35 research outputs found

    Public health interventions to promote oral health and well-being in patients with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review

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    Background and objective: Poor oral health and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) are chronic conditions affecting a wide proportion of the population. Both conditions share many risk factors and are linked by a chronic inflammation state. This review aimed at identifying public health interventions that could promote oral health and diabetes control in patients with poor oral health and T2DM. Methods: The systematic review was performed according to the PRISMA Statement and registered in the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO registration: CRD42022310974). Seven electronic databases were searched (PubMed, Scopus, Embase, Web of Science, CINAHL, PsycInfo, Cochrane Library) from inception to 21 January 2022, and additional hand searching was performed across reviews’ references. A qualitative analysis was conducted, including all primary studies on diabetic patients, about interventions whose effectiveness and/or feasibility was measured for at least one outcome related to oral health or T2DM. Results: Of the 3153 records obtained after deduplication, 89 studies were considered eligible for inclusion. The most frequently evaluated outcomes were HbA1c and fasting glucose for T2DM, and parameters such as probing depth, bleeding on probing and clinical attachment loss for periodontitis. Most studies assessed the use of non-surgical periodontal treatment (especially scaling and root planing, sometimes corroborated by antibiotics): evidence confirmed effectiveness on periodontal parameters, but was more contrasting regarding T2DM outcomes. Three studies evaluated interventions involving group education for lifestyle modification, which showed to be effective on both outcomes. Also, community-based oral hygiene interventions and glycaemic control appeared to improve T2DM and periodontal outcomes. Conclusions: A variety of interventions are described in the literature. Of those included in this review, many indicated that there is a potential opportunity to promote good oral health alongside T2DM. An integrated approach involving health education, oral hygiene and glycaemic control may offer synergic improvement of both conditions

    An Initial Framework Assessing the Safety of Complex Systems

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    Trabajo presentado en la Conference on Complex Systems, celebrada online del 7 al 11 de diciembre de 2020.Atmospheric blocking events, that is large-scale nearly stationary atmospheric pressure patterns, are often associated with extreme weather in the mid-latitudes, such as heat waves and cold spells which have significant consequences on ecosystems, human health and economy. The high impact of blocking events has motivated numerous studies. However, there is not yet a comprehensive theory explaining their onset, maintenance and decay and their numerical prediction remains a challenge. In recent years, a number of studies have successfully employed complex network descriptions of fluid transport to characterize dynamical patterns in geophysical flows. The aim of the current work is to investigate the potential of so called Lagrangian flow networks for the detection and perhaps forecasting of atmospheric blocking events. The network is constructed by associating nodes to regions of the atmosphere and establishing links based on the flux of material between these nodes during a given time interval. One can then use effective tools and metrics developed in the context of graph theory to explore the atmospheric flow properties. In particular, Ser-Giacomi et al. [1] showed how optimal paths in a Lagrangian flow network highlight distinctive circulation patterns associated with atmospheric blocking events. We extend these results by studying the behavior of selected network measures (such as degree, entropy and harmonic closeness centrality)at the onset of and during blocking situations, demonstrating their ability to trace the spatio-temporal characteristics of these events.This research was conducted as part of the CAFE (Climate Advanced Forecasting of sub-seasonal Extremes) Innovative Training Network which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 813844

    Emerg Infect Dis

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    Emerging Infectious Diseases is providing access to these abstracts on behalf of the ICEID 2022 program committee (http://www.iceid.org), which performed peer review. ICEID is organized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Task Force for Global Health, Inc.Emerging Infectious Diseases has not edited or proofread these materials and is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions. All information is subject to change. Comments and corrections should be brought to the attention of the authors.Suggested citation: Authors. Title [abstract]. International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases 2022 poster and oral presentation abstracts. Emerg Infect Dis. 2022 Sep [date cited]. http://www.cdc.gov/EID/pdfs/ICEID2022.pdf2022PMC94238981187

    A pandemia por covid-19 e seus impactos na mobilidade urbana: um estudo de caso utilizando análise estatística espacial

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    Due to the rapid advance of the disease by Covid-19 and its spread on a global level, the new coronavirus has significantly impacted people's daily activities and created an unprecedented scenario, since several measures were implemented as a way to reduce contagion and spread Covid-19 disease. Thus, a theoretical deepening on the social variables that can influence the spread of the disease, is important for the control measures to Covid-19 to be effective both in the present moment and in the future. Therefore, the work aims to assess the impact of travel patterns, land use and socioeconomic aspects on the spatial distribution of Covid-19 cases. The methodology consists of modeling using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) methods. A case study was carried out in São João del Rei, a medium-sized municipality in the state of Minas Gerais. Initially, a descriptive and spatial study was developed in the cities of Itajubá and São João del Rei, both medium-sized cities located in Minas Gerais, as a way to assess how the pandemic by Covid-19 impacted the travel behavior, and daily activities of its inhabitants, such as also the impact on public and road safety. For this, data from a survey on the daily activities of the population before and during the pandemic applied in 2020 in both cities were used, data from traffic accidents and assaults on public roads collected from the Military Police of each city. It was possible to identify that there are associations between socio-demographic variables and the place where the main activity was carried out during the pandemic by Covid -19 of the respondents through the application of Pearson's chi-square test. Through an exploratory analysis it was identified in both cities a percentage reduction in the use of buses as a means of transport, an increase in short trips of up to 10 minutes, as well as a reduction in the frequency of accidents and robberies on public roads during the analysis period, for both cities. In the city of São João del Rei, the sample with the data showed a better spatial distribution and information on the number of Covid-19 cases was available to the entire population, enabling a more in-depth study with statistical analysis, using the OLS and GWR methods with the variables determined for the city of São João del Rei. The results show a strong association between the number of cases of Covid-19 and several variables of the travel behavior, socioeconomic and land use. The GWR approach proved to be an important tool to explain the spatial distribution of Covid-19 cases in the municipality, showing in most cases a better fit than the OLS method. The study on the association between social variables and the spread of disease was important and remains necessary. The result serves as a subsidy to the planning of urban mobility with measures aimed at health security and service to the population during and after this period of crisis, and thus make more efficient use of public resources with a view to sustainable development.Agência 1Devido ao rápido avanço da doença por Covid-19 e sua disseminação em nível global, o novo coronavírus impactou expressivamente as atividades diárias das pessoas e criou um cenário sem precedentes, uma vez que, várias medidas foram implantadas como forma de reduzir o contágio e disseminação da doença pela Covid-19. Deste modo, um aprofundamento teórico sobre as variáveis sociais que podem influenciar na disseminação da doença, é importante para que as medidas de controle à Covid-19 sejam efetivas tanto no momento atual, quanto no futuro. Portanto, o trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o impacto do padrão de viagens, aspectos de uso do solo e socioeconômicos na distribuição espacial dos casos de Covid-19. A metodologia é composta por modelagem com a utilização dos métodos de Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) e Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR). Foi realizado um estudo de caso em São João del Rei, um município de médio porte no estado de Minas Gerais. Inicialmente foi desenvolvido um estudo descritivo e espacial nas cidades de Itajubá e São João del Rei, ambas cidades de médio porte localizadas em Minas Gerais, como forma de avaliar como a pandemia por Covid-19 impactou nos deslocamentos e atividades diárias de seus habitantes, como também o impacto gerado na segurança pública e viária. Para isso foram utilizados dados de uma pesquisa sobre as atividades diárias da população antes e durante a pandemia aplicada em 2020 nas duas cidades, dados de acidentes de trânsito e assaltos em vias públicas coletados junto às Polícias Militares de cada cidade. Foi possível identificar que existem associações entre as variáveis sócio demográficas e o local de realização da atividade principal durante a pandemia por Covid -19 dos respondentes através da aplicação do teste Qui-quadrado de Pearson. Por meio de uma análise exploratória identificou-se nas duas cidades uma redução percentual da utilização do ônibus como meio de transporte, um aumento dos deslocamentos de curta duração de até 10 minutos, como também uma redução das frequências de acidentes e assaltos em vias públicas durante o período de análise, para as duas cidades. Na cidade de São João del Rei, a amostra com os dados apresentou melhor distribuição espacial e as informações sobre o número de casos de Covid-19 estavam disponibilizadas à toda população, possibilitando um estudo mais aprofundado com análise estatística, utilizando os métodos OLS e GWR com as variáveis determinadas para a cidade de São João del Rei. Os resultados mostram uma forte associação entre o número de casos de Covid-19 e diversas variáveis do padrão de deslocamento, socioeconômicas e uso do solo. A abordagem GWR mostrou-se uma ferramenta importante para explicar a distribuição espacial dos casos de Covid-19 no município, apresentando na maioria dos casos um melhor ajuste do que o método OLS. O estudo sobre a associação entre variáveis sociais e a propagação de doenças foi importante e continua sendo necessário. O resultado serve como subsídio ao planejamento da mobilidade urbana com medidas voltadas à segurança sanitária e atendimento da população durante e após esse período de crise, e assim fazer uso mais eficiente dos recursos públicos com vista ao desenvolvimento sustentável

    Promoting Statistical Practice and Collaboration in Developing Countries

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    "Rarely, but just often enough to rebuild hope, something happens to confound my pessimism about the recent unprecedented happenings in the world. This book is the most recent instance, and I think that all its readers will join me in rejoicing at the good it seeks to do. It is an example of the kind of international comity and collaboration that we could and should undertake to solve various societal problems. This book is a beautiful example of the power of the possible. [It] provides a blueprint for how the LISA 2020 model can be replicated in other fields. Civil engineers, or accountants, or nurses, or any other profession could follow this outline to share expertise and build capacity and promote progress in other countries. It also contains some tutorials for statistical literacy across several fields. The details would change, of course, but ideas are durable, and the generalizations seem pretty straightforward. This book shows every other profession where and how to stand in order to move the world. I urge every researcher to get a copy!" —David Banks from the Foreword Promoting Statistical Practice and Collaboration in Developing Countries provides new insights into the current issues and opportunities in international statistics education, statistical consulting, and collaboration, particularly in developing countries around the world. The book addresses the topics discussed in individual chapters from the perspectives of the historical context, the present state, and future directions of statistical training and practice, so that readers may fully understand the challenges and opportunities in the field of statistics and data science, especially in developing countries. Features • Reference point on statistical practice in developing countries for researchers, scholars, students, and practitioners • Comprehensive source of state-of-the-art knowledge on creating statistical collaboration laboratories within the field of data science and statistics • Collection of innovative statistical teaching and learning techniques in developing countries Each chapter consists of independent case study contributions on a particular theme that are developed with a common structure and format. The common goal across the chapters is to enhance the exchange of diverse educational and action-oriented information among our intended audiences, which include practitioners, researchers, students, and statistics educators in developing countries

    Coronavirus disease (Covid-19): psychoeducational variables involved in the health emergency

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    This monograph has allowed us to present a psychoeducational view of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. We confirm here that research in education contributes its own evidence and specific models for identifying this problem

    Promoting Statistical Practice and Collaboration in Developing Countries

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    "Rarely, but just often enough to rebuild hope, something happens to confound my pessimism about the recent unprecedented happenings in the world. This book is the most recent instance, and I think that all its readers will join me in rejoicing at the good it seeks to do. It is an example of the kind of international comity and collaboration that we could and should undertake to solve various societal problems. This book is a beautiful example of the power of the possible. [It] provides a blueprint for how the LISA 2020 model can be replicated in other fields. Civil engineers, or accountants, or nurses, or any other profession could follow this outline to share expertise and build capacity and promote progress in other countries. It also contains some tutorials for statistical literacy across several fields. The details would change, of course, but ideas are durable, and the generalizations seem pretty straightforward. This book shows every other profession where and how to stand in order to move the world. I urge every researcher to get a copy!" —David Banks from the Foreword Promoting Statistical Practice and Collaboration in Developing Countries provides new insights into the current issues and opportunities in international statistics education, statistical consulting, and collaboration, particularly in developing countries around the world. The book addresses the topics discussed in individual chapters from the perspectives of the historical context, the present state, and future directions of statistical training and practice, so that readers may fully understand the challenges and opportunities in the field of statistics and data science, especially in developing countries. Features • Reference point on statistical practice in developing countries for researchers, scholars, students, and practitioners • Comprehensive source of state-of-the-art knowledge on creating statistical collaboration laboratories within the field of data science and statistics • Collection of innovative statistical teaching and learning techniques in developing countries Each chapter consists of independent case study contributions on a particular theme that are developed with a common structure and format. The common goal across the chapters is to enhance the exchange of diverse educational and action-oriented information among our intended audiences, which include practitioners, researchers, students, and statistics educators in developing countries