2,649 research outputs found

    ¿Virtualidad y creación? El vacío del ordenador en el diseño conceptual

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    El ordenador se ha incorporado a la práctica de las disciplinas de diseño sin haber evaluado antes su impacto sobre la creatividad y la innovación. Las herramientas informáticas que se utilizan en diseño se han tomado y siguen tomándose de otras disciplinas en las que se requiere más precisión y control sin tener en cuenta que el comienzo de la actividad creativa necesita mayores dosis de ambigüedad, abstracción e impresición. Este artículo plantea un nuevo enfoque del uso de la virtualidad dentro del proceso de diseño: se pone en tela de juicio la informática actual y se sugieren nuevos métodos para incorporar el ordenador en el diseño enriqueciendo las herramientas manuales tradicionales sin imitarlas o simularlas

    Virtualitat i creació? El buit de l'ordinador en el disseny conceptual

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    L'ordinador s'ha incorporat a la pràctica de les discipines de disseny sense que se n'hagi avaluat abans l'impacte sobre la creativitat i la innovació. Les eines informàtiques utilitzades en disseny han estat preses, i encara ho segueixen estant, d'altres disciplines que exigeixen més precisió i control, sense tenir en compte que l'inici de l'activitat creativa el que més necessita és ambigüitat, abstracció i imprecisió. Aquest article planteja un nou enfocament de l'ús de la virtualitat en el procés de disseny. Critica la informàtica actual i planteja nous mètodes per incorporar l'ordinador al disseny de manera que enriqueixi les eines manuals tradicionals sense imitar-les ni simular-les

    Digitally integrated practices: a new paradigm in the teaching of digital media in architecture

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    With the advent of the 21st century, the 25-year-old promise of multi-parametric modeling has re-emerged reincarnated as Building Information Modeling (BIM). Promoted by a trend toward Integrated Practices (IP), BIM can provide instrumentation for the design, representation, documentation of the projects, and the exchange of information among designers and other stakeholders. A growing number of disciplines in the design and construction industry are embracing the use of BIM and consequently the academia is addressing related training needs. This paper presents the accumulative experience of the authors over the last decade at Texas A&M University regarding digital media integration and our current plans for addressing future demands and opportunities. As a matter of introduction, the paper makes reference to early implementations of multi-parametric modeling in electronic design studios, early use of the Internet for the implementation of collaborative virtual design studios, and their evolution towards virtual multidisciplinary studios and fabrication studios that make use of BIM software. At the core, the paper explains how BIM can be a pedagogical tool for multidisciplinary integration and curricular articulation. The paper makes evident that BIM is more than a phenomena happening in the profession and something the academia must simply provide training for. The paper ends by drawing conclusions that outline how we can produce the design briefings of projects especially directed toward offering multidisciplinary learning opportunities in studios instrumented by means of BIM software. Key words: building information modeling, multiparametric modeling, integrated practices, digital media education.Con el advenimiento del siglo XXI, la promesa sostenida por 25 años de modelación paramétrico ha vuelto a emerger encarnada en el Modelamiento de Información Constructiva (BIM por sus siglas en ingles), estimulada por la tendencia hacia una Practica Integrada (IP). BIM puede otorgar instrumentos para el diseño, representación y documentación de los proyectos, y el intercambio de información entre diseñadores y mandantes. Un número creciente de disciplinas del diseño y la industria de la construcción están abordando el uso de BIM y la universidad esta identificando necesidades consecuentes de formación en el tema. Este trabajo presenta la experiencia acumulada de los autores en la ultima década en Texas A&M University sobre integración de medios digitales y planes actuales para dirigir demandas y oportunidades futuras. Como introducción, el escrito menciona las primeras implementaciones de modelamiento multi-paramétrico en talleres de diseño digital, primeros usos de Internet para taller de diseño colaborativos, y su evolución hacia talleres virtuales multidisciplinarios y talleres de fabricación que usan software BIM. En lo principal, el texto explica como BIM puede ser una herramienta pedagógica para la integración multidisciplinaria y articulación curricular. El trabajo muestra que BIM es mas que un fenómeno profesional y algo que la universidad debe preparar. EL texto concluye como podemos producir propuestas de diseño y proyectos dirigidos hacia oportunidades de aprendizaje multidisciplinario en talleres apoyados por software BIM. Palabras-clave: modelación de información constructiva, modelación paramétrica, prácticas integradas, enseñanza de medios digitales

    Smart Structures: Experiments in Linking Digital and Physical Design Strategies The Smart Structures Lab

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    During the summer and fall semester of 2006 a new course called The International Smart Structures Lab brought together architecture students from the US, the Netherlands and Germany in a collaborative studio setting to focus on new ideas in digital design and synthetic fabrication. The architecture students worked in international teams on design projects taught by faculty from three different institutions. The idea for the collaborative studio was to transcend political boundaries to achieve a cross pollination of critical pedagogical and style elements. The socio-cultural implications and necessity of such collaborations in an increasingly flat world were a key factor in the creation of the course. New technology in the building industry increasingly calls for architects to blend disciplines. In a studio setting we were able to examine the workflow between digital design and modeling tools, analysis and fabrication tools as well as various analog design and fabrication methods. The collaboration was a very valuable pedagogical experience for all participants because of the design exercise, the digital fabrication component and the shared communication platform

    Virtuality and creation? The emptiness of computers in conceptual design

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    Design Cognition:: Optimizing knowledge transfer in digital design pedagogy

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    Digital design as a medium for design research, praxis, and education has fundamentally disrupted the structuring of analog pedagogical contexts through an increased diversity of ontological, phenomenological, and existential design conditions. In an educational discipline noted for its exceptionally inefficient degree of knowledge transfer, how can traditional architectural pedagogy bear the burden of rapidly increasing educational content without exacerbating its instructional inefficiencies? Furthermore, how can cognitive overload for novice learners in this context be mitigated? The purpose of this paper is to frame, expose, and explore how knowledge transfer in regard to the novice learner may be impacted by digital design as an architectural medium. The design education literature in both analog and digital environments as well as cognitive theories of learning will be explored to construct a theoretical lens through which the learning affordances and challenges of digital design can be addressed. Research conducted by Ausubel, R. Oxman, Schön, Sweller, and others will be used to expose the cognitive logics associated with introductory digital design and digital skill thinking. Cognitive issues including meaningful learning, cognitive processing efficiency, and automative thinking will be considered. Pedagogical strategies supported by the educational literature related to schema development and cognitive loading will be suggested for educating novice learners in digital design. Design cognition as a subject for future research holds seminal importance in modern design education. It cannot be assumed that the pedagogical methods that provided the cornerstones of architectural education in an analogue environment remain relevant in digital contexts

    InSites, Winter 1988

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    Magazine of the Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planninghttps://digitalcommons.usu.edu/insites/1025/thumbnail.jp

    How to incorporate CAD/CAM fabrication into a basic design studio? A preliminary framework for the “e-basic design studio”

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    The objective of this study is to apply the teachings of CAD/CAM fabrication to basic design studios for 1st and 2nd year undergraduate students. Consequently, the study concludes with an “e-basic design studio” framework based on literature analysis and design studio observations, which includes new tectonics thinking and the operation of traditional 2D/3D design tools and CAD/CAM digital tools

    Universal attraction force-inspired freeform surface modeling for 3D sketching

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    This paper presents a novel freeform surface modeling method to construct a freeform surface from 3D sketch. The approach is inspired by Newton’s universal attraction force law to construct a surface model from rough boundary curves and unorganized interior characteristic curves which may cross the boundary curves or not. Based on these unorganized curves, an initial surface can be obtained for conceptual design and it can be improved later in a commercial package. The approach has been tested with examples and it is capable of dealing with unorganized design curves for surface modeling