11 research outputs found

    A rede GÉANT e as tendências de desenvolvimento das novas redes de comunicação em fibra óptica

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    Trabalho realizado sob orientação do Prof. António Brandão Moniz para a disciplina “Factores Sociais da Inovação” do Mestrado Engenharia Informática realizado na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal).O conteúdo deste paper centra-se na apresentação da última geração de redes de comunicação em fibra óptica. São introduzidos os conceitos principais relacionados com a fibra óptica e, de seguida, será apresentado o caso de estudo utilizado: a rede europeia de partilha de dados científicos, de nome GÉANT. Serão mostrados os seus componentes, estrutura e funcionalidade, assim como os impactos benéficos que trouxe, desde os tecnológicos aos sociais. Por fim, ainda fazemos uma pequena comparação com outras redes do género a uma escala global, assim como contextualizamos o GÉANT em Portugal, desde os seus parceiros à topologia da rede utilizada. O leitor no final ficará com uma ideia geral da tecnologia de fibra óptica, assim como os benefícios que a mesma trás à tão importante rede europeia GÉANT

    Ancient and historical systems

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    JNOG 33 - 2013

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    Cinnamtannin B1: a small compound having antidiabetes properties

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disease that results from defects in insulin secretion and insulin receptor kinase. Investigation of novel small active molecule that can potentiate insulin action or having a similar action as insulin is important in the treatment of diabetes. World ethnobotanical information on medicinal plants reports almost 800 plants used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. However, only a small number of them have been studied thoroughly. Recent study conducted on Cinnamomum reported that it has a great activity in activating insulin receptor kinase and inhibiting insulin receptor phosphatase leading to increased insulin sensitivity and function as a mimetic for insulin. Our study was designed to investigate insulin-mimetic activity of cinnamtannin B1 isolated from Cinnamomum zeylanicum on adipocyte cells. The insulin-mimetic activity of cinnamtannin B1 was evaluated by monitoring preadipocytes differentiation, glucose uptake and phosphorylation of insulin receptor β-subunit in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. To determine whether cinnamtannin B1 able to promote differentiation of preadipocytes, we cultured 3T3-L1 preadipocytes in the presence of cinnamtannin B1, or combination of cinnamtannin B1 and insulin, and then cell proliferation was measured at several points during the course of growth. Investigation of role of cinnamtannin B1 on tyrosine posphorylation of insulin receptor of 3T3-L1 cells was done by immunoprecipitation of cells lysate with anti-insulin receptor β-subunit antibody and the immunocomplex samples were subjected to SDS-PAGE, transferred to nitrocelluose membranes, and immunoblotted with monoclonal anti-phosphotyrosine antibody. Evaluation of glucose uptake by adipocyte cells after treatment with cinnamtannin B1 was carried out by analyzing of radioactive glucose uptake with liquid scintillation counter. Based on these experiments, it was found that, a mixture cinnamtannin B1 with differentiation cocktail was able to induce differentiation of preadipocytes cells. Cinnamtannin B1 was found to active to stimulate phosphorylation of insulin receptor β-subunit by positively exhibited phosphorylation at 170-kDa. The mixture of cinnamtannin B1 was also able to stimulate glucose uptake from a basal value. The results demonstrated that activity of cinnamtannin B1 on adipocyte cells was found to mimicking insulin action. It acted directly on insulin receptor β-subunit by activation of PI3-kinase that stimulates glucose transporter-4 (GLUT-4) translocation. Stimulation of GLUT4 translocation therefore stimulates glucose uptake lead to glucose disposal process in adipocytes. Based on the work that has been carried out, it was suggested that cinnamtannin B1 could be one of the Annals of Medicine & Healthcare Research Page 452 potential lead drug compound in the treatment of type 2 diabetes

    Eine Methode zur Spezifikation der IT-Service-Managementprozesse Verketteter Dienste

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    Die steigende Komplexität von IT-Diensten führt zu neuen Herausforderungen im IT-Service-Management(ITSM). Aufgrund von neuartigen SourcingModellen, Trends wie eBusiness oder auch regulatorischen Vorgaben wächst zunehmend die Notwendigkeit, aber auch die Gelegenheit für eine partnerschaftliche Kollaboration zwischen IT Providern. Jenseits des hierarchischen Modells in der Zusammenarbeit von IT Providern, bei dem ein fokaler Provider eine Reihe von weiteren Dienstleistern mit der Erbringung von Basisdiensten beauftragt, gewinnen alternative Formen der Kooperation an Bedeutung. Die Gewährleistung einer definierten Ende-zu-Ende Dienstqualität ist dabei eine der wichtigsten Herausforderungen. Die Zusammenarbeit von IT Providern erfordert die Spezifikation von interorganisationalen Betriebsprozessen. Die etablierten ITSM Frameworks adressieren jedoch alternative Formen der Diensterbringung nicht; so bleiben kooperierende IT Provider bei der Definition von interorganisationalen ITSMProzessen als Basis ihrer Zusammenarbeit weitgehend auf sich alleine gestellt. Um auf die spezifischen Herausforderungen von Szenarien eingehen zu können, die von den etablierten ITSM Frameworks nicht abgedeckt werden, fokussiert diese Arbeit auf die Dienstklasse der Verketteten Dienste, das sind providerübergreifende, horizontale Dienstketten auf der gleichen funktionalen Schicht. Im Unterschied zu klassischen Szenarien der kooperativen Erbringung von ITDiensten, wie z.B. IP Peering im Internet, wird für Verkettete Dienste eine definierte Dienstqualität und ein serviceorientiertes Management gefordert. Der erste Teil der Arbeit leistet auf der Basis einer Untersuchung realer Szenarien eine eingehende Analyse der ManagementHerausforderungen und der spezifischen Anforderungen für die Prozessdefinition Verketteter Dienste. Zur Kategorisierung der vielfältigen Formen der Zusammenarbeit von Providern wird ein Raster von Koordinationsmustern definiert. Die Betrachtung des Status Quo zeigt, dass, obwohl eine Reihe von Vorarbeiten in den Disziplinen des IT-Service-Managements sowie der Informations- und Prozessmodellierung vorliegt, die Anwendung von universellen Modellierungssprachen auf interorganisationale ITSMProzesse derzeit kaum abgedeckt wird. Im Hauptteil der Arbeit wird dazu die neue Methode ITSMCooP (ITSM Processes for Cooperating Providers) eingeführt. Aufbauend auf der Prozessmodellierungssprache BPMN und dem Shared Information/Data Model (SDI) des TeleManagement-Forums, besteht die Methode aus einer Sammlung von Modellierungskonventionen und Empfehlungen, die alle relevanten Aspekte der Modellierung von interorganisationalen Prozessen abdecken. Die Erstellung von Informations- und Prozessmodellen wird geleitet von einer Vorgehensweise zur Prozessdefinition, die sowohl Referenzprozesse der ITSM Frameworks als auch die spezifischen Koordinationsmuster Verketteter Dienste berücksichtigt. Die Arbeit wird abgerundet durch die Anwendung der Methode ITSMCooP auf ein reales, komplexes Szenario.The growing complexity of IT services poses new challenges to IT Service Management (ITSM). The issue of end-to-endservice quality challenges service providers, as most services are no longer realized standalone by a single provider but composed of multiple building blocks supplied by several providers. In the past, relationships between service providers were organised according to a hierarchical model: a service provider offers services to his customers and relies on a set of underpinning services delivered by subproviders to realize these services. In their current releases, both the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) and the Enhanced Telecom Operations Map (eTOM) stress that due to new sourcing strategies, market trends like ebusiness or regulatory policies new necessities and also opportunities for collaboration between service providers arise. Beyond the hierarchical model, alternative forms of provider cooperation gain importance, where multiple providers aim to coprovide services jointly and have to coordinate their activities on an equal footing. The specification of interorganisational processes is a precondition for delivering advanced services in a cooperation of IT service providers. However, the existing ITSM frameworks fail to provide reference processes for scenarios beyond hierarchy. IT providers are left in the lurch with the nontrivial task of defining concise, yet unambigious specifications of interorganisational ITSM processes as a basis for their cooperation. In order to be able to concentrate on the challenges of interorganizational ITSM scenarios not covered by existing frameworks, this thesis is focused on the so-called class of Concatenated Services, i.e. services provided as a sequence of partial services at the same technical layer by a set of independent providers. In contrast to wellknown scenarios, like IP Peering and Transit between Autonomous Systems in the Internet, Concatenated Services are offered with tight end-to-end service quality guarantees and managed according to the best practices of service orientation. In the first part of the thesis, a thorough analysis of management challenges based on real scenarios is given and specific requirements for the definition of ITSM processes for Concatenated Services are derived which are used for a review of related work. The concept of Coordination Patterns is introduced as a means of categorisation of the numerous types of provider cooperation. Even though quite a lot of research has been performed in the areas of ITSM on the one hand and on information and process modelling languages on the other hand, the application of general-purpose languages on the definition of interorganisational ITSM processes is barely covered. To address this issue, the new method ITSMCooP (ITSM Processes for Cooperating Providers) is presented in the main part. Based on the process modelling language BPMN and the Shared Information/Data Model (SID), the method consists of a collection of modeling conventions and recommendations, covering all relevant aspects in the the specfication of interorganisational processes. A top-down modeling procedure guides the utilisation of ITSMCooP, considering the incorporation of both reference processes from ITSM frameworks and Coordination Patterns. The thesis concludes with an application of ITSMCooP to a complex scenario

    Informatique et culture scientifique du numérique

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    National audienceCe document transcrit les MOOC réalisés par le Learning Lab Inria, avec le soutien du Ministère de l’éducation nationale et de la jeunesse, en partenariat avec le projet Class ́Code et l’Université Côte d’Azur.Cette première version reprend et remet en forme les contenus des MOOC, notamment en transcrivant les propos oraux des différents intervenants issus des supports multimédias, et en adaptant les contenus à un média textuel. Les apports supplémentaires concernent modestement la partie surles logiciels libres et celle sur le son et la musique. En l’état, il manque encore un chapitre sur les implications et applications de l’informatique (bioinformatique, médecine, arts, etc.) et un autre sur l’architecture des ordinateurs et des réseaux. Cependant, le taux de recouvrement n’est pas nul car ces sujets sont également abordés dans d’autres sections du manuel. Toutefois, le manuel reste exploitable comme tel et sera enrichi et amélioré dans des versions suivantes