5 research outputs found

    Protecting sensitive web content from client-side vulnerabilities with CRYPTONS

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    10.1145/2508859.2516743Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security1311-132

    Adaptive 3D web-based environment for heterogeneous volume objects.

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    The Internet was growing fast on the last decade. Interaction and visualisation became an essential feature online. The demand for online modelling and rendering in a real-time, adaptive and interactive manner exceeded the growth and development of the hardware resources including computational power and memories. Building up and accessing an instant 3D Web-based and plugin-free platform started to be a must in order to generate 3D volumes. Modelling and rendering complicated heterogeneous volumes using online applications requires good Internet bandwidth and high computational power. A large number of 3D modelling tools designed to create complicated models in an interactive manner are now available online, the problem of using such tools is that the user needs to acquire a certain level of modelling knowledge In this work, we identify the problem, introduce the theoretical background and discuss the theory about Web-based modelling and rendering, including client- server approach, scenario optimization by solving constraint satisfaction problem, and complexity analysis. We address the challenges of designing, implementing and testing an online, Web-based, instant 3D modelling and rendering environment and we discuss some of its characteristics including adaptivity, platform independence, interactivity, and easy-to-use after presenting the theoretical part of implementing such an environment. We also introduce platform-independent modelling and rendering environment for complicated heterogeneous volumes with colour attributes based on client- server architecture. The work includes analysis and implementation for different rendering approaches suitable for different kind of users. We also discuss the performance of the proposed environment by comparing the rendering approaches. As an additional feature of our modelling system, we discuss aspects of securing the model transferring between client and the server

    Practical dynamic information flow control

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    Over the years, computer systems and applications have grown significantly complex while handling a plethora of private and sensitive user information. The complexity of these applications is often assisted by a set of (un)intentional bugs with both malicious and non-malicious intent leading to information leaks. Information flow control has been studied extensively as an approach to mitigate such information leaks. The technique works by enforcing the security property of non-interference using a specified set of security policies. A vast majority of existing work in this area is based on static analyses. However, some of the applications, especially on the Web, are developed using dynamic languages like JavaScript that make the static analyses techniques stale and ineffective. As a result, there has been a growing interest in recent years to develop dynamic information flow analysis techniques. In spite of the advances in the field, dynamic information flow analysis has not been at the helm of information flow security in dynamic settings like the Web; the prime reason being that the analysis techniques and the security property related to them (non-interference) either over-approximate or are too restrictive in most cases. Concretely, the analysis techniques gen- erate a lot of false positives, do not allow legitimate release of sensitive information, support only static and rigid security policies or are not general enough to be applied to real-world applications. This thesis focuses on improving the usability of dynamic information flow techniques by presenting mechanisms that can enhance the precision and permissiveness of the analyses. It begins by presenting a sound improvement and enhancement of the permissive-upgrade strategy, a strategy widely used to enforce dynamic information flow control, which improves the strategy’s permissiveness and makes it generic in applicability. The thesis, then, presents a sound and precise control scope analysis for handling complex features like unstructured control flow and exceptions in higher-order languages. Although non-interference is a desired property for enforcing information flow control, there are program instances that require legitimate release of some parts of the secret data to provide the required functionality. Towards this end, this thesis develops a sound approach to bound information leaks dynamically while allowing information release in accordance to a pre-specified budget. The thesis concludes by applying these techniques to an information flow control-enabled Web browser and explores a policy specification mechanism that allows flexible and useful information flow policies to be specified for Web applications.Seit Jahren werden Computersysteme und -Anwendungen immer komplexer und verarbeiten eine Unmenge private und sensible Daten. Die Komplexität der Anwendungen trägt neben der Existenz von (un)gewollt eingefügten Software Fehlern zur Weitergabe dieser sensiblen Informationen bei. Information Flow Control (IFC, zu Deutsch Informations-Fluss-Analyse) Mechanismen sind Gegenstand intensiver Forschung um diesem Problem entgegen zu wirken. Grundsätzlich basieren diese Ansätze auf der Anwendung von vordefinierten Sicherheitsregeln, die die Unbeeinflussbarkeit (engl. non-interference) garantieren. Der überwiegende Teil dieser Techniken nutzt statische Analyse zur Erzeugung der Regeln. Dem gegenüber steht die Tatsache, dass Anwendun- gen, insbesondere im Bereich Web-Anwendungen, in dynamischen Sprachen wie JavaScript entwickelt werden, wodurch rein statische Analysen unzureichend sind. Dynamische Methoden auf der anderen Seite approximieren das Verhalten einer Anwendung und können daher die grundlegende non-interference nicht garantieren. Sie tendieren dazu besonders restriktive Regeln zu erzeugen, wodurch auch der rechtmäßige Zugriff auf Information verweigert wird. Beide Ansätze sind daher nicht zur Anwendung auf Systeme in der realen Welt geeignet. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit besteht darin die Benutzbarkeit von dynamischen IFC Mechanismen zu verbessern indem Techniken entwickelt werden, die die Genauigkeit und Toleranz steigern. Die Arbeit präsentiert eine korrekte (engl. ’sound’) Erweiterung der permissive-upgrade Strategie (eine Standardstrategie für dynamische IFC), die die Toleranz der Strategie verbessert und sie weithin anwendbar macht. Darüber hinaus präsentiere ich eine neue dynamische IFC Analyse, die auch komplexe Funktionen, wie unstruktierte Kontrollflüsse und Exceptions in Hochsprachen, abbildet. Obwohl Unbeeinflussbarkeit eine wünschenswerte Eigenschaft ist, gibt es Anwendungen, die rechtmäßigen Zugang zu sensiblen Daten benötigen um ihre Funktion zu erfüllen. Um dies zu ermöglichen präsentiert diese Arbeit einen Ansatz, der die ungewollte Weitergabe von Information quantifiziert und anhand eines vordefinierten Grenzwertes freigibt. Diese Techniken wurden in einen Web-Browser integriert, welcher es erlaubt die Definition von flexiblen und nützlichen Informations-flussregeln für Web Anwendungen umzusetzen.RS3 - DF

    An Investigation into Possible Attacks on HTML5 IndexedDB and their Prevention

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    This thesis presents an analysis of, and enhanced security model for IndexedDB, the persistent HTML5 browser-based data store. In versions of HTML prior to HTML5, web sites used cookies to track user preferences locally. Cookies are however limited both in file size and number, and must also be added to every HTTP request, which increases web traffic unnecessarily. Web functionality has however increased significantly since cookies were introduced by Netscape in 1994. Consequently, web developers require additional capabilities to keep up with the evolution of the World Wide Web and growth in eCommerce. The response to this requirement was the IndexedDB API, which became an official W3C recommendation in January 2015. The IndexedDB API includes an Object Store, indices, and cursors and so gives HTML5 - compliant browsers a transactional database capability. Furthermore, once downloaded, IndexedDB data stores do not require network connectivity. This permits mobile web- based applications to work without a data connection. Such IndexedDB data stores will be used to store customer data, they will inevitably become targets for attackers. This thesis firstly argues that the design of IndexedDB makes it unavoidably insecure. That is, every implementation is vulnerable to attacks such as Cross Site Scripting, and even data that has been deleted from databases may be stolen using appropriate software tools. This is demonstrated experimentally on both mobile and desktop browsers. IndexedDB is however capable of high performance even when compared to servers running optimized local databases. This is demonstrated through the development of a formal performance model. The performance predictions for IndexedDB were tested experimentally, and the results showed high conformance over a range of usage scenarios. This implies that IndexedDB is potentially a useful HTML5 API if the security issues can be addressed. In the final component of this thesis, we propose and implement enhancements that correct the security weaknesses identified in IndexedDB. The enhancements use multifactor authentication, and so are resistant to Cross Site Scripting attacks. This enhancement is then demonstrated experimentally, showing that HTML5 IndexedDB may be used securely both online and offline. This implies that secure, standards compliant browser based applications with persistent local data stores may both feasible and efficient