2,753 research outputs found

    Dynamic Resource Allocation in Conservation Planning

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    Consider the problem of protecting endangered species by selecting patches of land to be used for conservation purposes. Typically, the availability of patches changes over time, and recommendations must be made dynamically. This is a challenging prototypical example of a sequential optimization problem under uncertainty in computational sustainability. Existing techniques do not scale to problems of realistic size. In this paper, we develop an efficient algorithm for adaptively making recommendations for dynamic conservation planning, and prove that it obtains near-optimal performance. We further evaluate our approach on a detailed reserve design case study of conservation planning for three rare species in the Pacific Northwest of the United States

    Distributed Community Detection in Dynamic Graphs

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    Inspired by the increasing interest in self-organizing social opportunistic networks, we investigate the problem of distributed detection of unknown communities in dynamic random graphs. As a formal framework, we consider the dynamic version of the well-studied \emph{Planted Bisection Model} \sdG(n,p,q) where the node set [n][n] of the network is partitioned into two unknown communities and, at every time step, each possible edge (u,v)(u,v) is active with probability pp if both nodes belong to the same community, while it is active with probability qq (with q<<pq<<p) otherwise. We also consider a time-Markovian generalization of this model. We propose a distributed protocol based on the popular \emph{Label Propagation Algorithm} and prove that, when the ratio p/qp/q is larger than nbn^{b} (for an arbitrarily small constant b>0b>0), the protocol finds the right "planted" partition in O(logn)O(\log n) time even when the snapshots of the dynamic graph are sparse and disconnected (i.e. in the case p=Θ(1/n)p=\Theta(1/n)).Comment: Version I

    Let the Tree Bloom: Scalable Opportunistic Routing with ORPL

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    Routing in battery-operated wireless networks is challenging, posing a tradeoff between energy and latency. Previous work has shown that opportunistic routing can achieve low-latency data collection in duty-cycled networks. However, applications are now considered where nodes are not only periodic data sources, but rather addressable end points generating traffic with arbitrary patterns. We present ORPL, an opportunistic routing protocol that supports any-to-any, on-demand traffic. ORPL builds upon RPL, the standard protocol for low-power IPv6 networks. By combining RPL's tree-like topology with opportunistic routing, ORPL forwards data to any destination based on the mere knowledge of the nodes' sub-tree. We use bitmaps and Bloom filters to represent and propagate this information in a space-efficient way, making ORPL scale to large networks of addressable nodes. Our results in a 135-node testbed show that ORPL outperforms a number of state-of-the-art solutions including RPL and CTP, conciliating a sub-second latency and a sub-percent duty cycle. ORPL also increases robustness and scalability, addressing the whole network reliably through a 64-byte Bloom filter, where RPL needs kilobytes of routing tables for the same task

    Toward Reliable Contention-aware Data Dissemination in Multi-hop Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks

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    This paper introduces a new channel selection strategy for reliable contentionaware data dissemination in multi-hop cognitive radio network. The key challenge here is to select channels providing a good tradeoff between connectivity and contention. In other words, channels with good opportunities for communication due to (1) low primary radio nodes (PRs) activities, and (2) limited contention of cognitive ratio nodes (CRs) acceding that channel, have to be selected. Thus, by dynamically exploring residual resources on channels and by monitoring the number of CRs on a particular channel, SURF allows building a connected network with limited contention where reliable communication can take place. Through simulations, we study the performance of SURF when compared with three other related approaches. Simulation results confirm that our approach is effective in selecting the best channels for efficient and reliable multi-hop data dissemination