11,415 research outputs found

    Security properties of light clients on the ethereum blockchain

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    Ethereum is a decentralized blockchain, known as being the second most popular public blockchain after Bitcoin. Since Ethereum is decentralised the canonical state is determined by the Ethereum network participants via a consensus mechanism without a centralized coordinator. The network participants are required to evaluate every transaction starting from the genesis block, which requires a large amount of network, computing, and storage resources. This is impractical for many devices with either limited computing resources or intermittent network connectivity. To overcome this drawback Ethereum defines a light client protocol where the light client fetches the blockchain state from a node operating as a light protocol server. Light clients are unable to maintain blockchain state internally, and as a consequence can only perform partial validation on blocks. Thus they rely on the light server for full block validation and to provide the updated blockchain state. Light clients connect to multiple light servers to mitigate the risk of relying on a single potentially dishonest server. Ethereum light clients are known to suffer from a probabilistic security model, but they are widely assumed to be secure under normal operating conditions. In fact, the implicit security assumptions of light clients have not been formally characterised in the literature. We present and analyse the probabilistic security guarantees under three different adversarial scenarios. The results show that for any adversary that is able to manipulate the network, the security assurances provided by the light protocol are severely impacted, and in some cases entirely lost. These results clearly demonstrate that the assumption of normal operating conditions is insufficient to justify the security assumptions of light clients. Our work also provides insight to the security of light clients under different security parameters, allowing light client implementers to more accurately understand the potential security trade-offs

    Imaging using quantum noise properties of light

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    We show that it is possible to estimate the shape of an object by measuring only the fluctuations of a probing field, allowing us to expose the object to a minimal light intensity. This scheme, based on noise measurements through homodyne detection, is useful in the regime where the number of photons is low enough that direct detection with a photodiode is difficult but high enough such that photon counting is not an option. We generate a few-photon state of multi-spatial-mode vacuum-squeezed twin beams using four-wave mixing and direct one of these twin fields through a binary intensity mask whose shape is to be imaged. Exploiting either the classical fluctuations in a single beam or quantum correlations between the twin beams, we demonstrate that under some conditions quantum correlations can provide an enhancement in sensitivity when estimating the shape of the object

    Non--Newtonian gravity and coherence properties of light

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    In this work the possibility of detecting a non--Newtonian contribution to the gravitational potential by means of its effects upon the first and second--order coherence properties of light is analyzed. It will be proved that, in principle, the effects of a fifth force upon the correlation functions of electromagnetic radiation could be used to detect the existence of new forces. Some constraints upon the experimental parameters will also be deduced.Comment: 10 pages, accepted in Physics Letters

    Properties of light scalar mesons from lattice QCD

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    Lattice QCD with Nf=2N_f=2 flavours of sea quark is used to explore the spectrum and decay of scalar mesons. We are able to determine the b1b_1 - a0a_0 mass difference and this leads to the conclusion that the lightest non-singlet scalar meson (a0a_0) has a mass of 1.01(4) GeV. We determine from the lattice the coupling strength to KK and πη\pi \eta. We compute the leptonic decay constant of the lightest non-singlet scalar meson. We discuss the impact of these lattice results on the interpretation of the a0(980)a_0(980) state. We also discuss K0∗K^*_0 states.Comment: version accepted by Phys Rev

    Intrinsic Properties of Light and Corpuscles from Distant Sources

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    Spectra of distant nebulae, compared with those of neighboring nebulae, are shifted toward the red by amounts which increase with the distance which the light has traveled. This fact indicates that we are confronted with a phenomenon which involves history on a large scale, history either of the universe as a whole, or history of some of its individual parts. Scientifically speaking, history means the change in time of dimensionless ratios of significant physical quantities. Thus, on the relativistic interpretation of the redshift of light from nebulae the dimensionless ratio D/d between two lengths changes (increases) in time. Appropriate choices for these two lengths are Bohr's characteristic length d = h^2/4Ï€^2me^2 as a supposedly fixed terrestrial measuring stick, and D = V^1/3 where V is the volume which on the average contains one extragalactic nebula. However, many other interpretations of the redshift are possible. The assumption that history must be operative clearly suggests the necessity of an investigation of all dimensionless ratios between significant physical quantities. Only after this investigation has been completed will a final understanding of the redshift and other cosmic phenomena be possible. The following discussion will be concerned with the behavior of the most trivial dimensionless ratios only. A more general program may be outlined, but so far essential data for its realization are lacking

    Properties of Light Flavour Baryons in Hypercentral quark model

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    The light flavour baryons are studied within the quark model using the hyper central description of the three-body system. The confinement potential is assumed as hypercentral coulomb plus power potential (hCPPνhCPP_\nu) with power index ν\nu. The masses and magnetic moments of light flavour baryons are computed for different power index, ν\nu starting from 0.5 to 1.5. The predicted masses and magnetic moments are found to attain a saturated value with respect to variation in ν\nu beyond the power index ν>\nu> 1.0. Further we computed transition magnetic moments and radiative decay width of light flavour baryons. The results are in good agreement with known experimental as well as other theoretical models.Comment: Accepted in Pramana J. of Physic
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