504,805 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Tes Berpikir Kreatif terhadap Hasil Belajar Akuntansi Siswa SMA Darussalam Medan

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the accounting creative thinking test on the learning outcomes of SMA Darussalam, to determine the sensitivity of the accounting creative thinking test to the learning outcomes of SMA Darussalam and to determine the students' responses to the accounting creative thinking test on the learning outcomes of SMA Darussalam. This research is a research on the development of Sugiono's modification through four stages, namely, test design, validation, limited trials and extensive trials. The instruments used in this study were creative thinking tests, validation sheets and student response questionnaires. The instrument was declared to have met the quality of the test. Testing the quality of the test for creative thinking in accounting by looking at the results of the validity, the distinguishing power of the questions, the difficulty level of the questions and the reliability of the questions. Based on the results of the calculation, it was found that the developed creative thinking test was less effective, because the average value of students' creative thinking skills had not yet reached a value of 60. The sensitivity of the creative thinking test was sensitive to student accounting learning outcomes with an average of 0.434. Student response to the creative thinking test developed was negative which was below 80%, which was 71.85%. So it can be concluded that the sensitivity of the accounting creative thinking test and the time it takes to complete the creative thinking test is effective and usable. However, in the creative thinking test category this is not effective because to answer the test requires a sufficiently deep skill, and this has not been mastered by the students

    Analysis of the Needs of the PMRI Learning Environment for Geometry Material on the Critical Thinking Ability of PGSD Students

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    Conducive learning situation is related to the quality of learning that is packaged in a learning environment. The purpose of this study is to describe the analysis of the PMRI learning environment's needs for geometry material on critical thinking skills. The ability to think critically is a skill that must be possessed by teachers, prospective teachers, and students in the 21st century; therefore, the availability of a learning environment based on the PMRI approach is very important for teachers, prospective teachers, and students, especially prospective teachers. This study uses a quantitative descriptive research method, with the number of respondents specifically testing the critical thinking ability test questions 40 people who were PGSD students at the PGRI Palembang University and the number of respondents specifically filling out the questionnaire as many 199 people, consisting of students from PGRI University of Palembang, PGRI University of Silampari and PGRI University of Yogjakarta. Data was gathered through the use of tests and questionnaires. The data collected were analyzed descriptively and quantitatively. Based on the analysis of test data, 80% of critical thinking skills are still below average, and questionnaire analysis revealed that 60.9% of the geometry material is considered difficult for students; students also do not understand the knowledge of 21st century skills, especially critical thinking skills, and the PMRI approach is still not well applied in the student learning environment. Therefore, requires further research that applies the PMRI approach in the learning environment and geometric difficulties can be overcome.

    Development of STEM-Based Evaluation Tools for Economic Learning in SMA East Java in the Education Era 4.0

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    Learning in the education era 4.0 requires strengthening skills in reaching the golden generation of 2045. According to the STEM Team (2019), there are three core skills of the 21st century, which is the era of education 4.0. These are: 1) character quality consisting of religiosity, nationalism, independence, mutual cooperation and integrity; 2) basic literacy consisting of language, numeracy, scientific, digital, financial and cultural literacy and citizenship; and 3) competencies consisting of critical thinking, creativity, communication and collaboration. To achieve these skills, an appropriate evaluation tool is needed which is tailored to these characteristics. One evaluation model that can be developed is STEM-based evaluation. Rahmatina (2020) states that STEM is learning that integrates science, technology, engineering and mathematics. This study aimed to develop a STEM-based evaluation tool that fits the characteristics of the education era 4.0. Development research methods were used. Borg & Gall (1983: 775) described the stages carried out, namely research and information collecting, planning, developing preliminary forms of the product, preliminary field testing, main product revision, main field testing, operational product revision, and dissemination and implementation. Keywords: STEM, Evaluation Tools, Economic Learnin

    IT Project Management from a Systems Thinking Perspective: A Position Paper

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    We proposes a Systems Thinking approach to the study of IT project management and show how this approach helps project managers in controlling their projects. To illustrate our proposal, we present an example model of the dynamics of IT out-sourcing projects. The example model explains these dynamics in terms of feedback loops consisting of causal relations re-ported in the literature. The model provides insight in how coordination, trust, information exchange and possibilities for op-portunistic behaviour influence each other and together influence delivery quality, which in turn influences trust. The integra-tion of these insights provided by applying the Systems Thinking perspective helps project managers to reason about how their choices influence project outcome. The Systems Thinking perspective can serve as an additional tool in the academic study of IT project management. Applying the Systems Thinking perspective also calls for additional research in which this perspective is itself the object of study

    A requirements engineering framework for integrated systems development for the construction industry

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    Computer Integrated Construction (CIC) systems are computer environments through which collaborative working can be undertaken. Although many CIC systems have been developed to demonstrate the communication and collaboration within the construction projects, the uptake of CICs by the industry is still inadequate. This is mainly due to the fact that research methodologies of the CIC development projects are incomplete to bridge the technology transfer gap. Therefore, defining comprehensive methodologies for the development of these systems and their effective implementation on real construction projects is vital. Requirements Engineering (RE) can contribute to the effective uptake of these systems because it drives the systems development for the targeted audience. This paper proposes a requirements engineering approach for industry driven CIC systems development. While some CIC systems are investigated to build a broad and deep contextual knowledge in the area, the EU funded research project, DIVERCITY (Distributed Virtual Workspace for Enhancing Communication within the Construction Industry), is analysed as the main case study project because its requirements engineering approach has the potential to determine a framework for the adaptation of requirements engineering in order to contribute towards the uptake of CIC systems

    Sustainable apple breedings needs sustainable marketing and management

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    Apple breeding programmes are currently in the middle of transition in terms of ownership and management. Until now most of them were funded by the public. Breeding took place by traditional methods since decades in a very sustainable way to develop better apple varieties. Today, increasing loss of national boundaries and globalisation, less interest by national bodies and institutions and rising cost levels for high tech breeding methods entire programmes are nowadays urged to look for new sustainable co- or self-financing business models in order to continue their work. The paper explains through financial calculations how risk can be split by all partners and how the supply chain can be developed further into a value chain by using a collective royalty system on trees and fruit, to add value to all market participants and to support the breeding efforts and to become sustainable through profitability. A leading shift of mindset requires the involvement of variety managers and companies who are coaching the whole process of introduction

    Technology: Servant or Master of the Online Teacher?

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