12 research outputs found

    L'accés al document en l'era digital

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    Reflexió sobre la incidencia de l'aplicació de la informática i les comunicacions en la construcció de la biblioteca digital i, en especial, sobre les repercussions en I'accessibilitat dels documents. Es tenen en compte els fons propis de la biblioteca, els fons externs i la necessitat de la integració dels recursos i de les aplicacions

    Information and Communication Technologies of Teaching Higher Mathematics To Students of Engineering Specialties At Technical Universities

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    Excessive anthropogenic pressure on land resources in Ukraine leads to a deterioration of their quality, and consequently they lose their potential. Human impact on the change of land quality can be direct (by involving land lots in use, carrying out economic activities) and indirect (as a result of such activity, enhancing the natural degradation of soils). The tendency of deterioration of the state of land resources requires the subordination of land relations to the main goal – to ensure comprehensive protection of this major national wealth of Ukraine.Legal support for the protection of agricultural land is considered as a single complex of interdependent elements: legal standards for the protection of land, soil, agricultural landscapes, and the mechanism for their implementation – legally significant measures: economic, organizational, scientific and technical. At the same time, it was concluded that the system of legal regulation of the use of agricultural land is not sufficiently saturated with mechanisms for regulating agricultural activity

    J Public Health Manag Pract

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    Historically, public health professionals lacked the capacity to evaluate and conduct key investigations into the health of their environment. By bringing together environmental and health effects data from a variety of data sources, the National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network (Tracking) allows users to easily analyze and research the relationships between human health and the environment.|As the Tracking Network has matured, its information has been used to guide public health actions, generate hypothesis, and demonstrate relationships between environment and health outcomes.|The Tracking Network is composed of state, local, and national environment and public health partners.|The Environmental Public Health Tracking Network is part of the National Center for Environmental Health at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.|Tracking standardizes existing data from diverse sources while leveraging technologies and applying sound communication practices to provide a user-friendly interface for the data system by all types of users.CC999999/Intramural CDC HHS/United States2016-03-21T00:00:00Z25621444PMC480100

    BIM and IoT Sensors Integration: A Framework for Consumption and Indoor Conditions Data Monitoring of Existing Buildings

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    The low accessibility to the information regarding buildings current performances causes deep difficulties in planning appropriate interventions. Internet of Things (IoT) sensors make available a high quantity of data on energy consumptions and indoor conditions of an existing building that can drive the choice of energy retrofit interventions. Moreover, the current developments in the topic of the digital twin are leading the diffusion of Building Information Modeling (BIM) methods and tools that can provide valid support to manage all data and information for the retrofit process. This paper shows the aim and the findings of research focused on testing the integrated use of BIM methodology and IoT systems. A common data platform for the visualization of building indoor conditions (e.g., temperature, luminance etc.) and of energy consumption parameters was carried out. This platform, tested on a case study located in Italy, is developed with the integration of low-cost IoT sensors and the Revit model. To obtain a dynamic and automated exchange of data between the sensors and the BIM model, the Revit software was integrated with the Dynamo visual programming platform and with a specific Application Programming Interface (API). It is an easy and straightforward tool that can provide building managers with real-time data and information about the energy consumption and the indoor conditions of buildings, but also allows for viewing of the historical sensor data table and creating graphical historical sensor data. Furthermore, the BIM model allows the management of other useful information about the building, such as dimensional data, functions, characteristics of the components of the building, maintenance status etc., which are essential for a much more conscious, effective and accurate management of the building and for defining the most suitable retrofit scenarios

    The Historical Hazards of Finding Aids

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    Archivists have traditionally understood access through finding aids, assuming that—through creating them—they are effectively providing access to archival materials. This article is a history of finding aids in American archival practice that demonstrates how finding aids have negatively colored how archivists have understood access. It shows how finding aids were originally a compromise between resource constraints and the more familiar access that users expected, how a discourse centered on finding aids hindered the standardization of archival description as data, and how the characteristics of finding aids as tools framed and negatively impacted the Encoded Archival Description (EAD) standard. It questions whether finding aids are a productive or useful framework for understanding how archivists provide access to collections

    Early Assessment of West Midlands Innovation Programme (WMIP)

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    An evaluation of the West Midlands Innovation Programme (WMIP) . The West Midlands Innovation Programme (WMIP) acts as an umbrella programme for a set of initiatives to support innovation in the region. Its origins can be traced back to the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) Innovation Working Group, which was reconstituted as the West Midlands Innovation Board (WMIB) in 2019. The Board brought key stakeholders together in the region including businesses, business support intermediaries and the region’s universities. It was tasked to:• act as champion for innovation across the WMCA geography,• act as the prime collective voice for encouraging innovation in the region’s firms,• embed innovation in public service reformThe WMCA made available £2.96m in 2019 for three years (Phase 1) to test new approaches to supporting innovation in the region that could be scaled up into a larger programme (phase 2) capable of leveraging funding of £36 million over its five-year life. WMIP aims ‘to drive up levels of demand-led business innovation across all areas of the region’ by delivering:1. A stronger, more integrated innovation support offer to business leading to more innovation active businesses and productivity gains in supported businesses2. Targeted support for businesses to access more national innovation funding3. The expertise needed to target and deliver a large scale (£30m+) phased innovation programme, accurately targeted at firms and commercial areas to focus on for future calls4. Proactive communication of innovation opportunitie

    Early Assessment of West Midlands Innovation Programme (WMIP)

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    An evaluation of the West Midlands Innovation Programme (WMIP) . The West Midlands Innovation Programme (WMIP) acts as an umbrella programme for a set of initiatives to support innovation in the region. Its origins can be traced back to the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) Innovation Working Group, which was reconstituted as the West Midlands Innovation Board (WMIB) in 2019. The Board brought key stakeholders together in the region including businesses, business support intermediaries and the region’s universities. It was tasked to:• act as champion for innovation across the WMCA geography,• act as the prime collective voice for encouraging innovation in the region’s firms,• embed innovation in public service reformThe WMCA made available £2.96m in 2019 for three years (Phase 1) to test new approaches to supporting innovation in the region that could be scaled up into a larger programme (phase 2) capable of leveraging funding of £36 million over its five-year life. WMIP aims ‘to drive up levels of demand-led business innovation across all areas of the region’ by delivering:1. A stronger, more integrated innovation support offer to business leading to more innovation active businesses and productivity gains in supported businesses2. Targeted support for businesses to access more national innovation funding3. The expertise needed to target and deliver a large scale (£30m+) phased innovation programme, accurately targeted at firms and commercial areas to focus on for future calls4. Proactive communication of innovation opportunitie

    Using the World-Wide Web to Deliver Complex Electronic Documents: Implications for Libraries

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    Explores the benefits and limitations of the World Wide Web in the context of projects taking place at the University of Virginia Library and the university's Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities. A gateway between the Web and PAT, a text retrieval program based on SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), is described