206 research outputs found

    The multiplicity of sociocultural behaviour in tourism: working at sailing experience Barcelona

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    Final Version (This version includes the comments and suggestions of the panel of examiners)This report is part of the curricular internship of the master’s degree in Intercultural Studies for Business, from the Porto Accounting and Business School. The internship was carried out at Sailing Experience Barcelona in the city of Barcelona, Spain. Culture defines someone’s behaviour and action towards a situation, depending on their background, beliefs, morals and customs in which they were brought in when growing up. People of the same society, albeit unaware, tend to respond similarly when faced with a particular circumstance. In tourism, tourists of the same nationality/culture tend to behave similarly when in a similar situation. The focus of this report will be describing the internship functions and activities carried out, the impact of Covid-19 in Spain, Barcelona and my internship. It will also focus on a brief study case on the sociocultural behaviour of tourists, specifically in Sailing Experience Barcelona, in which I was able to observe various behaviour from numerous tourists of specific nationalities/cultures.Este relatório insere-se no âmbito de estágio curricular do mestrado em Estudos Interculturais para Negócios, do Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto. O estágio foi realizado em Sailing Experience Barcelona na cidade de Barcelona, Espanha. Cultura define o comportamento e ações de um individuo em relação à situação na qual se inserem, dependendo da sua formação, crenças, moral e costumes nos quais foi criado. Indivíduos da mesma sociedade, embora não sabendo, tendem a responder de forma semelhante quando confrontadas com uma determinada circunstância. No turismo, turistas da mesma nacionalidade / cultura tendem a comportar-se de forma semelhante quando situados num cenário idêntico. O foco deste relatório será descrever as funções do estágio e atividades realizadas, o impacto da Covid-19 em Espanha, Barcelona e no meu estágio. Será também apresentado um breve estudo de caso sobre o comportamento sociocultural dos turistas, nomeadamente em Sailing Experience Barcelona, no qual pude observar vários comportamentos de inúmeros turistas de determinadas nacionalidades/culturas

    Working in a french SME at the marketing and e-commerce services

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    O presente relatório incide sobre o estágio realizado no âmbito do mestrado em Estudos Interculturais para Negócios do ISCAP, Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto. O estágio decorreu numa pequena e média empresa (PME) francesa especializada nas necessidades industriais e logísticas, nomeadamente no que diz respeito aos serviços de marketing e e-commerce. A globalização e a internacionalização tiveram um impacto no mundo dos negócios e mudaram a forma de trabalhar e negociar. As pequenas e médias empresas estão tão preocupadas quanto as grandes. Embora as motivações da internacionalização sejam diferentes, é importante considerar a internacionalização das PME. A internacionalização tem levantado questões quanto à gestão intercultural e como lidar com países e culturas estrangeiras, com particular interesse nas estratégias que devem ser adotadas. O objetivo deste relatório é definir conceitos-chave como a globalização, internacionalização, cultura e interculturalidade e compreender como é que este panorama teve impacto numa PME específica e nas suas estratégias de marketing, que representam a base do sucesso da empresa. A empresa é descrita, e as atividades e os projetos executados durante o estágio de seis meses são descritos e analisados.This report will cover the internship realised within the framework of the master’s degree in Intercultural Studies for Business from the Porto Business School (ISCAP, Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Admnistraçao do Porto). The internship took place in a French small and medium-size business (SMEs) specialized in industry and logistic needs, particularly regarding the marketing and e-commerce services. Globalisation and internationalisation have had an impact on the business world and have changed the way of working and negotiating. Small and medium-size businesses are as concerned as large corporations. Even if the mode and motivations of internationalisation are different, it is important to consider the internationalisation of SMEs. The internationalisation of companies has raised questions as to intercultural management and as to how to deal with foreign countries and cultures with an interest in the strategies that should be adopted? The objective of this report is to define key concept such as the globalisation, internationalisation, culture and interculturality and understand how these concepts have had an impact on a specific SME and its marketing strategies which represent the foundation of a company’s success. Moreover, the SME company is described, and some missions and projects executed during the six-month internship are described and analysed

    Interculturally effetive people within organizational wide agility anda science fition as testing ground. Star Trek Voyager as case study

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    Versão Final (Esta versão contém as críticas e sugestões dos elementos do jurí)O trabalho que se apresenta procura estabelecer relação entre o que é preconizado como uma Pessoa interculturalmente eficaz e como isso pode ser potenciado no âmbito dos negócios. Para esse fim, o Capítulo I introduz termos relacionados com eficácia intercultural e expressa as razões por que há uma necessidade crescente de pessoas cientes da eficácia intercultural. Em seguida, no Capítulo II, algumas ferramentas relacionadas com agilidade e seus respetivos valores utilizados nos negócios são apresentados, e que são Agile, Sociocracy, Beyond Budgeting e Open Space, bem como uma teoria sincrética - BOSSA - que juntos podem apoiar a prestação de Pessoas interculturalmente eficazes num ambiente de negócios. Para terminar, no Capítulo III a Ficção Científica é trazida à colação como possível campo de teste para a eficácia da agilidade em potenciar a interculturalidade nos negócios. Aqui a Star Trek Voyager é apresentada como um possível ambiente movido pela agilidade.The work presented tries to establish a connection between what is professed as an Interculturally Effective Person and how it can be strengthened within business. To that end, Chapter I introduces terms related to intercultural effectiveness and expresses the reasons why there is a growing need for people to be aware of intercultural effectiveness. Then, in Chapter II, a few agility related frameworks and their respective values used in business are presented, which are Agile, Sociocracy, Beyond Budgeting and Open Space, as well as a syncretic theory - BOSSA - that together may support the provision for Interculturally Effective People in a business environment. To end, in Chapter III Science Fiction is brought to the fore as possible testing ground for the effectiveness of agility in potentiating interculturality in business. Here Star Trek Voyager is presented as a possible agility driven environment

    Cultural appropriation of spaces and things

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    This proceedings volume gathers papers presented at the symposium “Cultural Appropriation of Spaces and Things” held in Siegen, Germany in October 2019. All over the world, children are confronted with an increasingly complicated and fast-moving world. Children need elementary cultural techniques and skills to shape their own lives and enable them to find individual interpretations of meaning. In addition to the acquisition of classical cultural techniques such as arithmetic, writing and reading, the competent handling of spaces and things – through manifold processes of appropriation and reflection – is crucial. It forms the basis and prerequisite for the development of competences or abilities that are suitable for understanding the dimensions, the complexity and changeability of their world and enable them to critically deal with associated problems and find appropriate solutions. The aim of the conference was to find suitable ways for children all over the world for a methodically and didactically guided examination of their natural, social and technical environment. At the same time, the aim was to achieve a mutual enrichment of monodisciplinary research accesses. It also included a self-critical reflection of one’s own culturally shaped approaches of research.Contents: Martin Gröger, Christian Prust, Alexandra Flügel: Preface LECTURES Alexandre Avelino Giffoni Junior, Sebastião Lázaro Pereira, Alberto Barella Netto: Haus Früher Hilfen UniRV: A historic building in process in the heart of Brazil Hyeongjoo Kim: Designing and Applying the Moral Turing Test for Korean Children Karen Barfod and Peer Daugbjerg: Teaching Science and Mathematics Outside the Classroom, a pilot study on assessing inquiry-based practices Jan Höper: Towards integrated science education by using mobile technologies outdoors WORKSHOPS Mareike Janssen: Exploring the things of life: First insights into chemical processes with sparkling water as an example Julia Gaffron, Martin Gröger: Children like to experiment, many teachers apparently do not Volker Heck: Alexander von Humboldt - The Voyage to the Americas as an approach to science in Primary School Thomas Sukopp: Interculturality in Philosophy Education: Challenges and Prospects of Education for Sustainable Development in Primary Schools POSTERS André Dorn, Martin Gröger: ESD in general studies -prospective general studies teachers deal with the educational concept of ESD in a student-oriented and cooperative manner Andree Georg: From Carlowitz to Sustainable Development and Education for Sustainable Development Irina Landrock: Children at NS Memorial Sites Dr. Markus Schaal: Martha Muchow in the Context of the New Sociology of Childhood What Can a Classic Still Teach Us Today? Martin Gröger: Open air laboratory FLEX – Starting to learn chemistry in a near-natural learning environment Martin Gröger: FoodLAB - a molecular gastronomic experimental laboratory in teacher training Martin Gröger: How Alexander von Humboldt saw the world from a chemist’s point of view Matthias Weipert: Extracurricular learning locations in the historical perspective of general studies - the example of the Wendener Hütte Mirko Schommer: Spatial Orientation - Competence expectations and common misconceptions based on map projections Sarah Gaubitz: Options for handling complex problems of global change from the perspective of primary school children Swaantje Brill: Museum Field Trips in Primary School: An Approach to Children’s Perspectives Urs Gießelmann and Uta Birkhölzer: The “Hauberg” as an extracurricular learning locatio

    Socio-territorial conflicts over the Gulf of Tribugá. Black collectivities and the socio ontological dispute over their territory

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    Obwohl sozio-territoriale Konflikte sich in vielfältigen Kämpfen um Ressourcen, Raum und Umweltbedingungen manifestieren können, vertritt diese Forschung die These, dass sozio-territoriale Konflikte nicht auf diese Aspekte beschränkt sind, sondern eine ontologische Dimension beinhalten. In diesem Sinne geht es im Golf von Tribugá um die Existenzbedingungen und die Interaktionen zwischen den bestehenden Entitäten entsprechend ihrer Ontologie sowie um die Rolle, die jede Entität bei der Konstituierung des Territoriums als eine entstehende und sich ständig verändernde Kategorie spielt. Um diesen ontologischen Disput zu verstehen, kontrastiert diese Arbeit die Unterschiede und Überschneidungen zwischen Developmentalismus - der jüngsten Manifestation des Projekts der westlichen Moderne -, nachhaltigem Developmentalismus und lokalen Lebensweisen, Interaktionen und Praktiken am Golf von Tribugá. Darüber hinaus zeigt die Untersuchung einige Strategien auf, mit denen lokale Kollektive sich bestimmte abstrakte Universalismen der Moderne aneignen, sie durch die Brille ihrer eigenen Erfahrungen transformieren und so ein transmodernes und interkulturelles Territorium gestalten und verwirklichen. Transmodernität und Interkulturalität als wirtschaftlicher, sozialer und politischer Horizont impliziert die Überwindung einer Vielzahl von Konzepten, die mit der europäischen Erkenntnistheorie in Verbindung gebracht werden und die derzeit weltweit eine hegemoniale Position einnehmen. Somit beinhaltet der Kampf für einen transmodernen und interkulturellen Horizont die Infragestellung einiger der erkenntnistheoretischen und ontologischen Grundlagen dessen, was gemeinhin als "Modernität" definiert wird.Although socio-territorial conflicts might materialise through multiple struggles over resources, space and environmental conditions, the main argument of this research is that, rather than being limited to such resources or environmental conditions, socio-territorial disputes have an ontological dimension. With this in mind, what is at stake in the Gulf of Tribugá are the conditions of existence and the interactions between existing entities according to their ontology, as well as the role each entity plays in the constitution of the territory as an emerging and constantly changing category. To understand this ontological dispute, this research contrasts the differences and partial connections between developmentalism – the most recent manifestation of the project of western modernity – and local forms of inhabiting, interacting with and enacting the Gulf of Tribugá. On top of that, the research highlights some strategies through which local collectivities, by appropriating specific abstract universalisms of modernity and concretising them through the lenses of their own experiences, propose and enact a transmodern and intercultural territory. Transmodernity and interculturality as an economic, social and political horizon implies breaking up with most of the notions mainly associated with European epistemology, which are currently hegemonic all over the globe. Struggling towards a transmodern and intercultural horizon entails questioning some of the epistemological and ontological fundaments of what is commonly defined as “modernity”

    Intergenerationality in a Digital World: Proposals of Activities:Bilingual (EN and PT)

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    A educação para os media tem ganho um grande fôlego nos últimos anos, porém ainda precisa de passos de gigante, muito em especial ao nível da forma como é tratada e enraizada junto dos cidadãos. Este e-book surge com essa preocupação. As fichas de atividades tão diversificadas, todas elas com uma componente digital, embora não esquecendo em alguns casos a ligação a outros dispositivos não digitais e formas de estar na vida no dia a dia. Estas 20 propostas do e-book Intergeracionalidade e o mundo digital: Propostas de atividades/Intergenerationality in a Digital World: Proposals of activities tentam dar forma a uma necessidade que encontramos de fazer com que as pessoas, além das crianças e dos jovens em espaço escolar e no contexto mais formal, questionem, pensem e ajam sobre as interpelações do mundo mediático e da informação.Media Education has gained momentum in recent years, but this area still needs to be improved, especially in terms of how it is perceived and implemented among citizens. This e-book is the result of this concern. The activities are diverse and include a digital component, without forgetting the connection to other non-digital devices in daily life. These 20 proposals of the e-book Intergeracionalidade e o mundo digital: Propostas de atividades/Intergenerationality in a Digital World: Proposals of activities intend to respond to the need that people, besides children in education, question, think and act on the interpellations of a mediatised world full of information available.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    From the old into the new

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    So far, the field of intercultural organizational development hasn’t received much attention in international business research but shall be the core focus of this dissertation. Triggered by the transfer of a sales practice to Spain and other countries, an organizational unit of a German automobile manufacturer develops a more and more ethnorelativistic attitude towards its international subsidiaries through processes of intercultural learning. The author, first, ethnographically studies the international practice transfer to Spain. A central observation are the resulting intercultural learning processes on the part of headquarter actors. In the following, the author focuses her attention on this ongoing development, supporting it even more by enacting an action research approach. This dissertation contributes by introducing an urgently needed empirical example in the field of intercultural development. Additionally, it expands the field of international practice transfer by not only looking at changes at recipient unit level but by also investigating the transfer’s reverse impact on headquarter actors. Carina Stumpf studied international cultural and business studies at the University of Passau. In the following, she worked on and finalized the present dissertation in a cooperation between AUDI AG and the Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich. She is currently working in the Diversity Management of AUDI AG, still very much focused on intercultural communication and cooperation

    Šta znači biti stranac? Bernhard Valdenfels i politika responzivnog interkulturalizma

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    The author analyzes the politics of responsive interculturalism in Bernhard Waldenfels’ thought, starting from the assumption that after Husserl’s phenomenology only two fundamental concepts – body and the Other – should be considered. In contemporary German “post-phenomenology” the first concept was systematically articulated by Hermann Schmitz, while the latter theme has been advanced in Waldenfels’ works as the phenomenology of the alien, up until the end of Western metaphysics. In the two parts of the discussion, the author draws on his fundamental hypothesis about aporias and paradoxes of interculturalism, since responsiveness and xenology cannot reach the positive definition of the concept of culture in the era of global entropy. The analysis, therefore, deals with the questions: (1) what is the responsiveness of man in relation to the Other, including the different ways of his presence in the world; and (2) whether the Other as alien and uncanny (Unheimlich) calls into question the basic assumption of phenomenology as such – the intentionality of consciousness?Autor analizira politiku responzivnog interkulturalizma u mišljenju Bernharda Valdenfelsa, počevši od teze da nakon Huserlove fenomenologije valja razmatrati samo dva fundamentalna pojma: telo i Drugog. U savremenoj nemačkoj „post-fenomenologiji“, prvi pojam je sistematski artikulisao Herman Šmic, dok je potonja tema napredovala u Valdenfelsovom delu, i to kao fenomenologija stranog do kraja metafizike Zapada. U dva dela diskusije, autor naznačuje svoju fundamentalnu hipotezu o aporijama i paradoksima interkulturalizma, budući da responzivnost i ksenologija ne mogu da pruže pozitivnu definiciju pojma kulture u eri globalne entropije. Analiza otuda tematizuje dva pitanja: (1) šta je responzivnost čoveka u odnosu na Drugog, uključujući i različite puteve njegovog prisustva u svetu, i (2) zbog čega Drugi kao stranac i neodomaćen (Unheimlich) dovodi u pitanje osnovni stav fenomenologije kao takve – intencionalnost svesti

    Mandarin Chinese community schooling in England: Language, culture and pupils’ identities

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    This qualitative ethnographic study adopts a social constructionist approach to investigate the significance of Chinese community schooling in the lives of pupils, parents and school staff. The study is important because it challenges homogenous and stereotypical constructions of Chinese language, culture, and identity evident in some previous studies, and promoted in the media. Several key findings emerged from the study. First, pupils and adults understood language learning as the main focus of Chinese community schooling, whether focused on learning Mandarin, or English for Chinese-migrant pupils. Second, pupils and adults valued the role of the school as capital in various forms (i.e., social, economic, and cultural). Third, a contrast emerged between the focus of the schools on Mandarin as dominant Chinese language and the diversity of Chinese languages spoken by pupils and adults (e.g., Hakka and Cantonese). Fourth, pupils valued the transmission of Chinese culture but, unlike the adults, they were interested in its meaning for their family histories and identities rather than in the interiorisation of values. Finally, community schooling played a positive role in pupils' lives as it encouraged them to claim the right to construct their identity as Chinese, regardless of their spoken language(s), their life trajectories, and family background. Overall, this study has shown that Chinese community schools are linguistically and culturally varied spaces where pupils and adults coconstruct concepts of Chinese language and culture that are both informed by their life trajectories and ideologically charged. Furthermore, the schools are spaces that encourage intercultural encounters and, as such, are sites for intercultural awareness and development rather than “ethnic enclaves”. The study provides valuable insights for researchers in the areas of international and intercultural Chinese language education and researching multilingually. Also, the findings offer insights for researchers, educators, policy makers, and the parents and children participating in the life of the schools to better understand the phenomenon of Chinese language community schooling

    The ethnomathematics posture as a political blow: unveiling the mysticism of five rhythms present in communitarian mathematics education

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    In a dialectical movement, the very mysticism that operates the existing educational processes has been treated with deep mysticism in the academy. The paths that unravel this mysticism have been avoided, or even denied, both as an alibi that questions the scientific credibility of the study and as a discourse that rescues knowledge unworthy to human progress and success. To demystify, this essay presents an analysis on some research processes developed with multi-marginalized communities. The analysis begins with an overview of the bottom-up processes of human development in Europe, and opens up to research experiences both in Portugal and in Brazil, by supporting the establishment of a methodological theoretical structure that is transversal to these research experiences. An ethnomathematics posture rooted in critical ethnographic movements, and developed with a bottom-up research, promotes not only the possibility of breaking with the mysticism surrounding inter and intra-communitarian processes but also of witnessing the dance of communitarian bodies to the beat of five rhythms: cultural identity, self-governing, corporification, identification, and multicultural racism. These rhythms have revealed themselves as pivotal concepts in the development of communitarian mathematics education, and are here discussed in terms of transformation, emancipation, and civility that are objectified and conquered by means of this research, going beyond the hyper-valuation of the identity of microcommunitarism