226 research outputs found

    Analysis of Security Protocols in Embedded Systems

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    Improving Safety of an Automotive AES-GCM Core and its Impact on Side-Channel Protection

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    O incremento do número de componentes eletrónicos e o correspondente aumento do fluxo de dados no setor automóvel levou a uma preocupação crescente com a garantia de segurança dos sistemas eletrónicos, especialmente em sistemas críticos cuja violação seja passível de colocar em causa a integridade do sistema e a segurança das pessoas. A utilização de sistemas que implementam o Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) foi vista como uma solução para este problema, impedindo o acesso indevido aos dados dos veículos, através da sua encriptação. O algoritmo AES não possui atualmente nenhuma vulnerabilidade efetiva, mas o mesmo não acontece com as suas implementações, as quais estão sujeitas a ataques ditos side-channel, onde informações que resultam da operação destas implementações são exploradas na tentativa de descobrir os dados encriptados. A aplicação de núcleos IP no setor automóvel requer que as suas implementações cumpram a norma ISO-26262 de forma a garantir que a sua operação não compromete a segurança do veículo e dos ocupantes. Este cumprimento implica alterações na arquitetura dos sistemas que podem influenciar as características de operação que são normalmente exploradas em ataques para obter informação que eventualmente permita ganhar conhecimento sobre os dados encriptados. Assim, o desenvolvimento das componentes de segurança, na perspetiva da segurança informática da informação e no que se refere à segurança de operação do veículo e dos seus ocupantes, que são ainda consideradas como componentes independentes, podem na verdade estar relacionadas, já que as melhorias introduzidas para incrementar a resiliência a falhas e consequentemente a integridade de operação dos sistemas, podem aumentar a fragilidade do sistema a ataques que comprometam a segurança informática dos dados. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver uma arquitetura capaz de atingir as métricas para o nível mais alto de certificação em segurança de acordo com a norma ISSO-26262 (certificação ASIL-D), a partir de uma arquitetura já existente, e comparar as duas arquiteturas em termos de vulnerabilidade a ataques ditos side-channel que exploram o seu consumo de potência dinâmica. Os resultados demonstram que para a arquitetura ASIL-D a identificação de pontos de interesse e de dados relevantes no consumo de potência é mais evidente, o que sugere existir uma maior vulnerabilidade da arquitetura desenvolvida a ataques informáticos desenvolvidos por esse processo.The increase in electronic components and the corresponding increment in the data flow among electronic systems in automotive applications made security one of the main concerns in this sector. The use of IP cores that implement the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) was seen as a solution to this problem, preventing improper access to vehicle data, through its encryption. The AES algorithm does not currently have any effective vulnerability, but the same does not happen with its implementations, which are subject to side-channel attacks, where information that results from the operation of these implementations is exploited in an attempt to discover the encrypted data. The application of IP cores in the automotive sector requires that the implementations comply with the ISO-26262 standard in order to ensure that their operation does not compromise the vehicle's safety. This compliment implies changes in the core architecture that can influence the characteristics of operation that are normally exploited in attacks. Thus, the development of safety and security components in the automotive sector, which are still considered as independent processes, may be related because safety improvements may cause changes in the system's vulnerability to attacks that can compromise its security. This work aims to develop an architecture capable of reaching the metrics for the highest level of safety certification (ASIL-D), based on an existing architecture, and compare the two architectures in terms of vulnerability to side-channel attacks that exploit their dynamic power consumption. The results show that for the ASIL-D architecture, the identification of points of interest and relevant data on the power consumption traces is more evident, which suggests greater effectiveness of the attacks performed in this architecture

    Identity Management in Information Age Government: Exploring Concepts, Definitions, Approaches and Solutions

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    Our research question is the following: What could be a useful working definition of Identity Management in government at present? a) What are conceptualisations, definitions and approaches of IDM in government according to academic literature? b) Which e-authentication solutions have been developed in other jurisdictions

    Security protocols for mobile ubiquitous e-health systems

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorWearable and implantable medical devices constitute an already established industry nowadays. According to a recent research [113], North America is currently the most important market followed by Europe, Asia-Pacific and the rest of the world. Additionally, the same document remarks the importance of the Asia-Pacific region due to the rising ageing population and the overpopulation in that area. The most common implantable medical devices include pacemakers, defibrillators, cochlear implants, insulin pumps, and neurostimulators among others. In recent years, the proliferation of smartphones and other mobile “smart” devices with substantial computational and communication capabilities have reshaped the way wireless body area network may be implemented. In their current generation (or in a near future), all of them share a common feature: wireless communication capabilities [127]. Moreover, implantable medical devices have the ability to support and store telemetry data facilitating the remote monitoring of the patient. Medical devices can be part of a wireless body area network, operating both as sensors and as actuators and making decisions in real time. On the other hand, a new kind of devices called wearables such as smart bracelets or smart watches have been equipped with several sensors like Photoplethysmogram (PPG) to record the heart beats, accelerometers to count the steps or Global Positioning System (GPS) to geopositioning users and were originally conceived as cheap solutions to help people to improve their workout. However these devices have demonstrated to be quite useful in many healthcare environments due to a huge variety of different and low-cost medical sensors. Thus, patients can be monitored for long periods of time without interfering in their daily life and taking their vital signs constantly under control. Security and privacy issues have been described as two of the most challenging problems of implantable medical devices and, more generally, wireless body area networks [6, 47, 84, 103]. As an example, it has been demonstrated that somebody equipped with a low cost device can eavesdrop on the data exchanged between a reader and a peacemaker and may even induce a cardiac arrest [71]. Health-related data have been the focus of several attacks almost since the adoption of computers in the healthcare domain. As a recent example, in 2010 personal data from more than 26 million of veterans were stolen from the Department of Veterans Affairs’ database in the US by an employee who had access to the database [104]. The Ponemon Institute pointed out that Germany and the US spent in 2013 more than 7.56and7.56 and 11 millions, respectively, to protect personal health records from attacks. This PhD dissertation explores the security and privacy of data in healthcare environments where confidential information is measured in real time by some sensors placed in, on, or around the human body. Security and privacy in medical conditions have been widely studied by the research community, nonetheless with the recent boom of wearable devices, new security issues have arisen. The first part of this dissertation is dedicated to the introduction and to expose both the main motivation and objectives of this PhD Thesis. Additionally the contributions and the organization of this document are also presented. In the second part a recent proposal has been analysed from the security and privacy points of view. From this study, vulnerabilities concerning to full disclosure, impersonation, traceability, de-synchronization, and Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks have been found. These attacks make the protocol infeasible to be introduced with an adequate security and sufficient privacy protection level. Finally, a new protocol named Fingerprint⁺ protocol for Internet of Thing (IoT) is presented, which is based on ISO/IEC 9798-2 and ISO/IEC 18000-6C and whose security is formally verified using BAN logic. In the third part of this dissertation, a new system based on International Standard Organization (ISO) standards and security National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recommendations have been proposed. First, we present a mutual entity authentication protocol inspired on ISO/IEC 9798 Part 2. This system could be deployed in a hospital where Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) technology may be used to prune blood-handling errors, i.e., the identities of the patients and blood bags are confirmed (authentication protocol) and after that the matching between both entities is checked (verification step). Second, a secure messaging protocol inspired on ISO/IEC 11770 Part 2 and similar to that used in electronic passports is presented. Nowadays the new generation of medical implants possess wireless connectivity. Imagine a doctor equipped with a reader aims to access the records of vital signals stored on the memory of an implant. In this scenario, the doctor (reader) and the patient (implant) are first mutually authenticated and then a secure exchange of data can be performed. The fourth part of this Thesis provides an architecture based on two cryptographic protocols, the first one is for publishing personal data in a body area network composed of different sensors whereas the second one is designed for sending commands to those sensors by guaranteeing the confidentiality and fine-grained access control to the private data. Both protocols are based on a recently proposed public cryptography paradigm named ciphertext policy attribute-based encryption scheme which is lightweight enough to be embedded into wearable devices and sensors. Contrarily to other proposals made on this field, this architecture allows sensors not only to encrypt data but also to decrypt messages generated by other devices. The fifth part presents a new decentralized attribute based encryption scheme named Decentralized Ciphertext-Policy Attribute Based Searchable Encryption that incorporates ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption with keyword search over encrypted data. This scheme allows users to (a) encrypt their personal data collected by a Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) according to a policy of attributes; (b) define a set of keywords to enable other users (e.g., hospital stuff) to perform encrypted search over their personal (encrypted) data; (c) securely store the encrypted data on a semi-honest server and let the semi-honest server run the (encrypted) keyword search. Note that any user can perform a keyword query on the encrypted data, however the decryption of the resulting ciphertexts is possible only for users whose attribute satisfy the policy with which the data had been encrypted. We state and prove the security of our scheme against an honest-but-curious server and a passive adversary. Finally, we implement our system on heterogeneous devices and demonstrate its efficiency and scalability. Finally, this document ends with a conclusions achieved during this PhD and a summary of the main published contributions.Los dispositivos médicos implantables como los marcapasos o las bombas de insulina fueron concebidas originalmente para controlar automáticamente ciertos parámetros biológicos y, llegado el caso, poder actuar ante comportamientos anómalos como ataques cardíacos o episodios de hipoglucemia. Recientemente, han surgido uno dispositivos llamados wearables como las pulseras cuantificadoras, los relojes inteligentes o las bandas pectorales. Estos dispositivos han sido equipados con un número de sensores con capacidad de monitorizar señales vitales como el ritmo cardíaco, los movimientos (acelerómetros) o sistemas de posicionamiento (GPS) entre otros muchas opciones, siendo además una solución asequible y accesible para todo el mundo. A pesar de que el propósito original fue la mejora del rendimiento en actividades deportivas, estos dispositivos han resultado ser de gran utilidad en entornos médicos debido a su amplia variedad de sensores. Esta tecnología puede ayudar al personal médico a realizar seguimientos personalizados, constantes y en tiempo real del comportamiento de los pacientes, sin necesidad de interferir en sus vidas cotidianas. Esta Tesis doctoral está centrada en la seguridad y privacidad en entornos médicos, donde la información es recogida en tiempo real a través de una serie de sensores que pueden estar implantados o equipados en el propio paciente. La seguridad y la privacidad en entornos médicos ha sido el foco de muchos investigadores, no obstante con el reciente auge de los wearables se han generado nuevos retos debido a que son dispositivos con fuertes restricciones de cómputo, de memoria, de tamaño o de autonomía. En la primera parte de este documento, se introduce el problema de la seguridad y la privacidad en el paradigma de Internet de las cosas y haciendo especial hincapié en los entornos médicos. La motivación así como los principales objetivos y contribuciones también forman parte de este primer capítulo introductorio. La segunda parte de esta Tesis presenta un nuevo protocolo de autenticación basado en RFID para IoT. Este capítulo analiza previamente, desde el punto de vista de la seguridad y la privacidad un protocolo publicado recientemente y, tras demostrar que carece de las medidas de seguridad suficientes, un nuevo protocolo llamado Fingerprint⁺ compatible con los estándares de seguridad definidos en el estándar ISO/IEC 9798-2 y EPC-C1G2 (equivalente al estándard ISO/IEC 18000-6C) ha sido propuesto. Un nuevo sistema basado en estándares ISO y en recomendaciones realizadas por el NIST ha sido propuesto en la tercera parte de esta Tesis. En este capítulo se presentan dos protocolos bien diferenciados, el primero de ellos consiste en un protocolo de autenticación basado en el estándar ISO/IEC 9798 Part 2. A modo de ejemplo, este protocolo puede evitar problemas de compatibilidad sanguínea, es decir, primero se confirma que el paciente es quien dice ser y que la bolsa de sangre realmente contiene sangre (proceso de autenticación). Posteriormente se comprueba que esa bolsa de sangre va a ser compatible con el paciente (proceso de verificación). El segundo de los protocolos propuestos consiste en un protocolo seguro para el intercambio de información basado en el estándar ISO/IEC 11770 Part 2 (el mismo que los pasaportes electrónicos). Siguiendo con el ejemplo médico, imaginemos que un doctor equipado con un lector de radiofrecuencia desea acceder a los datos que un dispositivo implantado en el paciente está recopilando. En este escenario tanto el lector como el implante, se deben autenticar mutuamente para poder realizar el intercambio de información de manera segura. En el cuarto capítulo, una nueva arquitectura basada en el modelo de Publish/Subscribe ha sido propuesto. Esta solución está compuesta de dos protocolos, uno para el intercambio de información en una red de área personal y otro para poder reconfigurar el comportamiento de los sensores. Ambos protocolos están diseñados para garantizar tanto la seguridad como la privacidad de todos los datos que se envían en la red. Para ello, el sistema está basado en un sistema de criptografía de clave pública llamado Attribute Based Encryption que es suficientemente ligero y versátil como para ser implementado en dispositivos con altas restricciones de cómputo y de memoria. A continuación, en el quinto capítulo se propone una solución completamente orientada a entornos médicos donde la información que los sensores obtienen de los pacientes es cifrada y almacenada en servidores públicos. Una vez en estos servidores, cualquier usuario con privilegios suficientes puede realizar búsquedas sobre datos cifrados, obtener la información y descifrarla. De manera adicional, antes de que los datos cifrados se manden a la nube, el paciente puede definir una serie de palabras claves que se enlazarán a los datos para permitir posteriormente búsquedas y así obtener la información relacionada a un tema en concreto de manera fácil y eficiente. El último capítulo de esta Tesis se muestran las principales conclusiones obtenidas así como un resumen de las contribuciones científicas publicadas durante el período doctoral.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología InformáticaPresidente: Arturo Ribagorda Garnacho.- Secretario: Jorge Blasco Alís.- Vocal: Jesús Garicia López de Lacall

    Cloud-based homomorphic encryption for privacy-preserving machine learning in clinical decision support

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    While privacy and security concerns dominate public cloud services, Homomorphic Encryption (HE) is seen as an emerging solution that ensures secure processing of sensitive data via untrusted networks in the public cloud or by third-party cloud vendors. It relies on the fact that some encryption algorithms display the property of homomorphism, which allows them to manipulate data meaningfully while still in encrypted form; although there are major stumbling blocks to overcome before the technology is considered mature for production cloud environments. Such a framework would find particular relevance in Clinical Decision Support (CDS) applications deployed in the public cloud. CDS applications have an important computational and analytical role over confidential healthcare information with the aim of supporting decision-making in clinical practice. Machine Learning (ML) is employed in CDS applications that typically learn and can personalise actions based on individual behaviour. A relatively simple-to-implement, common and consistent framework is sought that can overcome most limitations of Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) in order to offer an expanded and flexible set of HE capabilities. In the absence of a significant breakthrough in FHE efficiency and practical use, it would appear that a solution relying on client interactions is the best known entity for meeting the requirements of private CDS-based computation, so long as security is not significantly compromised. A hybrid solution is introduced, that intersperses limited two-party interactions amongst the main homomorphic computations, allowing exchange of both numerical and logical cryptographic contexts in addition to resolving other major FHE limitations. Interactions involve the use of client-based ciphertext decryptions blinded by data obfuscation techniques, to maintain privacy. This thesis explores the middle ground whereby HE schemes can provide improved and efficient arbitrary computational functionality over a significantly reduced two-party network interaction model involving data obfuscation techniques. This compromise allows for the powerful capabilities of HE to be leveraged, providing a more uniform, flexible and general approach to privacy-preserving system integration, which is suitable for cloud deployment. The proposed platform is uniquely designed to make HE more practical for mainstream clinical application use, equipped with a rich set of capabilities and potentially very complex depth of HE operations. Such a solution would be suitable for the long-term privacy preserving-processing requirements of a cloud-based CDS system, which would typically require complex combinatorial logic, workflow and ML capabilities

    Decrypting legal dilemmas

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    It has become a truism that the speed of technological progress leaves law and policy scrambling to keep up. But in addition to creating new challenges, technological advances also enable new improvements to issues at the intersection of law and technology. In this thesis, I develop new cryptographic tools for informing and improving our law and policy, including specific technical innovations and analysis of the limits of possible interventions. First, I present a cryptographic analysis of a legal question concerning the limits of the Fifth Amendment: can courts legally compel people to decrypt their devices? Our cryptographic analysis is useful not only for answering this specific question about encrypted devices, but also for analyzing questions about the wider legal doctrine. The second part of this thesis turns to algorithmic fairness. With the rise of automated decision-making, greater attention has been paid to statistical notions of fairness and equity. In this part of the work, I demonstrate technical limits of those notions and examine a relaxation of those notions; these analyses should inform legal or policy interventions. Finally, the third section of this thesis describes several methods for improving zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge, which allow a prover to convince a verifier of some property without revealing anything beyond the fact of the prover's knowledge. The methods in this work yield a concrete proof size reduction of two plausibly post-quantum styles of proof with transparent setup that can be made non-interactive via the Fiat-Shamir transform: "MPC-in-the-head," which is a linear-size proof that is fast, low-memory, and has few assumptions, and "Ligero," a sublinear-size proof achieving a balance between proof size and prover runtime. We will describe areas where zero-knowledge proofs in general can provide new, currently-untapped functionalities for resolving legal disputes, proving adherence to a policy, executing contracts, and enabling the sale of information without giving it away

    Space station data system analysis/architecture study. Task 2: Options development, DR-5. Volume 2: Design options

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    The primary objective of Task 2 is the development of an information base that will support the conduct of trade studies and provide sufficient data to make key design/programmatic decisions. This includes: (1) the establishment of option categories that are most likely to influence Space Station Data System (SSDS) definition; (2) the identification of preferred options in each category; and (3) the characterization of these options with respect to performance attributes, constraints, cost and risk. This volume contains the options development for the design category. This category comprises alternative structures, configurations and techniques that can be used to develop designs that are responsive to the SSDS requirements. The specific areas discussed are software, including data base management and distributed operating systems; system architecture, including fault tolerance and system growth/automation/autonomy and system interfaces; time management; and system security/privacy. Also discussed are space communications and local area networking

    Data trust framework using blockchain and smart contracts

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    Lack of trust is the main barrier preventing more widespread data sharing. The lack of transparent and reliable infrastructure for data sharing prevents many data owners from sharing their data. Data trust is a paradigm that facilitates data sharing by forcing data controllers to be transparent about the process of sharing and reusing data. Blockchain technology has the potential to present the essential properties for creating a practical and secure data trust framework by transforming current auditing practices and automatic enforcement of smart contracts logic without relying on intermediaries to establish trust. Blockchain holds an enormous potential to remove the barriers of traditional centralized applications and propose a distributed and transparent administration by employing the involved parties to maintain consensus on the ledger. Furthermore, smart contracts are a programmable component that provides blockchain with more flexible and powerful capabilities. Recent advances in blockchain platforms toward smart contracts' development have revealed the possibility of implementing blockchain-based applications in various domains, such as health care, supply chain and digital identity. This dissertation investigates the blockchain's potential to present a framework for data trust. It starts with a comprehensive study of smart contracts as the main component of blockchain for developing decentralized data trust. Interrelated, three decentralized applications that address data sharing and access control problems in various fields, including healthcare data sharing, business process, and physical access control system, have been developed and examined. In addition, a general-purpose application based on an attribute-based access control model is proposed that can provide trusted auditability required for data sharing and access control systems and, ultimately, a data trust framework. Besides auditing, the system presents a transparency level that both access requesters (data users) and resource owners (data controllers) can benefit from. The proposed solutions have been validated through a use case of independent digital libraries. It also provides a detailed performance analysis of the system implementation. The performance results have been compared based on different consensus mechanisms and databases, indicating the system's high throughput and low latency. Finally, this dissertation presents an end-to-end data trust framework based on blockchain technology. The proposed framework promotes data trustworthiness by assessing input datasets, effectively managing access control, and presenting data provenance and activity monitoring. A trust assessment model that examines the trustworthiness of input data sets and calculates the trust value is presented. The number of transaction validators is defined adaptively with the trust value. This research provides solutions for both data owners and data users’ by ensuring the trustworthiness and quality of the data at origin and transparent and secure usage of the data at the end. A comprehensive experimental study indicates the presented system effectively handles a large number of transactions with low latency

    Framework for Security Transparency in Cloud Computing

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    The migration of sensitive data and applications from the on-premise data centre to a cloud environment increases cyber risks to users, mainly because the cloud environment is managed and maintained by a third-party. In particular, the partial surrender of sensitive data and application to a cloud environment creates numerous concerns that are related to a lack of security transparency. Security transparency involves the disclosure of information by cloud service providers about the security measures being put in place to protect assets and meet the expectations of customers. It establishes trust in service relationship between cloud service providers and customers, and without evidence of continuous transparency, trust and confidence are affected and are likely to hinder extensive usage of cloud services. Also, insufficient security transparency is considered as an added level of risk and increases the difficulty of demonstrating conformance to customer requirements and ensuring that the cloud service providers adequately implement security obligations. The research community have acknowledged the pressing need to address security transparency concerns, and although technical aspects for ensuring security and privacy have been researched widely, the focus on security transparency is still scarce. The relatively few literature mostly approach the issue of security transparency from cloud providers’ perspective, while other works have contributed feasible techniques for comparison and selection of cloud service providers using metrics such as transparency and trustworthiness. However, there is still a shortage of research that focuses on improving security transparency from cloud users’ point of view. In particular, there is still a gap in the literature that (i) dissects security transparency from the lens of conceptual knowledge up to implementation from organizational and technical perspectives and; (ii) support continuous transparency by enabling the vetting and probing of cloud service providers’ conformity to specific customer requirements. The significant growth in moving business to the cloud – due to its scalability and perceived effectiveness – underlines the dire need for research in this area. This thesis presents a framework that comprises the core conceptual elements that constitute security transparency in cloud computing. It contributes to the knowledge domain of security transparency in cloud computing by proposing the following. Firstly, the research analyses the basics of cloud security transparency by exploring the notion and foundational concepts that constitute security transparency. Secondly, it proposes a framework which integrates various concepts from requirement engineering domain and an accompanying process that could be followed to implement the framework. The framework and its process provide an essential set of conceptual ideas, activities and steps that can be followed at an organizational level to attain security transparency, which are based on the principles of industry standards and best practices. Thirdly, for ensuring continuous transparency, the thesis proposes an essential tool that supports the collection and assessment of evidence from cloud providers, including the establishment of remedial actions for redressing deficiencies in cloud provider practices. The tool serves as a supplementary component of the proposed framework that enables continuous inspection of how predefined customer requirements are being satisfied. The thesis also validates the proposed security transparency framework and tool in terms of validity, applicability, adaptability, and acceptability using two different case studies. Feedbacks are collected from stakeholders and analysed using essential criteria such as ease of use, relevance, usability, etc. The result of the analysis illustrates the validity and acceptability of both the framework and tool in enhancing security transparency in a real-world environment