11 research outputs found

    Multi-tenant Admission Control for future networks

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    The global telecommunications landscape is going to shift considerably due to the impact of the new generation of future networks. It is estimated that by 2025, one-third of the global population will use 5G. Accordingly, all industry players are searching to develop new business cases. One of the main capabilities of 5G to answer these new requirements is Network Slicing since it allows splitting a common infrastructure into several virtual networks, enabling Multi-tenancy. In this case, the admission control function plays a vital role in ensuring the correct operation of these virtual networks by providing the required QoS to the services by allocating radio resources to them. Consequently, the purpose of this thesis is to study a new method to implement the admission control function, which allows optimizing the use of radio resources, to increase the available capacity of tenants, and offer flexibility under different traffic loads. Several simulations are performed to evaluate the algorithm within a multi-tenant, multi-cell environment using MATLAB, where the simplicity and flexibility of our proposal are assessed in each cell and the whole scenario. We obtain a 127% improvement in the bit rate when compared with a baseline scheme, and a gain of 17% when compared to a reference scheme that allows using extra capacity left by other tenants

    Learning Augmented Optimization for Network Softwarization in 5G

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    The rapid uptake of mobile devices and applications are posing unprecedented traffic burdens on the existing networking infrastructures. In order to maximize both user experience and investment return, the networking and communications systems are evolving to the next gen- eration – 5G, which is expected to support more flexibility, agility, and intelligence towards provisioned services and infrastructure management. Fulfilling these tasks is challenging, as nowadays networks are increasingly heterogeneous, dynamic and expanded with large sizes. Network softwarization is one of the critical enabling technologies to implement these requirements in 5G. In addition to these problems investigated in preliminary researches about this technology, many new emerging application requirements and advanced opti- mization & learning technologies are introducing more challenges & opportunities for its fully application in practical production environment. This motivates this thesis to develop a new learning augmented optimization technology, which merges both the advanced opti- mization and learning techniques to meet the distinct characteristics of the new application environment. To be more specific, the abstracts of the key contents in this thesis are listed as follows: ‱ We first develop a stochastic solution to augment the optimization of the Network Function Virtualization (NFV) services in dynamical networks. In contrast to the dominant NFV solutions applied for the deterministic networking environments, the inherent network dynamics and uncertainties from 5G infrastructure are impeding the rollout of NFV in many emerging networking applications. Therefore, Chapter 3 investigates the issues of network utility degradation when implementing NFV in dynamical networks, and proposes a robust NFV solution with full respect to the underlying stochastic features. By exploiting the hierarchical decision structures in this problem, a distributed computing framework with two-level decomposition is designed to facilitate a distributed implementation of the proposed model in large-scale networks. ‱ Next, Chapter 4 aims to intertwin the traditional optimization and learning technologies. In order to reap the merits of both optimization and learning technologies but avoid their limitations, promissing integrative approaches are investigated to combine the traditional optimization theories with advanced learning methods. Subsequently, an online optimization process is designed to learn the system dynamics for the network slicing problem, another critical challenge for network softwarization. Specifically, we first present a two-stage slicing optimization model with time-averaged constraints and objective to safeguard the network slicing operations in time-varying networks. Directly solving an off-line solution to this problem is intractable since the future system realizations are unknown before decisions. To address this, we combine the historical learning and Lyapunov stability theories, and develop a learning augmented online optimization approach. This facilitates the system to learn a safe slicing solution from both historical records and real-time observations. We prove that the proposed solution is always feasible and nearly optimal, up to a constant additive factor. Finally, simulation experiments are also provided to demonstrate the considerable improvement of the proposals. ‱ The success of traditional solutions to optimizing the stochastic systems often requires solving a base optimization program repeatedly until convergence. For each iteration, the base program exhibits the same model structure, but only differing in their input data. Such properties of the stochastic optimization systems encourage the work of Chapter 5, in which we apply the latest deep learning technologies to abstract the core structures of an optimization model and then use the learned deep learning model to directly generate the solutions to the equivalent optimization model. In this respect, an encoder-decoder based learning model is developed in Chapter 5 to improve the optimization of network slices. In order to facilitate the solving of the constrained combinatorial optimization program in a deep learning manner, we design a problem-specific decoding process by integrating program constraints and problem context information into the training process. The deep learning model, once trained, can be used to directly generate the solution to any specific problem instance. This avoids the extensive computation in traditional approaches, which re-solve the whole combinatorial optimization problem for every instance from the scratch. With the help of the REINFORCE gradient estimator, the obtained deep learning model in the experiments achieves significantly reduced computation time and optimality loss

    High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications

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    This open access book was prepared as a Final Publication of the COST Action IC1406 “High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications (cHiPSet)“ project. Long considered important pillars of the scientific method, Modelling and Simulation have evolved from traditional discrete numerical methods to complex data-intensive continuous analytical optimisations. Resolution, scale, and accuracy have become essential to predict and analyse natural and complex systems in science and engineering. When their level of abstraction raises to have a better discernment of the domain at hand, their representation gets increasingly demanding for computational and data resources. On the other hand, High Performance Computing typically entails the effective use of parallel and distributed processing units coupled with efficient storage, communication and visualisation systems to underpin complex data-intensive applications in distinct scientific and technical domains. It is then arguably required to have a seamless interaction of High Performance Computing with Modelling and Simulation in order to store, compute, analyse, and visualise large data sets in science and engineering. Funded by the European Commission, cHiPSet has provided a dynamic trans-European forum for their members and distinguished guests to openly discuss novel perspectives and topics of interests for these two communities. This cHiPSet compendium presents a set of selected case studies related to healthcare, biological data, computational advertising, multimedia, finance, bioinformatics, and telecommunications

    High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications

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    This open access book was prepared as a Final Publication of the COST Action IC1406 “High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications (cHiPSet)“ project. Long considered important pillars of the scientific method, Modelling and Simulation have evolved from traditional discrete numerical methods to complex data-intensive continuous analytical optimisations. Resolution, scale, and accuracy have become essential to predict and analyse natural and complex systems in science and engineering. When their level of abstraction raises to have a better discernment of the domain at hand, their representation gets increasingly demanding for computational and data resources. On the other hand, High Performance Computing typically entails the effective use of parallel and distributed processing units coupled with efficient storage, communication and visualisation systems to underpin complex data-intensive applications in distinct scientific and technical domains. It is then arguably required to have a seamless interaction of High Performance Computing with Modelling and Simulation in order to store, compute, analyse, and visualise large data sets in science and engineering. Funded by the European Commission, cHiPSet has provided a dynamic trans-European forum for their members and distinguished guests to openly discuss novel perspectives and topics of interests for these two communities. This cHiPSet compendium presents a set of selected case studies related to healthcare, biological data, computational advertising, multimedia, finance, bioinformatics, and telecommunications

    Cooperative scheduling and load balancing techniques in fog and edge computing

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    Fog and Edge Computing are two models that reached maturity in the last decade. Today, they are two solid concepts and plenty of literature tried to develop them. Also corroborated by the development of technologies, like for example 5G, they can now be considered de facto standards when building low and ultra-low latency applications, privacy-oriented solutions, industry 4.0 and smart city infrastructures. The common trait of Fog and Edge computing environments regards their inherent distributed and heterogeneous nature where the multiple (Fog or Edge) nodes are able to interact with each other with the essential purpose of pre-processing data gathered by the uncountable number of sensors to which they are connected to, even by running significant ML models and relying upon specific processors (TPU). However, nodes are often placed in a geographic domain, like a smart city, and the dynamic of the traffic during the day may cause some nodes to be overwhelmed by requests while others instead may become completely idle. To achieve the optimal usage of the system and also to guarantee the best possible QoS across all the users connected to the Fog or Edge nodes, the need to design load balancing and scheduling algorithms arises. In particular, a reasonable solution is to enable nodes to cooperate. This capability represents the main objective of this thesis, which is the design of fully distributed algorithms and solutions whose purpose is the one of balancing the load across all the nodes, also by following, if possible, QoS requirements in terms of latency or imposing constraints in terms of power consumption when the nodes are powered by green energy sources. Unfortunately, when a central orchestrator is missing, a crucial element which makes the design of such algorithms difficult is that nodes need to know the state of the others in order to make the best possible scheduling decision. However, it is not possible to retrieve the state without introducing further latency during the service of the request. Furthermore, the retrieved information about the state is always old, and as a consequence, the decision is always relying on imprecise data. In this thesis, the problem is circumvented in two main ways. The first one considers randomised algorithms which avoid probing all of the neighbour nodes in favour of at maximum two nodes picked at random. This is proven to bring an exponential improvement in performance with respect to the probe of a single node. The second approach, instead, considers Reinforcement Learning as a technique for inferring the state of the other nodes thanks to the reward received by the agents when requests are forwarded. Moreover, the thesis will also focus on the energy aspect of the Edge devices. In particular, will be analysed a scenario of Green Edge Computing, where devices are powered only by Photovoltaic Panels and a scenario of mobile offloading targeting ML image inference applications. Lastly, a final glance will be given at a series of infrastructural studies, which will give the foundations for implementing the proposed algorithms on real devices, in particular, Single Board Computers (SBCs). There will be presented a structural scheme of a testbed of Raspberry Pi boards, and a fully-fledged framework called ``P2PFaaS'' which allows the implementation of load balancing and scheduling algorithms based on the Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) paradigm

    A Novel Architectural Framework on IoT Ecosystem, Security Aspects and Mechanisms: A Comprehensive Survey

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    For the past few years, the Internet of Things (IoT) technology continues to not only gain popularity and importance, but also witnesses the true realization of everything being smart. With the advent of the concept of smart everything, IoT has emerged as an area of great potential and incredible growth. An IoT ecosystem centers around innovation perspective which is considered as its fundamental core. Accordingly, IoT enabling technologies such as hardware and software platforms as well as standards become the core of the IoT ecosystem. However, any large-scale technological integration such as the IoT development poses the challenge to ensure secure data transmission. Perhaps, the ubiquitous and the resource-constrained nature of IoT devices and the sensitive and private data being generated by IoT systems make them highly vulnerable to physical and cyber threats. In this paper, we re-define an IoT ecosystem from the core technologies view point. We propose a modified three layer IoT architecture by dividing the perception layer into elementary blocks based on their attributed functions. Enabling technologies, attacks and security countermeasures are classified under each layer of the proposed architecture. Additionally, to give the readers a broader perspective of the research area, we discuss the role of various state-of-the-art emerging technologies in the IoT security. We present the security aspects of the most prominent standards and other recently developed technologies for IoT which might have the potential to form the yet undefined IoT architecture. Among the technologies presented in this article, we give a special interest to one recent technology in IoT domain. This technology is named IQRF that stands for Intelligent Connectivity using Radio Frequency. It is an emerging technology for wireless packet-oriented communication that operates in sub-GHz ISM band (868 MHz) and which is intended for general use where wireless connectivity is needed, either in a mesh network or point-to-point (P2P) configuration. We also highlighted the security aspects implemented in this technology and we compare it with the other already known technologies. Moreover, a detailed discussion on the possible attacks is presented. These attacks are projected on the IoT technologies presented in this article including IQRF. In addition, lightweight security solutions, implemented in these technologies, to counter these threats in the proposed IoT ecosystem architecture are also presented. Lastly, we summarize the survey by listing out some common challenges and the future research directions in this field.publishedVersio

    Survey on PMIPv6-based Mobility Management Architectures for Software-Defined Networking

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    Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has changed the network landscape. Meanwhile, IP-based mobility management still evolves, and SDN affects it dramatically. Integrating Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) – a network-based mobility management protocol – with the SDN paradigm has created several promising approaches. This paper will present an extensive survey on the joint research area of PMIPv6 and SDN mobility management by detailing the available SDN-integrated network-based techniques and architectures that intend to accelerate handover and mitigate service disruption of mobility events in softwareized telecommunication networks. The article also provides an overview of where PMIPv6 can be used and how SDN may help reach those ways

    White Paper on Digital and Complex Information

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    Information is one of the main traits of the contemporary era. Indeed there aremany perspectives to define the present times, such as the Digital Age, the Big Dataera, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the fourth Paradigm of science, and in all ofthem information, gathered, stored, processed and transmitted, plays a key role.Technological developments in the last decades such as powerful computers, cheaperand miniaturized solutions as smartphones, massive optical communication, or theInternet, to name few, have enabled this shift to the Information age. This shift hasdriven daily life, cultural and social deep changes, in work and personal activities,on access to knowledge, information spreading, altering interpersonal relations orthe way we interact in public and private sphere, in economy and politics, pavingthe way to globalizationPeer reviewe

    Urban Informatics

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    This open access book is the first to systematically introduce the principles of urban informatics and its application to every aspect of the city that involves its functioning, control, management, and future planning. It introduces new models and tools being developed to understand and implement these technologies that enable cities to function more efficiently – to become ‘smart’ and ‘sustainable’. The smart city has quickly emerged as computers have become ever smaller to the point where they can be embedded into the very fabric of the city, as well as being central to new ways in which the population can communicate and act. When cities are wired in this way, they have the potential to become sentient and responsive, generating massive streams of ‘big’ data in real time as well as providing immense opportunities for extracting new forms of urban data through crowdsourcing. This book offers a comprehensive review of the methods that form the core of urban informatics from various kinds of urban remote sensing to new approaches to machine learning and statistical modelling. It provides a detailed technical introduction to the wide array of tools information scientists need to develop the key urban analytics that are fundamental to learning about the smart city, and it outlines ways in which these tools can be used to inform design and policy so that cities can become more efficient with a greater concern for environment and equity

    Urban Informatics

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    This open access book is the first to systematically introduce the principles of urban informatics and its application to every aspect of the city that involves its functioning, control, management, and future planning. It introduces new models and tools being developed to understand and implement these technologies that enable cities to function more efficiently – to become ‘smart’ and ‘sustainable’. The smart city has quickly emerged as computers have become ever smaller to the point where they can be embedded into the very fabric of the city, as well as being central to new ways in which the population can communicate and act. When cities are wired in this way, they have the potential to become sentient and responsive, generating massive streams of ‘big’ data in real time as well as providing immense opportunities for extracting new forms of urban data through crowdsourcing. This book offers a comprehensive review of the methods that form the core of urban informatics from various kinds of urban remote sensing to new approaches to machine learning and statistical modelling. It provides a detailed technical introduction to the wide array of tools information scientists need to develop the key urban analytics that are fundamental to learning about the smart city, and it outlines ways in which these tools can be used to inform design and policy so that cities can become more efficient with a greater concern for environment and equity