74 research outputs found

    Differential Filtering and Detexturing

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    Extracting valuable information from 2D or 3D visual data plays an important role in image and geometry processing. Surfaces obtained through a scanning process or other reconstruction algorithms are inevitably noisy due to error in the scanning process and resampling of the data at various processing steps. These surfaces need to be denoised both for aesthetic reasons and for further geometry processing. Similarly, extracting or removing texture patterns from 2D or 3D data is challenging due to the complication of its statistical features. In this dissertation, I describe how to remove surface noise and image texture patterns. In particular, I focus on denoising triangulated models based on L0 minimization, in which a very important discrete differential operator for arbitrary triangle meshes has been developed. Compared to other anisotropic denoising algorithms, our method is more robust than other anisotropic denoising algorithms, and produces good results even in the presence of high noise. I also introduce how to use bilateral filter appropriately on image texture removal by modifying its range image. While current existing methods either fail to remove the textures completely or over blur main structures, our method delivers best-in-class image detexturing performance

    Discrete differential operators on polygonal meshes

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    Geometry processing of surface meshes relies heavily on the discretization of differential operators such as gradient, Laplacian, and covariant derivative. While a variety of discrete operators over triangulated meshes have been developed and used for decades, a similar construction over polygonal meshes remains far less explored despite the prevalence of non-simplicial surfaces in geometric design and engineering applications. This paper introduces a principled construction of discrete differential operators on surface meshes formed by (possibly non-flat and non-convex) polygonal faces. Our approach is based on a novel mimetic discretization of the gradient operator that is linear-precise on arbitrary polygons. Equipped with this discrete gradient, we draw upon ideas from the Virtual Element Method in order to derive a series of discrete operators commonly used in graphics that are now valid over polygonal surfaces. We demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of our resulting operators through various numerical examples, before incorporating them into existing geometry processing algorithms

    Geometric Surface Processing and Virtual Modeling

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    In this work we focus on two main topics "Geometric Surface Processing" and "Virtual Modeling". The inspiration and coordination for most of the research work contained in the thesis has been driven by the project New Interactive and Innovative Technologies for CAD (NIIT4CAD), funded by the European Eurostars Programme. NIIT4CAD has the ambitious aim of overcoming the limitations of the traditional approach to surface modeling of current 3D CAD systems by introducing new methodologies and technologies based on subdivision surfaces in a new virtual modeling framework. These innovations will allow designers and engineers to transform quickly and intuitively an idea of shape in a high-quality geometrical model suited for engineering and manufacturing purposes. One of the objective of the thesis is indeed the reconstruction and modeling of surfaces, representing arbitrary topology objects, starting from 3D irregular curve networks acquired through an ad-hoc smart-pen device. The thesis is organized in two main parts: "Geometric Surface Processing" and "Virtual Modeling". During the development of the geometric pipeline in our Virtual Modeling system, we faced many challenges that captured our interest and opened new areas of research and experimentation. In the first part, we present these theories and some applications to Geometric Surface Processing. This allowed us to better formalize and give a broader understanding on some of the techniques used in our latest advancements on virtual modeling and surface reconstruction. The research on both topics led to important results that have been published and presented in articles and conferences of international relevance

    Automatic Construction of Quad-Based Subdivision Surfaces Using Fitmaps

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    3D mesh metamorphosis from spherical parameterization for conceptual design

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    Engineering product design is an information intensive decision-making process that consists of several phases including design specification definition, design concepts generation, detailed design and analysis, and manufacturing. Usually, generating geometry models for visualization is a big challenge for early stage conceptual design. Complexity of existing computer aided design packages constrains participation of people with various backgrounds in the design process. In addition, many design processes do not take advantage of the rich amount of legacy information available for new concepts creation. The research presented here explores the use of advanced graphical techniques to quickly and efficiently merge legacy information with new design concepts to rapidly create new conceptual product designs. 3D mesh metamorphosis framework 3DMeshMorpher was created to construct new models by navigating in a shape-space of registered design models. The framework is composed of: i) a fast spherical parameterization method to map a geometric model (genus-0) onto a unit sphere; ii) a geometric feature identification and picking technique based on 3D skeleton extraction; and iii) a LOD controllable 3D remeshing scheme with spherical mesh subdivision based on the developedspherical parameterization. This efficient software framework enables designers to create numerous geometric concepts in real time with a simple graphical user interface. The spherical parameterization method is focused on closed genus-zero meshes. It is based upon barycentric coordinates with convex boundary. Unlike most existing similar approaches which deal with each vertex in the mesh equally, the method developed in this research focuses primarily on resolving overlapping areas, which helps speed the parameterization process. The algorithm starts by normalizing the source mesh onto a unit sphere and followed by some initial relaxation via Gauss-Seidel iterations. Due to its emphasis on solving only challenging overlapping regions, this parameterization process is much faster than existing spherical mapping methods. To ensure the correspondence of features from different models, we introduce a skeleton based feature identification and picking method for features alignment. Unlike traditional methods that align single point for each feature, this method can provide alignments for complete feature areas. This could help users to create more reasonable intermediate morphing results with preserved topological features. This skeleton featuring framework could potentially be extended to automatic features alignment for geometries with similar topologies. The skeleton extracted could also be applied for other applications such as skeleton-based animations. The 3D remeshing algorithm with spherical mesh subdivision is developed to generate a common connectivity for different mesh models. This method is derived from the concept of spherical mesh subdivision. The local recursive subdivision can be set to match the desired LOD (level of details) for source spherical mesh. Such LOD is controllable and this allows various outputs with different resolutions. Such recursive subdivision then follows by a triangular correction process which ensures valid triangulations for the remeshing. And the final mesh merging and reconstruction process produces the remeshing model with desired LOD specified from user. Usually the final merged model contains all the geometric details from each model with reasonable amount of vertices, unlike other existing methods that result in big amount of vertices in the merged model. Such multi-resolution outputs with controllable LOD could also be applied in various other computer graphics applications such as computer games

    Non-isometric 3D shape registration.

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    3D shape registration is an important task in computer graphics and computer vision. It has been widely used in the area of film industry, 3D animation, video games and AR/VR assets creation. Manually creating the 3D model of a character from scratch is tedious and time consuming, and it can only be completed by professional trained artists. With the development of 3D geometry acquisition technology, it becomes easier and cheaper to capture high-resolution and highly detailed 3D geometries. However, the scanned data are often incomplete or noisy and therefore cannot be employed directly. To deal with the above two problems, one typical and efficient solution is to deform an existing high-quality model (template) to fit the scanned data (target). Shape registration as an essential technique to do so has been arousing intensive attention. In last decades, various shape registration approaches have been proposed for accurate template fitting. However, there are still some remaining challenges. It is well known that the template can be largely different with the target in respect of size and pose. With the large (usually non-isometric) deformation between them, the shear distortion can easily occur, which may lead to poor results, such as degenerated triangles, fold-overs. Before deforming the template towards the target, reliable correspondences between them should be found first. Incorrect correspondences give the wrong deformation guidance, which can also easily produce fold-overs. As mentioned before, the target always comes with noise. This is the part we want to filter out and try not to fit the template on it. Hence, non-isometric shape registration robust to noise is highly desirable in the scene of geometry modelling from the scanned data. In this PhD research, we address existing challenges in shape registration, including how to prevent the deformation distortion, how to reduce the foldover occurrence and how to deal with the noise in the target. Novel methods including consistent as-similar as-possible surface deformation and robust Huber-L1 surface registration are proposed, which are validated through experimental comparison with state-of-the-arts. The deformation technique plays an important role in shape registration. In this research, a consistent as similar-as-possible (CASAP) surface deformation approach is proposed. Starting from investigating the continuous deformation energy, we analyse the existing term to make the discrete energy converge to the continuous one, whose property we called as energy consistency. Based on the deformation method, a novel CASAP non-isometric surface registration method is proposed. The proposed registration method well preserves the angles of triangles in the template surface so that least distortion is introduced during the surface deformation and thus reduce the risk of fold-over and self-intersection. To reduce the noise influence, a Huber-L1 based non-isometric surface registration is proposed, where a Huber-L1 regularized model constrained on the transformation variation and position difference. The proposed method is robust to noise and produces piecewise smooth results while still preserving fine details on the target. We evaluate and validate our methods through extensive experiments, whose results have demonstrated that the proposed methods in this thesis are more accurate and robust to noise in comparison of the state-of-the arts and enable us to produce high quality models with little efforts

    Composing quadrilateral meshes for animation

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    The modeling-by-composition paradigm can be a powerful tool in modern animation pipelines. We propose two novel interactive techniques to compose 3D assets that enable the artists to freely remove, detach and combine components of organic models. The idea behind our methods is to preserve most of the original information in the input characters and blend accordingly where necessary. The first method, QuadMixer, provides a robust tool to compose the quad layouts of watertight pure quadrilateral meshes, exploiting the boolean operations defined on triangles. Quad Layout is a crucial property for many applications since it conveys important information that would otherwise be destroyed by techniques that aim only at preserving the shape. Our technique keeps untouched all the quads in the patches which are not involved in the blending. The resulting meshes preserve the originally designed edge flows that, by construction, are captured and incorporated into the new quads. SkinMixer extends this approach to compose skinned models, taking into account not only the surface but also the data structures for animating the character. We propose a new operation-based technique that preserves and smoothly merges meshes, skeletons, and skinning weights. The retopology approach of QuadMixer is extended to work on quad-dominant and arbitrary complex surfaces. Instead of relying on boolean operations on triangle meshes, we manipulate signed distance fields to generate an implicit surface. The results preserve most of the information in the input assets, blending accordingly in the intersection regions. The resulting characters are ready to be used in animation pipelines. Given the high quality of the results generated, we believe that our methods could have a huge impact on the entertainment industry. Integrated into current software for 3D modeling, they would certainly provide a powerful tool for the artists. Allowing them to automatically reuse parts of their well-designed characters could lead to a new approach for creating models, which would significantly reduce the cost of the process

    A framework for hull form reverse engineering and geometry integration into numerical simulations

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    The thesis presents a ship hull form specific reverse engineering and CAD integration framework. The reverse engineering part proposes three alternative suitable reconstruction approaches namely curves network, direct surface fitting, and triangulated surface reconstruction. The CAD integration part includes surface healing, region identification, and domain preparation strategies which used to adapt the CAD model to downstream application requirements. In general, the developed framework bridges a point cloud and a CAD model obtained from IGES and STL file into downstream applications

    Discrete Differential Geometry of Thin Materials for Computational Mechanics

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    Instead of applying numerical methods directly to governing equations, another approach to computation is to discretize the geometric structure specific to the problem first, and then compute with the discrete geometry. This structure-respecting discrete-differential-geometric (DDG) approach often leads to new algorithms that more accurately track the physically behavior of the system with less computational effort. Thin objects, such as pieces of cloth, paper, sheet metal, freeform masonry, and steel-glass structures are particularly rich in geometric structure and so are well-suited for DDG. I show how understanding the geometry of time integration and contact leads to new algorithms, with strong correctness guarantees, for simulating thin elastic objects in contact; how the performance of these algorithms can be dramatically improved without harming the geometric structure, and thus the guarantees, of the original formulation; how the geometry of static equilibrium can be used to efficiently solve design problems related to masonry or glass buildings; and how discrete developable surfaces can be used to model thin sheets undergoing isometric deformation
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