351 research outputs found

    Serbo-Croat Clitics and Word Grammar

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    Serbo-Croat has a complex system of clitics which raise interesting problems for any theory of the interface between syntax and morphology. After summarising the data we review previous analyses (mostly within the generative tradition), all of which are unsatisfactory in various ways. We then explain how Word Grammar handles clitics: as words whose form is an affix rather than the usual ‘word-form’. Like other affixes, clitics need a word to accommodate them, but in the case of clitics this is a special kind of word called a ‘hostword’. We present a detailed analysis of Serbo-Croat clitics within this theory, introducing a new distinction between two cases: where the clitics are attached to the verb or auxiliary, and where they are attached to some dependent of the verb

    Ein Synkretismusmodell für die deutsche Morphologie

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    Morphologische Modelle in der Computerlinguistik reflektieren typischerweise sprachspezifische Eigenschaften, indem sie Datenstrukturen und Operationen verwenden, die der Typologie einzelner Sprachen entsprechen. Ausgehend von einer Diskussion der synkretistischen Eigenschaften der deutschen Flexionsmorphologie wird eine generische denotationelle Semantik fur die bekannten sprachübergreifenden morphologischen Strukturen entwickelt. Diese Semantik liegt dem Konzept eines Compilers für ein generatives morphologisches Lexikon zugrunde, das 7000 Stämme aus einem Corpus spontan gesprochener deutscher Dialoge auf 30.000 Vollformen und 120.000 morphologische Kategorienabbildungen (nach Auflösung der Synkretismen) projiziert.Morphology models in computational linguistics have tended to be language-specific, in that the data structures and operations used have reflected the typology of individual languages. Starting with a discussion of the syncretistic properties of German inflectional morphology, a generic denotational semantics for known language-independent inflectional structures is outlined. This semantics underlies the design of a generative morphological lexicon compiler for spoken German, which projects 7000 stems extracted from a corpus of spoken language dialogues to 30,000 fully inflected forms and 120,000 morphological category mappings (after resolution of syncretism)

    The areal typology of grammaticalization: the case of northern China

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    Chinese/Sinitic is often seen as a textbook example of isolating typology, with little or no inflection, stable morpheme boundaries, no cumulative exponence, and no allomorphy or suppletion. From the diachronic point of view, the isolating nature of Chinese, as well as other typological features (e.g. lack of obligatory categories), are said to be associated with grammaticalization without formal evolution (see e.g. Bybee, Perkins and Pagliuca 1994; Bisang 2004). In this paper, we will discuss the typology of Sinitic in its genetic and areal context. We will then focus on how grammaticalization works in languages of the East and Mainland Southeastasian area (EMSEA), and we shall discuss possible exceptions to this general trend in some Northern Sinitic languages. We will show that the typological features traditionally attributed to EMSEA languages do seem to prevent the establishment of morphological paradigms, but secondary grammaticalization (in the sense of Traugott 2002) may still occur, as a morphophonological phenomenon connected with frequency of cooccurrence and with specific prosodic patterns. We shall also discuss the implication of this for the typology of Sinitic, and for grammar-based cross-linguistic research

    Elements, Government, and Licensing: Developments in phonology

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    Elements, Government, and Licensing brings together new theoretical and empirical developments in phonology. It covers three principal domains of phonological representation: melody and segmental structure; tone, prosody and prosodic structure; and phonological relations, empty categories, and vowel-zero alternations. Theoretical topics covered include the formalisation of Element Theory, the hotly debated topic of structural recursion in phonology, and the empirical status of government. In addition, a wealth of new analyses and empirical evidence sheds new light on empty categories in phonology, the analysis of certain consonantal sequences, phonological and non-phonological alternation, the elemental composition of segments, and many more. Taking up long-standing empirical and theoretical issues informed by the Government Phonology and Element Theory, this book provides theoretical advances while also bringing to light new empirical evidence and analysis challenging previous generalisations. The insights offered here will be equally exciting for phonologists working on related issues inside and outside the Principles & Parameters programme, such as researchers working in Optimality Theory or classical rule-based phonology

    Correspondence in OT syntax and minimal link effects

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    The aim of this paper is the exploration of an optimality theoretic architecture for syntax that is guided by the concept of "correspondence": syntax is understood as the mechanism of "translating" underlying representations into a surface form. In minimalism, this surface form is called "Phonological Form" (PF). Both semantic and abstract syntactic information are reflected by the surface form. The empirical domain where this architecture is tested are minimal link effects, especially in the case of "wh"-movement. The OT constraints require the surface form to reflect the underlying semantic and syntactic representations as maximally as possible. The means by which underlying relations and properties are encoded are precedence, adjacency, surface morphology and prosodic structure. Information that is not encoded in one of these ways remains unexpressed, and gets lost unless it is recoverable via the context. Different kinds of information are often expressed by the same means. The resulting conflicts are resolved by the relative ranking of the relevant correspondence constraints

    Alternatives for reductionist approaches to comparative Bantu grammar

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    Studies on most domains of comparative Bantu grammar are typically confronted with a huge amount of data and complex, interacting dimensions of variation. They tend to involve an initial methodological step of reducing this variation by classifying constructions, grammatical properties or entire languages into a finite set of types. This paper argues against such reductionist approaches to linguistic evidence and illustrates several methodological alternatives, one of which is here introduced as the scenario-based approach. I will argue that these alternative approaches are at least as good in managing data and finding generalisations as the reductionist approach, but that they give more reliable results and are better at discovering variation.Les études portant sur la plupart des domaines de la grammaire bantoue comparée sont généralement confrontées à une énorme quantité de données et à des dimensions de variation complexes et interactives. Elles tendent à induire une étape méthodologique initiale de réduction de cette variation en classant les constructions, les propriétés grammaticales ou les langues entières dans un ensemble fini de types. Cet article s'oppose à ces approches réductionnistes des données linguistiques et illustre plusieurs alternatives méthodologiques, dont l'une est présentée ici comme l'approche basée sur des scénarios. Je soutiens que ces approches alternatives sont au moins aussi efficaces pour gérer les données et trouver des généralisations que l'approche réductionniste, mais qu'elles donnent des résultats plus fiables et permettent de mieux mettre en lumière la variation

    Interacting (with) Morpheme Structure Constraints: Representational Solutions to Richness of the Base Problems in Optimality Theory

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    Diese Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit Morphemstrukturbeschränkungen und ihren Auswirkungen in der Optimalitätstheorie. Morphemstrukturbeschränkungen wurden als sprachspezifische Beschränkungen vorgeschlagen, die vor allen anderen phonologischen und morphologischen Prozessen auf der zugrundeliegenden Form applizieren und sich auf monomorphemische Domänen beziehen. Die Hauptthese dieser Arbeit ist, dass Beschränkungen über die zugrundeliegende Form kein notwendiger Bestandteil einer phonologischen Theorie sind; Beschränkungen über monomorphemische Domänen jedoch durchaus empirisch nachgewiesen werden. Hierarchische Morphoprosodische Struktur wird als eine prosodische Lösung für solche Beschränkungen vorgeschlagen. Die Argumentation steht auf zwei Säulen. In einer empirischen Studie, die auf einer Datenbank mit 229 Einträgen aus 140 Sprachen besteht, wird nachgewiesen, dass sich Beschränkungen über monomorphemische Domänen auf phonologisch abgeleitete Eigenschaften in diversen Domänen (Wurzel, Affix, Morphem) beziehen. Außerdem wird gezeigt, dass die Interaktion von Beschränkungen über monomorphemische Domänen mit anderen grammatischen Prozessen, nämlich Infigierung, Vokalharmonie und Ton, durch Hierarchische Morphoprosodische Struktur erklärt werden kann, nicht jedoch durch alternative Ansätze.:Acknowledgments i List of Abbreviations vii 1 MSCs, CoMDs, and CoURs 1 2 Typology of Monomorphemic Domains in Phonology 23 3 The Domain Problem in Infixation 61 4 Trigger Asymmetries in Vowel Harmony 107 5 Richness of the Base Problems in Tonal Phonology 143 6 Discussion & Conclusion 187 Appendix: DoCoMD 21

    Ablaut and the Latin verb

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    Weight gradience and stress in Portuguese

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    This paper examines the role of weight in stress assignment in the Portuguese lexicon, and proposes a probabilistic approach to stress. I show that weight effects are gradient and monotonically weaken as we move away from the right edge of the word. Such effects depend on the position of a syllable in the word as well as the number of segments the syllable contains. The probabilistic model proposed in this paper is based on a single predictor, namely, weight, and yields more accurate results than a categorical analysis, where weight is treated as binary. Finally, I discuss implications for the grammar of Portuguese