141 research outputs found

    Semantic Trajectories: Mobility Data Computation and Annotation

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    With the large-scale adoption of GPS equipped mobile sensing devices, positional data generated by moving objects (e.g., vehicles, people, animals) are being easily collected. Such data are typically modeled as streams of spatio-temporal (x,y,t) points, called ''trajectories''. In recent years trajectory management research has progressed significantly towards efficient storage and indexing techniques, as well as suitable knowledge discovery. These works focused on the geometric aspect of the raw mobility data. We are now witnessing a growing demand in several application sectors (e.g., from shipment tracking to geo-social networks) on understanding the {\it semantic'' behavior of moving objects. Semantic behavior refers to the use of semantic abstractions of the raw mobility data, including not only geometric patterns but also knowledge extracted jointly from the mobility data and the underlying geographic and application domains information. The core contribution of this paper lies in a ''Semantic Model'' and a ''Computation and Annotation Platform'' for developing a semantic approach that progressively transforms the raw mobility data into semantic trajectories enriched with annotations and segmentations. We also analyze a number of experiments we did with semantic trajectories in different domains

    Semantic trajectories: Mobility data computation and annotation

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    With the large-scale adoption of GPS equipped mobile sensing devices, positional data generated by moving objects (e.g., vehicles, people, animals) are being easily collected. Such data are typically modeled as streams of spatio-temporal (x,y,t) points, called trajectories. In recent years trajectory management research has progressed significantly towards efficient storage and indexing techniques, as well as suitable knowledge discovery. These works focused on the geometric aspect of the raw mobility data. We are now witnessing a growing demand in several application sectors (e.g., from shipment tracking to geo-social networks) on understanding the semantic behavior of moving objects. Semantic behavior refers to the use of semantic abstractions of the raw mobility data, including not only geometric patterns but also knowledge extracted jointly from the mobility data and the underlying geographic and application domains information. The core contribution of this article lies in a semantic model and a computation and annotation platform for developing a semantic approach that progressively transforms the raw mobility data into semantic trajectories enriched with segmentations and annotations. We also analyze a number of experiments we did with semantic trajectories in different domains

    Metacognizione, attenzione e intelligenza emotiva: uno studio sperimentale

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    Il tema dell'intelligenza emotiva è piuttosto attuale e dibattuto all'interno del panorama scientifico della psicologia moderna. In generale, c'è unanimità nel definire l'intelligenza emotiva come la capacità di riconoscere le emozioni proprie e altrui in modo da poter strutturare e regolare adeguate relazioni sociali

    University of Wollongong Postgraduate Calendar 1996

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    Data analysis through multivariate statistical techniques: an industrial application

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    This Thesis describes an industrial procedure tailored to the company Unox S.p.A. for data analysis through multivariate statistical methodologies. Process variables are analysed for process understanding, data-driven design (creation of intuitive user-machine interface for improved user experience), process monitoring (anomalies detection during cooking process to ensure final product quality) and predictive maintenance (data-based equipment failure prediction for improved after-sale service)

    Through the glass labyrinth of science: Mapping gendering processes in academia

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    ince the Nineties, national and international scientific institutions have started to develop initiatives aimed to address the under-representation of women recorded in Science and Technology fields. According to the latest She Figures Report, the main source of European statistics on the representation of women and men amongst PhD graduates, researchers and academics published every three years by European Commission, across Europe, the proportion of women heads of Higher Education Institutions has risen from 15.5% to 20.1% during the period 2010 to 2013, in 2013 the 45% of researchers were women, having increased their presence by 1 percentage point since 2007. However, only 21% of Full professor were women; a 58 percentage point difference with men. The under-representation of women continues to characterise participation in science and technology occupations (She Figures 2015). To make visible the processes responsible for the different scientific trajectories of women and men in science and to unveil the underlying mechanisms that sustain these processes are the main aims of this research study. To this purpose, this study develops a theoretical framework working through different perspectives on issues related to women’s participation in science, while linking specific institutional and dynamics to broader societal ones

    Combinatorial exchange models for a user-driven air traffic flow management in Europe

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    2008/2009Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) is the service responsible to guarantee that the available capacity of the air transportation system is efficiently used and never exceeded. It guarantees safety of air transportation by adopting a series of measures which range from strategic long-term ones to the imposition of ground delays to flights at a tactical level. These ATFM delays are imposed to individual flights at the departure airport prior to their take-off, since it is safer and less costly to anticipate on the ground any delay predicted somewhere in the system. They are assigned by a central authority according to a First-Planned-First-Served principle, without taking into account individual Airlines' preferences. This criteria of assignment can cause an aggregated cost of delay experienced by users, higher than the minimal one, due to the fact that the cost of delay is a non-linear function of the duration and it depends on many variables such as the type of aircraft, the specific origin-destination pair, ecc. This thesis tackles the issue of formalizing and analyzing alternative models for the assignment of ATFM resources which take into account individual airlines preferences. In particular mathematical programming models are analyzed, that extend the concept of ATFM slot currently adopted to the one of Target Window, as proposed in the CATS European project. Such a concept is in line with the SESAR program, recently adopted in Europe to develop the new generation system of Air Traffic Management, which imposes a direct involvement of Airspace users whenever external constraints need to be enforced that modify their original requests. The first Chapter provides a general introduction to the context of Air Traffic Management and Air Traffic Control. In the second Chapter the principles, methods and performances of the ATFM system are described according to the current situation as well as to the SESAR target concept. The problem of optimally assign ATFM resources is then described mathematically and then analyzed to uncover two fundamental structures that determine its tractability: one corresponds to the case in which there is a unique capacity constrained resource while in the second there is an unrestricted number of constrained resources. In Chapter three a number of properties are proved that give insight into the applicability of different mechanisms for a central calculation of the optimal solution by the ATFM authority. Since such mechanisms involve cost minimization for several agents they are formulated as exchanges, i.e. particular types of auctions in which each participant may buy and/or sell several indivisible goods. The last part of the thesis included in Chapter four deals with the design of iterative exchange mechanisms, whose application in real world presents several advantages with respect to centralized models, from the distribution of computational complexity among participants to the preservation of disclosure of private information by Aircraft Operators. In this case an optimal model based on the Lagrangian relaxation of the separable central problem is first formulated and analyzed. To overcome practical issues possibly deriving from its application in real operations, an heuristic iterative Market-based mechanism is finally formalized. This algorithm exploits some of the underlying characteristics specific to the problem to derive near-optimal solutions in an acceptable time. Computational results are obtained by simulating its implementation on real traffic data and they show that considerable cost savings are possible with respect to a First-Planned-First-Served central allocation. The contribute of this thesis is twofold. The first is to provide a mathematical description, modeling and analysis of the ATFM resource exchange problem faced by Airspace users when network capacity needs to be rationed among them. The second consists in the methodological innovation represented by the formulation of the Market Mechanism which is compliant with several requirements represented by legislative and practical constraints and whose simulation provided encouraging results.XXII Cicl

    ICT nella didattica universitaria: esperienze di blended learning per favorire processi di work-life balance

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    Il lavoro proposto intende presentare un\u2019esperienza di blended learning, nella gestione e organizzazione di un intero corso di studi magistrale, rivolta ad una tipologia di studenti con particolari esigenze di work-life balance (lavoratrici e lavoratori studenti) al fine di indagare e valutare l\u2019efficacia e l\u2019efficienza del modello didattico. In particolare, secondo la prospettiva delle studentesse e degli studenti coinvolte/i, sono state prese in considerazione: l\u2019integrazione e la coerenza progettuale tra le attivit\ue0 in presenza e a distanza; le metodologie, le tecniche e gli strumenti proposti nelle attivit\ue0 online interne agli insegnamenti; il ruolo e la funzione dell\u2019 e-tutor
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