695 research outputs found

    Матеріали VI Міжнародного семінару з професійної перепідготовки та навчання впродовж життя з використанням ІКТ: Особистісно-орієнтований підхід (3L-Person 2021), який відбувся одночасно з 17-ю Міжнародною конференцією "ІКТ в освіті, науці та промисловості

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    Proceedings of the VI International Workshop on Professional Retraining and Life-Long Learning using ICT: Person-oriented Approach (3L-Person 2021) co-located with 17th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research, and Industrial Applications: Integration, Harmonization, and Knowledge Transfer (ICTERI 2021), Kherson, Ukraine, October 1, 2021.Матеріали VI Міжнародного семінару з професійної перепідготовки та навчання впродовж життя з використанням ІКТ: Особистісно-орієнтований підхід (3L-Person 2021), який відбувся одночасно з 17-ю Міжнародною конференцією "ІКТ в освіті, наукових дослідженнях та промисловому застосуванні": Інтеграція, гармонізація та передача знань (ICTERI 2021), м. Херсон, Україна, 1 жовтня 2021 р

    Design of the phonocardiography appliance for coronary artery disease diagnosing and monitoring : business perspectives analysis of innovative medical technologies for cardiovascular diseases in Finland

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    The topic of this study is the application of modern medical technology to cardiovascular conditions. The main purpose of that research is to evaluate myocardium disorders from the versatile perspectives and propose the design of a socially-demanding and financially-efficient technological solution targeted to coronary artery disease (CAD) diagnosing and monitoring. Phonocardiography and audial CAD detection are discussed as innovative methods for personalized healthcare applications and based on that, digital product design is developed in the form of functional specification, wearable device model, iOS and WatchOS applications interface architecture. In addition to the diseases study, myocardium signals acquisition discussion and to device design itself, market research is conducted. It is focused on medical technologies segment in general and cardiological systems in particular. Finland and Nordic Europe are the major covered regions, while global trends are outlined to collect the vision on the general market tendency. Core assessment topics are medical technology product distribution models, investment potential and development barriers. The final result could be used as a foundation for further product development and as an overview or guidelines for businesses interested in healthcare Internet-of-Things and cardiological systems

    Designing Attentive Information Dashboards with Eye Tracking Technology

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    Bioimpedance sensor and methodology for acute pain monitoring

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    The paper aims to revive the interest in bioimpedance analysis for pain studies in communicating and non-communicating (anesthetized) individuals for monitoring purpose. The plea for exploitation of full potential offered by the complex (bio)impedance measurement is emphasized through theoretical and experimental analysis. A non-invasive, low-cost reliable sensor to measure skin impedance is designed with off-the-shelf components. This is a second generation prototype for pain detection, quantification, and modeling, with the objective to be used in fully anesthetized patients undergoing surgery. The 2D and 3D time-frequency, multi-frequency evaluation of impedance data is based on broadly available signal processing tools. Furthermore, fractional-order impedance models are implied to provide an indication of change in tissue dynamics correlated with absence/presence of nociceptor stimulation. The unique features of the proposed sensor enhancements are described and illustrated here based on mechanical and thermal tests and further reinforced with previous studies from our first generation prototype

    Mobile Health Technologies

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    Mobile Health Technologies, also known as mHealth technologies, have emerged, amongst healthcare providers, as the ultimate Technologies-of-Choice for the 21st century in delivering not only transformative change in healthcare delivery, but also critical health information to different communities of practice in integrated healthcare information systems. mHealth technologies nurture seamless platforms and pragmatic tools for managing pertinent health information across the continuum of different healthcare providers. mHealth technologies commonly utilize mobile medical devices, monitoring and wireless devices, and/or telemedicine in healthcare delivery and health research. Today, mHealth technologies provide opportunities to record and monitor conditions of patients with chronic diseases such as asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD) and diabetes mellitus. The intent of this book is to enlighten readers about the theories and applications of mHealth technologies in the healthcare domain

    Requirements for the conceptual design of advanced underground coal extraction systems

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    Conceptual design requirements are presented for underground coal mining systems having substantially improved performance in the areas of production cost and miner safety. Mandatory performance levels are also set for miner health, environmental impact, and coal recovery. In addition to mandatory design goals and constraints, a number of desirable system characteristics are identified which must be assessed in terms of their impact on production cost and their compatibility with other system elements. Although developed for the flat lying, moderately thick seams of Central Appalachia, these requirements are designed to be easily adaptable to other coals

    Robotic-based well-being monitoring and coaching system for the elderly in their daily activities

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    The increasingly ageing population and the tendency to live alone have led science and engineering researchers to search for health care solutions. In the COVID 19 pandemic, the elderly have been seriously affected in addition to suffering from isolation and its associated and psychological consequences. This paper provides an overview of the RobWell (Robotic-based Well-Being Monitoring and Coaching System for the Elderly in their Daily Activities) system. It is a system focused on the field of artificial intelligence for mood prediction and coaching. This paper presents a general overview of the initially proposed system as well as the preliminary results related to the home automation subsystem, autonomous robot navigation and mood estimation through machine learning prior to the final system integration, which will be discussed in future works. The main goal is to improve their mental well-being during their daily household activities. The system is composed of ambient intelligence with intelligent sensors, actuators and a robotic platform that interacts with the user. A test smart home system was set up in which the sensors, actuators and robotic platform were integrated and tested. For artificial intelligence applied to mood prediction, we used machine learning to classify several physiological signals into different moods. In robotics, it was concluded that the ROS autonomous navigation stack and its autodocking algorithm were not reliable enough for this task, while the robot’s autonomy was sufficient. Semantic navigation, artificial intelligence and computer vision alternatives are being sought.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Univesidades, Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under project ROBWELL (RTI2018-095599-A-C22) and by the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP) funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation