best results against a manually constructed gold standard (73.20% predsonly f-score). We also extract Spanish lexical resources: 4090 semantic form types with 98 frame types. Subcategorised prepositions and particles are included in the frames

    Exploiting model morphology for event-based testing

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    Model-based testing employs models for testing. Model-based mutation testing (MBMT) additionally involves fault models, called mutants, by applying mutation operators to the original model. A problem encountered with MBMT is the elimination of equivalent mutants and multiple mutants modeling the same faults. Another problem is the need to compare a mutant to the original model for test generation. This paper proposes an event-based approach to MBMT that is not fixed on single events and a single model but rather operates on sequences of events of length k ≥ 1 and invokes a sequence of models that are derived from the original one by varying its morphology based on k. The approach employs formal grammars, related mutation operators, and algorithms to generate test cases, enabling the following: (1) the exclusion of equivalent mutants and multiple mutants; (2) the generation of a test case in linear time to kill a selected mutant without comparing it to the original model; (3) the analysis of morphologically different models enabling the systematic generation of mutants, thereby extending the set of fault models studied in related literature. Three case studies validate the approach and analyze its characteristics in comparison to random testing and another MBMT approach