671 research outputs found

    Malware Detection in Cloud Computing Infrastructures

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    Cloud services are prominent within the private, public and commercial domains. Many of these services are expected to be always on and have a critical nature; therefore, security and resilience are increasingly important aspects. In order to remain resilient, a cloud needs to possess the ability to react not only to known threats, but also to new challenges that target cloud infrastructures. In this paper we introduce and discuss an online cloud anomaly detection approach, comprising dedicated detection components of our cloud resilience architecture. More specifically, we exhibit the applicability of novelty detection under the one-class support Vector Machine (SVM) formulation at the hypervisor level, through the utilisation of features gathered at the system and network levels of a cloud node. We demonstrate that our scheme can reach a high detection accuracy of over 90% whilst detecting various types of malware and DoS attacks. Furthermore, we evaluate the merits of considering not only system-level data, but also network-level data depending on the attack type. Finally, the paper shows that our approach to detection using dedicated monitoring components per VM is particularly applicable to cloud scenarios and leads to a flexible detection system capable of detecting new malware strains with no prior knowledge of their functionality or their underlying instructions. Index Terms—Security, resilience, invasive software, multi-agent systems, network-level security and protection

    Artificial intelligence in the cyber domain: Offense and defense

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    Artificial intelligence techniques have grown rapidly in recent years, and their applications in practice can be seen in many fields, ranging from facial recognition to image analysis. In the cybersecurity domain, AI-based techniques can provide better cyber defense tools and help adversaries improve methods of attack. However, malicious actors are aware of the new prospects too and will probably attempt to use them for nefarious purposes. This survey paper aims at providing an overview of how artificial intelligence can be used in the context of cybersecurity in both offense and defense.Web of Science123art. no. 41

    SafeDroid: A Distributed Malware Detection Service for Android

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    Android platform has become a primary target for malware. In this paper we present SafeDroid, an open source distributed service to detect malicious apps on Android by combining static analysis and machine learning techniques. It is composed by three micro-services, working together, combining static analysis and machine learning techniques. SafeDroid has been designed as a user friendly service, providing detailed feedback in case of malware detection. The detection service is optimized to be lightweight and easily updated. The feature set on which the micro-service of detection relies on on has been selected and optimized in order to focus only on the most distinguishing characteristics of the Android apps. We present a prototype to show the effectiveness of the detection mechanism service and the feasibility of the approach

    Intrusion Detection System based on time related features and Machine Learning

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    The analysis of the behavior of network communications over time allows the extraction of statistical features capable of characterizing the network traffic flows. These features can be used to create an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) that can automatically classify network traffic. But introducing an IDS into a network changes the latency of its communications. From a different viewpoint it is possible to analyze the latencies of a network to try to identifying the presence or absence of the IDS. The proposed method can be used to extract a set of phisical or time related features that characterize the communication behavior of an Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure. For example the number of packets sent every 5 minutes. Then these features can help identify anomalies or cyber attacks. For example a jamming of the radio channel. This method does not necessarily take into account the content of the network packet and therefore can also be used on encrypted connections where is impossible to carry out a Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) analysis

    CNS-Net: Conservative Novelty Synthesizing Network for Malware Recognition in an Open-set Scenario

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    We study the challenging task of malware recognition on both known and novel unknown malware families, called malware open-set recognition (MOSR). Previous works usually assume the malware families are known to the classifier in a close-set scenario, i.e., testing families are the subset or at most identical to training families. However, novel unknown malware families frequently emerge in real-world applications, and as such, require to recognize malware instances in an open-set scenario, i.e., some unknown families are also included in the test-set, which has been rarely and non-thoroughly investigated in the cyber-security domain. One practical solution for MOSR may consider jointly classifying known and detecting unknown malware families by a single classifier (e.g., neural network) from the variance of the predicted probability distribution on known families. However, conventional well-trained classifiers usually tend to obtain overly high recognition probabilities in the outputs, especially when the instance feature distributions are similar to each other, e.g., unknown v.s. known malware families, and thus dramatically degrades the recognition on novel unknown malware families. In this paper, we propose a novel model that can conservatively synthesize malware instances to mimic unknown malware families and support a more robust training of the classifier. Moreover, we also build a new large-scale malware dataset, named MAL-100, to fill the gap of lacking large open-set malware benchmark dataset. Experimental results on two widely used malware datasets and our MAL-100 demonstrate the effectiveness of our model compared with other representative methods.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    TiSEFE: Time Series Evolving Fuzzy Engine for Network Traffic Classification

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    Monitoring and analyzing network traffic are very crucial in discriminating the malicious attack. As the network traffic is becoming big, heterogeneous, and very fast, traffic analysis could be considered as big data analytic task. Recent research in big data analytic filed has produces several novel large-scale data processing systems. However, there is a need for a comprehensive data processing system to extract valuable insights from network traffic big data and learn the normal and attack network situations. This paper proposes a novel evolving fuzzy system to discriminate anomalies by inspecting the network traffic. After capturing traffic data, the system analyzes it to establish a model of normal network situation. The normal situation is a time series data of an ordered sequence of traffic information variable values at equally spaced time intervals. The performance has been analyzed by carrying out several experiments on real-world traffic dataset and under extreme difficult situation of high-speed networks. The results have proved the appropriateness of time series evolving fuzzy engine for network classification

    A Risk management framework for the BYOD environment

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    Computer networks in organisations today have different layers of connections, which are either domain connections or external connections. The hybrid network contains the standard domain connections, cloud base connections, “bring your own device” (BYOD) connections, together with the devices and network connections of the Internet of Things (IoT). All these technologies will need to be incorporated in the Oman Vision 2040 strategy, which will involve changing several cities to smart cities. To implement this strategy artificial intelligence, cloud computing, BYOD and IoT will be adopted. This research will focus on the adoption of BYOD in the Oman context. It will have advantages for organisations, such as increasing productivity and reducing costs. However, these benefits come with security risks and privacy concerns, the users being the main contributors of these risks. The aim of this research is to develop a risk management and security framework for the BYOD environment to minimise these risks. The proposed framework is designed to detect and predict the risks by the use of MDM event logs and function logs. The chosen methodology is a combination of both qualitative and quantitative approaches, known as a mixed-methods approach. The approach adopted in this research will identify the latest threats and risks experienced in BYOD environments. This research also investigates the level of user-awareness of BYOD security methods. The proposed framework will enhance the current techniques for risk management by improving risk detection and prediction of threats, as well as, enabling BYOD risk management systems to generate notifications and recommendations of possible preventive/mitigation actions to deal with them

    Robustness of Image-Based Malware Analysis

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    In previous work, “gist descriptor” features extracted from images have been used in malware classification problems and have shown promising results. In this research, we determine whether gist descriptors are robust with respect to malware obfuscation techniques, as compared to Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) trained directly on malware images. Using the Python Image Library (PIL), we create images from malware executables and from malware that we obfuscate. We conduct experiments to compare classifying these images with a CNN as opposed to extracting the gist descriptor features from these images to use in classification. For the gist descriptors, we consider a variety of classification algorithms including k-nearest neighbors, random forest, support vector machine, and multi-layer perceptron. We find that gist descriptors are more robust than CNNs, with respect to the obfuscation techniques that we consider

    Word Embeddings for Fake Malware Generation

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    Signature and anomaly-based techniques are the fundamental methods to detect malware. However, in recent years this type of threat has advanced to become more complex and sophisticated, making these techniques less effective. For this reason, researchers have resorted to state-of-the-art machine learning techniques to combat the threat of information security. Nevertheless, despite the integration of the machine learning models, there is still a shortage of data in training that prevents these models from performing at their peak. In the past, generative models have been found to be highly effective at generating image-like data that are similar to the actual data distribution. In this paper, we leverage the knowledge of generative modeling on opcode sequences and aim to generate malware samples by taking advantage of the contextualized embeddings from BERT. We obtained promising results when differentiating between real and generated samples. We observe that generated malware has such similar characteristics to actual malware that the classifiers are having difficulty in distinguishing between the two, in which the classifiers falsely identify the generated malware as actual malware almost of the time

    Twitter Bots’ Detection with Benford’s Law and Machine Learning

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    Online Social Networks (OSNs) have grown exponentially in terms of active users and have now become an influential factor in the formation of public opinions. For this reason, the use of bots and botnets for spreading misinformation on OSNs has become a widespread concern. Identifying bots and botnets on Twitter can require complex statistical methods to score a profile based on multiple features. Benford’s Law, or the Law of Anomalous Numbers, states that, in any naturally occurring sequence of numbers, the First Significant Leading Digit (FSLD) frequency follows a particular pattern such that they are unevenly distributed and reducing. This principle can be applied to the first-degree egocentric network of a Twitter profile to assess its conformity to such law and, thus, classify it as a bot profile or normal profile. This paper focuses on leveraging Benford’s Law in combination with various Machine Learning (ML) classifiers to identify bot profiles on Twitter. In addition, a comparison with other statistical methods is produced to confirm our classification results