212 research outputs found

    A clinical review of robotic navigation in total knee arthroplasty: historical systems to modern design.

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    Robotic-assisted total knee arthroplasty (RA-TKA) has shown improved reproducibility and precision in mechanical alignment restoration, with improvement in early functional outcomes and 90-day episode of care cost savings compared to conventional TKA in some studies. However, its value is still to be determined.Current studies of RA-TKA systems are limited by short-term follow-up and significant heterogeneity of the available systems.In today\u27s paradigm shift towards an increased emphasis on quality of care while curtailing costs, providing value-based care is the primary goal for healthcare systems and clinicians. As robotic technology continues to develop, longer-term studies evaluating implant survivorship and complications will determine whether the initial capital is offset by improved outcomes.Future studies will have to determine the value of RA-TKA based on longer-term survivorships, patient-reported outcome measures, functional outcomes, and patient satisfaction measures

    Analisis Sarana Dan Prasarana Untuk Memaksimalkan Proses Belajar Mengajar di RA Perguruan Ubudiyah Terpadu Medan

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    Anak adalah calon generasi penerus bangsa dan negara dimana anak haruslah kreatif serta memiliki potensi kemampuan intelektual. Dalam makalah ini akan dibahas lebih dalam mengenai dampak elemen interior di ruang belajar taman kanak-kanak, dimana pada usia tersebut anak-anak banyak menghabiskan waktunya di ruang belajar/kelas mereka. Ruang belajar taman kanak-kanak haruslah penuh keceriaan, tidak membuat anak tertekan, dan meningkatkan kreatifitas anak. Faktor-faktor yang berperan dalam menunjang perkembangan anak di taman kanak-kanak adalah kualitas guru, program kegiatan dan lingkungan fisik. Agar program kegiatan dapat berjalan dengan baik dan perkembangan anak optimal, maka perlu didukung oleh ruang kelas sebagai bagian dari lingkungan fisik, yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan perkembangan anak. Adapun tujuan umum dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji dampak elemen interior baik yang positif maupun negatif untuk ruang belajar taman kanak-kanak yang dianalisis apa saja yang harus ditambahkan atau dikurangkan agar dapat membantu mencapai target kurikulum dari setiap sekolah. Tujuan khususnya adalah untuk menciptakan pendidikan yang memberikan rasa aman dan menyenangkan bagi anak usia 4-6 tahun, mengingat taman kanak-kanak merupakan salah satu bentuk awal pendidikan sekolah yang dikenal anak dan dianggap menjadi rumah keduanya. Dalam makalah ini penulis menganalisis elemenelemen interior dalam ruang belajar taman kanak-kanak, yaitu pada lantai, dinding, ceiling, dan furniture. Masalah yang ditemukan ialah kurangnya ruang bagi anak-anak untuk berimajinasi dan desain ruang belajar yang dihubungkan dengan kebutuhan anak atau murid. Dan saran dari penulis ialah ruang kelas taman belajar kanak-kanak yang baik adalah dengan meminimalisir barang-barang atau furniture yang ada dan yang kurang multifungsi. Agar ruangan tersebut memiliki bagian yang dapat memberikan peluang untuk anak-anak berimajinasi kreatif

    Pixee knee+ augmented reality assisted navigation for total knee arthroplasty in an ambulatory surgical center

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    Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) requires precise alignment for optimal post-operative outcomes and prosthesis longevity. Recently, augmented reality (AR) has emerged as a promising technology in surgical procedures, including TKA. This case series evaluates the feasibility and accuracy of the knee+ augmented reality-assisted navigation (ARAN) system by Pixee Medical in an ambulatory surgical center (ASC) setting. Our study involved 17 consecutive TKA patients performed with the knee+ ARAN system at an ASC from August 2022 to October 2022. Demographic data, including sex, age, ASA score, height, weight, and BMI, were recorded. Postoperative measurements of the mechanical distal femoral angle (MDFA), mechanical distal tibial angle (MDTA), posterior tibial slope (PTS), femoral-tibial angle (FTA), and posterior femoral flexion (PFF) were compared to the ideal intraoperative angles. Outliers were defined as deviations greater than 3° from the planned angles. In this study, 15 out of 17 TKAs utilizing the Pixee knee+ ARAN system were analyzed. All mean post-operative radiographic measurements were within clinically acceptable ranges. The study also found that surgeries using the knee+ system had a slightly longer incision-to-closing time relative to the control group of patients undergoing normal TKA. Our results indicate clinically acceptable accuracy and precision in alignment with the knee+ ARAN system, albeit with a slight increase in surgery duration. This is the first study evaluating the knee+ ARAN system in an ASC setting indicates its suitability for outpatient centers, highlighting its precision, portability, and cost-effectiveness. Larger studies utilizing outcome measures can further assess the system’s advantages and disadvantages

    Two-dimensional-modulated, magnetic structure of neodymium metal

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    Neka zapažanja o mljekarskim gazdinstvima u SAD-u

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    Prije svega, mljekarska gazdinstva ili mljekarske farme su specijalizirane za proizvodnju mlijeka. No tu specijaliziranost ne treba shvatiti bukvalno kao da se tamo proizvodi samo mlijeko. U državi Merilend mljekarske farme ostvaruju proizvodnjom mlijeka prosečno 50-60 % od ukupnog prihoda, dok ostalo daju ostale pomoćne grane

    Effects of malalignment and disease activity on osteophyte formation in knees of rheumatoid arthritis patients.

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    PURPOSE:Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients with secondary osteoarthritis (OA) in a knee joint following a total knee arthroplasty (TKA) procedure have been increasing. Here, we investigated osteophyte formation in knee joints of RA patients and associated factors.METHODS:We retrospectively examined findings of 35 knees in 30 RA patients (26 females, 4 males; mean age: 63.0 years; median disease duration: 15 years) who underwent TKA, including preoperative anteroposterior view radiographs of the knee joint. Using the ImageJ software package, osteophyte size in the medial femur (MF), medial tibia (MT), lateral femur (LF), and lateral tibia (LT) regions was also determined.RESULTS:The mean femorotibial angle was 179°, while Larsen grade was 2 in 1, 3 in 12, 4 in 18, and 5 in 2 patients. Osteophyte sizes in the MF, MT, LF, and LT regions were 37.2, 17.0, 27.2, and 4.57 mm2, respectively, and significantly greater in the medial compartment (MC; MF+MT) than the lateral compartment (LC; LF+LT) (p < 0.001). In varus cases, osteophyte size in the MC was significantly larger than normal and valgus cases (p = 0.0016). Furthermore, osteophyte size in the MC was negatively correlated with the inflammatory markers C-reactive protein (r = -0.492, p = 0.0027) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (r = -0.529, p = 0.0016), whereas that in the LC was negatively correlated with disease activity (r = -0.589, p = 0.0023).CONCLUSION:Our results suggest that alignment and disease activity influence osteophyte formation in RA patients, with secondary OA a more prominent symptom in RA patients with controlled inflammation

    National Labor Markets, International Factor Mobility and Macroeconomic Instability

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    We consider a standard two—country environment, where one of the countries has rigid wages and unemployment, and analyze how factor markets’ integration affects the economy with respect to expectationsdriven fluctuations. We demonstrate that by allowing free capital mobility, indeterminacy is exported to the world economy. If further liberalization is permitted, by allowing free movements of labor, the scope for indeterminacy is reduced and open labor markets may produce a stabilizing effect on the global macroeconomy. Whether this also implies higher welfare in the long run depends on differentials in average firm size across countries.Indeterminacy, Factor Movements, Globalization, Efficiency Wages

    ICT-osaamisen kehittämisen konsepti : Päivitetty versio 2.0

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    OM asetti 3.11.2015 työryhmän, jonka tehtävänä oli suunnitella niin tietojärjestelmä-, toimisto- ja viestintäohjelmistojen kuin myös yleisen ICT-koulutuksen järjestämisen roolit ja vastuut. Työryhmän tehtävänä oli laatia koulutuskonsepti, jota voidaan jatkossa hyödyntää koulutuskysymysten ratkaisemisessa suunniteltaessa valtakunnallisia tai virastojen sisäisiä toimenpiteitä ICT-osaamisen kehittämiseksi sekä otettaessa käyttöön uusia tietojärjestelmiä, ohjelmistoversioita tai työvälineitä. ICT-koulutustyöryhmä esittää koulutuskonseptissa useita suosituksia ICT-osaamisen kehittämistä koskevan toiminnan kehittämiseksi. Työryhmä on työskentelynsä yhteydessä todennut, että tällä hetkellä ICT-osaamisen kehittämisestä tai koulutuksesta ei vastaa keskitetysti mikään taho. Valtakunnalliselta koulutukselta puuttuvat myös määrärahat sekä koulutustoiminnan tuottamiseen tarvittavat henkilöresurssit. OM:n hallinnonala rakentuu valtakunnallisesta organisaatioverkostosta, ja toiminnan laadun takaamiseksi tarvitaan jatkossa taho tai tahoja, jotka vastaavat ICT-asioihin liittyvästä osaamisen kehittämistoimenpiteiden ja koulutuksen suunnittelusta, tarvittavien muutosjohtamisverkostojen luomisesta sekä valtakunnallisen ja virastojen sisäisen koulutustoiminnan toteuttamisesta. Riittävät ICT-valmiudet voivat muodostaa tulevaisuuden työnteon näkökulmasta merkittävän työkykyyn ja työhyvinvointiin liittyvän haasteen, jos osaaminen ei riitä lainkäytön digitalisoituessa. ICT-koulutustyöryhmä on toimikautensa puitteissa päivittänyt koulutuskonseptista version 2.0

    Arkadi Bljumbaum: Konstruktsija mnimosti - K poetike Voskovoi persony Jurija Tynjanova

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