42 research outputs found

    Strategies for Managing Linked Enterprise Data

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    Data, information and knowledge become key assets of our 21st century economy. As a result, data and knowledge management become key tasks with regard to sustainable development and business success. Often, knowledge is not explicitly represented residing in the minds of people or scattered among a variety of data sources. Knowledge is inherently associated with semantics that conveys its meaning to a human or machine agent. The Linked Data concept facilitates the semantic integration of heterogeneous data sources. However, we still lack an effective knowledge integration strategy applicable to enterprise scenarios, which balances between large amounts of data stored in legacy information systems and data lakes as well as tailored domain specific ontologies that formally describe real-world concepts. In this thesis we investigate strategies for managing linked enterprise data analyzing how actionable knowledge can be derived from enterprise data leveraging knowledge graphs. Actionable knowledge provides valuable insights, supports decision makers with clear interpretable arguments, and keeps its inference processes explainable. The benefits of employing actionable knowledge and its coherent management strategy span from a holistic semantic representation layer of enterprise data, i.e., representing numerous data sources as one, consistent, and integrated knowledge source, to unified interaction mechanisms with other systems that are able to effectively and efficiently leverage such an actionable knowledge. Several challenges have to be addressed on different conceptual levels pursuing this goal, i.e., means for representing knowledge, semantic data integration of raw data sources and subsequent knowledge extraction, communication interfaces, and implementation. In order to tackle those challenges we present the concept of Enterprise Knowledge Graphs (EKGs), describe their characteristics and advantages compared to existing approaches. We study each challenge with regard to using EKGs and demonstrate their efficiency. In particular, EKGs are able to reduce the semantic data integration effort when processing large-scale heterogeneous datasets. Then, having built a consistent logical integration layer with heterogeneity behind the scenes, EKGs unify query processing and enable effective communication interfaces for other enterprise systems. The achieved results allow us to conclude that strategies for managing linked enterprise data based on EKGs exhibit reasonable performance, comply with enterprise requirements, and ensure integrated data and knowledge management throughout its life cycle

    Federated Query Processing over Heterogeneous Data Sources in a Semantic Data Lake

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    Data provides the basis for emerging scientific and interdisciplinary data-centric applications with the potential of improving the quality of life for citizens. Big Data plays an important role in promoting both manufacturing and scientific development through industrial digitization and emerging interdisciplinary research. Open data initiatives have encouraged the publication of Big Data by exploiting the decentralized nature of the Web, allowing for the availability of heterogeneous data generated and maintained by autonomous data providers. Consequently, the growing volume of data consumed by different applications raise the need for effective data integration approaches able to process a large volume of data that is represented in different format, schema and model, which may also include sensitive data, e.g., financial transactions, medical procedures, or personal data. Data Lakes are composed of heterogeneous data sources in their original format, that reduce the overhead of materialized data integration. Query processing over Data Lakes require the semantic description of data collected from heterogeneous data sources. A Data Lake with such semantic annotations is referred to as a Semantic Data Lake. Transforming Big Data into actionable knowledge demands novel and scalable techniques for enabling not only Big Data ingestion and curation to the Semantic Data Lake, but also for efficient large-scale semantic data integration, exploration, and discovery. Federated query processing techniques utilize source descriptions to find relevant data sources and find efficient execution plan that minimize the total execution time and maximize the completeness of answers. Existing federated query processing engines employ a coarse-grained description model where the semantics encoded in data sources are ignored. Such descriptions may lead to the erroneous selection of data sources for a query and unnecessary retrieval of data, affecting thus the performance of query processing engine. In this thesis, we address the problem of federated query processing against heterogeneous data sources in a Semantic Data Lake. First, we tackle the challenge of knowledge representation and propose a novel source description model, RDF Molecule Templates, that describe knowledge available in a Semantic Data Lake. RDF Molecule Templates (RDF-MTs) describes data sources in terms of an abstract description of entities belonging to the same semantic concept. Then, we propose a technique for data source selection and query decomposition, the MULDER approach, and query planning and optimization techniques, Ontario, that exploit the characteristics of heterogeneous data sources described using RDF-MTs and provide a uniform access to heterogeneous data sources. We then address the challenge of enforcing privacy and access control requirements imposed by data providers. We introduce a privacy-aware federated query technique, BOUNCER, able to enforce privacy and access control regulations during query processing over data sources in a Semantic Data Lake. In particular, BOUNCER exploits RDF-MTs based source descriptions in order to express privacy and access control policies as well as their automatic enforcement during source selection, query decomposition, and planning. Furthermore, BOUNCER implements query decomposition and optimization techniques able to identify query plans over data sources that not only contain the relevant entities to answer a query, but also are regulated by policies that allow for accessing these relevant entities. Finally, we tackle the problem of interest based update propagation and co-evolution of data sources. We present a novel approach for interest-based RDF update propagation that consistently maintains a full or partial replication of large datasets and deal with co-evolution

    Enhancing Virtual Ontology Based Access over Tabular Data with Morph-CSV

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    Ontology-Based Data Access (OBDA) has traditionally focused on providing a unified view of heterogeneous datasets, either by materializing integrated data into RDF or by performing on-the fly querying via SPARQL query translation. In the specific case of tabular datasets represented as several CSV or Excel files, query translation approaches have been applied by considering each source as a single table that can be loaded into a relational database management system (RDBMS). Nevertheless, constraints over these tables are not represented; thus, neither consistency among attributes nor indexes over tables are enforced. As a consequence, efficiency of the SPARQL-to-SQL translation process may be affected, as well as the completeness of the answers produced during the evaluation of the generated SQL query. Our work is focused on applying implicit constraints on the OBDA query translation process over tabular data. We propose Morph-CSV, a framework for querying tabular data that exploits information from typical OBDA inputs (e.g., mappings, queries) to enforce constraints that can be used together with any SPARQL-to-SQL OBDA engine. Morph-CSV relies on both a constraint component and a set of constraint operators. For a given set of constraints, the operators are applied to each type of constraint with the aim of enhancing query completeness and performance. We evaluate Morph-CSV in several domains: e-commerce with the BSBM benchmark; transportation with a benchmark using the GTFS dataset from the Madrid subway; and biology with a use case extracted from the Bio2RDF project. We compare and report the performance of two SPARQL-to-SQL OBDA engines, without and with the incorporation of MorphCSV. The observed results suggest that Morph-CSV is able to speed up the total query execution time by up to two orders of magnitude, while it is able to produce all the query answers

    Compact semantic representations of observational data

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    Das Konzept des Internet der Dinge (IoT) ist in mehreren Bereichen weit verbreitet, damit GerĂ€te miteinander interagieren und bestimmte Aufgaben erfĂŒllen können. IoT-GerĂ€te umfassen verschiedene Konzepte, z.B. Sensoren, Programme, Computer und Aktoren. IoT-GerĂ€te beobachten ihre Umgebung, um Informationen zu sammeln und miteinander zu kommunizieren, um gemeinsame Aufgaben zu erfĂŒllen. Diese Vorrichtungen erzeugen kontinuierlich Beobachtungsdatenströme, die zu historischen Daten werden, wenn diese Beobachtungen gespeichert werden. Durch die Zunahme der Anzahl der IoT-GerĂ€te wird eine große Menge an Streaming- und historischen Beobachtungsdaten erzeugt. DarĂŒber hinaus wurden mehrere Ontologien, wie die Semantic Sensor Network (SSN) Ontologie, fĂŒr die semantische Annotation von Beobachtungsdaten vorgeschlagen - entweder Stream oder historisch. Das Resource Description Framework (RDF) ist ein weit verbreitetes Datenmodell zur semantischen Beschreibung der DatensĂ€tze. Semantische Annotation bietet ein gemeinsames VerstĂ€ndnis fĂŒr die Verarbeitung und Analyse von Beobachtungsdaten. Durch das HinzufĂŒgen von Semantik wird die DatengrĂ¶ĂŸe jedoch weiter erhöht, insbesondere wenn die Beobachtungswerte von mehreren GerĂ€ten redundant erfasst werden. So können beispielsweise mehrere Sensoren Beobachtungen erzeugen, die den gleichen Wert fĂŒr die relative Luftfeuchtigkeit in einem bestimmten Zeitstempel und einer bestimmten Stadt anzeigen. Diese Situation kann in einem RDF-Diagramm mit vier RDF-Tripel dargestellt werden, wobei Beobachtungen als Tripel dargestellt werden, die das beobachtete PhĂ€nomen, die Maßeinheit, den Zeitstempel und die Koordinaten beschreiben. Die RDF-Tripel einer Beobachtung sind mit dem gleichen Thema verbunden. Solche Beobachtungen teilen sich die gleichen Objekte in einer bestimmten Gruppe von Eigenschaften, d.h. sie entsprechen einem Sternmuster, das sich aus diesen Eigenschaften und Objekten zusammensetzt. Wenn die Anzahl dieser SubjektentitĂ€ten oder Eigenschaften in diesen Sternmustern groß ist, wird die GrĂ¶ĂŸe des RDF-Diagramms und der Abfrageverarbeitung negativ beeinflusst; wir bezeichnen diese Sternmuster als hĂ€ufige Sternmuster. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Problem der Identifizierung von hĂ€ufigen Sternenmustern in RDF-Diagrammen und entwickelt Berechnungsmethoden, um hĂ€ufige Sternmuster zu identifizieren und ein faktorisiertes RDF-Diagramm zu erzeugen, bei dem die Anzahl der hĂ€ufigen Sternmuster minimiert wird. DarĂŒber hinaus wenden wir diese faktorisierten RDF-Darstellungen ĂŒber historische semantische Sensordaten an, die mit der SSN-Ontologie beschrieben werden, und prĂ€sentieren tabellarische Darstellungen von faktorisierten semantischen Sensordaten, um Big Data-Frameworks auszunutzen. DarĂŒber hinaus entwickelt diese Arbeit einen wissensbasierten Ansatz namens DESERT, der in der Lage ist, bei Bedarf Streamdaten zu faktorisieren und semantisch anzureichern (on-Demand factorizE and Semantically Enrich stReam daTa). Wir bewerten die Leistung unserer vorgeschlagenen Techniken anhand mehrerer RDF-Diagramm-Benchmarks. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass unsere Techniken in der Lage sind, hĂ€ufige Sternmuster effektiv und effizient zu erkennen, und die GrĂ¶ĂŸe der RDF-Diagramme kann um bis zu 66,56% reduziert werden, wĂ€hrend die im ursprĂŒnglichen RDF-Diagramm dargestellten Daten erhalten bleiben. DarĂŒber hinaus sind die kompakten Darstellungen in der Lage, die Anzahl der RDF-Tripel um mindestens 53,25% in historischen Beobachtungsdaten und bis zu 94,34% in Beobachtungsdatenströmen zu reduzieren. DarĂŒber hinaus reduzieren die Ergebnisse der Anfrageauswertung ĂŒber historische Daten die AusfĂŒhrungszeit der Anfrage um bis zu drei GrĂ¶ĂŸenordnungen. In Beobachtungsdatenströmen wird die GrĂ¶ĂŸe der zur Beantwortung der Anfrage benötigten Daten um 92,53% reduziert, wodurch der Speicherplatzbedarf zur Beantwortung der Anfragen reduziert wird. Diese Ergebnisse belegen, dass IoT-Daten mit den vorgeschlagenen kompakten Darstellungen effizient dargestellt werden können, wodurch die negativen Auswirkungen semantischer Annotationen auf das IoT-Datenmanagement reduziert werden.The Internet of Things (IoT) concept has been widely adopted in several domains to enable devices to interact with each other and perform certain tasks. IoT devices encompass different concepts, e.g., sensors, programs, computers, and actuators. IoT devices observe their surroundings to collect information and communicate with each other in order to perform mutual tasks. These devices continuously generate observational data streams, which become historical data when these observations are stored. Due to an increase in the number of IoT devices, a large amount of streaming and historical observational data is being produced. Moreover, several ontologies, like the Semantic Sensor Network (SSN) Ontology, have been proposed for semantic annotation of observational data-either streams or historical. Resource Description Framework (RDF) is widely adopted data model to semantically describe the datasets. Semantic annotation provides a shared understanding for processing and analysis of observational data. However, adding semantics, further increases the data size especially when the observation values are redundantly sensed by several devices. For example, several sensors can generate observations indicating the same value for relative humidity in a given timestamp and city. This situation can be represented in an RDF graph using four RDF triples where observations are represented as triples that describe the observed phenomenon, the unit of measurement, the timestamp, and the coordinates. The RDF triples of an observation are associated with the same subject. Such observations share the same objects in a certain group of properties, i.e., they match star patterns composed of these properties and objects. In case the number of these subject entities or properties in these star patterns is large, the size of the RDF graph and query processing are negatively impacted; we refer these star patterns as frequent star patterns. This thesis addresses the problem of identifying frequent star patterns in RDF graphs and develop computational methods to identify frequent star patterns and generate a factorized RDF graph where the number of frequent star patterns is minimized. Furthermore, we apply these factorized RDF representations over historical semantic sensor data described using the SSN ontology and present tabular-based representations of factorized semantic sensor data in order to exploit Big Data frameworks. In addition, this thesis devises a knowledge-driven approach named DESERT that is able to on-Demand factorizE and Semantically Enrich stReam daTa. We evaluate the performance of our proposed techniques on several RDF graph benchmarks. The outcomes show that our techniques are able to effectively and efficiently detect frequent star patterns and RDF graph size can be reduced by up to 66.56% while data represented in the original RDF graph is preserved. Moreover, the compact representations are able to reduce the number of RDF triples by at least 53.25% in historical observational data and upto 94.34% in observational data streams. Additionally, query evaluation results over historical data reduce query execution time by up to three orders of magnitude. In observational data streams the size of the data required to answer the query is reduced by 92.53% reducing the memory space requirements to answer the queries. These results provide evidence that IoT data can be efficiently represented using the proposed compact representations, reducing thus, the negative impact that semantic annotations may have on IoT data management

    Query Optimization Techniques For Scaling Up To Data Variety

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    Even though Data Lakes are efficient in terms of data storage, they increase the complexity of query processing; this can lead to expensive query execution. Hence, novel techniques for generating query execution plans are demanded. Those techniques have to be able to exploit the main characteristics of Data Lakes. Ontario is a federated query engine capable of processing queries over heterogeneous data sources. Ontario uses source descriptions based on RDF Molecule Templates, i.e., an abstract description of the properties belonging to the entities in the unified schema of the data in the Data Lake. This thesis proposes new heuristics tailored to the problem of query processing over heterogeneous data sources including heuristics specifically designed for certain data models. The proposed heuristics are integrated into the Ontario query optimizer. Ontario is compared to state-of-the-art RDF query engines in order to study the overhead introduced by considering heterogeneity during query processing. The results of the empirical evaluation suggest that there is no significant overhead when considering heterogeneity. Furthermore, the baseline version of Ontario is compared to two different sets of additional heuristics, i.e., heuristics specifically designed for certain data models and heuristics that do not consider the data model. The analysis of the obtained experimental results shows that source-specific heuristics are able to improve query performance. Ontario optimization techniques are able to generate effective and efficient query plans that can be executed over heterogeneous data sources in a Data Lake

    A Knowledge Graph Based Integration Approach for Industry 4.0

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    The fourth industrial revolution, Industry 4.0 (I40) aims at creating smart factories employing among others Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Realizing smart factories according to the I40 vision requires intelligent human-to-machine and machine-to-machine communication. To achieve this communication, CPS along with their data need to be described and interoperability conflicts arising from various representations need to be resolved. For establishing interoperability, industry communities have created standards and standardization frameworks. Standards describe main properties of entities, systems, and processes, as well as interactions among them. Standardization frameworks classify, align, and integrate industrial standards according to their purposes and features. Despite being published by official international organizations, different standards may contain divergent definitions for similar entities. Further, when utilizing the same standard for the design of a CPS, different views can generate interoperability conflicts. Albeit expressive, standardization frameworks may represent divergent categorizations of the same standard to some extent, interoperability conflicts need to be resolved to support effective and efficient communication in smart factories. To achieve interoperability, data need to be semantically integrated and existing conflicts conciliated. This problem has been extensively studied in the literature. Obtained results can be applied to general integration problems. However, current approaches fail to consider specific interoperability conflicts that occur between entities in I40 scenarios. In this thesis, we tackle the problem of semantic data integration in I40 scenarios. A knowledge graphbased approach allowing for the integration of entities in I40 while considering their semantics is presented. To achieve this integration, there are challenges to be addressed on different conceptual levels. Firstly, defining mappings between standards and standardization frameworks; secondly, representing knowledge of entities in I40 scenarios described by standards; thirdly, integrating perspectives of CPS design while solving semantic heterogeneity issues; and finally, determining real industry applications for the presented approach. We first devise a knowledge-driven approach allowing for the integration of standards and standardization frameworks into an Industry 4.0 knowledge graph (I40KG). The standards ontology is used for representing the main properties of standards and standardization frameworks, as well as relationships among them. The I40KG permits to integrate standards and standardization frameworks while solving specific semantic heterogeneity conflicts in the domain. Further, we semantically describe standards in knowledge graphs. To this end, standards of core importance for I40 scenarios are considered, i.e., the Reference Architectural Model for I40 (RAMI4.0), AutomationML, and the Supply Chain Operation Reference Model (SCOR). In addition, different perspectives of entities describing CPS are integrated into the knowledge graphs. To evaluate the proposed methods, we rely on empirical evaluations as well as on the development of concrete use cases. The attained results provide evidence that a knowledge graph approach enables the effective data integration of entities in I40 scenarios while solving semantic interoperability conflicts, thus empowering the communication in smart factories

    Knowledge hypergraph based-approach for multi-source data integration and querying : Application for Earth Observation domain

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    Early warning against natural disasters to save lives and decrease damages has drawn increasing interest to develop systems that observe, monitor, and assess the changes in the environment. Over the last years, numerous environmental monitoring systems and Earth Observation (EO) programs were implemented. Nevertheless, these systems generate a large amount of EO data while using different vocabularies and different conceptual schemas. Accordingly, data resides in many siloed systems and are mainly untapped for integrated operations, insights, and decision making situations. To overcome the insufficient exploitation of EO data, a data integration system is crucial to break down data silos and create a common information space where data will be semantically linked. Within this context, we propose a semantic data integration and querying approach, which aims to semantically integrate EO data and provide an enhanced query processing in terms of accuracy, completeness, and semantic richness of response. . To do so, we defined three main objectives. The first objective is to capture the knowledge of the environmental monitoring domain. To do so, we propose MEMOn, a domain ontology that provides a common vocabulary of the environmental monitoring domain in order to support the semantic interoperability of heterogeneous EO data. While creating MEMOn, we adopted a development methodology, including three fundamental principles. First, we used a modularization approach. The idea is to create separate modules, one for each context of the environment domain in order to ensure the clarity of the global ontology’s structure and guarantee the reusability of each module separately. Second, we used the upper-level ontology Basic Formal Ontology and the mid-level ontologies, the Common Core ontologies, to facilitate the integration of the ontological modules in order to build the global one. Third, we reused existing domain ontologies such as ENVO and SSN, to avoid creating the ontology from scratch, and this can improve its quality since the reused components have already been evaluated. MEMOn is then evaluated using real use case studies, according to the Sahara and Sahel Observatory experts’ requirements. The second objective of this work is to break down the data silos and provide a common environmental information space. Accordingly, we propose a knowledge hypergraphbased data integration approach to provide experts and software agents with a virtual integrated and linked view of data. This approach generates RML mappings between the developed ontology and metadata and then creates a knowledge hypergraph that semantically links these mappings to identify more complex relationships across data sources. One of the strengths of the proposed approach is it goes beyond the process of combining data retrieved from multiple and independent sources and allows the virtual data integration in a highly semantic and expressive way, using hypergraphs. The third objective of this thesis concerns the enhancement of query processing in terms of accuracy, completeness, and semantic richness of response in order to adapt the returned results and make them more relevant and richer in terms of relationships. Accordingly, we propose a knowledge-hypergraph based query processing that improves the selection of sources contributing to the final result of an input query. Indeed, the proposed approach moves beyond the discovery of simple one-to-one equivalence matches and relies on the identification of more complex relationships across data sources by referring to the knowledge hypergraph. This enhancement significantly showcases the increasing of answer completeness and semantic richness. The proposed approach was implemented in an open-source tool and has proved its effectiveness through a real use case in the environmental monitoring domain

    Semantic systems biology of prokaryotes : heterogeneous data integration to understand bacterial metabolism

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    The goal of this thesis is to improve the prediction of genotype to phenotypeassociations with a focus on metabolic phenotypes of prokaryotes. This goal isachieved through data integration, which in turn required the development ofsupporting solutions based on semantic web technologies. Chapter 1 providesan introduction to the challenges associated to data integration. Semantic webtechnologies provide solutions to some of these challenges and the basics ofthese technologies are explained in the Introduction. Furthermore, the ba-sics of constraint based metabolic modeling and construction of genome scalemodels (GEM) are also provided. The chapters in the thesis are separated inthree related topics: chapters 2, 3 and 4 focus on data integration based onheterogeneous networks and their application to the human pathogen M. tu-berculosis; chapters 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 focus on the semantic web based solutionsto genome annotation and applications thereof; and chapter 10 focus on thefinal goal to associate genotypes to phenotypes using GEMs. Chapter 2 provides the prototype of a workflow to efficiently analyze in-formation generated by different inference and prediction methods. This me-thod relies on providing the user the means to simultaneously visualize andanalyze the coexisting networks generated by different algorithms, heteroge-neous data sets, and a suite of analysis tools. As a show case, we have ana-lyzed the gene co-expression networks of M. tuberculosis generated using over600 expression experiments. Hereby we gained new knowledge about theregulation of the DNA repair, dormancy, iron uptake and zinc uptake sys-tems. Furthermore, it enabled us to develop a pipeline to integrate ChIP-seqdat and a tool to uncover multiple regulatory layers. In chapter 3 the prototype presented in chapter 2 is further developedinto the Synchronous Network Data Integration (SyNDI) framework, whichis based on Cytoscape and Galaxy. The functionality and usability of theframework is highlighted with three biological examples. We analyzed thedistinct connectivity of plasma metabolites in networks associated with highor low latent cardiovascular disease risk. We obtained deeper insights froma few similar inflammatory response pathways in Staphylococcus aureus infec-tion common to human and mouse. We identified not yet reported regulatorymotifs associated with transcriptional adaptations of M. tuberculosis.In chapter 4 we present a review providing a systems level overview ofthe molecular and cellular components involved in divalent metal homeosta-sis and their role in regulating the three main virulence strategies of M. tu-berculosis: immune modulation, dormancy and phagosome escape. With theuse of the tools presented in chapter 2 and 3 we identified a single regulatorycascade for these three virulence strategies that respond to limited availabilityof divalent metals in the phagosome. The tools presented in chapter 2 and 3 achieve data integration throughthe use of multiple similarity, coexistence, coexpression and interaction geneand protein networks. However, the presented tools cannot store additional(genome) annotations. Therefore, we applied semantic web technologies tostore and integrate heterogeneous annotation data sets. An increasing num-ber of widely used biological resources are already available in the RDF datamodel. There are however, no tools available that provide structural overviewsof these resources. Such structural overviews are essential to efficiently querythese resources and to assess their structural integrity and design. There-fore, in chapter 5, I present RDF2Graph, a tool that automatically recoversthe structure of an RDF resource. The generated overview enables users tocreate complex queries on these resources and to structurally validate newlycreated resources. Direct functional comparison support genotype to phenotype predictions.A prerequisite for a direct functional comparison is consistent annotation ofthe genetic elements with evidence statements. However, the standard struc-tured formats used by the public sequence databases to present genome an-notations provide limited support for data mining, hampering comparativeanalyses at large scale. To enable interoperability of genome annotations fordata mining application, we have developed the Genome Biology OntologyLanguage (GBOL) and associated infrastructure (GBOL stack), which is pre-sented in chapter 6. GBOL is provenance aware and thus provides a consistentrepresentation of functional genome annotations linked to the provenance.The provenance of a genome annotation describes the contextual details andderivation history of the process that resulted in the annotation. GBOL is mod-ular in design, extensible and linked to existing ontologies. The GBOL stackof supporting tools enforces consistency within and between the GBOL defi-nitions in the ontology. Based on GBOL, we developed the genome annotation pipeline SAPP (Se-mantic Annotation Platform with Provenance) presented in chapter 7. SAPPautomatically predicts, tracks and stores structural and functional annotationsand associated dataset- and element-wise provenance in a Linked Data for-mat, thereby enabling information mining and retrieval with Semantic Webtechnologies. This greatly reduces the administrative burden of handling mul-tiple analysis tools and versions thereof and facilitates multi-level large scalecomparative analysis. In turn this can be used to make genotype to phenotypepredictions. The development of GBOL and SAPP was done simultaneously. Duringthe development we realized that we had to constantly validated the data ex-ported to RDF to ensure coherence with the ontology. This was an extremelytime consuming process and prone to error, therefore we developed the Em-pusa code generator. Empusa is presented in chapter 8. SAPP has been successfully used to annotate 432 sequenced Pseudomonas strains and integrate the resulting annotation in a large scale functional com-parison using protein domains. This comparison is presented in chapter 9.Additionally, data from six metabolic models, nearly a thousand transcrip-tome measurements and four large scale transposon mutagenesis experimentswere integrated with the genome annotations. In this way, we linked gene es-sentiality, persistence and expression variability. This gave us insight into thediversity, versatility and evolutionary history of the Pseudomonas genus, whichcontains some important pathogens as well some useful species for bioengi-neering and bioremediation purposes. Genome annotation can be used to create GEM, which can be used to betterlink genotypes to phenotypes. Bio-Growmatch, presented in chapter 10, istool that can automatically suggest modification to improve a GEM based onphenotype data. Thereby integrating growth data into the complete processof modelling the metabolism of an organism. Chapter 11 presents a general discussion on how the chapters contributedthe central goal. After which I discuss provenance requirements for data reuseand integration. I further discuss how this can be used to further improveknowledge generation. The acquired knowledge could, in turn, be used to de-sign new experiments. The principles of the dry-lab cycle and how semantictechnologies can contribute to establish these cycles are discussed in chapter11. Finally a discussion is presented on how to apply these principles to im-prove the creation and usability of GEM’s.</p