117 research outputs found

    An implementation of electroencephalogram signals acquisition to control manipulator through brain computer interface

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    Brain computer interface (BCI) technology can be used to design a robotic arm whose decision would be based on the brain activity and brain signals. This proposed design can be more beneficial for the paralyzed people and the patients who are suffering from Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Locked in syndrome (LIS), or neurodegenerative disease. Due to these disease patients would not be able to hold and grip the objects properly. Extensive literature review showed that various EEG signal analysis has been completed with the accuracy of 70% to 85%. The suggested solution would be beneficial to the patients in terms of performing every day functions easily like draws opening, holding dishes and opening and closing of doors as well with more accuracy. In the proposed research electroencephalogram signals were observed and used to classify the type of the motion. Data acquisition comprised of three stages amplification can be considered as cost effective signal conditioning. High pass filter, low pass filter and then converted from analog to digital. Open vibe software was used to design the basic neuron scenario for the brain signals and then classified into alpha and beta waves. Robotic arm movement was based on the alpha and beta waves were performed precisely. Simulated results proved that proposed EEG signals acquisition performed better and can be acknowledged as cost effective. Researchers showed the successful execution of the brain wave signal classification with less false alarm rate for the robotic arm movement by modulation, digitization of the brain signal. Moreover, comparative analysis has been performed of Quadratic Discriminant analysis, k-NN and Medium Gaussian SVM in terms of accuracy prediction speed and training time. Comparative analysis proved that Medium Gaussian SVM worked better than the other classifiers with the accuracy of 95.8%. It was also proved that Medium Gaussian classifier has the capability to predict 10000 observations per second in 0.75466 training time. © 2019 IEEE

    Flying Free: A Research Overview of Deep Learning in Drone Navigation Autonomy

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    With the rise of Deep Learning approaches in computer vision applications, significant strides have been made towards vehicular autonomy. Research activity in autonomous drone navigation has increased rapidly in the past five years, and drones are moving fast towards the ultimate goal of near-complete autonomy. However, while much work in the area focuses on specific tasks in drone navigation, the contribution to the overall goal of autonomy is often not assessed, and a comprehensive overview is needed. In this work, a taxonomy of drone navigation autonomy is established by mapping the definitions of vehicular autonomy levels, as defined by the Society of Automotive Engineers, to specific drone tasks in order to create a clear definition of autonomy when applied to drones. A top–down examination of research work in the area is conducted, focusing on drone navigation tasks, in order to understand the extent of research activity in each area. Autonomy levels are cross-checked against the drone navigation tasks addressed in each work to provide a framework for understanding the trajectory of current research. This work serves as a guide to research in drone autonomy with a particular focus on Deep Learning-based solutions, indicating key works and areas of opportunity for development of this area in the future

    ContinuumEA:A soft continuum electroadhesive manipulator

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    Improved LiDAR Probabilistic Localization for Autonomous Vehicles Using GNSS

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    This paper proposes a method that improves autonomous vehicles localization using a modification of probabilistic laser localization like Monte Carlo Localization (MCL) algorithm, enhancing the weights of the particles by adding Kalman filtered Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) information. GNSS data are used to improve localization accuracy in places with fewer map features and to prevent the kidnapped robot problems. Besides, laser information improves accuracy in places where the map has more features and GNSS higher covariance, allowing the approach to be used in specifically difficult scenarios for GNSS such as urban canyons. The algorithm is tested using KITTI odometry dataset proving that it improves localization compared with classic GNSS + Inertial Navigation System (INS) fusion and Adaptive Monte Carlo Localization (AMCL), it is also tested in the autonomous vehicle platform of the Intelligent Systems Lab (LSI), of the University Carlos III de of Madrid, providing qualitative results.Research supported by the Spanish Government through the CICYT projects (TRA2016-78886-C3-1-Rand RTI2018-096036-B-C21), Universidad Carlos III of Madrid through (PEAVAUTO-CM-UC3M) and the Comunidad de Madrid through SEGVAUTO-4.0-CM (P2018/EMT-4362)

    A novel two-polynomial criteria for higher-order systems stability boundaries detection and control

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    There are many methods for identifying the stability of complex dynamic systems. Routh and Hurwitz’s criterion is one of the earliest and commonly used analytical tools analysing the stability of dynamic systems. However, it requires tedious and lengthy derivations of all components of the Routh array to solve the stability problem. Therefore, it is not a simple method to define analytically, stability boundaries for the coefficients of the system characteristic equation.The proposed brand-new criterion is an effective alternaztive technique in identifying stabilityhigher-order linear time-invariant dynamic system that binds the coefficients of the system characteristic polynomial at the stability boundaries by means of an additional single constantk. It defines the necessary and sufficient conditions for the absolute stability of higher-order dynamic systems. It also allows the analysing of the system’s precise marginal stabilityor marginal instability condition when the roots are relocated on imaginary jω-axis of s-plane. The criterion proposed bythe authors, in contrast to Routh criteria, simplifies the identification of maximum and minimum stability limits for any coefficient of the higher-order characteristic equation significantly. The derived in the paperstability boundary formulas for the polynomial coefficients are successfully used for the proportional integral derivative (PID) controller with single or multiple gains selections in closed-loop control system

    VR welding kit: welding training simulation in mobile virtual reality using multiple marker tracking method

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    Welding simulation design using virtual reality (VR) is a challenge, as numerous developments and research in the mechanical engineering fields are involved. One of the key challenges is the improvement of realism by considering a mixed system of real and virtual equipment. A conceptual design and research management framework is currently lacking which leveraging the combination of VR and marker tracking techniques. This study seeks to examine and evaluating the use of mobile VR in welding training and how multiple markers tracking methods can be incorporated to overcome the current problems in VR for welding training simulation. In this study, the VR Welding Kit application is created by utilizing the Vuforia tracking engine to provide an alternative interaction for mobile devices. The results of the experiment revealed a benchmark comparison with Oculus Quest, the high-end VR system, to investigate the efficiency of the proposed multiple marker interaction technique. Performance for both devices was recorded. The System Usability Scales (SUS) have also been used to obtain users' acceptance rates using these devices. The Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ) was used to assess the cybersickness of participants. The performance results show that mobile VR have a moderate gap completion time in seconds if compared to Oculus Quest. The SUS scored a satisfactory result which is 73.33. Besides, SSQ surveys result shows that most of the participant felt the simulation sickness was minimal