14,927 research outputs found

    Sharing knowledge without sharing data: on the false choice between the privacy and utility of information

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    Presentation slides for Azer Bestavros' June 1, 2017 talk at the BU Law School.As part of an ongoing collaboration, the Law School hosted a talk by Azer Bestavros, BU Professor of Computer Science and the Director of the Hariri Institute for Computing. Prof. Bestavros will detailed his groundbreaking research project regarding pay equity. In this project, he and his colleagues conducted a study of more than 170 employers in the Boston area, analyzing and reporting pay equity results without compromising any of the firms' confidentiality. The project - and the methodology - have broad implications well beyond the employment context

    From Query-By-Keyword to Query-By-Example: LinkedIn Talent Search Approach

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    One key challenge in talent search is to translate complex criteria of a hiring position into a search query, while it is relatively easy for a searcher to list examples of suitable candidates for a given position. To improve search efficiency, we propose the next generation of talent search at LinkedIn, also referred to as Search By Ideal Candidates. In this system, a searcher provides one or several ideal candidates as the input to hire for a given position. The system then generates a query based on the ideal candidates and uses it to retrieve and rank results. Shifting from the traditional Query-By-Keyword to this new Query-By-Example system poses a number of challenges: How to generate a query that best describes the candidates? When moving to a completely different paradigm, how does one leverage previous product logs to learn ranking models and/or evaluate the new system with no existing usage logs? Finally, given the different nature between the two search paradigms, the ranking features typically used for Query-By-Keyword systems might not be optimal for Query-By-Example. This paper describes our approach to solving these challenges. We present experimental results confirming the effectiveness of the proposed solution, particularly on query building and search ranking tasks. As of writing this paper, the new system has been available to all LinkedIn members

    Structuring visual exploratory analysis of skill demand

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    The analysis of increasingly large and diverse data for meaningful interpretation and question answering is handicapped by human cognitive limitations. Consequently, semi-automatic abstraction of complex data within structured information spaces becomes increasingly important, if its knowledge content is to support intuitive, exploratory discovery. Exploration of skill demand is an area where regularly updated, multi-dimensional data may be exploited to assess capability within the workforce to manage the demands of the modern, technology- and data-driven economy. The knowledge derived may be employed by skilled practitioners in defining career pathways, to identify where, when and how to update their skillsets in line with advancing technology and changing work demands. This same knowledge may also be used to identify the combination of skills essential in recruiting for new roles. To address the challenges inherent in exploring the complex, heterogeneous, dynamic data that feeds into such applications, we investigate the use of an ontology to guide structuring of the information space, to allow individuals and institutions to interactively explore and interpret the dynamic skill demand landscape for their specific needs. As a test case we consider the relatively new and highly dynamic field of Data Science, where insightful, exploratory data analysis and knowledge discovery are critical. We employ context-driven and task-centred scenarios to explore our research questions and guide iterative design, development and formative evaluation of our ontology-driven, visual exploratory discovery and analysis approach, to measure where it adds value to users’ analytical activity. Our findings reinforce the potential in our approach, and point us to future paths to build on

    Non-Parametric Causality Detection: An Application to Social Media and Financial Data

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    According to behavioral finance, stock market returns are influenced by emotional, social and psychological factors. Several recent works support this theory by providing evidence of correlation between stock market prices and collective sentiment indexes measured using social media data. However, a pure correlation analysis is not sufficient to prove that stock market returns are influenced by such emotional factors since both stock market prices and collective sentiment may be driven by a third unmeasured factor. Controlling for factors that could influence the study by applying multivariate regression models is challenging given the complexity of stock market data. False assumptions about the linearity or non-linearity of the model and inaccuracies on model specification may result in misleading conclusions. In this work, we propose a novel framework for causal inference that does not require any assumption about the statistical relationships among the variables of the study and can effectively control a large number of factors. We apply our method in order to estimate the causal impact that information posted in social media may have on stock market returns of four big companies. Our results indicate that social media data not only correlate with stock market returns but also influence them.Comment: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 201

    Search Efficient Binary Network Embedding

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    Traditional network embedding primarily focuses on learning a dense vector representation for each node, which encodes network structure and/or node content information, such that off-the-shelf machine learning algorithms can be easily applied to the vector-format node representations for network analysis. However, the learned dense vector representations are inefficient for large-scale similarity search, which requires to find the nearest neighbor measured by Euclidean distance in a continuous vector space. In this paper, we propose a search efficient binary network embedding algorithm called BinaryNE to learn a sparse binary code for each node, by simultaneously modeling node context relations and node attribute relations through a three-layer neural network. BinaryNE learns binary node representations efficiently through a stochastic gradient descent based online learning algorithm. The learned binary encoding not only reduces memory usage to represent each node, but also allows fast bit-wise comparisons to support much quicker network node search compared to Euclidean distance or other distance measures. Our experiments and comparisons show that BinaryNE not only delivers more than 23 times faster search speed, but also provides comparable or better search quality than traditional continuous vector based network embedding methods

    Semantic user profiling techniques for personalised multimedia recommendation

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    Due to the explosion of news materials available through broadcast and other channels, there is an increasing need for personalised news video retrieval. In this work, we introduce a semantic-based user modelling technique to capture users’ evolving information needs. Our approach exploits implicit user interaction to capture long-term user interests in a profile. The organised interests are used to retrieve and recommend news stories to the users. In this paper, we exploit the Linked Open Data Cloud to identify similar news stories that match the users’ interest. We evaluate various recommendation parameters by introducing a simulation-based evaluation scheme
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