105,247 research outputs found

    Towards a Rigorous Methodology for Measuring Adoption of RPKI Route Validation and Filtering

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    A proposal to improve routing security---Route Origin Authorization (ROA)---has been standardized. A ROA specifies which network is allowed to announce a set of Internet destinations. While some networks now specify ROAs, little is known about whether other networks check routes they receive against these ROAs, a process known as Route Origin Validation (ROV). Which networks blindly accept invalid routes? Which reject them outright? Which de-preference them if alternatives exist? Recent analysis attempts to use uncontrolled experiments to characterize ROV adoption by comparing valid routes and invalid routes. However, we argue that gaining a solid understanding of ROV adoption is impossible using currently available data sets and techniques. Our measurements suggest that, although some ISPs are not observed using invalid routes in uncontrolled experiments, they are actually using different routes for (non-security) traffic engineering purposes, without performing ROV. We conclude with a description of a controlled, verifiable methodology for measuring ROV and present three ASes that do implement ROV, confirmed by operators

    Dynamic leveling control of a wireless self-balancing ROV using fuzzy logic controller

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    A remotely operated vehicle (ROV) is essentially an underwater mobile robot that is controlled and powered by an operator outside of the robot working environment. Like any other marine vehicle, ROV has to be designed to float in the water where its mass is supported by the buoyancy forces due to the displacement of water by its hull. Vertically positioning a mini ROV in centimetres resolution underwater and maintaining that state requires a distinctive technique partly because of the pressure and buoyancy exerted by the water towards the hull and partly because of the random waves produced by the water itself. That being said, the aim of the project is to design and develop a wireless self-balancing buoyancy system of a mini ROV using fuzzy logic controller. A liquid level sensor has been implemented to provide feedback to the Arduino microcontroller. A user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) has been developed for real-time data monitoring as well as controlling the vertical position of the ROV. At the end of the project, the implemented fuzzy control system shows enhanced and better performance when compared with one without a controller, a proportional-derivative (PD) controller, and a proportionalintegral-derivative (PID) controller

    Development of a ROV titanium manipulator for light work class ROV vehicles

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    This paper shows the development of a high technical equipment to be used as tooling of submersible ROV (Remote Operated Vehicles) for offshore operations, particularly the design and fabrication by Additive Manufacturing (AM) of a Titanium Manipulator for ROVs. From the initial concept and design until a new formed company “TITANROB”, this document shortly describes the fabrication of hydraulic titanium manipulators for mid size ROV vehicles, the TitanRob series M501, G500 and the M700.Peer Reviewe

    Development of a ROV titanium manipulator for light work class ROV vehicles

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    This paper shows the development of a high technical equipment to be used as tooling of submersible ROV (Remote Operated Vehicles) for offshore operations, particularly the design and fabrication by Additive Manufacturing (AM) of a Titanium Manipulator for ROVs. From the initial concept and design until a new formed company “TITANROB”, this document shortly describes the fabrication of hydraulic titanium manipulators for mid size ROV vehicles, the TitanRob series M501, G500 and the M700.Peer Reviewe

    Recovery at Morvin: SERPENT final report

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    Recovery from disturbance is poorly understood in deep water, but the extent of anthropogenic impacts is becoming increasingly well documented. We used Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) to visually assess the change in benthic habitat after exploratory hydrocarbon drilling disturbance around the Morvin well located at 380m depth in the Norwegian Sea.An ROV, launched directly from the rig drilling the well in 2006 was used to carry out video transects around the well before drilling and immediately after. On a return to the site three years after disturbance a larger survey was conducted with a ship-launched ROV in 2009. Transects were repeated at the disturbed area and random background transects were taken. Visible drill cuttings were mapped for each survey, and positions and counts of epibenthic invertebrate megafauna were determined, revealing a fauna dominated by Cnidaria (45% of total observations) and Porifera (33%).Immediately after disturbance a visible cuttings pile extended to over 100m from the well and megafaunal density was significantly reduced (0.07 individuals m-2) in comparison to pre-drill data (0.23 ind. m-2). Three years later the visible extent of the cuttings pile had reduced in size, reaching 60m from the well and considerably less in some headings. In comparison to background transects (0.21 ind. m-2), megafaunal density was significantly reduced on the remaining cuttings (0.04m-2), but beyond the visible disturbance there was no significant difference (0.15m-2). The investigation at this site shows a return to background densities of megafaunal organisms over a large extent of the area previously disturbed. However a central area, where the initial cuttings pile was deepest, demonstrated reduced sessile megafaunal density which persisted three years after disturbance. Elevated Barium concentration and reduced sediment grain size suggests persistence of disturbance beyond the remaining visibly impacted area which may result in changes to the infaunal communities undetectable by ROV video survey

    ROV Trainer Kit for Education Purposes

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    This paper presents the Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) trainer or called it as the ROV Trainer for the educational purpose. Many underwater industries are involved in developing underwater robot in order to reduce human works as well as increase productivity, efficiency and monitoring. Therefore, the ROV was designed in order to replace the divers and reduce a risk to a diver itself. However, the major constraints to the ROV designed are understanding and knowledge the fundamental of the ROV design. Therefore, ROV Trainer is designed in order to give a basic knowledge and as a platform to test the control system of the ROV. ROV Trainer was a design based on maneuverability and performance of each component with minimum cost where the size of ROV can be varied based on user needed. The Peripheral Interface Controller (PIC) is used to control the movement of this ROV either as manual control or autonomous control. The experiment carried out from this ROV trainer such as buoyancy test, pressure test, measure thrust and controlling the ROV will be covered in ROV Trainer. This project will give many benefits for educational researcher, school educational kits and also related underwater industries by looking at ROV’s features with the needed minimum cost of implementation

    Aplikasi remotely operated vehicle (ROV) dalam penelitian kelautan dan perikanan di sekitar perairan Sulawesi Utara dan Biak Papua

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    Kondisi perairan laut pada kedalaman tertentu sangatlah tidak mudah dipahami secara menyeluruh jika hanya mengandalkan kemampuan manusia tanpa didukung oleh fasilitas pendukung seperti ketersediaan peralatan dan teknologi yang memadai, seperti Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV). ROV merupakan robot bawah air yang dikontrol oleh orang yang telah professional untuk mengendalikan alat tersebut. Dalam bidang kelautan dan perikanan penelitian dengan menggunakan ROV dapat mempermudah proses penelitian organisme-organisme laut dalam. ROV diklasifikasikan berdasarkan ukuran, berat dan kekuatannya yang dikategorikan sebagai berikut: Micro ROV, Mini ROV, General ROV, Light Workclass, Heavy Workclass dan Trenching/Burial. Penelitian ini menggunakan General ROV dengan panjang 1076 mm, lebar 640 mm dan tinggi 515 mm. Penelitian dilaksanakan di dua tempat yakni di perairan Sulawesi Utara dan Biak Provinsi Papua


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    Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) is an underwater vehicle or robot designed to able to move in the water. The increasing need for ROV in the future will require an ROV that is easy to build and operate. This study aims to design and build an ROV that is easy to manufacturing and easy to operate, which can be used for observation purposes in the future. The ROV designed with dimensions of length was 311,89 mm, width was 240 mm and height was 180 mm. ROV had three thruster motors with Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Speed Controller Module as a control system. The ROV test were conducted motion tests and maneuvering tests, with the results shown that the ROV had an average forward speed of 0,26 m/s with the turning time was 6,3 s for 180° to portside, 6,7 s for 180° to starboard and time for circular motion was 8,2 s. The ROV’s motion test and maneuvering test showed good results, so that further development plans for this ROV can be carried out.  Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) merupakan sebuah wahana atau robot bawah air yang dirancang untuk mampu bergerak di dalam air. Permintaan ROV diprediksi akan semakin meningkat dimasa yang akan datang, karenanya perlu direspons dengan penyediaan suatu ROV yang mudah untuk dibangun dan dioperasikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendesain dan membangun suatu ROV yang mudah untuk diikuti proses pembuatannya dan mudah untuk dioperasikan sehingga ke depannya dapat dimanfaatkan untuk keperluan observasi. Remotely Operated Vehicle dirancang dengan dimensi panjang 311,89 mm, lebar 240 mm dan tinggi 180 mm. Remotely Operated Vehicle memiliki tiga motor penggerak dengan Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Speed Cotroller Module sebagai sistem kendali. Pengujian ROV dilakukan meliputi uji pergerakan dan uji manuver, dengan hasil menunjukkan bahwa ROV memiliki rata-rata kecepatan maju 0,26 m/s dengan waktu berputar 180° menuju portside selama 6,7 s dan berputar 180° menuju starboard selama 6,3 s, serta gerakan melingkar selama 8,2 s. Uji pergerakan dan manuver ROV menunjukkan hasil yang baik, sehingga rencana pengembangan lebih lanjut dari ROV ini dapat terus dilakukan
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