176 research outputs found

    Study on a class of Schrödinger elliptic system involving a nonlinear operator

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    This paper considers a class of Schrödinger elliptic system involving a nonlinear operator. Firstly, under the simple condition on and ', we prove the existence of the entire positive bounded radial solutions. Secondly, by using the iterative technique and the method of contradiction, we prove the existence and nonexistence of the entire positive blow-up radial solutions. Our results extend the previous existence and nonexistence results for both the single equation and systems. In the end, we give two examples to illustrate our results

    A sufficient and necessary condition of existence of blow-up radial solutions for a k-Hessian equation with a nonlinear operator

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    In this paper, we establish the results of nonexistence and existence of blow-up radial solutions for a k-Hessian equation with a nonlinear operator. Under some suitable growth conditions for nonlinearity, the result of nonexistence of blow-up solutions is established, a sufficient and necessary condition on existence of blow-up solutions is given, and some further results are obtained.&nbsp

    Solvability and asymptotic properties for an elliptic geophysical fluid flows model in a planar exterior domain

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    In this paper, we study the solvability and asymptotic properties of a recently derived gyre model of nonlinear elliptic Schrödinger equation arising from the geophysical fluid flows. The existence theorems and the asymptotic properties for radial positive solutions are established due to space theory and analytical techniques, some special cases and specific examples are also given to describe the applicability of model in gyres of geophysical fluid flows

    The iterative properties of solutions for a singular k-Hessian system

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    In this paper, we focus on the uniqueness and iterative properties of solutions for a singular k-Hessian system involving coupled nonlinear terms with different properties. Unlike the existing work, instead of directly dealing with the system, we use a coupled technique to transfer the Hessian system to an integral equation, and then by introducing an iterative technique, the iterative properties of solution are derived including the uniqueness of solution, iterative sequence, the error estimation and the convergence rate as well as entire asymptotic behaviour

    Multiple nonsymmetric nodal solutions for quasilinear Schrödinger system

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    In this paper, we consider the quasilinear Schrödinger system in RN (N ≥ 3): −∆u + A(x)u − 1 2 ∆(u 2 )u = 2α |u| α−2u|v| −∆v + Bv − 1 2 ∆(v 2 )v = 2β |u| |v| β−2 v, where α, β > 1, 2 0 is a constant. By using a constrained minimization on Nehari–Pohožaev set, for any given integer s ≥ 2, we construct a nonradially symmetrical nodal solution with its 2s nodal domains

    Existence and concentration of ground state solutions for a critical nonlocal Schr\"odinger equation in R2\R^2

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    We study the following singularly perturbed nonlocal Schr\"{o}dinger equation -\vr^2\Delta u +V(x)u =\vr^{\mu-2}\Big[\frac{1}{|x|^{\mu}}\ast F(u)\Big]f(u) \quad \mbox{in} \quad \R^2, where V(x)V(x) is a continuous real function on R2\R^2, F(s)F(s) is the primitive of f(s)f(s), 0<μ<20<\mu<2 and \vr is a positive parameter. Assuming that the nonlinearity f(s)f(s) has critical exponential growth in the sense of Trudinger-Moser, we establish the existence and concentration of solutions by variational methods.Comment: 3

    Integrability and asymptotics of positive solutions of a γ-Laplace system

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    AbstractIn this paper, we use the potential analysis to study the properties of the positive solutions of a γ-Laplace system in Rn−div(|∇u|γ−2∇u)=upvq,−div(|∇v|γ−2∇v)=vpuq. Here 1<γ⩽2, p,q>0 satisfy the critical condition p+q=γ⁎−1. First, the positive solutions u and v satisfy an integral system involving the Wolff potentials. We then use the method of regularity lifting to obtain an optimal integrability for this Wolff type integral system. Different from the case of γ=2, it is more difficult to handle the asymptotics since u and v have not radial structures. We overcome this difficulty by a new method and obtain the decay rates of u and v as |x|→∞. We believe that this new method is appropriate to deal with the asymptotics of other decaying solutions without the radial structures