355 research outputs found

    Privacy protocols

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    Security protocols enable secure communication over insecure channels. Privacy protocols enable private interactions over secure channels. Security protocols set up secure channels using cryptographic primitives. Privacy protocols set up private channels using secure channels. But just like some security protocols can be broken without breaking the underlying cryptography, some privacy protocols can be broken without breaking the underlying security. Such privacy attacks have been used to leverage e-commerce against targeted advertising from the outset; but their depth and scope became apparent only with the overwhelming advent of influence campaigns in politics. The blurred boundaries between privacy protocols and privacy attacks present a new challenge for protocol analysis. Covert channels turn out to be concealed not only below overt channels, but also above: subversions, and the level-below attacks are supplemented by sublimations and the level-above attacks.Comment: 38 pages, 6 figure

    Equivalence classes for named function networking

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    Named Function Networking (NFN) is a generalization of Content-Centric Networking (CCN) and Named Data Networking (NDN). Beyond mere content retrieval, NFN enables to ask for results of computations. Names are not just content identifiers but λ-expressions that allow an arbitrary composition of function calls and data accesses. λ-expressions are pure and deterministic. In other words, they do not have side effects and they always yield the same result. Both properties together are known to as referential transparency. Referentially transparent functions can be evaluated individually no matter where and in what order, e.g. geographically distributed and concurrently. This simplifies the distribution of computations in a network, an attractive feature in times of rising needs for edge computing. However, NFN is affected by a lacking awareness for referentially opaque expressions that are characterized by having changing results or side effects, i.e. expressions that depend on outer conditions or modify outer states. The fundamental motivation of this thesis is to retrofit NFN with a clearer notion of referentially opaque expressions. They are indispensable not only to many common use cases such as e-mail and database applications, but also to network technologies such as software defined networking. We observed that many protocol decisions are based on expression matching, i.e. the search for equivalent expressions. Driven by this observation, this thesis explores possibilities to adapt the determination of equivalences in dependence of crucial expression properties such as their ability for aggregation, concurrent evaluation or permanently cacheable results. This exploration results in a comprehensive set of equivalence classes that is used for explicit attribution of expressions, leading to a system that is aware of the true nature of handled expressions. Moreover, we deliver a solution to support referentially opaque expressions and mutable states in an architecture that bases upon uniquely named and immutable data packets. Altogether, the findings condense to an extended execution model. It summarizes how the attribution of expressions with equivalence classes influences specific protocol decisions in order to support referentially transparent as well as referentially opaque expressions. We believe that our approach captivates due to its generality and extensibility. Equivalence classes depend upon universal properties. Therefore, our approach is not bound to a specific elaboration like NFN. We evaluate the applicability of our approach in a few application scenarios. Overall, the proposed solutions and concepts are an important contribution towards name-based distributed computations in information-centric networks

    A Low-Energy Security Solution for IoT-Based Smart Farms

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    This work proposes a novel configuration of the Transport Layer Security protocol (TLS), suitable for low energy Internet of Things (IoT), applications. The motivation behind the redesign of TLS is energy consumption minimisation and sustainable farming, as exemplified by an application domain of aquaponic smart farms. The work therefore considers decentralisation of a formerly centralised security model, with a focus on reducing energy consumption for battery powered devices. The research presents a four-part investigation into the security solution, composed of a risk assessment, energy analysis of authentication and data exchange functions, and finally the design and verification of a novel consensus authorisation mechanism. The first investigation considered traditional risk-driven threat assessment, but to include energy reduction, working towards device longevity within a content-oriented framework. Since the aquaponics environments include limited but specific data exchanges, a content-oriented approach produced valuable insights into security and privacy requirements that would later be tested by implementing a variety of mechanisms available on the ESP32. The second and third investigations featured the energy analysis of authentication and data exchange functions respectively, where the results of the risk assessment were implemented to compare the re-configurations of TLS mechanisms and domain content. Results concluded that selective confidentiality and persistent secure sessions between paired devices enabled considerable improvements for energy consumptions, and were a good reflection of the possibilities suggested by the risk assessment. The fourth and final investigation proposed a granular authorisation design to increase the safety of access control that would otherwise be binary in TLS. The motivation was for damage mitigation from inside attacks or network faults. The approach involved an automated, hierarchy-based, decentralised network topology to reduce data duplication whilst still providing robustness beyond the vulnerability of central governance. Formal verification using model-checking indicated a safe design model, using four automated back-ends. The research concludes that lower energy IoT solutions for the smart farm application domain are possible

    Efficient and Secure ECDSA Algorithm and its Applications: A Survey

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    Public-key cryptography algorithms, especially elliptic curve cryptography (ECC)and elliptic curve digital signature algorithm (ECDSA) have been attracting attention frommany researchers in different institutions because these algorithms provide security andhigh performance when being used in many areas such as electronic-healthcare, electronicbanking,electronic-commerce, electronic-vehicular, and electronic-governance. These algorithmsheighten security against various attacks and the same time improve performanceto obtain efficiencies (time, memory, reduced computation complexity, and energy saving)in an environment of constrained source and large systems. This paper presents detailedand a comprehensive survey of an update of the ECDSA algorithm in terms of performance,security, and applications

    Analyzing Addressing Techniques on Wireless Sensor Networks

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    AbstrakWireless Sensor Networks terdiri atas sejumlah besar titik (nodes) dengan kemampuan untuk melakukan sensing, komputasi, dan komunikasi. Dalam banyak aspek, sensor networks memiliki kesamaan dengan mobile ad hoc networks (MANET), namun memiliki beberapa perbedaan yang penting. Kemiripannya adalah dalam hal topologi, medium komunikasi yang digunakan bersama, dan permasalahan dalam konektivitas. Perbedaannya adalah sensor networks biasanya mencakup mobilitas yang lebih rendah dan sumber daya yang jauh lebih terbatas, oleh karenanya menimbulkan permasalahan skalabilitas. Dalam paper ini, dibahas teknik-teknik pengalamatan untuk sensor networks, trade-off dalam desain skema pengalamatan tertentu, dan perbandingan di antara berbagai teknik. Kata Kunci: wireless sensor networks, nodes, pengalamatan, wireless access media, RETRI  AbstractWireless Sensor Networks consist of nodes which are able to perform sensing, computation, and communication. In many aspects, sensor networks are similar but also different from the mobile ad hoc networks (MANET). Their similaritiesinclude topology, shared communication medium, and connectivityproblems. Different from the MANET, the sensor networks typically contain lower mobility, much more limited resources, which therefore lead to scalability problems. This paper discusses the addressing techniques for sensor networks, the trade-offs in the design of certainaddressing scheme, and the comparison amongvarious techniques.  Keywords: wireless sensor networks, nodes, addresssing, wireless access media, RETR

    Security and Privacy for Modern Wireless Communication Systems

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    The aim of this reprint focuses on the latest protocol research, software/hardware development and implementation, and system architecture design in addressing emerging security and privacy issues for modern wireless communication networks. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to, the following: deep-learning-based security and privacy design; covert communications; information-theoretical foundations for advanced security and privacy techniques; lightweight cryptography for power constrained networks; physical layer key generation; prototypes and testbeds for security and privacy solutions; encryption and decryption algorithm for low-latency constrained networks; security protocols for modern wireless communication networks; network intrusion detection; physical layer design with security consideration; anonymity in data transmission; vulnerabilities in security and privacy in modern wireless communication networks; challenges of security and privacy in node–edge–cloud computation; security and privacy design for low-power wide-area IoT networks; security and privacy design for vehicle networks; security and privacy design for underwater communications networks

    Key Management in Wireless Sensor Networks, IP-Based Sensor Networks, Content Centric Networks

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    Cryptographic keys and their management in network communication is considered the main building block of security over which other security primitives are based. These cryptographic keys ensure the privacy, authentication, integrity and non-repudiation of messages. However, the use of these cryptographic keys and their management in dealing with the resource constrained devices (i.e. Sensor nodes) is a challenging task. A number of key management schemes have been introduced by researchers all over the world for such resource constrained networks. For example, light weight PKI and elliptic curve cryptography schemes are computationally expensive for these resource constrained devices. So far the symmetric key approach is considered best for these constrained networks and different variants of it been developed for these networks (i.e. probabilistic key distribution approach). The probabilistic key distribution approach consumes less memory than the standard symmetric key approach but it suffers from the connectivity issues (i.e. the connectivity depends on the common shared keys between the nodes). Most of those schemes were proposed by considering static sensor networks (e.g. Industrial process monitoring, Environmental monitoring, movement detection in military applications, forests etc.). However, the use of these existing key management schemes for mobile wireless sensor networks applications introduces more challenges in terms of network connectivity, energy consumption, memory cost, communication overhead and protection of key materials against some well known attacks. Keeping these challenges in mind, previous research has proposed some key management schemes considering the mobility scenarios in ad hoc networks and wireless sensor networks (e.g. vehicular networks, health monitoring systems).However these schemes consume more resource because of a much higher communication packet exchange during the handover phase for the authentication of joining and leaving nodes than the static networks where there is no extra communication for the handover and authentication. The motivation of this research work is to investigate and propose new algorithms not only to improve the efficiency of these existing authentication and key management schemes in terms of connectivity, memory and security by considering the mobility scenario in wireless sensor networks, but also to develop new algorithms that suit these constrained networks than the existing schemes. First, we choose the existing key pool approach for authentication and key management and improve its network connectivity and resilience against some well known attacks (e.g. node capturing attacks) while reduce the memory cost by storing those key pools in each sensor node. In the proposed solution, we have divided the main key pool into two virtual mutually exclusive key pools. This division and constructing a key from two chosen keys, one from each key pool, helps to reduce the memory cost of each node by assigning fewer keys for the same level of network connectivity as the existing key pool frameworks. Although, the proposed key pool approach increases the network resilience against node compromission attacks because of the smaller number of keys assigned to each node, however it does not completely nullify the effect of the attacks. Hence we proposed an online mutual authentication and key establishment and management scheme for sensor networks that provides almost 100\% network connectivity and also nullifies the effect of node compromission attacks. In the proposed online key generation approach, the secret key is dependent on both communicating parties. Once the two communicating parties authenticate each other, they would successfully establish a secret communication key, otherwise they stop communication and inform the network manager about the intruder detection and activity. The last part of the thesis considers the integration of two different technologies (i.e. wireless sensor networks and IP networks). This is a very interesting and demanding research area because of its numerous applications, such as smart energy, smart city etc.. However the security requirements of these two kind of networks (resource constrained and resourceful) make key management a challenging task. Hence we use an online key generation approach using elliptic curve cryptography which gives the same security level as the standard PKI approach used in IP networks with smaller key length and is suited for the sensor network packet size limitations. It also uses a less computationally expensive approach than PKI and hence makes ECC suitable to be adopted in wireless sensor networks. In the key management scheme for IP based sensor networks, we generate the public private key pair based on ECC for each individual sensor node. However the public key is not only dependent on the node's parameter but also the parameters of the network to which it belongs. This increases the security of the proposed solution and avoids intruders pretending to be authentic members of the network(s) by spreading their own public keys. In the last part of the thesis we consider Content Centric Networking (CCN) which is a new routing architecture for the internet of the future. Building on the observation that today's communications are more oriented towards content retrieval (web, P2P, etc.) than point-to-point communications (VoIP, IM, etc.), CCN proposes a radical revision of the Internet architecture switching from named hosts (TCP/IP protocols) to named data to best match its current usage. In a nutshell, content is addressable, routable, self-sufficient and authenticated, while locations no longer matter. Data is seen and identified directly by a routable name instead of a location (the address of the server). Consequently, data is directly requested at the network level not from its holder, hence there is no need for the DNS). To improve content diffusion, CCN relies on data distribution and duplication, because storage is cheaper than bandwidth: every content - particularly popular one - can be replicated and stored on any CCN node, even untrustworthy. People looking for particular content can securely retrieve it in a P2P-way from the best locations available. So far, there has been little investigation of the security of CCNs and there is no specific key management scheme for that. We propose an authentication and key establishment scheme for CCNs in which the contents are authenticated by the content generating node, using pre-distributed shares of encryption keys. The content requesting node can get those shares from any node in the network, even from malicious and intruder ones, in accordance with a key concept of CCNs. In our work we also provide means to protect the distributed shares from modification by these malicious/intruder nodes. The proposed scheme is again an online key generation approach but including a relation between the content and its encryption key. This dependency prevents the attackers from modifying the packet or the key share
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