6,797 research outputs found

    Inverse meta-modelling to estimate soil available water capacity at high spatial resolution across a farm

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    Geo-referenced information on crop production that is both spatially- and temporally-dense would be useful for management in precision agriculture (PA). Crop yield monitors provide spatially but not temporally dense information. Crop growth simulation modelling can provide temporal density, but traditionally fail on the spatial issue. The research described was motivated by the challenge of satisfying both the spatial and temporal data needs of PA. The methods presented depart from current crop modelling within PA by introducing meta-modelling in combination with inverse modelling to estimate site-specific soil properties. The soil properties are used to predict spatially- and temporally-dense crop yields. An inverse meta-model was derived from the agricultural production simulator (APSIM) using neural networks to estimate soil available water capacity (AWC) from available yield data. Maps of AWC with a resolution of 10 m were produced across a dryland grain farm in Australia. For certain years and fields, the estimates were useful for yield prediction with APSIM and multiple regression, whereas for others the results were disappointing. The estimates contain ‘implicit information’ about climate interactions with soil, crop and landscape that needs to be identified. Improvement of the meta-model with more AWC scenarios, more years of yield data, inclusion of additional variables and accounting for uncertainty are discussed. We concluded that it is worthwhile to pursue this approach as an efficient way of extracting soil physical information that exists within crop yield maps to create spatially- and temporally-dense dataset

    Watershed rainfall forecasting using neuro-fuzzy networks with the assimilation of multi-sensor information

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    The complex temporal heterogeneity of rainfall coupled with mountainous physiographic context makes a great challenge in the development of accurate short-term rainfall forecasts. This study aims to explore the effectiveness of multiple rainfall sources (gauge measurement, and radar and satellite products) for assimilation-based multi-sensor precipitation estimates and make multi-step-ahead rainfall forecasts based on the assimilated precipitation. Bias correction procedures for both radar and satellite precipitation products were first built, and the radar and satellite precipitation products were generated through the Quantitative Precipitation Estimation and Segregation Using Multiple Sensors (QPESUMS) and the Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Networks-Cloud Classification System (PERSIANN-CCS), respectively. Next, the synthesized assimilated precipitation was obtained by merging three precipitation sources (gauges, radars and satellites) according to their individual weighting factors optimized by nonlinear search methods. Finally, the multi-step-ahead rainfall forecasting was carried out by using the adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). The Shihmen Reservoir watershed in northern Taiwan was the study area, where 641 hourly data sets of thirteen historical typhoon events were collected. Results revealed that the bias adjustments in QPESUMS and PERSIANN-CCS products did improve the accuracy of these precipitation products (in particular, 30-60% improvement rates for the QPESUMS, in terms of RMSE), and the adjusted PERSIANN-CCS and QPESUMS individually provided about 10% and 24% contribution accordingly to the assimilated precipitation. As far as rainfall forecasting is concerned, the results demonstrated that the ANFIS fed with the assimilated precipitation provided reliable and stable forecasts with the correlation coefficients higher than 0.85 and 0.72 for one- and two-hour-ahead rainfall forecasting, respectively. The obtained forecasting results are very valuable information for the flood warning in the study watershed during typhoon periods. © 2013 Elsevier B.V

    Rainfall-Runoff Modelling Using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs)

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    Over the last decades or so, artificial neural networks (ANNs) have become one of the most promising tools for modelling hydrological processes such as rainfall-runoff processes. In most studies, ANNs have been demonstrated to show superior result compared to the traditional modelling approaches. They are able to map underlying relationships between input and output data without detailed knowledge of the processes under investigation, by finding an optimum set of network parameters through the learning or training process. This thesis considers two types of ANNs, namely, self-organizing map (SOM) and feed-forward multilayer perceptron (MLP). The thesis starts with the issue of understanding of a trained ANN model by using neural interpretation diagram (NID), Garson's algorithm and a randomization approach. Then the applicability of the SOM algorithm within water resources applications is reviewed and compared to the well-known feed-forward MLP. Moreover, the thesis deals with the problem of missing values in the context of a monthly precipitation database. This part deals with the problem of missing values by using SOM and feed-forward MLP models along with inclusion of regionalization properties obtained from the SOM. The problem of filling in of missing data in a daily precipitation-runoff database is also considered. This study deals with the filling in of missing values using SOM and feed-forward MLP along with multivariate nearest neighbour (MNN), regularized expectation-maximization algorithm (REGEM) and multiple imputation (MI). Finally, once a complete database was obtained, SOM and feed-forward MLP models were developed in order to forecast one-month ahead runoff. Some issues such as the applicability of the SOM algorithm for modularization and the effect of the number of modules in modelling performance were investigated. It was found that it is indeed possible to make an ANN reveal some information about the mechanisms governing rainfall-runoff processes. The literature review showed that SOMs are becoming increasingly popular but that there are hardly any reviews of SOM applications. In the case of imputation of missing values in the monthly precipitation, the results indicated the importance of the inclusion of regionalization properties of SOM prior to the application of SOM and feed-forward MLP models. In the case of gap-filling of the daily precipitation-runoff database, the results showed that most of the methods yield similar results. However, the SOM and MNN tended to give the most robust results. REGEM and MI hold the assumption of multivariate normality, which does not seem to fit the data at hand. The feed-forward MLP is sensitive to the location of missing values in the database and did not perform very well. Based on the one-month ahead forecasting, it was found that although the idea of modularization based on SOM is highly persuasive, the results indicated a need for more principled procedures to modularize the processes. Moreover, the modelling results indicated that a supervised SOM model can be considered as a viable alternative approach to the well-known feed-forward MLP model

    Regional flood frequency analysis using an artificial neural network model

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    This paper presents the results from a study on the application of an artificial neural network (ANN) model for regional flood frequency analysis (RFFA). The study was conducted using stream flow data from 88 gauging stations across New South Wales (NSW) in Australia. Five different models consisting of three to eight predictor variables (i.e., annual rainfall, drainage area, fraction forested area, potential evapotranspiration, rainfall intensity, river slope, shape factor and stream density) were tested. The results show that an ANN model with a higher number of predictor variables does not always improve the performance of RFFA models. For example, the model with three predictor variables performs considerably better than the models using a higher number of predictor variables, except for the one which contains all the eight predictor variables. The model with three predictor variables exhibits smaller median relative error values for 2- and 20-year return periods compared to the model containing eight predictor variables. However, for 5-, 10-, 50- and 100-year return periods, the model with eight predictor variables shows smaller median relative error values. The proposed ANN modelling framework can be adapted to other regions in Australia and abroad

    Including spatial distribution in a data-driven rainfall-runoff model to improve reservoir inflow forecasting in Taiwan

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    Multi-step ahead inflow forecasting has a critical role to play in reservoir operation and management in Taiwan during typhoons as statutory legislation requires a minimum of 3-hours warning to be issued before any reservoir releases are made. However, the complex spatial and temporal heterogeneity of typhoon rainfall, coupled with a remote and mountainous physiographic context makes the development of real-time rainfall-runoff models that can accurately predict reservoir inflow several hours ahead of time challenging. Consequently, there is an urgent, operational requirement for models that can enhance reservoir inflow prediction at forecast horizons of more than 3-hours. In this paper we develop a novel semi-distributed, data-driven, rainfall-runoff model for the Shihmen catchment, north Taiwan. A suite of Adaptive Network-based Fuzzy Inference System solutions is created using various combinations of auto-regressive, spatially-lumped radar and point-based rain gauge predictors. Different levels of spatially-aggregated radar-derived rainfall data are used to generate 4, 8 and 12 sub-catchment input drivers. In general, the semi-distributed radar rainfall models outperform their less complex counterparts in predictions of reservoir inflow at lead-times greater than 3-hours. Performance is found to be optimal when spatial aggregation is restricted to 4 sub-catchments, with up to 30% improvements in the performance over lumped and point-based models being evident at 5-hour lead times. The potential benefits of applying semi-distributed, data-driven models in reservoir inflow modelling specifically, and hydrological modelling more generally, is thus demonstrated

    Modélisation des débits mensuels par les modèles conceptuels et les systèmes neuro-flous

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    La modélisation pluie-débit au pas de temps mensuel, a été étudiée par le biais de quatre modèles qui appartiennent à deux catégories, les modèles conceptuels (modèles à réservoirs), et les modèles basés sur les réseaux de neurones, et la logique floueLes modèles conceptuels mensuels utilisés sont les modèles de Thornthwaite et Arnell et le modèle GR2M, ainsi que deux modèles représentés par les réseaux de neurones à apprentissage supervisé et le modèle neuro-flou qui combine une méthode d'optimisation neuronale et une logique floue.Une application de ces modèles a été effectuée sur le bassin de la Cheffia (Nord-Est Algérien), et a confirmé les performances du modèle basé sur la logique floue. Par sa robustesse et son pouvoir d'extrapolation non-linéaire, ce modèle a donné d'excellents résultats, et représente donc une nouvelle approche de la modélisation pluie-débit au pas de temps mensuel.Rainfall-runoff modelling is very important for environmental issues, as well as for water management. Due to this importance, several models have been developed to describe the transformation of rainfall to runoff. From these models, we can distinguish three categories: conceptual models; physically-based models and black box models. Conceptual models are designed to approximate within their structures the general sub-processes that govern the hydrological cycle, and they are often used because of their simplicity. The physically-based models are generally distributed models, involve complex descriptions using partial derivative equations, and need some parameter calibration to be adjusted or estimated in situ. These models can not be applied on a monthly scale. In contrast, the black box models rely on linear (or nonlinear) relationships between inputs (rainfall) and outputs (runoff), and they have been widely accepted as a practical tool on different time scales.In this paper, rainfall-runoff modelling on a monthly scale was studied using four models, from two different categories; conceptual models (reservoir models), and models based on artificial neural network and fuzzy logic. The monthly conceptual models used were the Thornthwaite-Arnell model and the GR2M model with two reservoirs. These models are regarded as mathematical models, and are of simple conception with a reduced number of parameters. In addition, these models are considered the most valid. The two other models were based on artificial neural networks and fuzzy logic, which combine neural optimization methods and fuzzy logic. These models incorporate a flexible mathematical structure that is capable of identifying complex nonlinear relationships between input and output data sets. In contrast to conceptual deterministic models, these models proceed using data learning through input-output systems. Artificial neural network models have been often shown to provide a better representation of the rainfall-runoff relationships. However, it is necessary to investigate different learning methods used with these models.There are two different learning modes (training). One is data learning (incremental training), which consists of training for each data set, where the weights and biases on the network model are updated each time an input is presented to the network, thus the error between simulated and target (observed) data is minimised for each input. The alternative to data learning is block learning (batch training). In block mode the weights and biases on the network model are updated only after the entire training set has been applied to the network. We have tried a block learning data method, which consisted of learning from the simulation of all data sets. Thus, it evaluates the influence of this model in the streamflow forecasting in real time.In Algeria, the droughts recorded during the previous years resulted in a reduction of surface water and in unbalanced resources that affected the phreatic underground water due to intensive exploitation. The results from evaluation studies emphasised the instability and vulnerability of surface water resources. The government has decided to carry out an emergency plan, by constructing several reservoirs and dams over the next few years in different regions of the country. However, several hydrometric gauges are disabled, so the series of hydrometric data are short or have gaps, and thus water resource evaluation has become impossible.One of the objectives of the monthly rainfall-runoff modelling was estimating the stream flow at the mouth of the watershed, so the rainfall-runoff relationship on a monthly scale represents a solution and a reliable method for water management projects. We have selected and applied four models on data from the Cheffia watershed situated in north-eastern Algeria. The catchment of the Cheffia river includes various sub-basins, and has an area of about 575 km2. The study was carried out on a twelve-year data set, split into a six-year calibration period, and a six-year validation period. Our research compared the models based on model characteristics, like simplicity and parameterisation, and also conceptual models were compared to parsimonious models. In addition, our research compared modelling results, based on the assessment of quantitative indices and statistics, such as the Nash criterion, the root mean squared error and a comparison of means during the calibration and validation periods.Model results have confirmed the strong performance of the fuzzy logic based model, for two periods, and this model best stimulated streamflows. Whereas the neural network model based on block learning is unable to reproduce the high runoff values, this model can to be used for simulation of the runoff only. Because of its robustness and non-linear extrapolation power, the neuro-fuzzy logic model gave better results, so it represents a new method of rainfall-runoff modelling in monthly time steps

    A review of applied methods in Europe for flood-frequency analysis in a changing environment

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    The report presents a review of methods used in Europe for trend analysis, climate change projections and non-stationary analysis of extreme precipitation and flood frequency. In addition, main findings of the analyses are presented, including a comparison of trend analysis results and climate change projections. Existing guidelines in Europe on design flood and design rainfall estimation that incorporate climate change are reviewed. The report concludes with a discussion of research needs on non-stationary frequency analysis for considering the effects of climate change and inclusion in design guidelines. Trend analyses are reported for 21 countries in Europe with results for extreme precipitation, extreme streamflow or both. A large number of national and regional trend studies have been carried out. Most studies are based on statistical methods applied to individual time series of extreme precipitation or extreme streamflow using the non-parametric Mann-Kendall trend test or regression analysis. Some studies have been reported that use field significance or regional consistency tests to analyse trends over larger areas. Some of the studies also include analysis of trend attribution. The studies reviewed indicate that there is some evidence of a general increase in extreme precipitation, whereas there are no clear indications of significant increasing trends at regional or national level of extreme streamflow. For some smaller regions increases in extreme streamflow are reported. Several studies from regions dominated by snowmelt-induced peak flows report decreases in extreme streamflow and earlier spring snowmelt peak flows. Climate change projections have been reported for 14 countries in Europe with results for extreme precipitation, extreme streamflow or both. The review shows various approaches for producing climate projections of extreme precipitation and flood frequency based on alternative climate forcing scenarios, climate projections from available global and regional climate models, methods for statistical downscaling and bias correction, and alternative hydrological models. A large number of the reported studies are based on an ensemble modelling approach that use several climate forcing scenarios and climate model projections in order to address the uncertainty on the projections of extreme precipitation and flood frequency. Some studies also include alternative statistical downscaling and bias correction methods and hydrological modelling approaches. Most studies reviewed indicate an increase in extreme precipitation under a future climate, which is consistent with the observed trend of extreme precipitation. Hydrological projections of peak flows and flood frequency show both positive and negative changes. Large increases in peak flows are reported for some catchments with rainfall-dominated peak flows, whereas a general decrease in flood magnitude and earlier spring floods are reported for catchments with snowmelt-dominated peak flows. The latter is consistent with the observed trends. The review of existing guidelines in Europe on design floods and design rainfalls shows that only few countries explicitly address climate change. These design guidelines are based on climate change adjustment factors to be applied to current design estimates and may depend on design return period and projection horizon. The review indicates a gap between the need for considering climate change impacts in design and actual published guidelines that incorporate climate change in extreme precipitation and flood frequency. Most of the studies reported are based on frequency analysis assuming stationary conditions in a certain time window (typically 30 years) representing current and future climate. There is a need for developing more consistent non-stationary frequency analysis methods that can account for the transient nature of a changing climate
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