497 research outputs found

    Propagation of S-waves in a non-homogeneous anisotropic incompressible and initially stressed medium

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    Multistation Methods for Geotechnical Characterization using Surface Waves

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    This dissertation deals with soil characterization methods based on surface wave propagation applied to geotechnical engineering purposes. This topic has gained much interest in the last decade because of the appealing possibilities given by non-invasive methods, which are at once very flexible and cost effective. An overview of the properties of Rayleigh waves in layered linear elastic and linear viscoelastic media is presented, together with their applications for site characterization, of whose the SASW (Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves) method is by far the most well-known in geotechnical engineering. The research has been mainly focused on the application of multistation methods, compared with the classical two-station approach typical of the SASW method. Results from both numerical simulations and experimental testing are reported to compare two-station and multistation methods and to clarify the advantages that can be obtained using the latter ones. In particular the research has been developed following two different directions: on the one hand the application of classical geophysical analysis tools (such as domain analysis and slant stack transform) to tests performed with impulsive sources. On the other one the possibility of obtaining from surface wave testing not only a stiffness profile, but also a damping ratio profile for the site. In this respect a new method for simultaneous measurements of Rayleigh dispersion and attenuation curves is proposed. Regarding the first topic, the necessity of a multistation approach to determine the experimental dispersion test is essentially related to the spatial variation of phase velocity. Analyses in the frequency-wavenumber domain and in the frequency-slowness domain are very powerful approaches, still there was a need of studying the effects of the change of scale from geophysical applications to geotechnical ones. Indeed because of the peculiar properties of Rayleigh waves, surface testing is strongly affected by the distance travelled by the analysed wave. The numerical simulations performed in the research show that the phase velocity obtained using multistation methods with a limited number of receivers close to the source is not a modal value as it is for geophysical applications, but an apparent phase velocity arising from modal superposition. The experimental tests showed the good performances of multistation methods when compared to the SASW method. In particular some drawbacks of the latter method, due essentially to its two-station nature, are avoided and the field-testing appears to be very promising for future applications. In particular the application of the frequency-wavenumber domain analysis can lead to much faster and more stable estimates of the experimental dispersion curve and the process is easily automated, with a great saving of time and less requirement for subjective decisions. Another important advantage is given by the stability with respect to a near field effects that lead to a better reconstruction of the dispersion curve for the low frequencies and hence to a deeper characterization. The necessity of a new method for the simultaneous determination of surface wave dispersion and attenuation curves is linked to the strong coupling existing between the two. Such coupling is extremely important for the subsequent inversion process, in a consistent method leading from the field measurements to the stiffness and damping profiles. The proposed method uses a new testing configuration, designed to measure the experimental transfer function. Successively a regression process of the complex quantity with the corresponding expression obtained modelling soil as a linear viscoelastic layered system leads to the experimental dispersion and attenuation curves. Some preliminary results are reported showing very encouraging results, also if a more extensively testing programme is required for the complete validation of the metho

    Hydro-micromechanical modeling of wave propagation in saturated granular media

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    Biot's theory predicts the wave velocities of a saturated poroelastic granular medium from the elastic properties, density and geometry of its dry solid matrix and the pore fluid, neglecting the interaction between constituent particles and local flow. However, when the frequencies become high and the wavelengths comparable with particle size, the details of the microstructure start to play an important role. Here, a novel hydro-micromechanical numerical model is proposed by coupling the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) with the discrete element method (DEM. The model allows to investigate the details of the particle-fluid interaction during propagation of elastic waves While the DEM is tracking the translational and rotational motion of each solid particle, the LBM can resolve the pore-scale hydrodynamics. Solid and fluid phases are two-way coupled through momentum exchange. The coupling scheme is benchmarked with the terminal velocity of a single sphere settling in a fluid. To mimic a pressure wave entering a saturated granular medium, an oscillating pressure boundary condition on the fluid is implemented and benchmarked with one-dimensional wave equations. Using a face centered cubic structure, the effects of input waveforms and frequencies on the dispersion relations are investigated. Finally, the wave velocities at various effective confining pressures predicted by the numerical model are compared with with Biot's analytical solution, and a very good agreement is found. In addition to the pressure and shear waves, slow compressional waves are observed in the simulations, as predicted by Biot's theory.Comment: Manuscript submitted to International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanic

    Uncertainties in the Estimation of the Shear-Wave Velocity and the Small-Strain Damping Ratio from Surface Wave Analysis

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    Propagation and attenuation of seismic Rayleigh waves along single paths in Scotland

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    SIGLELD:D50447/84 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Diverse rupture processes in the 2015 Peru deep earthquake doublet

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    International audienceEarthquakes in deeply subducted oceanic lithosphere can involve either brittle or dissipative ruptures. On 24 November 2015, two deep (606 and 622 km) magnitude 7.5 and 7.6 earthquakes occurred 316 s and 55 km apart. The first event (E1) was a brittle rupture with a sequence of comparable-size subevents extending unilaterally ~50 km southward with a rupture speed of ~4.5 km/s. This earthquake triggered several aftershocks to the north along with the other major event (E2), which had 40% larger seismic moment and the same duration (~20 s), but much smaller rupture area and lower rupture speed than E1, indicating a more dissipative rupture. A minor energy release ~12 s after E1 near the E2 hypocenter, possibly initiated by the S wave from E1, and a clear aftershock ~165 s after E1 also near the E2 hypocenter, suggest that E2 was likely dynamically triggered. Differences in deep earthquake rupture behavior are commonly attributed to variations in thermal state between subduction zones. However, the marked difference in rupture behavior of the nearby Peru doublet events suggests that local variations of stress state and material properties significantly contribute to diverse behavior of deep earthquakes


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    The physics of earthquakes

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    Earthquakes occur as a result of global plate motion. However, this simple picture is far from complete. Some plate boundaries glide past each other smoothly, while others are punctuated by catastrophic failures. Some earthquakes stop after only a few hundred metres while others continue rupturing for a thousand kilometres. Earthquakes are sometimes triggered by other large earthquakes thousands of kilometres away. We address these questions by dissecting the observable phenomena and separating out the quantifiable features for comparison across events. We begin with a discussion of stress in the crust followed by an overview of earthquake phenomenology, focusing on the parameters that are readily measured by current seismic techniques. We briefly discuss how these parameters are related to the amplitude and frequencies of the elastic waves measured by seismometers as well as direct geodetic measurements of the Earth's deformation. We then review the major processes thought to be active during the rupture and discuss their relation to the observable parameters. We then take a longer range view by discussing how earthquakes interact as a complex system. Finally, we combine subjects to approach the key issue of earthquake initiation. This concluding discussion will require using the processes introduced in the study of rupture as well as some novel mechanisms. As our observational database improves, our computational ability accelerates and our laboratories become more refined, the next few decades promise to bring more insights on earthquakes and perhaps some answers

    Seismic Wave Propagation in Stratified Media

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    Seismic Wave Propagation in Stratified Media presents a systematic treatment of the interaction of seismic waves with Earth structure. The theoretical development is physically based and is closely tied to the nature of the seismograms observed across a wide range of distance scales – from a few kilometres as in shallow reflection work for geophysical prospecting, to many thousands of kilometres for major earthquakes. A unified framework is presented for all classes of seismic phenomena, for both body waves and surface waves. Since its first publication in 1983 this book has been an important resource for understanding the way in which seismic waves can be understood in terms of reflection and transmission properties of Earth models, and how complete theoretical seismograms can be calculated. The methods allow the development of specific approximations that allow concentration on different seismic arrivals and hence provide a direct tie to seismic observations

    Ground vibrations produced by surface and near-surface explosions

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    Measurements of seismic signatures produced by airborne, near-surface detonations of explosive charges over a variety of ground types show two distinct ground vibration arrivals. In all cases, the earlier arrival (precursor), has a time of arrival consistent with a predominantly underground path and coupling of blast sound to the ground close to the source and is always much smaller than the later vibration, the time of arrival of which is consistent with coupling from the air blast arrival at the receiver. The ratio of the seismic particle velocity to the acoustic pressure at the surface for the air-coupled seismic wave is constant with respect to distance and maximum pressure at a given location, but varies from site to site, with values usually between 1 and 13 μm s-1 Pa-1. For the precursor seismic wave, a coupling coefficient of 0.16 μm s-1 Pa-1 was measured. A numerical code enabling calculations of the fields due to an impulsive source above a layered poroelastic ground is described. Predictions of the air pressure spectrum above ground and the vertical and radial components of solid particle velocity near the ground surface are found to compare tolerably well with the measured spectra and waveforms of acoustic and seismic pulses at about 100 m range in seismically- hard and -soft soils and with a snow cover present. The predicted seismic responses in ‘soft’ soil confirm that the existence of a near-surface S-wave speed less than that in air is responsible for the observed ‘ringing’, i.e. a long low-frequency wavetrain associated with coupling to the dispersive Rayleigh wave. The predicted seismic pulses in the presence of the shallow snow cover explain the observed phenomenon whereby a high frequency ground vibration is modulated by a lower frequency layer resonance. An empirical equation relating ground vibration from explosions to distance predicts that the commonly- used vibrational damage peak velocity criterion of 12 or 25 mm s-1 will be exceeded when the peak positive pressure exceeds 480 Pa (147.6 dB) or 1 kPa (154.0 dB), respectively. Either of these levels is much higher than the current U.S. Army overpressure damage criterion of 159 Pa (138 dB). Thus in most situations damage from blast overpressure will occur long before damaging levels of ground vibration are reached, so it is likely that civilian perceptions of vibration are produced by coupling from the airblast
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