10,329 research outputs found

    Experimental Demonstration of Unconditional Entanglement Swapping for Continuous Variables

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    The unconditional entanglement swapping for continuous variables is experimentally demonstrated. Two initial entangled states are produced from two nondegenerate optical parametric amplifiers operating at deamplification. Through implementing the direct measurement of Bell-state between two optical beams from each amplifier the remaining two optical beams, which have never directly interacted with each other, are entangled. The quantum correlation degrees of 1.23dB and 1.12dB below the shot noise limit for the amplitude and phase quadratures resulting from the entanglement swapping are straightly measured.Comment: new versio

    A local variable model for entanglement swapping exploiting the detection loophole

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    In an entanglement swapping process two initially uncorrelated qubits become entangled, without any direct interaction. We present a model using local variables aiming at reproducing this remarkable process, under the realistic assumption of finite detection efficiencies. The model assumes that the local variables describing the two qubits are initially completely uncorrelated. Nevertheless, we show that once conditioned on the Bell measurement result, the local variables bear enough correlation to simulate quantum measurement results with correlation very close to the quantum prediction. When only a partial Bell measurement is simulated, as carried out is all experiments so far, then the model recovers analytically the quantum prediction.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Partial Teleportation of Entanglement in the Noisy Environment

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    Partial teleportation of entanglement is to teleport one particle of an entangled pair through a quantum channel. This is conceptually equivalent to quantum swapping. We consider the partial teleportation of entanglement in the noisy environment, employing the Werner-state representation of the noisy channel for the simplicity of calculation. To have the insight of the many-body teleportation, we introduce the measure of correlation information and study the transfer of the correlation information and entanglement. We find that the fidelity gets smaller as the initial-state is entangled more for a given entanglement of the quantum channel. The entangled channel transfers at least some of the entanglement to the final state.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Diverging Entanglement Length in Gapped Quantum Spin Systems

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    We prove the existence of gapped quantum Hamiltonians whose ground states exhibit an infinite entanglement length, as opposed to their finite correlation length. Using the concept of entanglement swapping, the localizable entanglement is calculated exactly for valence bond and finitely correlated states, and the existence of the so--called string-order parameter is discussed. We also report on evidence that the ground state of an antiferromagnetic chain can be used as a perfect quantum channel if local measurements on the individual spins can be implemented.Comment: 4 page

    Quantum correlations from local amplitudes and the resolution of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen nonlocality puzzle

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    The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen nonlocality puzzle has been recognized as one of the most important unresolved issues in the foundational aspects of quantum mechanics. We show that the problem is resolved if the quantum correlations are calculated directly from local quantities which preserve the phase information in the quantum system. We assume strict locality for the probability amplitudes instead of local realism for the outcomes, and calculate an amplitude correlation function.Then the experimentally observed correlation of outcomes is calculated from the square of the amplitude correlation function. Locality of amplitudes implies that the measurement on one particle does not collapse the companion particle to a definite state. Apart from resolving the EPR puzzle, this approach shows that the physical interpretation of apparently `nonlocal' effects like quantum teleportation and entanglement swapping are different from what is usually assumed. Bell type measurements do not change distant states. Yet the correlations are correctly reproduced, when measured, if complex probability amplitudes are treated as the basic local quantities. As examples we discuss the quantum correlations of two-particle maximally entangled states and the three-particle GHZ entangled state.Comment: Std. Latex, 11 pages, 1 table. Prepared for presentation at the International Conference on Quantum Optics, ICQO'2000, Minsk, Belaru