18 research outputs found

    Providing a consensus definition for the term "Smart Product"

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    The term "Smart Product" has become commonly used in recent years. This is because there has been an increasing interest in these kinds of products as part of the consumer goods industry, impacting everyday life and industry. Nevertheless, the term "Smart Product" is used with different meanings in different contexts and application domains. The use of the term "Smart Product" with different meanings and underlying semantics can create important misunderstandings and dissent. The aim of this paper is to analyze the different definitions of Smart Product available in the literature, and to explore and analyze their commonalities and differences, in order to provide a consensus definition that satisfies, and can therefore be used by, all parties. To embrace the identified definitions, the concept of "Smart Thing" is introduced. The methodology used was a systematic literature review. The definition is expressed as an ontology

    Adolescent-Smartphone; Symbiotic Phenomena

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    Relying on the most recent studies of new communication and information technologies, the main objective of this paper is to unveil the impact of using smartphones on adolescents. This article focuses on the specificities and particularities of the "interdependence" between the adolescent and his/her smartphone. Smartphones possess the abilities to "augment" the human body with a multiplicity of sensual capacities. In this context, this article tries to deeply focus on the "symbiotic phenomena" between the adolescent and his/her smartphone. In this paper, we discuss Jeremy Bodon's (2014) observation that the smartphone acquires the position of an organic artifact. For this purpose, we join the study of Jean-François Bach and his research team (2013) in order to decipher the main facets of the adolescent's relationship with this new technology

    Adolescent-Smartphone: Symbiotic Phenomena

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    Relying on the most recent studies of new communication and information technologies, the main objective of this paper is to unveil the impact of using smartphones on adolescents. This article focuses on the specificities and particularities of the "interdependence" between the adolescent and his/her smartphone. Smartphones possess the abilities to "augment" the human body with a multiplicity of sensual capacities. In this context, this article tries to deeply focus on the "symbiotic phenomena" between the adolescent and his/her smartphone. In this paper, we discuss Jeremy Bodon's (2014) observation that the smartphone acquires the position of an organic artifact. For this purpose, we join the study of Jean-François Bach and his research team (2013) in order to decipher the main facets of the adolescent's relationship with this new technology

    Building consumer trust during the productization phase of a new, smart health tech consumer product

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    Abstract. The thesis aims to investigate the role of trust during the New Product Development (NPD) phase of smart health tech products, focusing on the consumer testing phase. The central research question examines the factors related to trust that arise during the productization/NPD process, and how these factors can be incorporated and enhanced during the development of a new smart health tech product. The study seeks to understand the factors influencing trust in smart health tech products, validate these factors in a real-life business setting, and provide recommendations for future research and productization processes. The research employs a two-step methodology, starting with a literature review to identify general and specific trust-building factors and establish a theoretical framework. Following this, empirical research is conducted with WellO2, a Finnish health tech company planning to launch a new smart mouthpiece designed to measure lung and breathing functions. This phase involves real-life testing of the product to validate the identified trust-building factors and uncover any previously unrecognized factors. The most crucial findings of the study are expected to highlight the key trust-building factors that emerge during the consumer testing phase of the NPD process and offer practical recommendations for incorporating these factors into future product development processes for SMEs. The results of this study are intended to be used by companies involved in the development of smart health tech products to enhance trust during the NPD process, leading to successful product adoption and commercialization. While the research is conducted in the context of a specific company and product, the findings and recommendations may have broader applicability and generalizability to other companies and products in the smart health tech sector.Asiakasluottamuksen rakentaminen uusien ja älykkäiden terveysteknologiatuotteiden tuotteistamisvaiheessa . Tiivistelmä. Tämä diplomityö pyrkii tutkimaan luottamuksen roolia älykkäiden terveysteknologiatuotteiden uuden tuotekehityksen (NPD) vaiheessa, keskittyen kuluttajatestausvaiheeseen. Keskeinen tutkimuskysymys tarkastelee tuotteistamis-/NPD-prosessin aikana esiin tulevia luottamukseen liittyviä tekijöitä ja sitä, kuinka näitä tekijöitä voidaan sisällyttää ja vahvistaa uuden älyterveysteknologiatuotteen kehityksessä. Tutkimus pyrkii ymmärtämään tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat luottamuksen kehittymiseen älyterveysteknologiatuotteissa, arvioimaan näitä tekijöitä todellisessa liiketoimintaympäristössä ja antamaan suosituksia tulevalle tutkimukselle ja tuotteistamisprosesseille. Tutkimus alkaa kirjallisuuskatsauksella, joka pyrkii tunnistamaan luottamuksen rakentamiseen liittyviä tekijöitä ja luomaan täten teoreettisen viitekehyksen aiemman kirjallisuuden pohjalta. Tämän jälkeen teoreettista viitekehystä ja tunnistettuja luottamusta rakentavia tekijöitä tutkitaan todellisessa liiketoimintaympäristössä. Case-yrityksenä on suomalainen terveysteknologiayritys WellO2, joka suunnittelee uuden tuotteen (älysuukappaleen) lanseerausta, jonka tarkoituksena on pystyä mittaamaan keuhkojen hengitystoimintoja. Tutkimuksen aikana tuotetta testattiin todellisessa kuluttajatestausympäristössä ja sillä pyrittiin validoimaan tunnistetut luottamuksen rakentamisen tekijät ja löytämään uusia, vielä tuntemattomia tekijöitä. Tutkimuksen tärkeimmät tulokset korostavat avaintekijöitä uuden tuotteen luottamuksen rakentamiseen, mitkä nousevat esiin NPD-prosessin kuluttajatestausvaiheessa ja tarjoavat käytännön suosituksia näiden tekijöiden sisällyttämiseksi tuleviin tuotekehitysprosesseihin PK-yrityksille. Tämän tutkimuksen tulosten on tarkoitus palvella yrityksiä, jotka ovat mukana älyterveysteknologiatuotteiden kehittämisessä ja joiden tarkoituksena on parantaa kuluttajien luottamusta tuotteeseen NPD-prosessin aikana, mikä helpottaisi tuotteen menestyksekästä käyttäjähyväksyntää ja kaupallistamista. Vaikka tutkimus on tehty yhden yrityksen ja tuotteen kontekstissa, tuloksilla ja suosituksilla voi olla laajempaa käyttöä ja yleistettävyyttä myös muille yrityksille ja tuotteille älyterveysteknologia-alalla

    Digital transformation and internationalization process: case studies analysis of italian companies.

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    Nowadays it is essential to understand the digital transformation and all the technologies at the basis of them, in order to interpret the change and to use technology as an enhanced tool to obtein a competitive advantage in the models of doing the business of companies. In this contest, this dissertation seeks to understand the relationship between digital transformation and the internazionalization process of italian companies

    Embedding Intelligence. Designerly reflections on AI-infused products

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    Artificial intelligence is more-or-less covertly entering our lives and houses, embedded into products and services that are acquiring novel roles and agency on users. Products such as virtual assistants represent the first wave of materializa- tion of artificial intelligence in the domestic realm and beyond. They are new interlocutors in an emerging redefined relationship between humans and computers. They are agents, with miscommunicated or unclear proper- ties, performing actions to reach human-set goals. They embed capabilities that industrial products never had. They can learn users’ preferences and accordingly adapt their responses, but they are also powerful means to shape people’s behavior and build new practices and habits. Nevertheless, the way these products are used is not fully exploiting their potential, and frequently they entail poor user experiences, relegating their role to gadgets or toys. Furthermore, AI-infused products need vast amounts of personal data to work accurately, and the gathering and processing of this data are often obscure to end-users. As well, how, whether, and when it is preferable to implement AI in products and services is still an open debate. This condition raises critical ethical issues about their usage and may dramatically impact users’ trust and, ultimately, the quality of user experience. The design discipline and the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) field are just beginning to explore the wicked relationship between Design and AI, looking for a definition of its borders, still blurred and ever-changing. The book approaches this issue from a human-centered standpoint, proposing designerly reflections on AI-infused products. It addresses one main guiding question: what are the design implications of embedding intelligence into everyday objects


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    Disassembly, a process of separating the End of Life (EOL) product into discrete components for re-utilizing their associated residual values, is an important part for the sustainable manufacturing. This work focuses on the modeling of the disassembly planning related information, and develops a Disassembly Information Model (DIM) based on an extensive investigation of various informational aspects of the disassembly planning. The developed Disassembly Information Model, which represents an appropriate systematization and classification of the products, processes, uncertainties and degradations related information, follows a layered modeling methodology. In this layered configuration, the DIM is subdivided into three distinct layers with an intent to separate general knowledge into different levels of abstractions, and to reach a balance between information reusability and information usability. The performance evaluation of the DIM (usability and reusability) is accessed by successful implementations of the DIM model into two prototype software applications in the domain of disassembly planning. The first application, called the Disassembly Sequence Generator (DSG), identifies the optimal disassembly sequence using a CAD based searching algorithm and a disassembly Linear Programming (LP) model. The searching process results in an AND/OR graph, which represents all the feasible disassembly sequences of a specific EOL product; whereas the LP model takes the AND/OR graph as an input and determines the economically optimal process sequence among all the possibilities. The second application is called the Adaptive Disassembly Planning (ADP), which further takes the EOL product uncertainty and degradation issues into consideration. In order to address these issues, fuzzy logic and Bayesian Network methodologies are used to develop a Disassembly Decision Network (DDN), which adaptively generates the optimal disassembly sequence based on the current available information. This research work is the first attempt to develop a comprehensive Information Model in the domain of disassembly planning. The associated modeling methodology that has been developed in this research is generic and scalable, and it could be widely adopted in other engineering domains, like product assembly, production planning, etc. The ultimate objective of this work is to standardize the DIM into a reference model that will be acknowledged and agreed upon by the sustainable manufacturing community

    The application of digital twin technology in operations and supply chain management: a bibliometric review

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    Purpose The application of digital twins to optimise operations and supply chain management functions is a bourgeoning practice. Scholars have attempted to keep pace with this development initiating a fast-evolving research agenda. The purpose of this paper is to take stock of the emerging research stream identifying trends and capture the value potential of digital twins to the field of operations and supply chain management. Design/methodology/approach In this work we employ a bibliometric literature review supported by bibliographic coupling and keyword co-occurrence network analysis to examine current trends in the research field regarding the value-added potential of digital twin in operations and supply chain management. Findings The main findings of this work are the identification of four value clusters and one enabler cluster. Value clusters are comprised of articles that describe how the application of digital twin can enhance supply chain activities at the level of business processes as well as the level of supply chain capabilities. Value clusters of production flow management and product development operate at the business processes level and are maturing communities. The supply chain resilience and risk management value cluster operates at the capability level, it is just emerging, and is positioned at the periphery of the main network. Originality/value This is the first study that attempts to conceptualise digital twin as a dynamic capability and employs bibliometric and network analysis on the research stream of digital twin in operations and supply chain management to capture evolutionary trends, literature communities and value-creation dynamics in a digital-twin-enabled supply chain

    An Application of Product-Service System Development Methodology in Development of Smart Home Appliances

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    Industrial DesignWith the diffusion of smartphones, smart products are taking deep root within our lives. Considering the high-end smart home appliances displayed at international electronics shows, smartness is being regarded as one of the most critical criteria to judge the competitiveness of manufacturing companies not only for IT devices but also for home appliances. Reflecting this tendency, many global home appliance manufacturers are devoting effort to Smart Home Appliance (SHA) development. In many cases, however, smart functions cannot provide users with significant added values because of technology-oriented approaches. Without a clear understanding on the notion of smartness, developmental strategy, and relevant methodologies, it is hard to develop genuine SHAs which effectively address users’ needs by providing differentiated values. Defined as marketable systems of products and services capable of fulfilling a user’s demand, Product-Service System (PSS) can provide SHAs manufacturers with an innovative approach to develop solution that address users’ needs in more effective ways and raise market competitiveness through offering both products and services. By shifting from sales-oriented business model to PSS, companies can perform better in terms of environmental, social and economic sustainability. Nonetheless, switching the business model based on manufacturing into a PSS model is a challenging approach for manufacturing companies because of differences between offering products and services. Underlying hypothesis of this research is that PSS development methodology can contribute to SHA development. As the first step to prove this hypothesis, the developmental direction of SHA and various PSS development methodologies were explored through literature reviews. A unified PSS methodology was proposed and the relevance of its application to SHA development inquired through expert interviews. In the expert interview the stages of existing SHA development processes which need to be reinforced with PSS development methodology were identified. Based on the findings from diagnosis, a set of tools to reinforce the SHA development processes were selected and their effectiveness identified through the workshop with practitioners. Through the entire process, the potential of PSS development methodology for SHA development was recognized and the points to be improved to support SHA development better were suggested.ope