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    200 research outputs found

    Variabilitas musiman terhadap hasil tangkapan Tuna Madidihang (Thunnus albacares): Seasonal variability of catch results of madidihang tuna (Thunnus albacares)

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    Fishermen in North Buru often depend on seasonal changes in tuna madidihang abundance to plan their fishing operations. However, a more comprehensive understanding of how this seasonal variability affects catches and its implications for fisheries management is still an important research subject. The research was conducted in Wailihang Village, Waplau District, North Buru Regency, between October and December 2022. The observational method was used for this study, where available and precise time series data owned by the Indonesian Community and Fisheries Foundation (MDPI) was collected. The collected data is the number of catch productions (kg) and the total length of fish (cm) from each haul. Yellowfin tuna production tends to fluctuate, with the highest catch (CPUE) occurring in September (63.8%) and the lowest in June (34.2%). The west season and east seasons have a total catch of 556 fish (45.42%), with 382 fish (31.21%) caught during the east season and 174 fish (14.22%) caught during the west season. The distribution of fish length varies in the east season compared to the west season. The west season catches more fish, but they are generally small-sized, while during the east season, large fish dominate, with the highest presentation (38.67%)

    Kapasitas palka utama dan pemalkaan hasil tangkapan km dominica yang berpangkalan di PPP Tumumpa

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    Wawancara kepada Bapak Yusak pemilik kapal KM Dominica yang berpangkalan di PPP Tumumpa menyatakan bahwa adakalanya hasil tangkapan yang didaratkan mengalami penurunan kualitas yang disebabkan oleh faktor cuaca buruk maupun faktor penanganan di atas kapal yaitu susutnya es pada sistem rantai dingin. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1) Mendeskripsikan sistem pemalkaan hasil tangkapan, 2) Mengetahui volume palka, nilai faktor penyimpanan, dan kapasitas muat hasil tangkapan. 3) Mengetahui kualitas akhir hasil tangkapan pada saat pembongkaran. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif. Hasil pengukuran volume palka 5 dan 6 sebagai tempat penyimpanan ikan adalah masing-masing sebesar 8,936 m3 dan 8,84 m3. Nilai faktor penyimpanan ikan yang diperoleh berkisar antara 0,25–0,37 ton/m3. Nilai perbandingan penyimpanan rata-rata antara ikan : es : air laut adalah 1:0,91:0,84. Kapasitas muat ikan yang diperoleh pada palka 5 dan 6 masing-masing adalah 3.04 dan 2.92. Metode pendinginan yang digunakan adalah menggunakan air laut yang didinginkan dengan es (ALDI). Rata-rata waktu pengontrolan air lelehan es adalah setiap 13.42 jam. Suhu akhir pada sampel lima ikan layang segar adalah 11Β°C. Hasil uji organoleptik kenampakan pada lima sampel ikan layang segar adalah 7.3 (SNI 2729:2013)

    Rekonstruksi bentuk lambung kapal dalam format tiga dimensi (3D) dengan teknik fotogrametri

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            Fishing boat has unique characteristics, such as seaworthiness, maneuvering, boat’s velocity, displacement, fishing gear layout, and catch storage facilities. With increasing development of photographic technology, photography is not merely an art but it has become a field of mathematics, making it a technique that can be integrated with software technology designed to produce digital data objects in the form of 3D images called Photogrammetric technique. This study is to obtain the reconstruction of the boat's hull based on the Photogrammetric software, to determine the effect of photography to obtain a 3D image, and to know the weakness and strength of 3D reconstruction of the boat’s hull. The images in this study were obtained using a POCO F3 smartphone camera integrated with the PIX4Dcatch application and analyzed with Agisoft Metashape Professional (Trial Version). From this research, we concluded that 1) the reconstruction of the boat hull can be obtained by using Photogrammetric techniques in the PIX4Dcatch application followed by the Agisoft Metashape Professional (Trial Ver.) software analysis; 2). With photographic equipment and several data processing software, the boat’s shape could be produced in 3D images, and 3). There are several advantages in reconstructing the ship's hull with the Photogrammetric technique, namely producing the ship's reconstruction of 3D images, obtaining the principal dimensions of the boat, such as the area and volume of the boat, that could be as the basic data for boat resistance and ship stability calculation, and the work could be done by one person only

    Kajian tentang jenis umpan buatan pancing tonda terhadap hasil tangkapan

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    The aim of this research is to determine the differences between two types of artificial bait on troll line on catches and to identify the composition of catch types based on bait type. This research was carried out in Tanawangko waters and was carried out from February to March 2023 using the experimental fishing method, where two pancing tonda Β each using silk fiber and chicken feather bait were operated simultaneously in one boat for 5 trips which were then analyzed using the t test. The catch during the research was 24 individuals with 3 species, namely with silk fiber bait, 20 individuals were caught consisting of 3 species and using chicken feather bait, 4 individuals were caught consisting of 2 species. The analysis results show that tcount = 1.684 < t table = 2.776; so it accepts H0 and rejects H1. This explains that the use of chicken feather bait is not significantly different from silk fiber as trolling bait for catch results. The conclusion of this research is that using silk fiber bait resulted in more catches than chicken feather bait, but the results of the t test analysis showed that the two were not significantly different and the three species of fish caught were 15 skipjack tuna (Katsuonus pelamis), 7 baby tuna (Thunnus sp.), and 2 lemadang (Coryphaena hippurus)

    Pengaruh kemiringan pada bagian sayap terhadap kelajuan tenggelam tali pemberat alat tangkap pukat cincin

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    Purse seine is a tool (gear) used to catch pelagic fish that form a swarm. As with other fishing gear, a purse seine unit consists of a net, a boat, and auxiliary equipment (rollers, lights, echosounders, and so on). Purse seine is a fishing gear classified in the surrounding net group. Purse seine is also known as a ring trawl because it is equipped with a ring that is used as a place to attach the coloring rope which is very important during the operation of the net. Because the net that was originally bagless will form a pocket at the end of the capture operation. The ring trawl itself has a different name in each region in Indonesia, in North Sulawesi it is known as soma pajeko. There are three technical factors that need to be considered for the success of ring trawl fishing, namely: (1) circular speed, (2) speed and depth of sinking ballast rope, and (3) speed of pulling the choir ropeThe speed of sinking is largely determined by the ballast, the type of material, the size of the thread and the size of the net bit, as well as the ratio of the length of the float rope and the ballast rope. The sinking speed of the ballast rope is calculated based on the relationship between the depth and the sinking time of the ballast rope needed. The speed of the ballast can be increased by increasing the weight of the ballast, but it must be considered because it will increase the tension of the net. Ballast weight per meter ballast ropeBut it should be considered because it will add tension to the net. Greater ballast weight per meter ballast rope will add greater sinking speed. The method used in this study is an experimental method, which is a study that looks for the influence of certain variables on other variables under tightly controlled conditions. The analysis in this study consisted of 4 net models with different slope percentages, namely 57%, 75%, 100% and 125% slopes. The results of the analysis showed that the more tilted the wing with a slope of 57%, 75% and 100%, the more the sinking rate of the ballast rope but for a slope of 125% it does not contribute to the speed of sinking 57% slope at a depth of 5.5 meters the required time is 16.37 seconds, 75% slope at a depth of 5.5 meters is 15.16 seconds, 100% slope at a depth of 5.5 meters the time required is 19.84 seconds and 125% slope the time required at a depth of 5.5 meters is 19.88 seconds. The best sinking speed of the four net models that have been made based on existing data is at 75% slope

    Keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja nelayan pengguna kompresor

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    This study aims to examine the safety and health aspects of fishermen who use compressors. This research is a descriptive study to describe the use of compressors as a diving aid and its impact on the lives of fishermen. Data collection methods were carried out through surveys and interviews, as well as using questionnaires. The process of data processing and analysis was carried out through the use of cross-tabulation and presentation in the form of pictures, diagrams, and histograms. Several things can be conveyed as a result of this study, namely: the use of compressors as a breathing aid is very dangerous to health because it does not follow the existing diving rules such as diving procedures and the use of air filtering filters that are not used, and the accumulation of negative impacts on the safety of fishermen’s lives, and there have been several fishermen who have died

    Keadaan Umum Perikanan Tangkap di Kelurahan Binuang Kecamatan Lembe Utara Kota Bitung

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    This study aims to determine the general condition of capture fisheries in Binuang sub-district, North Lembeh District, Bitung City. The data collection method is carried out through a survey which is based on the descriptive method. Binuang sub-distric has an area of 320 ha, where most of the population works as fishermen, amounting to 174 people (62.49%). There are four kinds of fishing gears used, namely  beach seine (soma dampar,15 units) (8), lift net (bagan, 5 units), tuna hand line ( 12 units) and hand line (noru, 170 units). The dominant fish catches are mackeral (Selaroides leptolepis), mackerel scard (Decapterus sp) and anchovy (Stolephorus sp), squid (Loligo sp.), long jawed mackerel (Rastrelliger sp) and tuna (Thunnus sp).Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan keadaan umum perikanan tangkap di Kelurahan Binuang, Kecamatan Lembeh Utara, Kota Bitung.  Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui pengamatan langsung, wawancara dan pengutipan data sekunder yang tersedia di kantor Kelurahan Binuang yang didasarkan pada metode deskriptif. Kelurahan Binuang memiliki luas 320 ha dengan jumlah penduduk 908 jiwa, dimana sebagian besar penduduknya bermata pencarian sebagai nelayan yang berjumlah 174 orang (62.49 %).  Alat tangkap yang digunakan terdiri dari empat jenis, yaitu soma dampar (pukat pantai) 15 unit, bagan 5 unit, pancing tuna 12 unit dan pancing noru  sebanyak kurang lebih 170 unit. Hasil tangkapan ikan yang dominan adalah selar (Selaroides leptolepis), layang (Decapterus sp), teri (Stolephorus sp), cumi-cumi (Loligo sp.), kembung (Rastrelliger sp) dan tuna (Thunnus sp)

    Studi Pola Usaha penangkapan ikan pelagis kecil pada KM. Lionel di Pulau Buhias

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    Ikan merupakan sumberdaya yang berpotensi dari segi jumlah dan jenisnya di Indonesia. Pulau Buhias merupakan salah satu pulau yang terdapat digugusan pulau di Kabupaten Siau Tagulandang Biaro (SITARO), tepatnya di Kecamatan Siau Timur Selatan yang dapat dicapai dalam waktu 30 menit dari pelabuhan  Ulu Siau. Sebagian besar penduduknya adalah nelayan tradisional dengan tingkat kesejahteraan yang cukup memadai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui upaya penangkapan, pola usaha bagi hasil serta pendapatan nelayan yang ada di Buhias. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukan Upaya penangkapan KM. Lionel menggunakan Purse Seine dengan cara melingkari gerombolan ikan. Rata- rata pendapatan per bulan nelayan Kapal Soma Pajeko Lionel adalah Rp.698.502,-. Sehingga sebagian nelayan melakukan kegiatan lain yang dapat menunjang perekonomian keluarga seperti berjualan ikan. Sedangkan untuk sistem pembagian hasil di pulau Buhias menggunakan sistem hasil tangkapan dikurangi biaya operasional trip dan hasil pendapatan bersih dibagi berdasarkan presentase yang telah disepakati

    The Demersal Fishing Capability Landed at Kema Dua Fish Landing Base North Minahasa: Kemampuan Tangkap Perikanan Demersal Yang Didaratkan Di Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan Kema Dua Minahasa Utara

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    This study aims to determine the catch and development of CPUE from catches landed at the Kema Dua Fish Landing Base. The method used in this study is the Descriptive Method. The data collected is in the form of primary data by observation and interviews and secondary data in the form of catches and fishing efforts from 2017-2021. The data obtained will be analyzed using graphs and CPUE calculations to determine the development between production (catch) and capture effort (effort). Based on the results of the research carried out, it can be concluded that the bottom fishing catch landed at the Kema Dua Fish Landing Base consists of 9 types of demersal fish, namely Saramia fish (Etelis Carbunculus) 526,990 kg (25.5%), Lolosi (Caesio cuning) 459,855 kg (22.2%), Tola (Pristipomoides filamentosus) 404,490 kg (19.5%), Tariasan (Aphareus rutilans) 323,910 kg (15.6%), and Kurisi (Nemipterus sp) 213,675 kg (10.3%),   Rahiang (Etelis coruscans) 53,300 kg (2.6 %), Kuwe (Carangoides coeruleopinnatus) 42,285 kg (2.0 %), Snapper (Lutjanus sp) 27,100 kg (1.3 %), Grouper (Epinephelus sp) 18,390 kg (1.0 %). The development of the Catch value per Unit Effort (CPUE) for 5 years (2017-2021) based on the catch landed at PPI Kema Dua fluctuates every year. The highest CPUE value occurred in 2021 at 3,452 kg/trip and the lowest CPUE value occurred in 2019 at 2,670 kg/trip

    Pengaruh fase bulan terhadap produktivitas hasil tangkapan bagan apung di perairan teluk Mutiara Kabupaten Alor

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    Bagan Apung fishing gear is one of the fishing gear that uses light as a tool in the fishing process. Floating Bagan fishing gear is a fishing gear that produces a high enough value for fishery production. The value of marine fishery production sometimes experiences instability which can be caused by several factors including oceanographic, weather or climate factors and the period of the moon phase. The research method used in this study was observation or following the fishing operation directly on Bagan Apung as many as 16 trips. Data analysis was carried out to see the effect of the catch on the moon phase using the t test and the BNT follow-up test. The composition of the catch shows that the crescent phase has a catch composition of 33% or with a total catch of 884 kg. The first bright spring moon phase with a catch composition of 17% or with a total catch of 454 kg, the full moon phase with a composition of 13% or with a total catch of 346 kg. The second semi-bright moon phase with a composition of 37% or with a total catch of 987 kg. The results of the t test and further test (BNT) showed that there was a moon phase on the catch of Bagan Apung


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