697 research outputs found

    Jet dynamics. Recollimation shocks and helical patterns

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    The dynamics and stability of extragalactic jets may be strongly influenced by small (and probable) differences in pressure between the jet and the ambient and within the jet itself. The former give rise to expansion and recollimation of the jet. This occurs in the form of conical shocks, or Mach disks, if the pressure difference is large enough. Pressure asymmetries within the jet may trigger the development of helical patterns via coupling to kink current-driven instability, or to helical Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, depending on the physical conditions in the jet. I summarize here the evidence collected during the last years on the presence of recollimation shocks and waves in jets. In the jet of CTA 102 evidence has been found for (traveling)shock-(standing)shock interaction in the core-region (0.1 mas from the core), using information from the light-curve of the source combined with VLBI data. The conclusions derived have been confirmed by numerical simulations combined with emission calculations that have allowed to study the spectral evolution of the perturbed jet. Helical structures can also be identified in radio-jets. The ridge-line of emission of the jet of S5~0836+710 has been identified as a physical structure corresponding to a wave developing in the jet flow. I review here the evidence that has allowed to reach this conclusion, along with an associated caveat. Current data do not allow to distinguish between magnetic or hydrodynamical instabilities. I finally discuss the importance of these linear and non-linear waves for jet evolution.Comment: 11 pages. Proceedings of the conference: The innermost regions of relativistic jets and their magnetic fields. Corrected typos and added reference

    Numerical study of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability and its impact on synthetic emission from magnetized jets

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    Non-thermal emission from Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) jets extends up-to large scales in-spite of them being prone to a slew of magneto-hydrodynamic instabilities. The main focus of this study is to understand the impact of MHD instabilities on the non-thermal emission from large-scale AGN jets. We perform high-resolution three-dimensional numerical magneto-hydrodynamic simulations of a plasma column to investigate the dynamical and emission properties of jet configurations at kilo-parsec scales with different magnetic field profiles, jet speeds, and density contrast. We also obtain synthetic non-thermal emission signatures for different viewing angles using an approach that assumes static particle spectra and that obtained by evolving the particle spectra using Lagrangian macro-particles incorporating the effects of shock acceleration and radiative losses. We find that the shocks due to Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) instability in the axial magnetic field configurations can strongly affect the jet dynamics. Additionally, we also find the presence of weak biconical shocks in the under-dense jet columns. The inclusion of a helical magnetic field hinders the vortex growth at the shear surface thereby stabilizing the jet column. With the evolving particle spectra approach, the synthetic SEDs obtained for cases with strong KH instability show the presence of multiple humps ranging from radio to TeV gamma-ray band. We conclude that the high-energy electrons accelerated in the vicinity of freshly formed shocks due to KH instability, result in high X-ray emission.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures, Accepted for publication in A&

    Slow down of a globally neutral relativistic e−e+e^-e^+ beam shearing the vacuum

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    The microphysics of relativistic collisionless sheared flows is investigated in a configuration consisting of a globally neutral, relativistic e−e+e^-e^+ beam streaming through a hollow plasma/dielectric channel. We show through multidimensional PIC simulations that this scenario excites the Mushroom instability (MI), a transverse shear instability on the electron-scale, when there is no overlap (no contact) between the e−e+e^-e^+ beam and the walls of the hollow plasma channel. The onset of the MI leads to the conversion of the beam's kinetic energy into magnetic (and electric) field energy, effectively slowing down a globally neutral body in the absence of contact. The collisionless shear physics explored in this configuration may operate in astrophysical environments, particularly in highly relativistic and supersonic settings where macroscopic shear processes are stable

    Quantitatively consistent computation of coherent and incoherent radiation in particle-in-cell codes - a general form factor formalism for macro-particles

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    Quantitative predictions from synthetic radiation diagnostics often have to consider all accelerated particles. For particle-in-cell (PIC) codes, this not only means including all macro-particles but also taking into account the discrete electron distribution associated with them. This paper presents a general form factor formalism that allows to determine the radiation from this discrete electron distribution in order to compute the coherent and incoherent radiation self-consistently. Furthermore, we discuss a memory-efficient implementation that allows PIC simulations with billions of macro-particles. The impact on the radiation spectra is demonstrated on a large scale LWFA simulation.Comment: Proceedings of the EAAC 2017, This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 licens

    Jupiter's X-ray and EUV auroras monitored by Chandra, XXM-Newton, and Hisaki satellite

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    Jupiter's X-ray auroral emission in the polar cap region results from particles which have undergone strong field-aligned acceleration into the ionosphere. The origin of precipitating ions and electrons and the time variability in the X-ray emission are essential to uncover the driving mechanism for the high-energy acceleration. The magnetospheric location of the source field line where the X-ray is generated is likely affected by the solar wind variability. However, these essential characteristics are still unknown because the long-term monitoring of the X-rays and contemporaneous solar wind variability has not been carried out. In April 2014, the first long-term multiwavelength monitoring of Jupiter's X-ray and EUV auroral emissions was made by the Chandra X-ray Observatory, XMM-Newton, and Hisaki satellite. We find that the X-ray count rates are positively correlated with the solar wind velocity and insignificantly with the dynamic pressure. Based on the magnetic field mapping model, a half of the X-ray auroral region was found to be open to the interplanetary space. The other half of the X-ray auroral source region is magnetically connected with the prenoon to postdusk sector in the outermost region of the magnetosphere, where the Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) instability, magnetopause reconnection, and quasiperiodic particle injection potentially take place. We speculate that the high-energy auroral acceleration is associated with the KH instability and/or magnetopause reconnection. This association is expected to also occur in many other space plasma environments such as Saturn and other magnetized rotators
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