378 research outputs found

    A graph-based framework for optimal semantic web service composition

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    Web services are self-described, loosely coupled software components that are network-accessible through standardized web protocols, whose characteristics are described in XML. One of the key promises of Web services is to provide better interoperability and to enable a faster integration between systems. In order to generate robust service oriented architectures, automatic composition algorithms are required in order to combine the functionality of many single services into composite services that are able to respond to demanding user requests, even when there is no single service capable of performing such task. Service composition consists of a combination of single services into composite services that are executed in sequence or in a different order, imposed by a set of control constructions that can be specified using standard languages such as OWL-s or BPEL4WS. In the last years several papers have dealt with composition of web services. Some approaches treat the service composition as a planning problem, where a sequence of actions lead from a initial state to a goal state. However, most of these proposals have some drawbacks: high complexity, high computational cost and inability to maximize the parallel execution of web services. Other approaches consider the problem as a graph search problem, where search algorithms are applied over a web service dependency graph in order to find a solution for a particular request. These proposals are simpler than their counterparts and also many can exploit the parallel execution of web services. However, most of these approaches rely on very complex dependency graphs that have not been optimized to remove data redundancy, which may negatively affect the overall performance and scalability of these techniques in large service registries. Therefore, it is necessary to identify, characterize and optimize the different tasks involved in the automatic service composition process in order to develop better strategies to efficiently obtain optimal solutions. The main goal of this dissertation is to develop a graph-based framework for automatic service composition that generate optimal input-output based compositions not only in terms of complexity of the solutions, but also in terms of overall quality of service solutions. More specifically, the objectives of this thesis are: (1) Analysis of the characteristics of services and compositions. The aim of this objective is to characterize and identify the main steps that are part for the service composition process. (2) Framework for automatic graph-based composition. This objective will focus on developing a framework that enables the efficient input-output based service composition, exploring the integration with other tasks that are part of the composition process, such as service discovery. (3) Development of optimal algorithms for automatic service composition. This objective focuses on the development of a set of algorithms and optimization techniques for the generation of optimal compositions, optimizing the complexity of the solutions and the overall Quality-of- Service. (4) Validation of the algorithms with standard datasets so they can be compared with other proposals

    Service composition in stochastic settings

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    With the growth of the Internet-of-Things and online Web services, more services with more capabilities are available to us. The ability to generate new, more useful services from existing ones has been the focus of much research for over a decade. The goal is, given a specification of the behavior of the target service, to build a controller, known as an orchestrator, that uses existing services to satisfy the requirements of the target service. The model of services and requirements used in most work is that of a finite state machine. This implies that the specification can either be satisfied or not, with no middle ground. This is a major drawback, since often an exact solution cannot be obtained. In this paper we study a simple stochastic model for service composition: we annotate the tar- get service with probabilities describing the likelihood of requesting each action in a state, and rewards for being able to execute actions. We show how to solve the resulting problem by solving a certain Markov Decision Process (MDP) derived from the service and requirement specifications. The solution to this MDP induces an orchestrator that coincides with the exact solution if a composition exists. Otherwise it provides an approximate solution that maximizes the expected sum of values of user requests that can be serviced. The model studied although simple shades light on composition in stochastic settings and indeed we discuss several possible extensions

    Dynamic Web Services Composition

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    Emerging web services technology has introduced the concept of autonomic interoperability and portability between services. The number of online services has increased dramatically with many duplicating similar functionality and results. Composing online services to solve user needs is a growing area of research. This entails designing systems which can discover participating services and integrate these according to the end user requirements. This thesis proposes a Dynamic Web Services Composition (DWSC) process that is based upon consideration of previously successful attempts in this area, in particular utilizing AI-planning based solutions. It proposes a unique approach for service selection and dynamic web service composition by exploring the possibility of semantic web usability and its limitations. It also proposes a design architecture called Optimal Synthesis Plan Generation framework (OSPG), which supports the composition process through the evaluation of all available solutions (including all participating single and composite services). OSPG is designed to take into account user preferences, which supports optimality and robustness of the output plan. The implementation of OSPG will be con�gured and tested via division of search criteria in di�erent modes thereby locating the best plan for the user. The services composition and discovery-based model is evaluated via considering a range of criteria, such as scope, correctness, scalability and versatility metrics

    Context constraint integration and validation in dynamic web service compositions

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    System architectures that cross organisational boundaries are usually implemented based on Web service technologies due to their inherent interoperability benets. With increasing exibility requirements, such as on-demand service provision, a dynamic approach to service architecture focussing on composition at runtime is needed. The possibility of technical faults, but also violations of functional and semantic constraints require a comprehensive notion of context that captures composition-relevant aspects. Context-aware techniques are consequently required to support constraint validation for dynamic service composition. We present techniques to respond to problems occurring during the execution of dynamically composed Web services implemented in WS-BPEL. A notion of context { covering physical and contractual faults and violations { is used to safeguard composed service executions dynamically. Our aim is to present an architectural framework from an application-oriented perspective, addressing practical considerations of a technical framework

    Semantics-aware planning methodology for automatic web service composition

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    Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) has been a major research topic in the past years. It is based on the idea of composing distributed applications even in heterogeneous environments by discovering and invoking network-available Web Services to accomplish some complex tasks when no existing service can satisfy the user request. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a key design principle to facilitate building of these autonomous, platform-independent Web Services. However, in distributed environments, the use of services without considering their underlying semantics, either functional semantics or quality guarantees can negatively affect a composition process by raising intermittent failures or leading to slow performance. More recently, Artificial Intelligence (AI) Planning technologies have been exploited to facilitate the automated composition. But most of the AI planning based algorithms do not scale well when the number of Web Services increases, and there is no guarantee that a solution for a composition problem will be found even if it exists. AI Planning Graph tries to address various limitations in traditional AI planning by providing a unique search space in a directed layered graph. However, the existing AI Planning Graph algorithm only focuses on finding complete solutions without taking account of other services which are not achieving the goals. It will result in the failure of creating such a graph in the case that many services are available, despite most of them being irrelevant to the goals. This dissertation puts forward a concept of building a more intelligent planning mechanism which should be a combination of semantics-aware service selection and a goal-directed planning algorithm. Based on this concept, a new planning system so-called Semantics Enhanced web service Mining (SEwsMining) has been developed. Semantic-aware service selection is achieved by calculating on-demand multi-attributes semantics similarity based on semantic annotations (QWSMO-Lite). The planning algorithm is a substantial revision of the AI GraphPlan algorithm. To reduce the size of planning graph, a bi-directional planning strategy has been developed

    Dynamic adaptation of service-based applications: a design for adaptation approach

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    Abstract A key challenge posed by the Next Generation Internet landscape is that modern service-based applications need to cope with open and continuously evolving environments and to operate under dynamic circumstances (e.g., changes in the users requirements, changes in the availability of resources). Indeed, dynamically discover, select and compose the appropriate services in such environment is a challenging task. Self-adaptation approaches represent effective instruments to tackle this issue, because they allow applications to adapt their behaviours based on their execution environment. Unfortunately, although existing approaches support run-time adaptation, they tend to foresee the adaptation requirements and related solutions at design-time, while working under a "closed-world" assumption. In this article our objective is that of providing a new way of approaching the design, operation and run-time adaptation of service-based applications, by considering the adaptivity as an intrinsic characteristic of applications and from the earliest stages of their development. We propose a novel design for adaptation approach implementing a complete lifecycle for the continuous development and deployment of service-based applications, by facilitating (i) the continuous integration of new services that can easily join the application, and (ii) the operation of applications under dynamic circumstances, to face the openness and dynamicity of the environment. The proposed approach has been implemented and evaluated in a real-world case study in the mobility domain. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach and its practical applicability