8 research outputs found

    Developing a model of reading comprehension materials on multimodal descriptive text-based Google site

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze students and teachers needs analysis of the product, to explain product design, and to explain the effectiveness of the product. The research and development (R&D) method was used in this study, which aims to develop new products or improve existing products. Then the R&D model chosen in this study is the ADDIE development that developed by Dick and Carry which consists of five stages, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The participants research were 31 students in the 10th grade of SMA N 8 Semarang. The results of this study indicated that: first, 31 students need interactive and fun material models for learning. 1 english teacher feels that need for alternative learning material models. Second, A model of reading comprehension materials on multimodal descriptive text-based Google Site for Senior High School students. Third, the effectiveness test of the products developed shows effective and can improve students’ reading comprehension skills. Thus, a model of reading comprehension materials on multimodal descriptive text-based Google Site can be used as a recommendation for model material used in class to improve students’ reading comprehension skills. Expected to become information for other researcher, so that they can develop a better Google Site-based learning material model

    Retroalimentación de los estudiantes sobre el uso de vídeos docentes como apoyo al estudio de la Termodinámica

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    [EN] Proper use of multimedia resources in higher education can actively involve students and lead them to deep learning. In the context of Thermal Engineering, and more specifically in the subject of Thermodynamics, the use of instructional videos is an essential tool to help overcome the students' usual difficulties with this subject. Thermodynamics is a core subject of different engineering degrees that includes several abstract concepts and is sometimes perceived by students as a complex subject.In order to tackle these difficulties and to improve the learning of this subject, this communication describes a teaching innovation project based on the use of videos as a tool to support teaching. The results obtained are analyzed through questionnaires aimed at obtaining feedback from the students. In general, students show a high level of satisfaction with the use of videos, evaluating favorably their usefulness in improving their learning.[ES] Un uso adecuado de recursos multimedia en la enseñanza superior permite involucrar activamente a los estudiantes y llevarlos hacia un aprendizaje profundo. En el contexto de la Ingeniería Térmica, y más concretamente en la asignatura de Termodinámica, el uso de vídeos docentes es fundamental para ayudar a superar las dificultades habituales de los estudiantes con esta asignatura. La Termodinámica es una materia básica en los grados de ingeniería de la rama industrial que incluye diversos conceptos abstractos, y que es percibida a veces por los estudiantes como una materia compleja. Para hacer frente a estas dificultades y mejorar el aprendizaje de esta asignatura, en esta comunicación se describe un proyecto de innovación docente basado en el uso de vídeos como herramienta de apoyo a la docencia. Los resultados obtenidos se analizan mediante cuestionarios destinados a obtener una retroalimentación de los estudiantes. En general, los estudiantes muestran un alto nivel de satisfacción con el uso de vídeos, evaluando favorablemente su utilidad en la mejora de su aprendizaje.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por medio del proyecto PRAUZ_19_104 perteneciente al Programa de Recursos en Abierto de la convocatoria 2019-20 de Proyectos de Innovación Docente del Vicerrectorado de Política Académica de la Universidad de Zaragoza. El proyecto ha sido coordinado por el Prof. Ignacio Zabalza Bribián, siendo los profesores participantes durante los últimos cursos: Begoña Peña Pellicer, Eva Mª Llera Sastresa, Sergio Usón Gil, Mª Belén Zalba Nonay, José Mª Marín Herrero, Luis Mª Serra de Renobales, Francisco Moreno Gómez, Francisco Javier Uche Marcuello, Ana Iris Escudero Oriol, Sara Pascual Sevilla, María Aznar Montesinos y Manuel Bailera Martín. Agradecemos la contribución de todos los profesores y estudiantes que han participado en este proyecto.Zabalza, I.; Bailera, M.; Zalba, B.; Marín, J.; Peña, B.; Uche, J.; Llera, E.... (2021). Retroalimentación de los estudiantes sobre el uso de vídeos docentes como apoyo al estudio de la Termodinámica. En IN-RED 2021: VII Congreso de Innovación Edicativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 314-326. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2021.2021.13716OCS31432


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    Pendidikan Indonesia mengalami perubahan setelah pandemi COVID-19 terjadi. Pemerintah mengusung penyederhanaan konten kurikulum dan mendorong untuk mengalihkan fokus pembelajaran dari pembelajaran berbasis konten menjadi berbasis kompetensi yang holistik sesuai dengan personal peserta didik melalui Kurikulum Merdeka. Kerangka belajar tiga dimensi memiliki Learning Progresssion (LP) atau kemajuan belajar setiap jenjang yang bisa menjadi acuan penyusunan penyederhanaan pembelajaran sebagaimana dikehendaki Kurikulum Merdeka. Kerangka pembelajaran Self-Paced Learning memberikan kesempatan untuk peserta didik untuk belajar sesuai dengan kemampuannya masing-masing. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun LKPD yang memiliki tingkat kesulitan berjenjang memanfaatkan kerangka belajar tiga dimensi dan Self-Paced Learning. Metode penelitian ini menerapkan mixed methods dengan desain penelitian menggunakan Exploratory Design: Instrumen Development Model. Metode ini menekankan penelitian kualitiatif untuk menjadi dasar pengembangan instrumen sebelum di kaji secara kuantitatif. 262 peserta didik, sepuluh guru, dan tiga dosen ahli terlibat sebagai partisipan dalam penelitian ini. Berdasarkan penelitian kualitatif ditemukan bahwa pembelajaran di sekolah masih menekankan pembelajaran konten dengan sedikit sekali jumlah eksperimen yang dilakukan tanpa mempertimbangkan perbedaan kemampuan peserta didik. Hal ini mendorong pengembangan LKPD 3D-Self Paced Learning dengan materi ajar fisika yang dikembangkan yaitu usaha dan energi. Hasil penelitian kuantitatif pada LKPD 3D-Self Paced Learning menunjukkan bahwa desain LKPD yang dikembangkan memiliki unidimensionalitas, validitas, dan reliabilitas yang baik secara keseluruhan. Peserta didik yang mengikuti uji coba implementasi LKPD 3D-Self Paced Learning pada materi usaha dan energi memiliki nilai baik pada LKPD level 1 dan 2 tetapi kurang baik pada LKPD level 3. Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran Tiga Dimensi, LKPD, Usaha, Energi, Many Facet Rasch Measuremen

    Introducing Tablets to the Classroom: A School Improvement Plan

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    At a privately owned, fee-paying, international school in Cambodia, parents believe that their children are receiving the best possible education. The school advertises that it uses cutting-edge technology, however, in the primary school this technology is restricted to an out-of-date computer lab. The students at this school are not able to utilize mobile devices, such as tablets, to assist with their learning. The lack of devices has hampered student achievement, especially in the area of the technology skills required for the 21st century. This school improvement plan aims to change the way students at the school learn. This plan will be accomplished by first creating the role of a technology coordinator who will then train the staff on using tablet devices to aid student learning and then obtaining the devices. Several options for how to obtain devices are discussed. The literature review focuses on the academic benefits of using mobile technology in the classroom as well as the benefits the tablets have on student motivation and the classroom atmosphere

    Pre-Design for Primary School Active Learning Module: A Triadic Reciprocal Needs Analysis Framework

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    This paper presents a framework to analyse students’ learning needs in Malaysia primary school active learning based on the conceptualisation of theorists’ ideas. The needs analysis framework is a good reference for module designing and active learning implementation by clarifying learners’ needs through a triadic reciprocal approach, using theories that draw on the perspective of personal development (constructivism), self-regulation, and environment (ecology). These three perspectives build up a holistic needs analysis framework to discover the needs, potential, and constraint of the active learning route (learning process) in Malaysian primary schools. The needs analysis “route” in the framework contains the criterion available (external feature – ecology / the condition of active learning situation), the existing feature within the pupils’ mind (internal feature – personal development/knowledge, skills, and strategies), and the pupils’ motivation for engaging (bridging of external and internal features – self-regulation). It explains how needs analysis can highlight the potential of full-scale active learning investigation of learners’ needs from the interrelation of internal and external features. The discussion can be generalised to invite future research by providing a firm active learning theoretical foundation, a conceptual lens for active learning needs analysis, and prospects of active learning instructional and pedagogical interventions

    The Effect of Self-Paced Learning on Student Achievement and Motivation within an Eighth-Grade Mathematics Classroom

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    A large mathematics achievement gap is a concern for researchers and educators alike, making effective teaching practices a main point of study for many researchers. Therefore, this action research, which used a quasi-experimental, quantitative research design, aimed to determine the effect of a self-paced learning environment on eighth-grade students’ mathematical achievement and motivation for learning. Baseline data on student motivation toward learning mathematics and mathematics achievement was collected before implementing a self-paced learning environment. After a mathematics unit was completed utilizing the self-paced learning model, data was collected on student achievement and motivation to determine effect of the learning environment. This research determined if the student-centered educational environment of self- paced learning had a positive effect and should be implemented permanently within the classroom of study

    The effect of active reading software on saudi efl learners’ reading comprehension skills

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    The present study investigated the effects of technology-integrated instruction on reading comprehension skills of the undergraduate EFL learners at Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia. The experimental study utilized Active Reading Software (ARS) as a technological tool to examine its efficacy on reading comprehension at literal, interpretative, critical, and creative levels. The study also attempted to explore the influence of ARS instruction on learners’ attitudes towards learning reading comprehension. The variables of the study were analyzed and described based on a theoretical framework that included Schema theory, Rumelhalt (1980) and Meyer’s (2005) Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (CTML). This study employed a sequential explanatory mixed-method approach following a quasi-experimental pretest posttest design for collecting the quantitative and qualitative data of the research. The study utilized 60 male participants studying English as a foreign language at Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia. Randomization procedure was used to cluster two intact groups into experimental and control groups. Quantitative data were obtained via reading achievement tests and questionnaire surveys while qualitative data were procured through semi-structured interviews. Analysis of quantitative data made use of statistical package SPSS 22, whereas qualitative data of the study were evaluated using thematic data analysis procedure. Findings of the study pointed out a significant difference in the mean scores of the experimental groups involved in the study in terms of reading achievement. The mean score of the experimental groups on reading posttest was higher than that of the control group. The conclusion was drawn from the findings that using ARS as a learning tool had significant impacts on learners’ reading achievement. The findings of this study demonstrated that ARS is an effective learning tool for enhancing reading comprehension skills since the ARS instruction focused on aspects that could improve learners’ comprehension skills. These aspects included using authentic learning materials, activation of prior or background knowledge, positive learning attitudes, interactive learning activities, individualized and stress- free learning environment. The results of the current study also showed that the participants in the experimental group performed better than the control group because they received the learning input in a conducive environment, which helped them improve their reading proficiency. In the ARS instruction, the learning materials were presented using dual-channel (auditory and visual). Thus, the nature of learning materials used in ARS reading sections and the mode of presentation have encouraged learners to involve actively in the learning process to construct meaningful information based on their prior knowledge. Furthermore, the findings also revealed positive attitudes of learners towards ARS in terms of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, user-friendly interface design and retention, all of which are factors that could contribute to technology acceptance and integration in the learning process. Therefore, the current study based on the findings suggests that the use of ARS as a learning tool can be effective in improving learners' reading comprehension skills and learners’ attitudes towards the adoption and integration of technology-based learning in language classes