469 research outputs found

    Boost multilevel cascade inverter for hydrogen fuel cell light railway vehicles

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    Efficient, High Power Density, Modular Wide Band-gap Based Converters for Medium Voltage Application

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    Recent advances in semiconductor technology have accelerated developments in medium-voltage direct-current (MVDC) power system transmission and distribution. A DC-DC converter is widely considered to be the most important technology for future DC networks. Wide band-gap (WBG) power devices (i.e. Silicon Carbide (SiC) and Gallium Nitride (GaN) devices) have paved the way for improving the efficiency and power density of power converters by means of higher switching frequencies with lower conduction and switching losses compared to their Silicon (Si) counterparts. However, due to rapid variation of the voltage and current, di/dt and dv/dt, to fully utilize the advantages of the Wide-bandgap semiconductors, more focus is needed to design the printed circuit boards (PCB) in terms of minimizing the parasitic components, which impacts efficiency. The aim of this dissertation is to study the technical challenges associated with the implementation of WBG devices and propose different power converter topologies for MVDC applications. Ship power system with MVDC distribution is attracting widespread interest due to higher reliability and reduced fuel consumption. Also, since the charging time is a barrier for adopting the electric vehicles, increasing the voltage level of the dc bus to achieve the fast charging is considered to be the most important solution to address this concern. Moreover, raising the voltage level reduces the size and cost of cables in the car. Employing MVDC system in the power grid offers secure, flexible and efficient power flow. It is shown that to reach optimal performance in terms of low package inductance and high slew rate of switches, designing a PCB with low common source inductance, power loop inductance, and gate-driver loop are essential. Compared with traditional power converters, the proposed circuits can reduce the voltage stress on switches and diodes, as well as the input current ripple. A lower voltage stress allows the designer to employ the switches and diodes with lower on-resistance RDS(ON) and forward voltage drop, respectively. Consequently, more efficient power conversion system can be achieved. Moreover, the proposed converters offer a high voltage gain that helps the power switches with smaller duty-cycle, which leads to lower current and voltage stress across them. To verify the proposed concept and prove the correctness of the theoretical analysis, the laboratory prototype of the converters using WBG devices were implemented. The proposed converters can provide energy conversion with an efficiency of 97% feeding the nominal load, which is 2% more than the efficiency of the-state-of-the-art converters. Besides the efficiency, shrinking the current ripple leads to 50% size reduction of the input filter inductors

    Variable Spurious Noise Mitigation Techniques in Hysteretic Buck Converters

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    This work proposes a current-mode hysteretic buck converter with a spur-free constant-cycle frequency-hopping controller that fully eliminates spurs from the switching noise spectrum irrespective of variations in the switching frequency and operating conditions. As a result, the need for frequency regulation loops to ensure non-varying switching frequency (i.e. fixed spurs location) in hysteretic controllers is eliminated. Moreover, compared to frequency regulation loops, the proposed converter offers the advantage of eliminating mixing and interference altogether due to its spur-free operation, and thus, it can be used to power, or to be integrated within noise-sensitive systems while benefiting from the superior dynamic performance of its hysteretic operation. The proposed converter uses dual-sided hysteretic band modulation to eliminate the inductor current imbalance that results from frequency hopping along with the output voltage transients and low-frequency noise floor peaking associated with it. Moreover, a feedforward adaptive hysteretic band controller is proposed to reduce variations in the switching frequency with the input voltage, and an all-digital soft-startup circuit is proposed to control the in-rush current without requiring any off-chip components. The converter is implemented in a 0.35-õm standard CMOS technology and it achieves 92% peak efficiency

    Study of a Symmetrical LLC Dual-Active Bridge Resonant Converter Topology for Battery Storage Systems

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    A symmetrical LLC resonant converter topology with a fixed-frequency quasi-triple phase-shift modulation method is proposed for battery-powered electric traction systems with extensions to other battery storage systems. Operation of the converter with these methods yields two unique transfer characteristics and is dependent on the switching frequency. The converter exhibits several desirable features: 1) load-independent buck-boost voltage conversion when operated at the low-impedance resonant frequency, allowing for dc-link voltage regulation, zero-voltage switching across a wide load range, and intrinsic load transient resilience; 2) power flow control when operated outside the low-impedance resonance for integrated battery charging; 3) and simple operational mode selection based on needed functionality with only a single control variable per mode. Derivation of the transfer characteristics for three operation cases using exponential Fourier series coefficients is presented. Pre-design evaluation of the S-LLC converter is presented using these analytical methods and corroborated through simulation. Furthermore, the construction of a rapid-prototyping magnetics design tool developed for high-frequency transformer designs inclusive of leakage inductance, which is leveraged to create the magnetic elements needed for this work. Two 2kW prototypes of the proposed topology are constructed to validate the analysis, with one prototype having a transformer incorporating the series resonant inductance and secondary clamp inductance into the transformer leakage and magnetizing inductance, respectively. A test bench is presented to validate the analysis methods and proposed multi-operational control scheme. Theoretical and experimental results are compared, thus demonstrating the feasibility of the new multi-mode operation scheme of the S-LLC converter topology

    A Comprehensive Review of DC-DC Converters for EV Applications

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    DC-DC converters in Electric vehicles (EVs) have the role of interfacing power sources to the DC-link and the DC-link to the required voltage levels for usage of different systems in EVs like DC drive, electric traction, entertainment, safety and etc. Improvement of gain and performance in these converters has a huge impact on the overall performance and future of EVs. So, different configurations have been suggested by many researches. In this paper, bidirectional DC-DC converters (BDCs) are divided into four categories as isolated-soft, isolated-hard, non-isolated-soft and non-isolated-hard depending on the isolation and type of switching. Moreover, the control strategies, comparative factors, selection for a specific application and recent trends are reviewed completely. As a matter of fact, over than 200 papers have been categorized and considered to help the researchers who work on BDCs for EV application

    Power conversion techniques in nanometer CMOS for low-power applications

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    As System-on-Chip (SoCs) in nanometer CMOS technologies grow larger, the power management process within these SoCs becomes very challenging. In the heart of this process lies the challenge of implementing energy-efficient and cost-effective DC-DC power converters. To address this challenge, this thesis studies in details three different aspects of DC-DC power converters and proposes potential solutions. First, to maximize power conversion efficiency, loss mechanisms must be studied and quantified. For that purpose, we provide comprehensive analysis and modeling of the various switching and conduction losses in low-power synchronous DC-DC buck converters in both Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM) and Discontinuous Conduction Mode (DCM) operation, including the case with non-rail gate control of the power switches. Second, a DC-DC buck converter design with only on-chip passives is proposed and implemented in 65-nm CMOS technology. The converter switches at 588 MHz and uses a 20-nH and 300-pF on-chip inductor and capacitor respectively, and provides up to 30-mA of load at an output voltage in the range of 0.8-1.2 V. The proposed design features over 10% improvement in power conversion efficiency over a corresponding linear regulator while preserving low-cost implementation. Finally, a 40-mA buck converter design operating in the inherently-stable DCM mode for the entire load range is presented. It employs a Pulse Frequency Modulation (PFM) scheme using a Hysteretic-Assisted Adaptive Minimum On-Time (HA-AMOT) controller to automatically adapt to a wide range of operating scenarios while minimizing inductor peak current. As a result, compact silicon area, low quiescent current, high efficiency, and robust performance across all conditions can be achieved without any calibration

    Onduleur quasi-Z-source pour un système de traction de véhicules électriques à sources multiples : contrôle et gestion

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    Abstract: Power electronics play a fundamental role and help to achieve the new goals of the automobiles in terms of energy economy and environment. The power electronic converters are the key elements which interface their power sources to the drivetrain of the electric vehicle (EV). They contribute to obtaining high efficiency and performance in power systems. However, traditional inverters such as voltage-source, current-source inverters and conventional two-stage inverters present some conceptual limitations. Consequently, many research efforts have been focused on developing new power electronic converters suitable for EVs application. In order to develop and enhance the performance of commercial multiple sources EV, this dissertation aims to select and to control the impedance source inverter and to provide management approaches for multiple sources EV traction system. A concise review of the main existing topologies of impedance source inverters has been presented. That enables to select QZSI (quasi-Z-source inverter) topology as promising architectures with better performance and reliability. The comparative study between the bidirectional conventional two-stage inverter and QZSI for EV applications has been presented. Furthermore, comparative study between different powertrain topologies regarding batteries aging index factors for an off-road EV has been explored. These studies permit to prove that QZSI topology represents a good candidate to be used in multi-source EV system. For improving the performance of QZSI applied to EVs, optimized fractional order PI (FOPI) controllers for QZSI is designed with the ant colony optimization algorithm (ACO-NM) to obtain more suitable aging performance index values for the battery. Moreover, this thesis proposes a hybrid energy storage system (HESS) for EVs to allow an efficient energy use of the battery for a longer distance coverage. Optimized FOPI controller and the finite control set model predictive controller (FCS-MPC) for HESS using bidirectional QZSI is applied for the multi-source EV. The flux-weakening controller has been designed to provide a correct operation with the maximum available torque at any speed within current and voltage limits. Simulation investigations are performed to verify the topologies studied and the efficacity of the proposed controller structure with the bidirectional QZSI. Furthermore, Opal-RT-based real-time simulation has been implemented to validate the effectiveness of the proposed HESS control strategy. The results confirm the EV performance enhancement with the addition of supercapacitors using the proposed control configuration, allowing the efficient use of battery energy with the reduction of root-mean-square value, the mean value, and the standard deviation by 57%, 59%, and 27%, respectively, of battery current compared to the battery-only based inverter.L'électronique de puissance joue un rôle fondamental et contribue à atteindre les nouveaux objectifs de l'automobile en termes d'économie d'énergie et d'environnement. Les convertisseurs d’électroniques de puissance sont considérés comme les éléments clés qui interfacent leurs sources d'alimentation avec la chaîne de traction du véhicule électrique (VE). Ils contribuent à obtenir une efficacité et des performances élevées dans les systèmes électriques. Cependant, les onduleurs traditionnels tels que les onduleurs à source de tension, les onduleurs à source de courant et les onduleurs conventionnels à deux étages qui constituent les onduleurs les plus couramment utilisés, présentent certaines limitations conceptuelles. Par conséquent, de nombreux efforts de recherche se sont concentrés sur le développement de nouveaux convertisseurs d’électroniques de puissance adaptés à l'application aux véhicules électriques. Afin de développer et d'améliorer les performances des VEs à sources multiples commerciales, cette thèse vise à sélectionner, contrôler l'onduleur à source impédante et fournit une approche de gestion pour l'application du système de traction du VE à sources multiples. Une revue concise des principales topologies existantes d'onduleur à source impédante a été présentée. Cela a permis de sélectionner la topologie de l’onduleur quasi-Z-source (QZS) comme architectures prometteuses pouvant être utilisées dans les véhicules électriques, avec de meilleures performances et de fiabilité. L'étude comparative entre l'onduleur bidirectionnel conventionnel à deux étages et de celui à QZS pour les applications du VE a été présentée. En outre, une étude comparative entre différentes topologies de groupes motopropulseurs concernant les facteurs d'indice de vieillissement des batteries pour une application du VE hors route a été explorée. Ces études ont permis de prouver que la topologie de l’onduleur QZS représente une bonne topologie candidate à utiliser dans un système de VE à sources multiples. Pour améliorer les performances de l’onduleur QZS appliquées aux véhicules électriques, des contrôleurs PI d'ordre fractionnaire (PIOF) optimisés pour l’onduleur QZS sont conçus avec l'algorithme de colonies de fourmis afin d'obtenir des valeurs d'indice de performance de vieillissement plus appropriées pour la batterie. De plus, cette thèse propose un système de stockage d'énergie hybride (SSEH) pour le VE afin de permettre une utilisation efficace de l'énergie de la batterie pour une couverture de distance plus longue et une extension de son autonomie. L’optimisation du contrôleur PIOF et du contrôleur par modèle prédictif d'ensemble de contrôle fini (CMP-ECF) pour l’onduleur QZS bidirectionnel a été appliqué au VE à sources multiples avec des approches de gestion appuyées par des règles. Le contrôleur d'affaiblissement de flux magnétique du moteur a été conçu pour fournir un fonctionnement correct avec le couple maximal disponible à n'importe quelle vitesse dans les limites de courant et de tension. Des investigations et des simulations sont effectuées pour vérifier les différentes topologies étudiées et l'efficacité de la structure de contrôleur proposée avec l’onduleur QZS bidirectionnel. De plus, une simulation en temps réel basée sur Opal-RT a été mise en œuvre pour valider l'efficacité de la stratégie de contrôle SSEH proposée. Les résultats confirment l'amélioration des performances du VE avec l'ajout d'un supercondensateur utilisant la configuration du contrôle proposée, permettant une utilisation efficace de l'énergie de la batterie avec une réduction de la valeur moyenne quadratique, de la valeur moyenne et de l'écart type de 57%, 59% et 27%, respectivement, du courant de la batterie par rapport à l'onduleur connecté directement à la batterie

    Power Electronic Converter Configuration and Control for DC Microgrid Systems

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