109 research outputs found

    Study and design of the readout unit module for the LHCb experiment

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    The D0 Run II Impact Parameter Trigger

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    Many physics topics to be studied by the D0 experiment during Run II of the Fermilab Tevatron ppbar collider give rise to final states containing b--flavored particles. Examples include Higgs searches, top quark production and decay studies, and full reconstruction of B decays. The sensitivity to such modes has been significantly enhanced by the installation of a silicon based vertex detector as part of the DO detector upgrade for Run II. Interesting events must be identified initially in 100-200 microseconds to be available for later study. This paper describes custom electronics used in the DO trigger system to provide the real--time identification of events having tracks consistent with the decay of b--flavored particles.Comment: To be submitted to Nucl. Instrum. Methods A. 56 pages, 31 figure

    Online Audio-Visual Multi-Source Tracking and Separation: A Labeled Random Finite Set Approach

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    The dissertation proposes an online solution for separating an unknown and time-varying number of moving sources using audio and visual data. The random finite set framework is used for the modeling and fusion of audio and visual data. This enables an online tracking algorithm to estimate the source positions and identities for each time point. With this information, a set of beamformers can be designed to separate each desired source and suppress the interfering sources

    A Search for the Singlet-P State hc(1 1P1) of Charmonium in Proton-Antiproton Annihilations at Fermilab Experiment E835p

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    We present the results of a search for the spin-singlet P-wave state hc(1 1P1) of charmonium formed through proton-antiproton annihilation at Fermilab experiment E835. The decay channels whjich were studied were ppbar -> J/psi + X -> e^+e^- + X, ppbar -> J/psi + pi0 -> e^+e^- + 2gamma, ppbar -> J/psi + pi0pi0 -> e^+e^- + 4gamma, and the neutral channel ppbar -> eta_c gamma -> (2gamma) gamma. The decay ppbar -> J/psi gamma -> e^+e^- gamma, into which 1P1 decay is forbidden by C-parity conservation, was also examined for comparison The 90% confidence upper limits for the decay channels studied in the mass range 3525.1-3527.3 MeV for a 1P1 resonance with a presumed width of 1.0 MeV were determined to be B(ppbar->1P1)xB(1P1->J/psi+X) <= 1.8x10^-7, B(ppbar->1P1)xB(1P1->J/psi+pi0) <= 1.2x10^-7, and B(ppbar->1P1)xB(1P1->J/psi+gamma) <= 1.0x10^-7. No evidence for a 1P1 enhancement was observed in either of the two additional reactions studied.Comment: 200+ pages, Northwestern University Ph. D. Thesi

    Membrane-Protein Dynamics: New Perspectives in FcepsilonRI Signaling through Single Particle Tracking

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    Under physiological conditions IgE binds to its high affinity receptor, FcεRI. The aggregation of IgE-FcεRI by crosslinker initiates intracellular signaling resulting in the release of histamines and other cellular mediators that are the basis for allergic disease. In the field of IgE-FcεRI, receptor immobilization was thought to trigger signaling. Recent single particle tracking (SPT) experiments presented evidence supporting the hypothesis that small mobile aggregates are signaling competent. SPT is an important method for investigating spatio-temporal relationships at the subcellular level. New SPT tools are necessary to adequately investigate this hypothesis. The studies presented here both develop and apply tools for investigating IgE-FcεRI. A Bayesian based approach for the estimation of diffusion coefficients for SPT is presented. The diffusion estimator accounts for several experimental realities including finite camera exposure time, trajectory intermittency, and variable localization uncertainty. Derivation of the method and applications to both real and simulated data are presented. This method provides the capacity to accurately estimate a diffusion coefficient with a credible interval for small sets of data. In order to better interrogate the aggregation of IgE-FcεRI a high speed hyperspectral line-scanning microscope was developed to perform multi-color SPT (mcSPT) experiments at ~30 fps with up to 8 spectrally distinct colors of quantum dots (QDs). A full description the microscope and software necessary for mcSPT are included in this work. Additionally, several applications of the hyperspectral microscope are presented to highlight its capabilities. The dynamics of IgE-FcεRI aggregates are interrogated using the hyperspectral microscope by perform mc SPT with 5- colors of QD probes. Surprisingly, many transient aggregates of QD-IgE are observed. Corroborating this observation is the observation that transient interactions of a QD crosslinker analog (DNP-QD) are also observed. Multi-color single molecule imaging of 4-colors of DNP-QD with 3-colors of Alexa Fluor IgE are used to characterize the valency of DNP-QD. Finally, signaling competency of a crosslinked aggregate is observed in SPT experiments with DNP-QD and Syk-GFP. This set of experiments provides significant evidence supporting the previous hypothesis and extends it to include the signaling competency of transient interactions

    Towards patient-specific modelling as a pre-operative planning strategy and follow up assessment for the treatment of advanced heart failure with rotary blood pumps

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    Background: Ventricular Assist Devices (VADs) insertion is an established treatment for patients with end-stage heart failure waiting for a heart transplant or in need for long-term circulatory support (destination therapy). Rotary blood pumps (RBP) are the most popular devices in view of their size and performance. Pre-operative planning strategy for the insertion of a left ventricular assist device (LVAD) requires a timely discussion at a Multi-Disciplinary Team Meeting (MDT). Clinical-decision making is based according to the needs of the patient and must be processed without delays. Nevertheless, thrombus formation remains a feared complication which affects outcome. VADs operate in a flow regime which is difficult to simulate: the transitional region at the boundary of laminar and turbulent flow (low Reynolds number). Different methods have been used but the best approach remains debatable. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is an attractive and invaluable tool for the study of the interactions between VADs and the cardiovascular system. The aim of this thesis is three-fold: a) to investigate the use of pressure-volume analysis in a clinical setting through the review of six heart failure patients previously discussed at a MDT meeting with a view to predict or guide further management; b) to review the theory behind modelling approaches to VADs and their interactions with the cardiovascular system for better understanding of their clinical use. Then, an overview of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is considered as a prelude to its application to the analysis of VADs performance. Additionally, the development of a simplified model of centrifugal pump will be used in initial simulations as preliminary analysis; c) to examine an example of a proof-of-concept pilot patient-specific model of an axial flow pump (HeartMate II) as pre-operative planning strategy in a patient-specific model with a view to identify potential critical areas that may affect pump function and outcome in a clinical setting. Material and Methods: 3D reconstruction from CT-scan images of patients who underwent the insertion of rotary blood pumps, namely HeartWare HVAD and HeartMate II. Ansys Fluent has been used for CFD analysis based on the fundamental governing equations of motion. Blood has been modelled as incompressible, Newtonian fluid with density = 1060 and viscosity = 0.0035 kg/m-s. The laminar and SST models have been used for comparison purposes. The rotational motion of the impeller has been implemented using the moving reference frame (MRF) approach. The sliding mesh method has also been used to account for unsteady interaction between stationary and moving part. The no-slip condition has been applied to all walls, which were assumed to be rigid. Boundary conditions consisting of velocity inlet and pressure outlet of the pump based on different settings and constant rotational speed for the impeller. Pressure-velocity coupling has been based on the coupled scheme. Spatial discretisation consisted of the “least square cell based” gradient for velocity and “PRESTO” or second order for pressure. Second order upwind has been set for the momentum, turbulent kinetic energy and specific dissipation rate. First order implicit has been set for transient formulation. The pseudo transient algorithm (steady state), the high order relaxation term and the warped-face gradient correction have been used to add an unsteady term to the solution equations with the aim to improve stability and enhance convergence. Specific settings have been considered for comparison purposes. Results: Pressure-volume simulation analysis in six advanced heart failure patients showed that an integrated model of the cardiovascular system based on lumped-parameter representation, modified time-varying elastance and pressure-volume analysis of ventricular function seems a feasible and suitable approach yielding a sufficiently accurate quantitative analysis in real time, therefore applicable within the time-constraints of a clinical setting. Lumped-parameter models consist of simultaneous ordinary differential equations complemented by an algebraic balance equation and are suitable for examination of global distribution of pressure, flow and volume over a range of physiological conditions with inclusion of the interaction between modelled components. Higher level lumped-parameter modelling is needed to address the interaction between the circulation and other systems based on a compromise between complexity and ability to set the required parameters to personalise an integrated lumped-parameter model for a patient-specific approach. CARDIOSIM© fulfils these requirements and does address the systems interaction with its modular approach and assembly of models with varying degree of complexity although 0-D and 1-D coupling may be required for the evaluation of long-term VAD support. The challenge remains the ability to predict outcome over a longer period of time. The preliminary CFD simulations with the HeartWare HVAD centrifugal pump demonstrated that it is possible to obtain an accurate analysis in a timely manner to complement the clinical review process. The simulations with the pilot patient-specific model of the HeartMate II axial flow pump revealed that a complex 3D reconstruction is feasible in a timely manner and can be used to generate sufficiently accurate results to be used in the context of a MDT meeting for the purposes of clinical decision-making. Overall, these three studies demonstrate that the time frame of the simulations was within hours which may fit the time constraints of the clinical environment in the context of a MDT meeting. More specifically, it was shown that the laminar model may be used for an initial evaluation of the flow development within the pump. Nonetheless, the k- model offers higher accuracy if the timeline of the clinical setting allows for a longer simulation. Conclusion: This thesis aimed at the understanding of the use of computational modelling as a pre-operative planning strategy and follow up assessment for the treatment of advanced heart failure with rotary blood pumps. The novelty lays in the use of both pressure-volume simulation analysis and 3D flow dynamics studies in VADs with a view to treatment optimisation and outcome prediction within the time constraints of a clinical setting in the context of a MDT meeting. The clinical significance and the contribution to the field is a more targeted approach for different groups of patients and a more quantitative evaluation in the clinical decision process based on a pro-active co-operation between clinicians and scientists reducing the potential for “guess work”. The results of this thesis are a proof-of-concept as a prelude to a potential future implementation of patient-specific modelling within a clinical setting on a daily basis demonstrating a clear clinical significance and contribution to the field. The proposed approach does not consider modelling and simulation as a substitute for clinical experience but an additional tool to guide therapeutic intervention and complement the clinical decision process in which the clinician remains the ultimate decision-maker. Such an approach may well add a different dimension to the problem of heart failure with potential for high return in terms of patient’s outcome and long-term surveillance. The same principles would be applicable to other cardiovascular problems in line with the current concept of “Team Approach” such as the Heart Team, the Structural Heart Team or the Aortic Team. The present work has taken this concept closer to clinical delivery and has highlighted its potential but further work remains to be done in refining the technique.Background: Ventricular Assist Devices (VADs) insertion is an established treatment for patients with end-stage heart failure waiting for a heart transplant or in need for long-term circulatory support (destination therapy). Rotary blood pumps (RBP) are the most popular devices in view of their size and performance. Pre-operative planning strategy for the insertion of a left ventricular assist device (LVAD) requires a timely discussion at a Multi-Disciplinary Team Meeting (MDT). Clinical-decision making is based according to the needs of the patient and must be processed without delays. Nevertheless, thrombus formation remains a feared complication which affects outcome. VADs operate in a flow regime which is difficult to simulate: the transitional region at the boundary of laminar and turbulent flow (low Reynolds number). Different methods have been used but the best approach remains debatable. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is an attractive and invaluable tool for the study of the interactions between VADs and the cardiovascular system. The aim of this thesis is three-fold: a) to investigate the use of pressure-volume analysis in a clinical setting through the review of six heart failure patients previously discussed at a MDT meeting with a view to predict or guide further management; b) to review the theory behind modelling approaches to VADs and their interactions with the cardiovascular system for better understanding of their clinical use. Then, an overview of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is considered as a prelude to its application to the analysis of VADs performance. Additionally, the development of a simplified model of centrifugal pump will be used in initial simulations as preliminary analysis; c) to examine an example of a proof-of-concept pilot patient-specific model of an axial flow pump (HeartMate II) as pre-operative planning strategy in a patient-specific model with a view to identify potential critical areas that may affect pump function and outcome in a clinical setting. Material and Methods: 3D reconstruction from CT-scan images of patients who underwent the insertion of rotary blood pumps, namely HeartWare HVAD and HeartMate II. Ansys Fluent has been used for CFD analysis based on the fundamental governing equations of motion. Blood has been modelled as incompressible, Newtonian fluid with density = 1060 and viscosity = 0.0035 kg/m-s. The laminar and SST models have been used for comparison purposes. The rotational motion of the impeller has been implemented using the moving reference frame (MRF) approach. The sliding mesh method has also been used to account for unsteady interaction between stationary and moving part. The no-slip condition has been applied to all walls, which were assumed to be rigid. Boundary conditions consisting of velocity inlet and pressure outlet of the pump based on different settings and constant rotational speed for the impeller. Pressure-velocity coupling has been based on the coupled scheme. Spatial discretisation consisted of the “least square cell based” gradient for velocity and “PRESTO” or second order for pressure. Second order upwind has been set for the momentum, turbulent kinetic energy and specific dissipation rate. First order implicit has been set for transient formulation. The pseudo transient algorithm (steady state), the high order relaxation term and the warped-face gradient correction have been used to add an unsteady term to the solution equations with the aim to improve stability and enhance convergence. Specific settings have been considered for comparison purposes. Results: Pressure-volume simulation analysis in six advanced heart failure patients showed that an integrated model of the cardiovascular system based on lumped-parameter representation, modified time-varying elastance and pressure-volume analysis of ventricular function seems a feasible and suitable approach yielding a sufficiently accurate quantitative analysis in real time, therefore applicable within the time-constraints of a clinical setting. Lumped-parameter models consist of simultaneous ordinary differential equations complemented by an algebraic balance equation and are suitable for examination of global distribution of pressure, flow and volume over a range of physiological conditions with inclusion of the interaction between modelled components. Higher level lumped-parameter modelling is needed to address the interaction between the circulation and other systems based on a compromise between complexity and ability to set the required parameters to personalise an integrated lumped-parameter model for a patient-specific approach. CARDIOSIM© fulfils these requirements and does address the systems interaction with its modular approach and assembly of models with varying degree of complexity although 0-D and 1-D coupling may be required for the evaluation of long-term VAD support. The challenge remains the ability to predict outcome over a longer period of time. The preliminary CFD simulations with the HeartWare HVAD centrifugal pump demonstrated that it is possible to obtain an accurate analysis in a timely manner to complement the clinical review process. The simulations with the pilot patient-specific model of the HeartMate II axial flow pump revealed that a complex 3D reconstruction is feasible in a timely manner and can be used to generate sufficiently accurate results to be used in the context of a MDT meeting for the purposes of clinical decision-making. Overall, these three studies demonstrate that the time frame of the simulations was within hours which may fit the time constraints of the clinical environment in the context of a MDT meeting. More specifically, it was shown that the laminar model may be used for an initial evaluation of the flow development within the pump. Nonetheless, the k- model offers higher accuracy if the timeline of the clinical setting allows for a longer simulation. Conclusion: This thesis aimed at the understanding of the use of computational modelling as a pre-operative planning strategy and follow up assessment for the treatment of advanced heart failure with rotary blood pumps. The novelty lays in the use of both pressure-volume simulation analysis and 3D flow dynamics studies in VADs with a view to treatment optimisation and outcome prediction within the time constraints of a clinical setting in the context of a MDT meeting. The clinical significance and the contribution to the field is a more targeted approach for different groups of patients and a more quantitative evaluation in the clinical decision process based on a pro-active co-operation between clinicians and scientists reducing the potential for “guess work”. The results of this thesis are a proof-of-concept as a prelude to a potential future implementation of patient-specific modelling within a clinical setting on a daily basis demonstrating a clear clinical significance and contribution to the field. The proposed approach does not consider modelling and simulation as a substitute for clinical experience but an additional tool to guide therapeutic intervention and complement the clinical decision process in which the clinician remains the ultimate decision-maker. Such an approach may well add a different dimension to the problem of heart failure with potential for high return in terms of patient’s outcome and long-term surveillance. The same principles would be applicable to other cardiovascular problems in line with the current concept of “Team Approach” such as the Heart Team, the Structural Heart Team or the Aortic Team. The present work has taken this concept closer to clinical delivery and has highlighted its potential but further work remains to be done in refining the technique

    Wireless communication services to support teams of cooperating autonomous robots

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    This work will consist in investigating wireless communication protocols to provide services that are commonly required to support cooperation among autonomous robots. Particular attention will be dedicated to RF-based relative localization services that are infrastructure-free. The main idea is to research the joint use of RF-ranging with RSSI-based techniques to develop a system that has improved accuracy with faster response. Beyond these services, the work will also address local state data sharing and global point-to-point communication on a volatile topology. Using a self-synchronization technique, the work will build upon previous efforts to track the topology and provide reservations (channels) on-demand, that route communications between nodes

    Proceedings of the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2015

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    This volume contains the full papers accepted for presentation at the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2015 held in the Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, on June 29 - July 2, 2015. The ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics is an international meeting held once every two years in a European country. Continuing the very successful series of past conferences that have been organized in Lisbon (2003), Madrid (2005), Milan (2007), Warsaw (2009), Brussels (2011) and Zagreb (2013); this edition will once again serve as a meeting point for the international researchers, scientists and experts from academia, research laboratories and industry working in the area of multibody dynamics. Applications are related to many fields of contemporary engineering, such as vehicle and railway systems, aeronautical and space vehicles, robotic manipulators, mechatronic and autonomous systems, smart structures, biomechanical systems and nanotechnologies. The topics of the conference include, but are not restricted to: ● Formulations and Numerical Methods ● Efficient Methods and Real-Time Applications ● Flexible Multibody Dynamics ● Contact Dynamics and Constraints ● Multiphysics and Coupled Problems ● Control and Optimization ● Software Development and Computer Technology ● Aerospace and Maritime Applications ● Biomechanics ● Railroad Vehicle Dynamics ● Road Vehicle Dynamics ● Robotics ● Benchmark ProblemsPostprint (published version

    Datenakquisitionsentwicklung und Untergrundstudien für den Weltraumdetektor AMS-02 und den CMOS-Detektor MIMOSA-V

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    This thesis deals with the development of space qualified electronics, detector simulations and realtime data acquisition software. The covered detector designs reach from the AMS-02 experiment, as a large scale multi purpose detector with several sub-detectors for cosmic particle research, to the small single type CMOS-detector MIMOSA-V for autoradiography of micro-arrays within the REGINS project. The presented background study focuses on problems with the simulation of diffractive scattering