227 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Review on Audio based Musical Instrument Recognition: Human-Machine Interaction towards Industry 4.0

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    Over the last two decades, the application of machine technology has shifted from industrial to residential use. Further, advances in hardware and software sectors have led machine technology to its utmost application, the human-machine interaction, a multimodal communication. Multimodal communication refers to the integration of various modalities of information like speech, image, music, gesture, and facial expressions. Music is the non-verbal type of communication that humans often use to express their minds. Thus, Music Information Retrieval (MIR) has become a booming field of research and has gained a lot of interest from the academic community, music industry, and vast multimedia users. The problem in MIR is accessing and retrieving a specific type of music as demanded from the extensive music data. The most inherent problem in MIR is music classification. The essential MIR tasks are artist identification, genre classification, mood classification, music annotation, and instrument recognition. Among these, instrument recognition is a vital sub-task in MIR for various reasons, including retrieval of music information, sound source separation, and automatic music transcription. In recent past years, many researchers have reported different machine learning techniques for musical instrument recognition and proved some of them to be good ones. This article provides a systematic, comprehensive review of the advanced machine learning techniques used for musical instrument recognition. We have stressed on different audio feature descriptors of common choices of classifier learning used for musical instrument recognition. This review article emphasizes on the recent developments in music classification techniques and discusses a few associated future research problems

    Purging Musical Instrument Sample Databases Using Automatic Musical Instrument Recognition Methods

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    cote interne IRCAM: Livshin09aNone / NoneNational audienceCompilation of musical instrument sample databases requires careful elimination of badly recorded samples and validation of sample classification into correct categories. This paper introduces algorithms for automatic removal of bad instrument samples using Automatic Musical Instrument Recognition and Outlier Detection techniques. Best evaluation results on a methodically contaminated sound database are achieved using the introduced MCIQR method, which removes 70.1% "bad" samples with 0.9% false-alarm rate and 90.4% with 8.8% false-alarm rate

    Artificial Intelligence - Intelligent Art? Human-Machine Interaction and Creative Practice

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    As algorithmic data processing increasingly pervades everyday life, it is also making its way into the worlds of art, literature and music. In doing so, it shifts notions of creativity and evokes non-anthropocentric perspectives on artistic practice. This volume brings together contributions from the fields of cultural studies, literary studies, musicology and sound studies as well as media studies, sociology of technology, and beyond, presenting a truly interdisciplinary, state-of-the-art picture of the transformation of creative practice brought about by various forms of AI

    FSD50K: an Open Dataset of Human-Labeled Sound Events

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    Most existing datasets for sound event recognition (SER) are relatively small and/or domain-specific, with the exception of AudioSet, based on a massive amount of audio tracks from YouTube videos and encompassing over 500 classes of everyday sounds. However, AudioSet is not an open dataset---its release consists of pre-computed audio features (instead of waveforms), which limits the adoption of some SER methods. Downloading the original audio tracks is also problematic due to constituent YouTube videos gradually disappearing and usage rights issues, which casts doubts over the suitability of this resource for systems' benchmarking. To provide an alternative benchmark dataset and thus foster SER research, we introduce FSD50K, an open dataset containing over 51k audio clips totalling over 100h of audio manually labeled using 200 classes drawn from the AudioSet Ontology. The audio clips are licensed under Creative Commons licenses, making the dataset freely distributable (including waveforms). We provide a detailed description of the FSD50K creation process, tailored to the particularities of Freesound data, including challenges encountered and solutions adopted. We include a comprehensive dataset characterization along with discussion of limitations and key factors to allow its audio-informed usage. Finally, we conduct sound event classification experiments to provide baseline systems as well as insight on the main factors to consider when splitting Freesound audio data for SER. Our goal is to develop a dataset to be widely adopted by the community as a new open benchmark for SER research

    A critical appraisal of research in arts, health and wellbeing

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    In interviews study participants stated the importance of the arts, its value, and the contribution to improve their ... This review considered wellbeing as reported in the included studies at the individual and community levels

    Analysis of Affective State as Covariate in Human Gait Identification

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    There is an increased interest in the need for a noninvasive and nonintrusive biometric identification and recognition system such as Automatic Gait Identification (AGI) due to the rise in crime rates in the US, physical assaults, and global terrorism in public places. AGI, a biometric system based on human gait, can recognize people from a distance and current literature shows that AGI has a 95.75% success rate in a closely controlled laboratory environment. Also, this success rate does not take into consideration the effect of covariate factors such as affective state (mood state); and literature shows that there is a lack of understanding of the effect of affective state on gait biometrics. The purpose of this study was to determine the percent success rate of AGI in an uncontrolled outdoor environment with affective state as the main variable. Affective state was measured using the Profile of Mood State (POMS) scales. Other covariate factors such as footwear or clothes were not considered in this study. The theoretical framework that grounded this study was Murray\u27s theory of total walking cycle. This study included the gait signature of 24 participants from a population of 62 individuals, sampled based on simple random sampling. This quantitative research used empirical methods and a Fourier Series Analysis. Results showed that AGI has a 75% percent success rate in an uncontrolled outdoor environment with affective state. This study contributes to social change by enhancing an understanding of the effect of affective state on gait biometrics for positive identification during and after a crime such as bank robbery when the use of facial identification from a surveillance camera is either not clear or not possible. This may also be used in other countries to detect suicide bombers from a distance

    Information handling: Concepts which emerged in practical situations and are analysed cybernetically

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University

    Patents and the First Amendment

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    Patents are intended as a means of promoting innovation through private pecuniary incentives. But the patent system has for some time been on a collision course with guarantees of expressive freedom. Surprisingly, no one has ever subjected patent doctrine to a close First Amendment analysis. In this paper I show, first, that patents clearly affect expressive freedom; second, that patents are subject to legal scrutiny for their effect on expressive rights; and third, that patents are not excused from scrutiny by virtue of constituting property rights or by virtue of private discretion. After examining the patent system in terms of familiar First Amendment metrics such as strict scrutiny, narrow tailoring, governmental interest, and least restrictive means, I conclude that even though many patents may survive First Amendment analysis, many will not. Patents, which function as government-sanctioned monopolies, invade core First Amendment rights when they are allowed to obstruct the essential channels of scientific, economic, and political discourse

    Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities

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