158 research outputs found

    Small Resolution Proofs for QBF using Dependency Treewidth

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    In spite of the close connection between the evaluation of quantified Boolean formulas (QBF) and propositional satisfiability (SAT), tools and techniques which exploit structural properties of SAT instances are known to fail for QBF. This is especially true for the structural parameter treewidth, which has allowed the design of successful algorithms for SAT but cannot be straightforwardly applied to QBF since it does not take into account the interdependencies between quantified variables. In this work we introduce and develop dependency treewidth, a new structural parameter based on treewidth which allows the efficient solution of QBF instances. Dependency treewidth pushes the frontiers of tractability for QBF by overcoming the limitations of previously introduced variants of treewidth for QBF. We augment our results by developing algorithms for computing the decompositions that are required to use the parameter

    Counting Complexity for Reasoning in Abstract Argumentation

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    In this paper, we consider counting and projected model counting of extensions in abstract argumentation for various semantics. When asking for projected counts we are interested in counting the number of extensions of a given argumentation framework while multiple extensions that are identical when restricted to the projected arguments count as only one projected extension. We establish classical complexity results and parameterized complexity results when the problems are parameterized by treewidth of the undirected argumentation graph. To obtain upper bounds for counting projected extensions, we introduce novel algorithms that exploit small treewidth of the undirected argumentation graph of the input instance by dynamic programming (DP). Our algorithms run in time double or triple exponential in the treewidth depending on the considered semantics. Finally, we take the exponential time hypothesis (ETH) into account and establish lower bounds of bounded treewidth algorithms for counting extensions and projected extension.Comment: Extended version of a paper published at AAAI-1

    On the complexity of resolution-based proof systems

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    Propositional Proof Complexity is the area of Computational Complexity that studies the length of proofs in propositional logic. One of its main questions is to determine which particular propositional formulas have short proofs in a given propositional proof system. In this thesis we present several results related to this question, all on proof systems that are extensions of the well-known resolution proof system. The first result of this thesis is that TQBF, the problem of determining if a fully-quantified propositional CNF-formula is true, is PSPACE-complete even when restricted to instances of bounded tree-width, i.e. a parameter of structures that measures their similarity to a tree. Instances of bounded tree-width of many NP-complete problems are tractable, e.g. SAT, the boolean satisfiability problem. We show that this does not scale up to TQBF. We also consider Q-resolution, a quantifier-aware version of resolution. On the negative side, our first result implies that, unless NP = PSPACE, the class of fully-quantified CNF-formulas of bounded tree-width does not have short proofs in any proof system (and in particular in Q-resolution). On the positive side, we show that instances with bounded respectful tree-width, a more restrictive condition, do have short proofs in Q-resolution. We also give a natural family of formulas with this property that have real-world applications. The second result concerns interpretability. Informally, we say that a first-order formula can be interpreted in another if the first one can be expressed using the vocabulary of the second, plus some extra features. We show that first-order formulas whose propositional translations have short R(const)-proofs, i.e. a generalized version of resolution with DNF-formulas of constant-size terms, are closed under a weaker form of interpretability (that with no extra features), called definability. Our main result is a similar result on interpretability. Also, we show some examples of interpretations and show a systematic technique to transform some Sigma_1-definitions into quantifier-free interpretations. The third and final result is about a relativized weak pigeonhole principle. This says that if at least 2n out of n^2 pigeons decide to fly into n holes, then some hole must be doubly occupied. We prove that the CNF encoding of this principle does not have polynomial-size DNF-refutations, i.e. refutations in the generalized version of resolution with unbounded DNF-formulas. For this proof we discuss the existence of unbalanced low-degree bipartite expanders satisfying a certain robustness condition

    Progress in Certifying Hardware Model Checking Results

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    We present a formal framework to certify k-induction-based model checking results. The key idea is the notion of a k-witness circuit which simulates the given circuit and has a simple inductive invariant serving as proof certificate. Our approach allows to check proofs with an independent proof checker by reducing the certification problem to pure SAT checks and checking a simple QBF with one quantifier alternation. We also present Certifaiger, the resulting certification toolkit, and evaluate it on instances from the hardware model checking competition. Our experiments show the practical use of our certification method.Peer reviewe

    Foundations of SPARQL Query Optimization

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    The SPARQL query language is a recent W3C standard for processing RDF data, a format that has been developed to encode information in a machine-readable way. We investigate the foundations of SPARQL query optimization and (a) provide novel complexity results for the SPARQL evaluation problem, showing that the main source of complexity is operator OPTIONAL alone; (b) propose a comprehensive set of algebraic query rewriting rules; (c) present a framework for constraint-based SPARQL optimization based upon the well-known chase procedure for Conjunctive Query minimization. In this line, we develop two novel termination conditions for the chase. They subsume the strongest conditions known so far and do not increase the complexity of the recognition problem, thus making a larger class of both Conjunctive and SPARQL queries amenable to constraint-based optimization. Our results are of immediate practical interest and might empower any SPARQL query optimizer
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