15 research outputs found

    Exponential families on resource-constrained systems

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    This work is about the estimation of exponential family models on resource-constrained systems. Our main goal is learning probabilistic models on devices with highly restricted storage, arithmetic, and computational capabilities—so called, ultra-low-power devices. Enhancing the learning capabilities of such devices opens up opportunities for intelligent ubiquitous systems in all areas of life, from medicine, over robotics, to home automation—to mention just a few. We investigate the inherent resource consumption of exponential families, review existing techniques, and devise new methods to reduce the resource consumption. The resource consumption, however, must not be reduced at all cost. Exponential families possess several desirable properties that must be preserved: Any probabilistic model encodes a conditional independence structure—our methods keep this structure intact. Exponential family models are theoretically well-founded. Instead of merely finding new algorithms based on intuition, our models are formalized within the framework of exponential families and derived from first principles. We do not introduce new assumptions which are incompatible with the formal derivation of the base model, and our methods do not rely on properties of particular high-level applications. To reduce the memory consumption, we combine and adapt reparametrization and regularization in an innovative way that facilitates the sparse parametrization of high-dimensional non-stationary time-series. The procedure allows us to load models in memory constrained systems, which would otherwise not fit. We provide new theoretical insights and prove that the uniform distance between the data generating process and our reparametrized solution is bounded. To reduce the arithmetic complexity of the learning problem, we derive the integer exponential family, based on the very definition of sufficient statistics and maximum entropy estimation. New integer-valued inference and learning algorithms are proposed, based on variational inference, proximal optimization, and regularization. The benefit of this technique is larger, the weaker the underlying system is, e.g., the probabilistic inference on a state-of-the-art ultra-lowpower microcontroller can be accelerated by a factor of 250. While our integer inference is fast, the underlying message passing relies on the variational principle, which is inexact and has unbounded error on general graphs. Since exact inference and other existing methods with bounded error exhibit exponential computational complexity, we employ near minimax optimal polynomial approximations to yield new stochastic algorithms for approximating the partition function and the marginal probabilities. Changing the polynomial degree allows us to control the complexity and the error of our new stochastic method. We provide an error bound that is parametrized by the number of samples, the polynomial degree, and the norm of the model’s parameter vector. Moreover, important intermediate quantities can be precomputed and shared with the weak computational device to reduce the resource requirement of our method even further. All new techniques are empirically evaluated on synthetic and real-world data, and the results confirm the properties which are predicted by our theoretical derivation. Our novel techniques allow a broader range of models to be learned on resource-constrained systems and imply several new research possibilities

    Microwave Sensing and Imaging

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    In recent years, microwave sensing and imaging have acquired an ever-growing importance in several applicative fields, such as non-destructive evaluations in industry and civil engineering, subsurface prospection, security, and biomedical imaging. Indeed, microwave techniques allow, in principle, for information to be obtained directly regarding the physical parameters of the inspected targets (dielectric properties, shape, etc.) by using safe electromagnetic radiations and cost-effective systems. Consequently, a great deal of research activity has recently been devoted to the development of efficient/reliable measurement systems, which are effective data processing algorithms that can be used to solve the underlying electromagnetic inverse scattering problem, and efficient forward solvers to model electromagnetic interactions. Within this framework, this Special Issue aims to provide some insights into recent microwave sensing and imaging systems and techniques

    Function-valued Mappings and SSIM-based Optimization in Imaging

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    In a few words, this thesis is concerned with two alternative approaches to imag- ing, namely, Function-valued Mappings (FVMs) and Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM)-based Optimization. Briefly, a FVM is a mathematical object that assigns to each element in its domain a function that belongs to a given function space. The advantage of this representation is that the infinite dimensionality of the range of FVMs allows us to give a more accurate description of complex datasets such as hyperspectral images and diffusion magnetic resonance images, something that can not be done with the classical representation of such data sets as vector-valued functions. For instance, a hyperspectral image can be described as a FVM that assigns to each point in a spatial domain a spectral function that belongs to the function space L2(R); that is, the space of functions whose energy is finite. Moreoever, we present a Fourier transform and a new class of fractal transforms for FVMs to analyze and process hyperspectral images. Regarding SSIM-based optimization, we introduce a general framework for solving op- timization problems that involve the SSIM as a fidelity measure. This framework offers the option of carrying out SSIM-based imaging tasks which are usually addressed using the classical Euclidean-based methods. In the literature, SSIM-based approaches have been proposed to address the limitations of Euclidean-based metrics as measures of vi- sual quality. These methods show better performance when compared to their Euclidean counterparts since the SSIM is a better model of the human visual system; however, these approaches tend to be developed for particular applications. With the general framework that it is presented in this thesis, rather than focusing on particular imaging tasks, we introduce a set of novel algorithms capable of carrying out a wide range of SSIM-based imaging applications. Moreover, such a framework allows us to include the SSIM as a fidelity term in optimization problems in which it had not been included before

    Efficient algorithms and data structures for compressive sensing

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    Wegen der kontinuierlich anwachsenden Anzahl von Sensoren, und den stetig wachsenden Datenmengen, die jene produzieren, stößt die konventielle Art Signale zu verarbeiten, beruhend auf dem Nyquist-Kriterium, auf immer mehr Hindernisse und Probleme. Die kürzlich entwickelte Theorie des Compressive Sensing (CS) formuliert das Versprechen einige dieser Hindernisse zu beseitigen, indem hier allgemeinere Signalaufnahme und -rekonstruktionsverfahren zum Einsatz kommen können. Dies erlaubt, dass hierbei einzelne Abtastwerte komplexer strukturierte Informationen über das Signal enthalten können als dies bei konventiellem Nyquistsampling der Fall ist. Gleichzeitig verändert sich die Signalrekonstruktion notwendigerweise zu einem nicht-linearen Vorgang und ebenso müssen viele Hardwarekonzepte für praktische Anwendungen neu überdacht werden. Das heißt, dass man zwischen der Menge an Information, die man über Signale gewinnen kann, und dem Aufwand für das Design und Betreiben eines Signalverarbeitungssystems abwägen kann und muss. Die hier vorgestellte Arbeit trägt dazu bei, dass bei diesem Abwägen CS mehr begünstigt werden kann, indem neue Resultate vorgestellt werden, die es erlauben, dass CS einfacher in der Praxis Anwendung finden kann, wobei die zu erwartende Leistungsfähigkeit des Systems theoretisch fundiert ist. Beispielsweise spielt das Konzept der Sparsity eine zentrale Rolle, weshalb diese Arbeit eine Methode präsentiert, womit der Grad der Sparsity eines Vektors mittels einer einzelnen Beobachtung geschätzt werden kann. Wir zeigen auf, dass dieser Ansatz für Sparsity Order Estimation zu einem niedrigeren Rekonstruktionsfehler führt, wenn man diesen mit einer Rekonstruktion vergleicht, welcher die Sparsity des Vektors unbekannt ist. Um die Modellierung von Signalen und deren Rekonstruktion effizienter zu gestalten, stellen wir das Konzept von der matrixfreien Darstellung linearer Operatoren vor. Für die einfachere Anwendung dieser Darstellung präsentieren wir eine freie Softwarearchitektur und demonstrieren deren Vorzüge, wenn sie für die Rekonstruktion in einem CS-System genutzt wird. Konkret wird der Nutzen dieser Bibliothek, einerseits für das Ermitteln von Defektpositionen in Prüfkörpern mittels Ultraschall, und andererseits für das Schätzen von Streuern in einem Funkkanal aus Ultrabreitbanddaten, demonstriert. Darüber hinaus stellen wir für die Verarbeitung der Ultraschalldaten eine Rekonstruktionspipeline vor, welche Daten verarbeitet, die im Frequenzbereich Unterabtastung erfahren haben. Wir beschreiben effiziente Algorithmen, die bei der Modellierung und der Rekonstruktion zum Einsatz kommen und wir leiten asymptotische Resultate für die benötigte Anzahl von Messwerten, sowie die zu erwartenden Lokalisierungsgenauigkeiten der Defekte her. Wir zeigen auf, dass das vorgestellte System starke Kompression zulässt, ohne die Bildgebung und Defektlokalisierung maßgeblich zu beeinträchtigen. Für die Lokalisierung von Streuern mittels Ultrabreitbandradaren stellen wir ein CS-System vor, welches auf einem Random Demodulators basiert. Im Vergleich zu existierenden Messverfahren ist die hieraus resultierende Schätzung der Kanalimpulsantwort robuster gegen die Effekte von zeitvarianten Funkkanälen. Um den inhärenten Modellfehler, den gitterbasiertes CS begehen muss, zu beseitigen, zeigen wir auf wie Atomic Norm Minimierung es erlaubt ohne die Einschränkung auf ein endliches und diskretes Gitter R-dimensionale spektrale Komponenten aus komprimierten Beobachtungen zu schätzen. Hierzu leiten wir eine R-dimensionale Variante des ADMM her, welcher dazu in der Lage ist die Signalkovarianz in diesem allgemeinen Szenario zu schätzen. Weiterhin zeigen wir, wie dieser Ansatz zur Richtungsschätzung mit realistischen Antennenarraygeometrien genutzt werden kann. In diesem Zusammenhang präsentieren wir auch eine Methode, welche mittels Stochastic gradient descent Messmatrizen ermitteln kann, die sich gut für Parameterschätzung eignen. Die hieraus resultierenden Kompressionsverfahren haben die Eigenschaft, dass die Schätzgenauigkeit über den gesamten Parameterraum ein möglichst uniformes Verhalten zeigt. Zuletzt zeigen wir auf, dass die Kombination des ADMM und des Stochastic Gradient descent das Design eines CS-Systems ermöglicht, welches in diesem gitterfreien Szenario wünschenswerte Eigenschaften hat.Along with the ever increasing number of sensors, which are also generating rapidly growing amounts of data, the traditional paradigm of sampling adhering the Nyquist criterion is facing an equally increasing number of obstacles. The rather recent theory of Compressive Sensing (CS) promises to alleviate some of these drawbacks by proposing to generalize the sampling and reconstruction schemes such that the acquired samples can contain more complex information about the signal than Nyquist samples. The proposed measurement process is more complex and the reconstruction algorithms necessarily need to be nonlinear. Additionally, the hardware design process needs to be revisited as well in order to account for this new acquisition scheme. Hence, one can identify a trade-off between information that is contained in individual samples of a signal and effort during development and operation of the sensing system. This thesis addresses the necessary steps to shift the mentioned trade-off more to the favor of CS. We do so by providing new results that make CS easier to deploy in practice while also maintaining the performance indicated by theoretical results. The sparsity order of a signal plays a central role in any CS system. Hence, we present a method to estimate this crucial quantity prior to recovery from a single snapshot. As we show, this proposed Sparsity Order Estimation method allows to improve the reconstruction error compared to an unguided reconstruction. During the development of the theory we notice that the matrix-free view on the involved linear mappings offers a lot of possibilities to render the reconstruction and modeling stage much more efficient. Hence, we present an open source software architecture to construct these matrix-free representations and showcase its ease of use and performance when used for sparse recovery to detect defects from ultrasound data as well as estimating scatterers in a radio channel using ultra-wideband impulse responses. For the former of these two applications, we present a complete reconstruction pipeline when the ultrasound data is compressed by means of sub-sampling in the frequency domain. Here, we present the algorithms for the forward model, the reconstruction stage and we give asymptotic bounds for the number of measurements and the expected reconstruction error. We show that our proposed system allows significant compression levels without substantially deteriorating the imaging quality. For the second application, we develop a sampling scheme to acquire the channel Impulse Response (IR) based on a Random Demodulator that allows to capture enough information in the recorded samples to reliably estimate the IR when exploiting sparsity. Compared to the state of the art, this in turn allows to improve the robustness to the effects of time-variant radar channels while also outperforming state of the art methods based on Nyquist sampling in terms of reconstruction error. In order to circumvent the inherent model mismatch of early grid-based compressive sensing theory, we make use of the Atomic Norm Minimization framework and show how it can be used for the estimation of the signal covariance with R-dimensional parameters from multiple compressive snapshots. To this end, we derive a variant of the ADMM that can estimate this covariance in a very general setting and we show how to use this for direction finding with realistic antenna geometries. In this context we also present a method based on a Stochastic gradient descent iteration scheme to find compression schemes that are well suited for parameter estimation, since the resulting sub-sampling has a uniform effect on the whole parameter space. Finally, we show numerically that the combination of these two approaches yields a well performing grid-free CS pipeline


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    An interesting fact in nature is that if we observe agents (neurons, particles, animals, humans) behaving, or more precisely moving, inside their environment, we can recognize - tough at different space or time scales - very specific patterns. The existence of those patterns is quite obvious, since not all things in nature behave totally at random, especially if we take into account thinking species like human beings. If a first phenomenon which has been deeply modeled is the gas particle motion as the template of a totally random motion, other phenomena, like foraging patterns of animals such as albatrosses, and specific instances of human mobility wear some randomness away in favor of deterministic components. Thus, while the particle motion may be satisfactorily described with a Wiener Process (also called Brownian motion), the others are better described by other kinds of stochastic processes called Levy Flights. Minding at these phenomena in a unifying way, in terms of motion of agents \u2013 either inanimate like the gas particles, or animated like the albatrosses \u2013 the point is that the latter are driven by specific interests, possibly converging into a common task, to be accomplished. The whole thesis work turns around the concept of agent intentionality at different scales, whose model may be used as key ingredient in the statistical description of complex behaviors. The two main contributions in this direction are: 1. the development of a \u201cwait and chase\u201d model of human mobility having the same two-phase pattern as animal foraging but with a greater propensity of local stays in place and therefore a less dispersed general behavior; 2. the introduction of a mobility paradigm for the neurons of a multilayer neural network and a methodology to train these new kind of networks to develop a collective behavior. The lead idea is that neurons move toward the most informative mates to better learn how to fulfill their part in the overall functionality of the network. With these specific implementations we have pursued the general goal of attributing both a cognitive and a physical meaning to the intentionality so as to be able in a near future to speak of intentionality as an additional potential in the dynamics of the masses (both at the micro and a the macro-scale), and of communication as another network in the force field. This could be intended as a step ahead in the track opened by the past century physicists with the coupling of thermodynamic and Shannon entropies in the direction of unifying cognitive and physical laws

    Recent Advances in Signal Processing

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    The signal processing task is a very critical issue in the majority of new technological inventions and challenges in a variety of applications in both science and engineering fields. Classical signal processing techniques have largely worked with mathematical models that are linear, local, stationary, and Gaussian. They have always favored closed-form tractability over real-world accuracy. These constraints were imposed by the lack of powerful computing tools. During the last few decades, signal processing theories, developments, and applications have matured rapidly and now include tools from many areas of mathematics, computer science, physics, and engineering. This book is targeted primarily toward both students and researchers who want to be exposed to a wide variety of signal processing techniques and algorithms. It includes 27 chapters that can be categorized into five different areas depending on the application at hand. These five categories are ordered to address image processing, speech processing, communication systems, time-series analysis, and educational packages respectively. The book has the advantage of providing a collection of applications that are completely independent and self-contained; thus, the interested reader can choose any chapter and skip to another without losing continuity

    Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth Conference

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